
Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
In this context, yes -- the original theoretical situation i was discussing was an equivalent of the week 2 tie outcome, i.e. all competitors ending with equal number of points (after 4 weeks of games) i.e. no one gaining an upper hand and becoming eligible to receive the prize, as defined by game rules. You could choose to describe this scenario the way you quote it, but it'd be a piece of sophistry, intended to color negatively what is a simple tie resulting in no actual winner.
I agree with a tie being possible potentiality even for the overall exhibition but since "forfeited on a previously unexplained technicality" was said instead of "they tied" I assumed they meant something other than they tied. At which point I would argue that a tie and "no contest but no refunds and i pinky promise this wont happen again so feel safe betting next time" are very different things both to the patrons (more the ones not at the club) and to people involved in the game potentially including Edwin and absolutely including Hana?

Speaking of Hana how would kathleens obvious and repeated attempts to get Hana on her side work in relation to all this? Hana is already "on the fence" about how "bad" this whole thing is and Kathleen handwaving everything on the last night seems like it would just make her less keen on all this?

Oh, but we don't even know if it's an organization they don't profit from or don't have their fingers in it. Dr. Chuck is on record of working for a number of alphabet soup government organizations. At the very least we can presume he's got some contacts, but it also could be anything from a honeytrap to illicit financing source.
I mean we know that none of the patrons (at the club) are anything of the sort, I would think anybody that chuck has connections to at those places would be similar in age to him (like literally everyone he has connections in the past with) yet none of them can make the trip (which we know others do) to the club once a week for a month? Hell one of the patrons is an active COO of a PMC and his ass is there every week :KEK:

Id argue that the fact we dont see them hints heavily at the fact that they arent there, who would they be targeting in this honeypot? Why would they risk all this for an exhbition that only happens once a year (not making huge amounts of money the rest of the year) ? Dont you think warren would have mentoned that they had even more powerful people in law enforecment on their side to edwin?

Or... maybe chuck just never met any of the "right" people in those agencices? Or if he did those people died in the decades since they met? I dont doubt that he has "freinds" he could call on in any and every agency in the US, I do question that if he has other high ranking in law enforcement who are like minded however. Why couldnt he mention that to Edwin to help alliveate his worries at the start? or when he tells kathleen to stop messing with edwin because he is family?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I assumed they meant something other than they tied. At which point I would argue that a tie and "no contest but no refunds and i pinky promise this wont happen again so feel safe betting next time" are very different things both to the patrons (more the ones not at the club) and to people involved in the game potentially including Edwin and absolutely including Hana?
I mean yes, if that assumption was correct and if we're indeed talking about something other than one of potential outcomes which are apparently covered by the betting system (so the patrons can take them into account and aren't blindsided by them the way the Carnations are) ... then it'd be a fair point. That's not the case, though.

Speaking of Hana how would kathleens obvious and repeated attempts to get Hana on her side work in relation to all this? Hana is already "on the fence" about how "bad" this whole thing is and Kathleen handwaving everything on the last night seems like it would just make her less keen on all this?
At the moment Hana seems mostly concerned with how the Carnations are treated during the shows (Edwin taking things to town and beyond what's strictly asked from him pisses her off) and she didn't actually object to week's result being a tie, or even took any offense at it. I'm pretty sure however that she'd react much stronger if the same policy was applied to actual outcome and she would push strongly towards either a tie-breaker or rewarding all girls.

That said, am not sure if Kat isn't banking on Hana ultimately getting so disgusted with the whole thing she'd just sell her (and her father's) share of it to Kat just so she can wash her hands off it, instead of bearing a cross she never asked for. It's hard to tell what Kat is thinking, and i guess we just have to wait and see.

I mean we know that none of the patrons (at the club) are anything of the sort, I would think anybody that chuck has connections to at those places would be similar in age to him (like literally everyone he has connections in the past with) yet none of them can make the trip (which we know others do) to the club once a week for a month? Hell one of the patrons is an active COO of a PMC and his ass is there every week :KEK:
Right, if Chuck is running this thing for some of his agency friends (be it as a source of money/info/blackmail/whatever) then i doubt they're official members, it'd be simply silly for them to compromise themselves in such direct manner. And this is all very tentative possibility in the first place -- Kat notes at some point that Chuck treats the venture as his personal playground and outside interferences (from Abel etc) would infuriate him. Then again, that's just Kat's reading of Chuck's character, and who knows how accurate that is.


May 1, 2018
I agree on both points, but the one that made me click the reply button is your last point. No other game on here that I have played has made me self-reflect and actually *think* about it the way PC does. No other game that I have played has made me care the same way about the characters as people, nothing pas "Sure I wanna see what happens next." The writing in this game is absolutely top-notch. I still can't believe this much quality and Actual Literary Merit is to be found in a frickin' porn game, of all things.
Couldn't have said it better, props.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
Right, if Chuck is running this thing for some of his agency friends (be it as a source of money/info/blackmail/whatever) then i doubt they're official members, it'd be simply silly for them to compromise themselves in such direct manner. And this is all very tentative possibility in the first place -- Kat notes at some point that Chuck treats the venture as his personal playground and outside interferences (from Abel etc) would infuriate him. Then again, that's just Kat's reading of Chuck's character, and who knows how accurate that is.
I doubt that Chuck is running things at PC for his acronym salad friends. Even for a darkish ops there is too much half-legal and fully illegal stuff happening at the Club. It is his personal playground, that is coming out more and more. Not only Kat says so, August hints at this in his talk with Otto as well.
Nevertheless, Chuck has still connections. For example he knows that Abel and Sophia´s official reason to be at PC is bogus. They have a nice and shiny private black ops lab, so being at the Club is completely unneccessary for testing Sophia´s inventions. Chuck seems to believe that Abnel van Doren is similar to him in what he likes sexually and that´s the real reason for the two being in the Club.
Personally I think Chuck is wrong on this. Going by what we learned about Abel, Sophia and their goals so far, I estimate that the two are there for revenge, a deeper rivalry or so, alternatively they could be punch clock villains.
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May 19, 2024
If you are lucky, you will see ONE of the carnations come out of this not totally ruined.
Depends on definition of ruined. Rossalind's debt certainly sucks considering she has a kid, and even doing house girl things is hard when you have a child at home, not to mention exposing you to abuse from time to time. If the debt would be held by a friendlier and more patient party then perhaps she could do porn. Also potentially a bit tragic seeing how sex involving money is just never really clean of abuse and assholes, but maybe an ok route.
I feel Veronica is clinging to a dead business, I understand, but if anyone she has the right personality to rebuild. She needs friends and support more than she needs money.
To me Felicia's story is the most tragic, as if she already starting from a lost position (that she may not even realize yet). Questioning life coices and being stuck somewhere that she doesn't like without prospects for improvement? Losing her husband and current life is a potential upside not downside if she would ever want to move beyond that second level of Maslow pyramid. Her self-destructive behaviour could serve this (yea ok I'm an optimist but I think she is in a pretty bad spot at the moment and no way up with her husband).


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Depends on definition of ruined. Rossalind's debt certainly sucks considering she has a kid, and even doing house girl things is hard when you have a child at home, not to mention exposing you to abuse from time to time. If the debt would be held by a friendlier and more patient party then perhaps she could do porn. Also potentially a bit tragic seeing how sex involving money is just never really clean of abuse and assholes, but maybe an ok route.
I feel Veronica is clinging to a dead business, I understand, but if anyone she has the right personality to rebuild. She needs friends and support more than she needs money.
To me Felicia's story is the most tragic, as if she already starting from a lost position (that she may not even realize yet). Questioning life coices and being stuck somewhere that she doesn't like without prospects for improvement? Losing her husband and current life is a potential upside not downside if she would ever want to move beyond that second level of Maslow pyramid. Her self-destructive behaviour could serve this (yea ok I'm an optimist but I think she is in a pretty bad spot at the moment and no way up with her husband).
No bro, you are 110% utterly and totally wrong about everything you just wrote.

Worst situation is Rosalind's by far.


I feel Veronica is clinging to a dead business, I understand, but if anyone she has the right personality to rebuild. She needs friends and support more than she needs money.
No bro. she needs MONEY. Period. I've met quite a few people who started a business, any business, went down, never made profits, piled debts, filed for bankruptcy, chased by creditors, started new business, piled more debts, filed new bankruptcy and so on. Once you start piling debts your only huge big problem is: financial credit.


Oh, poor lass. The worst that can happen to her is: divorce on grounds of her fault. She might not afford a 10.000 $ dress and an attic with a pool anymore, but... well, I think she might endure it.

I won't comment what you wrote about Rosalind because I don't want to be banned.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Well, if I'm not wrong Rosalind had to made a porn video during an exibition, a porn video meant since the start to be broadcasted, so she is already screwed. The only question is how much the things will be worse for her.

Basically she has three options:
1) if she will win the competition, she can pay her debts, bear the consequences of what she has to do and decide what to do IF her wretched husband will show up again.
2) if she will loose the competition, she can sell herself to the club in order to pay the debts; Edwin has already proposed this option.
3) if she will loose the competition, she can sell herself to her husband's debitor, become a hooker and pay the debts.
Long story short, she is the only one whitout any really happy ending.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Losing her husband and current life is a potential upside not downside if she would ever want to move beyond that second level of Maslow pyramid.
Losing her husband and current life means she'll drop down to the first level. Forget getting past the second, it'll be struggle at her age to even get back to where she fell from.


Sep 18, 2023
Well, if I'm not wrong Rosalind had to made a porn video during an exibition, a porn video meant since the start to be broadcasted, so she is already screwed. The only question is how much the things will be worse for her.
I think the video recording is just a farce for the show. Kathleen wanted to say this to Edwin but suddenly realized that Rosalind could hear her (and so it was):
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Sep 18, 2023
Losing her husband and current life means she'll drop down to the first level. Forget getting past the second, it'll be struggle at her age to even get back to where she fell from.
And therefore the self-confidence score can play a decisive role at this point. As far as I know, at the moment you can get a maximum of 7 points (if you cross the line with Mina) or 6 if not.

The Senior Perv

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2022
Dev Diary 77.png

Dev Diary 77

Hello all, TD here.

Progress update time!

So far the update stands at 1,241 statics images, 25 animations, and 23,038 words.

That means, as of writing this on June 29th, we have added 298 statics images, 4 animations, and 6,041 words to the project since the last dev diary.

We are still toiling away at Rosalind's big block of content for the update; which, all-in-all, has quite a few layers to account for when you factor in her various relationship statuses. If you offered to help her win the competition, if you've been taken full advantage of the deal, if you spanked her in the parking lot pre-exhibition 2... hell, even those who turned down her deal, or didn't even get offered it will have options. No matter where you stand with her, you can potentially form the basis of a relationship that can result in getting an ending with her.

I anticipate we'll be working on her scenes well into the next developer diary cycle, as we're just hitting the most significant branching point as of writing this. GIL and I are both having a lot of fun so far with it, and I’m particularly proud of how well the conversational mini-game component of her scenes has flowed up to this point. Expect a lot of menu options when you finally get your hands on it, as well as the animation count to jump by the next report, as we’ll be into the juicy bits by then.

As we're aiming for update 6 (exhibition 3) to mark the end of Chapter 4, we remain committed to update 5 covering two days of calendar time. The end of Rosalind's scenes will mark the end of day 1, and we anticipate day 2 (Friday) of the update to be more straightforward and less branch-heavy, but first, we have to get there.

Thank you for your patience and support.
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