
New Member
Apr 11, 2022
So far, this is looking really good. Short, but what can you do with a demo. Definitely nailed the "spooky but not scary" vibe that Statues had, where even if you are fully aware you aren't in danger, something is still rather unsettling about it all, and that just "gets the blood flowing" even more. Ghost-chan is rather cute with how shy she seems, and definitely enjoying the Dev's preference for "waifu that is very much a horror monster but still has the heart of a maiden".

Though that chain-thing on her leg is rather suspicious, combined with that headwrap and the main post mentioning revenge, I'm wondering if it's going to be a game about uncovering her tragic murder and helping her get revenge. I really enjoyed what tiny amount of mystery and piecing together clues in Statues to get an idea on the methods used by the dead man to make all the girls, so I'd be interested to see a more complete "mystery" in this game unfold.

I'd say my one main critique is that it's way too dark, or maybe it's that your light is way too weak. When I was first exploring the house, I literally couldn't find the lighter because I couldn't figure out how to reach the table since I couldn't see the stuff on the ground. Then after getting the lighter, I honestly spent more time looking at the tiny ring of light on the floor, since looking up just meant I'd get caught on something I couldn't see. I honestly still can't even figure out what that massive black thing in the "living room" right before the tool room was, I was guessing a piano flipped on its side, but it might have been shelves.

Regardless, 10/10 job dev. I'll be keeping my eye on your stuff going forward.


New Member
Oct 28, 2022
maann i love this game, i loved the statues and love this, i hope this have a good ending for the ghost girl i love her


Jul 23, 2017
I really liked your first game and am also looking forward to this one.
But I think I am going to wait for the next update, because the game is so dark that, at max brightness in the middle of the night, I cant see anything unless I turn shadows to low. Which I did multiple times just to see where I was going.
Please either change the lighting or add a brightness/gamma slider.

Because even lumen cant carry the lighting hard enough to see anything.


Dec 23, 2017
You're talking about a game that's not even half a year old.
There's also a long line of abandoned unity/unreal engine games that promise too much and deliver gallery viewers at best. Though I won't pretend to know the workload required to pull off this game, I suspect Taboossy knows what to focus on. Building the dark atmosphere of the level, keeping the story and gameplay simple but engaging, and animating erotic but not over the top scenes. There's only one player and one ghost to focus on for now.
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New Member
May 12, 2020
Loved this, checked out ASS afterward to see more like this and it was an easy 10/10. The art reminds me of Double Deck while still being very unique, can't wait to see more of it
Unsure if this would be an appropriate setting for it but would love to see some of the same humor that ASS had, it caught me off-guard how good it was


Feb 9, 2018
Love this game, hits the scary & sexy vibe 100%. Getting that "appendage" in the end was perfect and I am curious how it will be used for pleasure and maybe danger (will it bite my thing off? again, scary and sexy). This is a criminally underused element in H games, the like sucking, "reverse"-tentacle thing
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4.00 star(s) 10 Votes