VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.1.9] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The only question you should have about ravager is why haven't you downloaded it yet?

    Ravager is easily tied for my favorite hentai game of all time, but this is not a game you are playing this is a work of art that was just shit into your hands (fyi this game doesn't contain scat) the fact that this game is free is insane and just from 10 minutes you can tell this game is really something people have put work into, every sex scene is voice acted excellently and masterfully animated.

    this is all without mentioning the story which isn't super complex but has lovable characters all with unique story lines, sex scene's, personality, way's they interact with each other, ways they interact with you depending on how you treat them.
    there is a feature in this game where after meeting a girl and bringing her back to your lair (sometimes whether she likes it or not) you can decide to keep here as a potentially involuntary resident or give her to a part of your horde for a less noble fate, the only problem is this effectively destroys this characters route and removes their repeatable sex scene as well as any form of interacting with them from the game, so your forced to balance your gameplay and your hentai by sacrificing certain characters for the horde

    a really enjoyable way to sperate the hentai from the gameplay which is likely the only thing you can critique about this game which is that the gameplay isn't necessarily "gameplay" and more so just making choices that have consequences but its still very enjoyable, overall a wonderful game that should be installed on your computer currently
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great Game, the Voice Actors are great! And the Pictures and Animations are hight quality, also a few scenes with Heloise and her revelation was good Storytelling (i had to hold back a Tear). My Patreon Support is assured, keep up the good Work. :)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The Ravager is completely different from other adult oriented games I've played, and not in a bad way. The atmosphere, characters and even the main character feel like.. well, actual people (even though you play a dragon, but you get what I mean.)

    Personally I'm hoping for two things currently:
    First off, I don't mind strategy games and there are some that I even like, but, I'm not a very smart person, so I'm hoping for some sort of "baby" mode for that part of the game. Though, if it's not added, that's cool. I'll make it work somehow.

    And second, more Issa content. I'm a sucker for that kind of shit, I don't care if I'm judged for this. I'll simp for Issa. Like seeing what happens if you give him to the bandit group or etc.

    Other than that, this game is awesome and I can't wait for it to be completed. I haven't pledged, because I don't have an easy way to do so besides PayPal (though I'm not gonna use that because of some.. complications.) I'm definitely gonna pick up the Steam version though.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Following this Project since start and being a Patreon from start ill can say this game did a good potion of Progress and has a lot od Potencial

    The Dev-Team is awsome and nice and listens to its Followers
    For me it was definitely Worth it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am usually into more realistic renders vs cartoon'ish but this is one of the exceptions I believe you should make.

    +unusual plot and interesting medieval setting
    +Highly customizeable fetishes (Turn NTR on or off, gore on off, rape on or off etc.)
    +Voiced characters and sex sounds
    +Sandbox isnt annoying and quite intruiguing with a lot of options to choose from

    -I personally have an issue with the sex scenes from the side, would want to see the action itself
    -sometimes its unclear what your actions will lead to (but you can always rewind or save load)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish there was more content available, but the variety of things here for the player is simply astounding. I earnestly await future updates, especially since the content here has so many different options for you. Definitely get this. Probably pay for it, too.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality design, good storytelling good dialogue, good voice acting, great art style, great replayability, including Dark Fantasy vs Power Fantasy difficulty settings, and a great dev team.

    Oh, and did I mention the MC is a dragon?

    Definitely worth playing, and supporting if you have the cash.

    10/10, would rampage and pillage again.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, great scenes, incredible voice acting, surprisingly charismatic characters and story, huge variety of choices and different kinks, awesome art, . Probably one of the best lewd games I've played.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game so far and the development as submitting this review runs very smoothly. The good thing with ravager unlike other games is the option to turn off some fetishes that might put you off since it has a lot (so you will most likely find what youre looking for) so thats a huge plus from me (though I turn off a few,not many). Though I would definitely like more pregnancy content but all in all great game and potential.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a fun and humorous game. Really enjoy it and wish the developer the best. Wish there were more games like it. Love the choices available for the MC. Characters are great and diverse. Can't wait for some updates to the side character stories and game ending!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay for all you ner'do wells out there. This game is for any one that loves being a dragon, with that said if your here purely for a power trip there is a game mode for it (the power trip mode I feel will not be enjoyable in the 5th ark but its not out yet so not 100% sure of that).

    I've ben looking for a game where you start out as a hatchling dragon and have to grow up and find ways to survival and the like. survival not in this game sadly but the story makes up for that. When you become reasonably sized you can take over a races castle and rule them at least thats what i was looking for but this is a vary close to my ideal but more on the sexual side of it. This game defiatly scratches my dragon hatchling to adult itch.

    the plot summery so far is [You are born to rule only to be betrayed your queen is held captive while you escape. Will you survive and take back the throne that is your birth right?] From what I can tell from playing what's there is act 4 right now the game feels like its short but could be complete and tuned in to a fratenize.

    I feel the way act 4 ends right now would be a good cliff hanger to start ravager 2 off of but I'm also glad to say that it feels and looks like the dev is going to build more content then ending on act 4.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought ravager was very solid. It lost a rating for me because I felt like it's scope changed halfway through. What started as a fun power fantasy story quickly becomes a diplomacy management sim. Still very much enjoyed my play-through and would recommend to others!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible quality!
    The voice acting is mostly great. The recording devices are unimpressive, but you've got people that actually put emotion into their acting. So you've got current-year Hollywood beat.

    I don't know what else to add.
    Moar plz?
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Triple Dawg Epsilon

    The art, story and almost everything is very commendable. It's on my favorites list now. There are a few things I wanted though.
    I wanted to progress further for mina, but nah, I guess there isn't much content for her as of now.
    Marie-anne too, I'd love to progress further.
    So far I just want more content, everything is already lit.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I've played Ravager and it is time for a review. In short, this game is amazing and has an astounding sense of detail to it. I will preface this by saying that I played it through 2 times. I'm certain that I haven't experienced all the different routes to go.

    Ravager is a game where you play dragon as it grows up. No, not some dragon-boy or scaly person, but an actual dragon! If that isn't original, then I don't know what is.

    The story has quite many choices and they often helps define your personality. Are you merciful or cruel? Do you go for strength or cunning? And so on. My point is that your actions also have feedback to your character. Furthermore, your stats also matter when trying to sway people or win in combat.

    There are so far a bunch of different characters who all are quite different which is really interesting. I love how the Fan Girl is so excited about everything, how the merchant remains cool headed and how the farmer girl is sad that isn't with her animals anymore. However, I also hope that I over time will be able to treat these girls better. Like, why not allow the farmer girl to help out with various animals etc.

    You can also recruit various minions to aid you in your quest to take the kingdom. The only drawback to me is that you need to give them girls who can sate their lost. I'd rather want to raise their morale by also giving them other concessions. Just like it would be nice to discipline them for a cost of something else. For instance the wolfs who fight with all their bestiality would be poor on the frontlines as they might not hold the line. Though, stealth missions in the countryside could be just their thing. Kobolts could be more defensive oriented with their traps and so on so forth. More minion interactions would generally be nice.

    This game is also different in another aspect. Most adult games has more or less exclusively female characters in them - or at least the female characters are the only characters that matter. That is to me boring, as it doesn't emphasize why they matter and it makes the world overly simple. In this game, however, there are also male character who play an active role.

    In terms of art, this game is really good as well. Some of it is animated which is cool and many of the characters are actually voiced. I usually don't care about voiced games because - to be fair, many games has subpar voicing. But this game has done a really good job in that department too.

    So, for short(er) reading:
    The Good
    • The world of the story is nice and coherent.
    • The story is well written.
    • The game is voiced, and unlike so many other games, this game has really good voicing.
    • The art is beautiful.
    • Many different decisions
      • Decisions have an impact on the story and your character.
    • Various minions that you can convince to aid you.
    • Most female characters, but male character also have important roles. (this is nice, as it gives more depth to the world as the characters are varied and not just fuck toys).

    The In-Between
    • The game still needs more to do in each area. It would also be nice to be able to return to different areas - even if the risk is higher.
    • Having more stuff to do in the base would also be nice. This could be via realm building etc. It would also be nice if your actions throughout the world had more of an impact in how people perceive you.
    • The game could perhaps need more explanation/depth and nuance. For instance is the Regents rule only bad - or perhaps it is worse in some aspects but better in other aspects in comparison to the dragon-queens.
    The Bad
    • I sometimes had some difficulty in imagining how big the Dragon is. Because in some scenes it appears that it has become really big, and then in others it attempts to sneak into a house etc. I think it would be nice if there were some measurements of how much it grew in each chapter. For instance, it already seemed kinda big when it bit the Regent etc.
    • It is very hard to play a benevolent overlord, and especially if you go for stats then this will be even harder. This will over time lead you towards certain decisions, which might not always fit with your play-style.
    • More and varied poses could be nice and help avoid it to become too repetitive.
    • In general, there isn't too much bad stuff to say though.
    For another brilliant review, check out @Wehrmacht_Wichser as he/she has some good points. I also agree with them that this game, while certainly an H game, is more of a story game. Unlike Wehrmact_Wichser, I don't find it too "artsy". I think its because the way the game is made with an emphasis on the story and world and less so with H content. Though, it is still serviceable for that too IMO.

    In other words: If the Developer succeeds at maintaining a coherent story and world while providing nuance and depth to the story; then this game is sure to be amazing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game out at the moment. Assuming you're into the fetishes the game has a ton of (see tags) this is a great RPG where your decisions greatly impact the game and can result in your death/game over. The story and settings are great, the art is beautiful, they have some excellent music/audio, and unlike virtually every other NSFW game I've played, they surprisingly have really good voice actors. Highly recommend and have subbed to their Patreon to support the developers.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    v: 4.2.1 First game that I had to review.
    Great game that is innovative and different. Playstyles feel adequately different with choices and actually seeing outcome of choices throughout dragons life. Good amount of text but well written with good quantity of high quality images for the most highly sophisticated gentlemen..

    EDIT: oh forgot that seems well balanced but the last conquering act is a little too difficult and forces hard choices pushing towards restarting with the easy setting. Even though this is negative game overperforms everywhere else so still 5 or maybe 4.9/5

    HIGHLY RECOMMEND for something different, fun, with replay value
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a cool concept of a game, feels like a porn RPG. There's a decent amount of stuff to do, the game is almost fully voice acted, it only stands to improve the animations and some sex scene renders.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    -Excellent writing
    -Good choice management gameplay
    -Good design
    -Animated dialogue
    bad things:
    -some times animation breaks
    -interface looks poor

    potentially in the future it will be possible
    to reach many independent routes
    (for now, many of them blocked by the message "come later")
  20. 5.00 star(s)
