Unreal Engine - TTPP [Demo v0.2] [Taboossy]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great potential but be warned that it only has about proper three scenes as of v0.2 with bit of a long start up.

    The thicc lady model is pretty good and the animation department is solid as well which adds excitement for the future scenes.

    My two concerns are the always-on first-person mode/camera and lighting. The bathtub scene was bit awkward and cramped while in first-person (especially since there was some backdoor action going on as well). Both that and ghost-house bed scene had subpar lighting compared to very first scene (nightmare/dream in player house).

    It would be great if at least some cinematic camera angles were added (but that would mean fleshing out main character a bit). If you will go only-first-person route then think carefully about what type of sex scenes you want to do it for (bathtub imho wasn't good fit for it).

    Lighting I feel like can always be polished later but it would be nice to maybe add few simple spotlights on the bodies. Maybe try mixing in some colored lights (red, purple, blue, etc.) during some sex scenes, I think it would spice things up a lot as well (this is a paranormal game after all).

    I really, really loved the concept that MC possessed the candle lady at the bed, you don't see that often, let alone in a 3D game. I hope to see more of that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Jorge Coyote

    Excellent graphics, i love thicc girls and this one is perfect! The suspense is in all of scenes. The story is amazing!!!

    Congratulations Dev, your way to make games is unique! Nobody made something close to this.

  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Almost nothing when it comes to content. I mean it's a demo but apparently this isn't even the first version. The genre and aspects of the game are nice but again if there's no thicc mommy ghost to ruin what's the point, tedious game so far.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Very, very short demo, with 3 subpar scenes.

    The beginning of the game is extremely tedious, wake up, take a shower, go to school, come back, study, sleep, for 4 days... boring.

    Then a scene in bed with the MC humping the creature hand, a female POV scene in the abandoned house bedroom, and a weird scene in the bathroom.

    Other than wasting so much time for only 3 scenes, there is a bigger issue.


    I know you can't have an horror game if photon don't die 10cm from your face.

    But in this game, you can't see shit at all. All scenes are POV scene, the V in POV stands for View. But unless you put the shadows on low and brightness to max, you won't see anything.

    I don't know how the demo was 9 months ago, but the content is really lackluster.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    its a short demo with very little content but it has a lot of potential. im always on the lookout and ready to support upcoming unreal engine games! good luck dev.

    one thing id recommend is increasing the brightness for scenes. i ended up maxing out my brightness for the few scenes
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    After playing i can say that after all that time waiting it wasn't really worth it, I understand you got sick and that you had accidents and you're a human and you should be able to have breaks but after around almost a year (I think) adding barely any scenes and just putting in random things to make the game seem longer I don't think it was worth it, yes it was fun until I got to the end when I was just like "that's it?" you had hours, weeks even months to do testing but the game is still dark asf, most of the time I was confused on what to do next which is kinda my fault but you could've at least added some kind of text to let us know, the flashlight and candle BARELY work and on a couple of the few scenes I couldn't see anything and I understand one of them I believe is supposed to be like that. I really hope the random empty parts of the game could be changed into maybe some scenes, For example maybe instead of sleeping for 4 days and having a dream one day what if every day the dream gets progressively more sexual to make it seem like something is actually happening, just an idea. The game was fun but a little shorter than I expected for how long you took to make the game. I've tried making a game just as a fun joke and holy it is hard hard hard but after a year of learning how to make a game, most likely even longer than that, I feel as if you could've made a better game. I wish you the best of luck on your next update and if you can it would be great if you could make some more expensive tiers on your patreon so I can support you. I also forgot to add that I understand its a demo but almost a year to bring out this, come on.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It has a really good ambience, and to be honest its one of the best balances between horror and horny ive seen in a while, deserves 5 stars since it has a LOT of potencial, just imagine if they add more girls and it becomes some sort of escape game yknow, i will be checking this one
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Although this is the first demo of the game, I'm rating it a 5 as everything shown so far is very promising. The gameplay is short, but I think the atmosphere is set up perfectly so far. Dark house, barely lit by the player's lighter, and just enough natural light to light up the thicc ghost well. Not too many scares at the moment, just some loud noises, but the atmosphere alone does enough to leave things tense.

    For future updates, I'd like to see the horror aspect fleshed out some more but that's just me. As long as the big titty ghost lady is around, I'll be happy!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    its just a demo but it's pretty promising, the game looks nice and what little content there is, it's creatively spooky and good.

    i think for me the devs past game struggled a bit with the 2d proportions and animations seeming a bit janky, so it's very interesting to see this transition to 3d be so immediately good. worth following for sure
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the first game from the dev and I see the potential with this one.
    Personally I'm not sure if I am into the model of the ghost right now. I like big boobs but the other proportions of the ghost are a bit too much for my taste... hard to tell with the scenes atm to be sure.

    Gameplay seems to be a mix of walking simulator and point & click game. Sound worse than it actually is. For semi-horror games it is working quite well and I have a feeling we have a similar story to the previous game, with the ghost not being actually evil.

    For now it is a 4 star from me. The dev was pretty good with kinky stuff (I was NOT aware that I'm into statues... have to thank the dev for that fetish :KEK:) and I'm hoping to see more of that in this game. Having just this one ghost could get a bit stale for me. Having the different kind of statues with different interactions was pretty cool in "A Silent Statue", so having another ghost with different shapes and behavior could work well but it is too early to know what is actually planned.

    Looking forward to the final release. The dev proved already that he can make a good game without feature creep but a good amount of content and I believe he will pull it of again with this one. One house with secrets to solve is more than enough if you're a solo dev imo.
    But still this could be a continued story thing, where each haunted house/place has a different story/ghost. Ghost Hunter style and this one is just the origin story of "Tommy the Sexorcist"! (Just wishful thinking here but would make content creation an easier thing being bite sized addons) :p

    Keep it up my dude! :D