VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.1.9] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is goated.

    If you want to play adult game with voice acting, good story and beautiful 2d illustrations. This is one of the best game you can play. Of course there are some cons but I want to start with the pros.

    As I said first, voice acting. Some characters are amateur and badly voiced but overall it's very good especially in sex scenes. I love Mina's artstyle and voice acting so much.

    Secondly, story and lore. I have to admit that the dialogues are long but they are not empty. I enjoyed most of them and every character can be interesting because of the dialogues. Story is not the best story I have played before but it is probably the best among other adult games. If you like medieval fantasy story this is for you.

    Art. I like the art style of this game a lot. Some sex scenes are independent of each other because the artists are not the same. But the character art is very good except for the sex scenes.

    Choices. Your choices actually affect everything in this game. You have different stats and most of your dialogue choices affect these stats and the stats determine the story flow.

    Variety. Since it is a medieval fantasy theme, this game offers a lot of variety in dialogues and sex scenes. You already know this if you look at the game tags, so I don't need to explain this further.

    There are still many more things I want to praise, but it's time for the cons.

    You cannot play this game without a walkthrough. Actually you can, but if you do you will probably miss 80% of the scenes and dialogues. I mentioned earlier that everything can affect the story. You may not think this is a disadvantage, but you should play this game over and over again until you see everything without the walkthrough (you probably can't).

    Sex scenes. Although I like the art style of this game, some of the sex scenes are not very impressive. And many sex scenes are independent of each other. Some sex scenes have animations, some have different art styles. So there is no common art style in the sex scenes, which is a bad thing.

    Being a dragon. It's not really a con, but sometimes it feels weird to be a dragon. But it adds to the story and diversity, so it's up to you.

    That's it. Overall it's a fantastic game. You should at least give it a try. It will definitely be one of the best adult game experience.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah.. it's good.
    I was expecting some run-of-the-mill game to jack off to and forget about later.
    What I was NOT expecting is a near fully fleshed out VN with multiple paths, branches, stats and endings.

    Even in its current unfinished state, there's still a shit-ton content for you to go through, if you're willing to put in the effort.

    Consider using a guide though. The requirements for events and stat checks aren't clear in the game, so using the given walkthrough is something I highly advise.

    Besides that, fan fucking tastic. I'm glad I found this. Fuck the porn -- I'm genuinely invested in being the evil dragon that takes the world over.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Lots of content
    Lots of fetishes
    Lots of routes/paths
    Distinct characters
    Good writing
    LOTs of text (which may be a con to some)

    Varying art styles
    Confusing stat system
    Unfinished assets and paths
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a total 5-star blast! The art style is super cool and adds a lot of flavor to the game. BUT.... It is inconsistent! unfortunately! the main characters still look awesome, so it’s all good.

    The two game modes, Dark Fantasy and Power Fantasy, are actually pretty awesome. Power Fantasy is perfect if you want to breeze through and have fun, while Dark Fantasy is for when you’re in the mood for something more intense and gritty. It’s cool that the game gives you such different options.

    you will need to play it more than once. Some stuff is locked behind certain choices, which makes each playthrough feel new and exciting. It’s fun discovering different scenes and outcomes depending on what you do. BUT... You will need a walkthrough as i fucking did if you want to see EVERYTHING!

    Overall, this game is seriously impressive. Playing as a dragon might sound fucking stupid and thats because it is, i didn't even know at first, as i didn't look at the other reviews LMAO. Does this make me a furry XD

    The world-building sucks you in and gets even more interesting as you go, even if it’s a bit dark at times. The choices you make really matter, and that’s probably why it takes some time for new content to drop. But honestly, it’s worth the wait. By the time you hit arc 4/5, the dialogue changes based on what you did earlier, and it’s super cool. Some scenes are animated wile others are not. jsyk
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Snip Snap bitch!
    Time for a review (or partial since I only played for the max of 1 hour until drop):

    Anal content: from what I saw we have 1 char which has a pussy castity and other which is turn on by it, each one has at least 3 or 4 scenes. The others characters has 1 scene or none at all. Overall it has few anal scenes with 1 or 2 interesting, but the dragon part is annoying for me.

    I saw this game being commented a lot of times in topics relationate with anal content, saying this game was good and so so. I admit the dragon part was a huge turn off to me but I decided to give a chance.

    Played around 30 minutes before seeing the gallery, and I must say this game has a weird art, the sprites and scenes been different art styles are very weird to me, almost looks AI art.

    Fortunately the game give options to turn off some fetishes which I am glad, but still, the Dragon part is really a turn off as I imagined it would be.

    The story looked interesting but not enough to keep me playing.

    - Apparently a lot of work put on it which must be praised;
    - Seletionable fetishes;
    - Gallery unlocked on get go;
    - Story a bit interesting;
    - You can go wild in the game, since it has men, trans or beasts (though is not my cup of tea, I compliment the effort on putting);

    - Weird art style between the talking and h-scenes parts. The scenes parts looks almost AI generated and sadly I didnt find appealing, its weird;
    - H-scenes could at least has more action options;

    Overall, the dragon mc and the weird art were the parts which more annoyed me and made me drop the game.

    For those who likes that kind of fetish and can pass the weird art probably it gonna have fun with it, but this game isnt for me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hmm, I haven’t thought about this game in a long time. The last time I played was back around versions 2.0-3.0. I recently picked it up again, and wow, a lot has changed. The whole fantasy power/revenge theme is right up my alley. There are still plenty of characters to interact with, and the voice lines add a nice touch of immersion, which I really enjoy. The game has a lot of fetishes, and while the story can get a bit dry at times, the variety of choices and consequences makes it shine. Whether you want to be a kind, fluffy dragon or a murderous psycho drake, you can do that. Choices matter as they should. Overall a good game, which takes time to make and polish tho.. Buuut its worth it in the end imo.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    game has a decent story and it's cool you get to play as a dragon, the art is pretty good and the dialogue isnt terrible, the choices you make do impact the story but thats about it unfortunately. While the game gets an update monthly its not worth it, before they had been adding things but the last 4 or 5 have just been art remasters
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    You take the role of a baby dragon that'll rape and eat women, :HideThePain:
    Never does it feel as if you're in some type of control, if you die and restart, move to another start, you end up with the exact same options and it's all very bare.

    Simply - You think you have many choices but it's all played out the same way and you have to follow them in order to get further into the game and as the game itself being not that deep you find yourself confused, which is a bit odd.

    I don't know why the game is sluggish at times but the game somehow struggling and my pc is not bad so idk.

    The base aspect would've been quite fun, with building and talking to those you have captured.
    Maybe a way of gathering resources would've been more fun instead of the forced upon you kobolds that desire your women and are annoyingly your servants that also need to go and grab "loot."

    And if the building wasn't some strange thing where you seemingly think, "I have narrowly escaped death, now my servants, let's build a torture chamber to turn these women I've gathered to fear me further, a giant dragon-" It's silly if not straight up dumb that that's the focus of the game is to be some master slaver, destroyer of women, silly.

    Our main man is a dragon but he cannot think straight.

    Most of the voice acting is simply put intolerable and cringe worthy.
    Hard to like any of the women in this game.
    The writing I feel is a bit off too.

    But that's just my review C:
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 8/10
    Recommend - Play if you want a good story with interesting characters that you can choose - game not completed -> no ending (placeholder i hope)
    Artwork is amazing - 2D
    Dialogue isn't too long + has a good amount of voice acting
    Story - 7/10

    You are a dragon -> create a lair and army to attack and conquer land
    Many choices on what characters you want and what to do with them
    Game ends abruptly - game not finished i guess (ends in a weird state)
    Renders - 9/10
    Mostly well drawn 2d art - looks very good
    Animations - n.a
    Too low amount of animations to consider
    Animated avatars
    Hscenes have low amounts of animations
    Playability - 9/10
    Little lag
    Voice acting - decent amount has it
    Many choices
    Sandbox like
    Hscense - ok amount -> looks of LI saves them
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why, but the game made me sentimental about certain things.

    I feel like the biggest problem I had was the loading time between each scene, I have a really crappy laptop with animations and stuff. It really loaded my poor laptop.

    Also, I hate that you have to choose either between Ebuorn and Rhyll in Act V. I would like to see a compromise, perhaps the mercenaries live another place (but then again, they are kinda like pirates) and let the wolfkin have the lowlands, or leave the Gutter Cove out of the wolfkin territories.

    I am excited for the next installment for this game, though the Devs should definitely take all of the time they need. 4.8/5
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game was built to adhere to as many fetishes as possible. And it does that. Lots of fetishes in this game that stay on the more extreme noncon side of things.

    But it all falls apart due to a complete lack of writing quality. There are many, many characters and the writing just fails to uphold any of them when spread so thin. Most of them suck and can't really make you care. There is an inkling of potential in the day to day writing, some glimmer perhaps, that if the game had consolidated its wordcount into fewer threads it could have been better. But alas.

    It's rather mediocre as is. But I must also mention I am prejudiced against the game, many of the fetishes it represents are of the genuinely shocking kind, so niche that only those with the worst sadistic fantasies could possibly enjoy it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I stopped playing a long time ago because I ran into the Lowlands conflict between Rhyll and Eburon in Act V (how dare the game make me choose on 'power fantasy' mode). Picked it up again and promised Eburon Bitches instead, and was surprised that not only is there no conflict, Eburon just kind of goes "Hey alright we did it, we're gonna be hanging out, thanks Alpha" instead of saying "alright time to pay up where are the bitches."

    Biggest stopping point for me now is Adeline. She clearly lies about the Convocation, and when you tell her "you disgust me" she immediately launches into casting a spell or command word or something. Honestly crazy for her to expect the dragon to believe "oh I've never even heard the phrase 'pale convocation' before," considering she knows you have Valzira, Heloise and Maelys. Kind of wish there was a dialogue option of "Seriously, all you have to do to get out of this dungeon is not lie to me about this one thing."

    Honestly this game has had surprisingly great worldbuilding, writing and even voice acting for what it is. Easily the game on this site I have spent the most time on.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice game truly! it does feel good to not play as a boring human hero/villain, but instead a natural(depends on your playthrough) dragon/non human.
    I wish that more games allowed u to play as other beings other than Humans, especially in a fantasy setting like this,
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Like chaosbox24 mentioned, this may be one, if not the best game I have discovered on this website.

    ---{ Graphics }---
    ☐ You forget what reality is
    ☐ Beautiful
    ☑ Good, for a VN game, even though the sex scenes could use some rework
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Don‘t look too long at it
    ☐ MS-DOS

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    ☐ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ It's just gameplay
    ☑ Mehh, it is a VN
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ Just don't

    ---{ Audio }---
    ☐ Eargasm
    ☑ Very good, voice acting plays an important role in immersion, and I think that this game really puts it to contribution
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Not too bad
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ---{ PC Requirements }---
    ☐ Check if you can run paint
    ☑ Potato
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Fast
    ☐ Rich boi
    ☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

    ---{ Game Size }---
    ☐ Floppy Disk
    ☑ Old Fashioned, around 5GO
    ☐ Workable
    ☐ Big
    ☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
    ☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
    ☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    ☐ Just press 'W'
    ☑ Easy, it's a visual novel, but you may want to consider your choices carefully.
    ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
    ☐ Significant brain usage
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Dark Souls

    ---{ Story }---
    ☐ No Story
    ☐ Some lore
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Good
    ☑ Lovely, easily its strongest point, ironically enough for an adult game. Each decision has a huge impact on the story, and the game offers a great freedom of choice.
    ☐ It'll replace your life

    ---{ Game Time }---
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ☐ Short
    ☑ Average, again, it is a VN, and the game is not yet completed. Nonetheless, you may count about dozen hours if you take your time
    ☐ Long
    ☐ To infinity and beyond

    ---{ Price }---
    ☐ It's free!
    ☑ Worth the price, after downloading it from here, I'd gladly contribute to the developpement of the game on other platforms
    ☐ If it's on sale
    ☐ If u have some spare money left
    ☐ Not recommended
    ☐ You could also just burn your money

    ---{ Bugs }---
    ☑ Never heard of
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    ---{ ? / 10 }---
    ☐ 1
    ☐ 2
    ☐ 3
    ☐ 4
    ☐ 5
    ☐ 6
    ☐ 7
    ☐ 8
    ☑ 9, overall, an excellent game
    ☐ 10
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of, if not THE best game on here. Everything is just incredible. You have full choice in what you want to see by easily disabling/enabling tags, you have a "cheat" mode where you can just do whatever you want with no consequence, the art is great, the music and sounds are awesome, the voice acting is really good and the writing is also very very good. I honestly can not find any flaws here in this game. There are so many different paths and styles to play that each playthrough can feel brand new. There are so many variables that you absolutely will want to replay the game over and over. I have played through this games over a dozen times (not exaggerating) and I still have not seen everything. You can also fully unlock the gallery whenever you wish. 5/5 an amazing game. Highly recommend you support it on steam.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an interesting game, a bit different than others and has its own perks. I am a picky person, so for a game to be enjoyable to me, at least it has done well in either the story or the graphics. Ravager doesn't have fancy graphics (yet), but the graphics and animation are at least at an adequate level to drive the story, and the story part is unique and amazing.

    The part that surprised me is the voice-over of the characters. Normally this part is lacking or might not be well done enough in most other games, since this could be one of the most time and resource consuming part, and it won't drive the story further like creating more renders. However, Ravager did put quite a bit effort in doing this, and doing this right, which makes it unique. It is still a VN, but it is a cinematic VN, if there is such a term, combining still images, animations, texts and voice-over.

    Thus, it makes Ravager a heavily collaborated game. It can't be done by a single developer. When it is somewhat epic and more immersible, game development speed can become slower due to the large number of elements to be completed for each scene. I won't call it a bad thing, but it is the cost has to be paid, and for the players, that means patience.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Offer an enjoyable variety of routes, girls and sex scenes covering many fetishes but i wish there was more consistency in the art used for the scenes.
    Overall a great game made by a serious team. I can't wait for more
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, I was avoiding this title for a long time
    I kept checking it out while browsing the list of VN's and going "ah that's this deviant one", then forgetting about it and repeating the cycle some time later.

    But I had nothing to check few days ago and it showed up in my search and thought to myself - there is a lot of traction around it, no way it's full on furry/scaly.
    And no offence to anyone! I just am not into such imaginery.
    So I figured, maybe MC can shapeshift, and there is a choice: orthodox sex in human form or bestiality.
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    Buuut... A lot of is masking that! It's not fully avoidable naturally, but it is basicaly minimal.
    Therefore - if anyone avoids it due to that theme, I say - give it a try.

    Because if you turn ablind eye on the dragon dick, you will get a really nice, choice-driven VN, that does most of things better than most of other VNs.
    Sandbox elements, while not perfect, are leagues above 99% sandbox tagged games.
    Broadness of choice... So many ways to play the story, that I think I will replay it, maybe even twice.
    Art is nice! At least that during normal gameplay. I found it much nicer than spicy scenes.
    VOICE ACTING. With every tried game I get more and more certain, that VA can give any VN +1/5 points at least.

    So yeah. Check it out!
    Oh, unless you're here for femdom.
    There is none. Really. F95 tags are worthless those days.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, art, and sound. I appreciate the few sprinkles of gay in this game. Hope we will be able to choose the wolf guy to marry later. He is pretty much the only male option for a companion but he's cool. Easily avoidable gay content so no need to fear in that regard. Great stuff so far and looking forward to see where the story will go.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art, lots of sex, attractive girls. I wish your weren't quite literally a dragon though. I'm not into beastality and wish a game of this quality wasn't based just around it. The story is pretty cool too, and I appreciate the fact that you can play in a "power fantasy" mode for max stats from start.