VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.1.9] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game, all things considered.

    You play as a dragon. The game offers a wide range of girls to collect, they are all quite fun characters and the dialogue isn't too braindead.

    There isn't really much else to say as the plot is basically a classic harem just with a Dragon twist to it. It's executed well enough and with really gorgeous art that really carries the game further than it should.

    If I were to point out a glaring (for me) minus for the game it would be the voice overs. The dragon sounds o-kay-ish. Not too terrible, but not too great. However, the female voice lines are straight cringe, as per usual. Not hot at all, just making your jaws clench every time they come up. Just turn off the female voice-over in the settings if you don't want your fap-session spoiled.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    You're a dragon, you can fly and breath fire. You can rape or be nice to girls. You can either build your empire or create an abomination that can destroy an entire world.

    Sadly the art style are inconsistence :( The sprite look cartoonish while the H-scene is so realistic that you can't guess character facial expression. In some scene where character is getting rape their expression look so neutral that it look like a normal sex (weird complain, I know). I just wish it have more consistent art-style through out the game. like Price of Freedom or Knightly Passion but that's just my personal taste at that point. (sorry bad english)
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Torres

    It seems that the developer is focusing on story and game elements first, and the porn art later, which is all well and good, considering the wonderful results so far.

    Out of all the things that this game's writing covers well, and they are many, the subject that I find the most enthralling is the Lovecraftian element.
    Most others will blithely work some tentacled fish-thing, insert some chanting from Shadow Over Innsmouth, dash some blood and viscera around and call it good. Lovecraftian Horror is called "COSMIC Horror" for a reason, as it is supposed to challenge a reader's very comprehension of what they are even supposed to make of the writing.

    Every Protean raid that I order is both lurid and wonderful at once, every interaction, especially the sacrifices. My hat's off to the writer/writers behind Mother.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent quality overall, but missing or missed content left me unsatisfied. Above average writing, solid length, great visuals. The options for customizing your experience are the gold standard. The story is dark and violent by default, but you're given a large amount of flexibility, letting you set your own tone. Your choices have permanent, significant repercussions, which results in a much more personal, engaging narrative. However, I found this also made me second guess everything, as it's rarely clear what the long term results of a choice are. Hence it's very easy to accidentally lock yourself out of content you wanted to see. As of 4.3.11, many story arcs are incomplete, leaving me unsatisfied, and the ending felt like a placeholder. Despite these issues (some of them serious), the game is still well worth it, and generally a shining example of the genre.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. From its interesting plot, characters, writing style, and even its voice acting is amazing. I can't wait for it to be completely finished. Keep working hard developers, a fan supports you!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the most entertaining adult game I played. I recommend To start in the dark fantasy mode, and after that go for a completionist playthrough in the power fantasy mode to unlock all the content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. At first I thought, downloading this, "alright, rip the images and be done". But then I played it. I never thought I would be so engaged with a porn game, but I'm about to start my third playthrough and have missed more sleep than I care to admit telling myself "okay, just ONE more scene" - Heloise's story was particularly gripping to me. Love it, can't wait for another build - just hoping it becomes available off steam when all's said and done. Don't want my friends to know ALL the games I'm into. I'd be happy to buy on itch.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Has voice acting, you fuck everything that moves and you are a dragon. Kind of cool truth be told. Also violent as hell.

    Although honestly, voice acting really isnt necessary. It really isnt. I read faster than these hoes talk and I havent got all day and my schlong hasnt got strength for hours so I will have to skip around your lines.

    Also your daughter is half lizard half elf hybrid and wants to have sex with you and or destroy the world I am not sure. Its a must play.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good effort. Great variety, tons of reactivity, good writing. The only bad thing I have to say about this game is that it ends way too soon for how good it is, and that the sex scenes, while all having fantastic setup, can end a bit too abruptly and soon, giving you less good stuff to fap over. Basically, the biggest threat to the game currently is if it forgets it's a fap-game first and foremost - and it is dangerously close to that threshold.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it, especially how your choices effect the gameplay. Even the simplest choices have impact, the characters have depth and because of that there is a lot of roleplay enjoyment to be had and potential for replayability. You can be a "smooth criminal" dragon that can seduce everyone or be an absolute terminator or mix and match as you please. No doubt that its going to be one of the best around when it's done. My thanks to the devs for this gem.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking amazing. the amount of emotional depth the creators have managed to put into some of the characters are just breath taking and i can honestly say that this just might my favorite game on here.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the concept but idiotic gameplay choices are holding it back.
    You are a big bad dragon. Ravaging (a less threatening word for rape) the lands and the people.
    The characters are voice acted, good looking, and animated (meh quality).
    Now lets get to the problems

    The only way to grow stronger is to kill and eat your waifus. Lorewise you should be able to eat random nameless bandits but the game won't let you.
    The only way to keep your armies in fighting order is to hand over your waifus to be gangraped. Apparently random nameless NPCs won't suffice.

    Even if you were hardcore into vore or being a cuck the above remove 90%+ of all the content in the game, as you see only 1 single scene and the waifu in question is gone forever.
    The only redeeming factor for the above two options is that you can enable "power fantasy" mode where you do not need to that. you have infinite stats and can support your armies with infinite gold instead of waifu gangrape.
    The game makes it very clear you are a filthy casual cheater who suck at gaming if you choose to do this but... I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't play in that mode because what kind of person just removes 90% of content from their game this way?

    Even in power fantasy mode you still gotta be careful of the many "you just die" events choices where it does not matter what your stats are, you just die if you make some choices even though it sounds like your stats should help.

    This is a guide damn it game with anti logical decision trees. Or results being completely random instead of logically flowing from your actions.

    While power fantasy mode makes it so you do not need to eat waifus or give them to your armies to gangrape, you still lose a couple anyways. For example there are 3 possible lair choices, each one requires a different waifu to be sacrificed.
    So you need at least 3 saves.

    Also you have 1 prime waifu slot only and you need to replay the game many times to check each girl in that slot.
    Also there are some special interactions between the prime waifu and other waifus so...
    Yea. Better consult a guide and go for the events you really want.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is quite neat, mechanics are good, although I would rather have less to track, or more chances to improve/grind them. Its a great game if you want to play a dark story being a literal dragon. There's also voice acting, that is quite hit or miss, quality varies a lot but its a neat addition.

    Now, why 4 stars? Because the art.... or more like, the dissonance. You see, you have a very cute, anime art style when you do normal conversations, but for sex, it changes to a more, realistic, proportioned artstyle, and the difference is kinda... offputting? Liking a character in the dialogue just to see a quite different character when fucking it was odd. I hope we get an option for animesque sex and realistic portraits for dialogues one day.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is something a bit original I guess, I mean I don't know too many games where you get to play as a dragon who gets to build a harem of elves, monster girls and humans.
    Straight forward game with no long, drawn out conversations and dialogs. The art is really nice and hand drawn but what really puts the game over the top for me was the voice acting.
    I would've given it a 4.5 if that was possible, the only draw back I see is that I would've liked the game play to be a little more interactive and that it feels like the game rushes forward a bit too much. I'm sure future updates will have more of a "sandlot" feel to it with more options to build up your base though.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    human deviant

    I absolutely love Ravager, I can't get enough of it. And the dragon as MC thing is an interesting perspective change. I'm not sure how I feel about the week mechanic, it constrains exploration a little, but other than that, it's steamy and the world is interesting.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! Wasn't sure I'd like this, but then found myself playing it for an entire evening. There's enough reviews already, so I'll keep it short: It's an awesome power fantasy, there's lots of choices and player freedom and lots of the scenes are just extremely hot. Love that you can be rough or gentle with the girls or even give them to your minions!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most anticipated games in my list. By anticipated i mean i'll wait till it's completed. Played early version and it was amazing. Setting is good, protagonist character is not just blank dude. Drawing style is appealing, not too cartoonish and not too extreme. Variativity is what makes me attracted to this game, so much freedom
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there. If you in for a story or the power trip you came to the right place. Never game made me feel like I was in charge and could do so much every turn of the way.
    If you in for a quick "reward" there are a lot of 3d copy cutter games out there created with little to no effort.
    Speaking of effort - DEV is busting on this one, couple of updates every month.
    Art is great and getting better, story amazing, interface is good, music and sound - absolute perfection. 10/10 for me.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Vers 4.38
    To be honest, this game could be one of the best games, but dev decided to make a poor game. Story is very good and has alot of potential but dev decideed to waste it. Animations are crap and rare and 1/5 , renders are rare and like 2010. And most important, no hint system but the choices are anti logical and without Walktrough no chance to see the best sceenes! A good game for 2012, but in 2022 to old and a waste of time b ecause 10 years behind the state of art.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    For such a distinguished horndog as myself this game still surprised me with something new and even got me fully invested in the story and characters (mentally) and the project (financially). A great piece of work with so much more to come.