Mr. Spam Yeet

Aug 16, 2022
While I do feel bad that the new update leaked so rapidly, I still went ahead and played the hell out of it; hypocrisy is a core theme to the game, right? ;) It's a good thing too, given how long it's taken me to get this all written up. Sorry for the delay, it's just been a very hectic week.

Anyway, this was definitely a very strong update. I thought it did an excellent job handling the 'downtime' between big sex scenes by giving us some deep looks into Chuck, Hana, August, and Felicia, as well as an unexpected pairings in Ian and Rose and Hana and Mina. We even got a small dose of Ian and Hana interacting as coworkers. It does a great job setting the stage for the impending doom that is definitely befalling the Club in the near future. The only real downside is that we got very little content for Veronica and Victoria, but I can't expect the game to be about my favorites all the time.

Felicia, of course, gets the lion's share of the focus (assuming you're on her path), culminating in a bunch of very intricate sex scenes. Felicia isn't my favorite, but I think what we got here works somewhere between well and fantastically well depending on exactly which route you take through her content. And there are certainly plenty of interesting reveals to ponder as we wait to see what Part 5 will have in store for us.

To that end, let's get into the spoiler-filled details.
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And with that I think we are finally done. Sorry for the excessive length, but there was a lot to cover here, and almost all of it was good. I'd say the update was definitely worth the long wait.

tl;dr Excellent character moments that advance the plot, good-to-great sex scenes for a bunch of paths, and plenty of intrigue for the future. I definitely recommend the update, despite the scarcity of Veronica and Victoria content.
Holy shit you just expressed exactly what i felt having just recently played the new update. My main girls now are Hana and Felicia, really feels like in the narrative of the game, the both of them are the ones who kind of "fit" with the MC. The others kind of feel more like friends more than anything.

Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
consumptionist said:
firstly, this is NOT a VN. it is a point and click game made so by the point and click roaming sections. a novel is not free roaming and neither is a visual novel.
I hear you, dude. I say something similar about the Airbus A380. They are NOT airplanes! They are coffeemakers, made so by the coffee making regions. An aircraft does not make coffee and neither does a passenger airliner.

TLDR: I think you're being arbitrarily strict about the use of the VN tag. However, if you're really adamant about your viewpoint on this, please consider explaining a little more thoroughly in your review that the free roam events are a very small amount of the overall gameplay.

I was going to just post my facetious joke, but one of the idiots in another department pissed me off about something, so...
The parallel you draw between novels and visual novels isn't valid. Novel and visual novels are fictional, character-driven narratives. That's about the limit of the common ground between the two. Novels are linear, but visual novels are accepted to be optionally non-linear. "Visual novel" as a term has no widely accepted definition. The degree of leeway from strict adherence to the most common features of visual novels is still being debated, so prescriptivist views on the evolving phrase and its tag have less merit than run-of-the-mill prescriptivism. Reading the Wikipedia page for the term, the academic article excerpt below, or any other source that offers up a definition, you'll find that "usually", "commonly", "often", "including" are hedging words that abound, but few exclusions are presented. I found no definition or discussion of visual novels that proscribed any free-roaming. You'll also see that Pale Carnations meets the following proposed definition of "visual novel".

A (VN) is a digital narrative focused game that requires interactions where the player must be able to impact the story world or the story’s progression. The story and interactions are most commonly presented through a text box and often employ additional forms of interaction including menu choices—which often contain sets of actions that the player character can perform—or dialogue options representing the player character’s speech or thoughts. Crucially, VNs have On-Click Progression, where the player clicks, taps or presses a button to see the next part of the story. The aesthetics of VNs are most often conveyed through static images of characters, background art, sound effects (SFX) feedback, and soundtracks.
The few isolated free-roams in Pale Carnations do not change the nature of the game and it's dominant play style as a visual novel, just as a few drip coffee brewers do not change the nature or dominant function of an A380.

More important than my disagreement with your opinion on the use of the VN tag, I think you're doing a disservice to readers of your review with line I quoted at the top. Some will read that line and think that there has been an actual tagging mistake or might infer that the free-roam regions are more prominent than they really are. Fears about sandbox are probably second only to the three-letters-who-shall-not-be-named in dissuading players from even trying a game.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
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Amusingly, it's almost the opposite for me. I wish we could get the GF path's opportunity to turn down sex scenes directly without having to date Hana.

I'm apparently really bad at AVNs despite all the time I've spent on them. :unsure:

Not even close and do note that
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But to be honest she knew perfectly well what she was getting into (we even have her directly saying this in this update) and what consequences her actions could bring so she can't blame them for what they've done. In fact it's surprising that none of the patrons has said anything to Elias or shown him the picture with her face and Edwin's dick but I'm guessing it's against the club rules or something.
Eh, I just assume Kat is lying about them being aware; she's been running her own agenda for a while now, no reason to assume she'd suddenly be above-board here. It's not like she couldn't send the note on her own and get Warren to cover for Elias' entrance - assuming the other two would even recognize the guy on sight. I don't see them (August in particular) going along with such an obvious high-risk, low-reward scenario as inviting Elias only to spring the surprise reveal on him.

Another great update, another overly long wall of text incoming.

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One of these days I'll think about cutting my word vomit down...Maybe.
Dammit, Hams, I spend ages trying to uncover and document all the finer points of the new update, only to find that you've already summarized them in half the time! You're making me look bad here! :p

But seriously, good post. As far as Felicia using her maiden name with Denise, I think it just comes down to how Felicia sees herself. Felicia Ford is the affectation, the trophy wife who only ventures what is expected of a husband's plaything. Art can't speak to her because there's nothing there to be spoken to. Felicia Barnes is, when she peeks her head out from the shadows, the one who has her own goals and passions, the one who is still moved by art. So it makes sense she'd use that name when admitting how much she admires Denise's work.

I've totally lost you. What the hell is a KV?

a Kilovolt?
No, a kilovolt would use a lower case k. This is obviously a Kelvin-Volt, a measure of electrical potential and absolute temperature. :geek:

how long does an update for this game usually take? Also does anyone know of any other 3d game with good looking character models like this?
Updates have generally been in the 5-6 month range, though this last one was quite long at 7 months. It's possible the trend towards longer dev time will continue as we get towards the end of the game, but we won't know for sure until it's over. The game is well worth the wait, though, IMHO.

As far as games with models like this, look for games made in Honey Select or Honey Select 2.
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I told GIL you were probably busy while both of us were eagerly anticipating your write up.

Thanks, ename. :)
It's always a pleasure.
Right back at ya. :)
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Jun 25, 2018
Hats off to you for your analysis and I dare say this one is the best one up to date.

(...) One thing that caught my attention was the number of scenes that didn't include the MC. (...)
IMO the only thing out of place was the timing. Going back and forth between different scenes severed the flow/immersion and was a bucket of cold water that made me aware again I'm playing a game/am just an observer. Not sure if it could be done better though, personally I can't think of the way to do it and if TD could, it would probably take too much of his and GIL's time.

(...) It seems pretty clear to me at this point that Kathleen is deliberately trying to destroy the Carnation Club, at least as it's currently constituted. Whether she plans to rebuild it from the ashes or move on to something new is hard to say, but between Abel's experiments and Elias's surprise she's clearly trying to pack as much explosive into a confined space as she can. (...)
I see it differently. Kathleen has been doing this for 5 years now and at least Chuck is her friend AFAWK (at least judging by Chuck's words) so why would she want to destroy it or reshape it?

Abel's experiments is her side project and I don't see how that could disturb the club (and I would imagine that Chuck thinks so too, he has Abel under a close watch which his interaction with Edwin showed so I'm pretty sure he roughly knows what goes on in the vault).

As for Elias, like I said, the rest must have known about it and agreed to it. IMO Kat is doing it for fun and fun only. To exploit the one in a million chance that someone like Felicia would come along (not only 100% willingly but also being of high status, someone she would meet during boring parties). I mean, for a sadist like Kat it would be a waste to not try and get Elias into the club and see Felicia squirm but even non-sadistic perverts would see potential in such a scene.

Anyway, Elias being there doesn't necessarily mean bad things for the club (for Felicia, sure) and they have a plethora of options to mitigate any blowback that might occur due to this. She might drug him for one, he might be into it for two (we know she does her research and Elias wouldn't be in her office if he wasn't a filthy pervert just like the rest of us them), Elias will know that if he would spill the beans he would be destroyed or killed, etc. The only question is whether he will have any self respect and slam the doors leaving the club behind or will he allow to be made a laughing stock and remain there as a clown and cuck.

As Kathleen said about Felicia:

(...) "Over the next month, your social status means jack shit. You're no longer Mrs. Elias Ford, you're just another pig whore deserving of contempt." (...)

(...) "You're something special alright. This summer is going to be exceptional." (...)

I agree that old title screen was better but it might be easily remedied if the background was darker (I think).

P.S. 2
BTW, do you think that Chuck could harm Ian (read: let someone else harm him) if his actions (regarding Darius for example) would jeopardize PC club and him getting off? Personally I think he could (although not permanently), his outburst during the exhibition showed that he really dislikes if someone is getting in the way of his fun.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
While I do feel bad that the new update leaked so rapidly, I still went ahead and played the hell out of it; hypocrisy is a core theme to the game, right? ;) It's a good thing too, given how long it's taken me to get this all written up. Sorry for the delay, it's just been a very hectic week.

Anyway, this was definitely a very strong update. I thought it did an excellent job handling the 'downtime' between big sex scenes by giving us some deep looks into Chuck, Hana, August, and Felicia, as well as an unexpected pairings in Ian and Rose and Hana and Mina. We even got a small dose of Ian and Hana interacting as coworkers. It does a great job setting the stage for the impending doom that is definitely befalling the Club in the near future. The only real downside is that we got very little content for Veronica and Victoria, but I can't expect the game to be about my favorites all the time.

Felicia, of course, gets the lion's share of the focus (assuming you're on her path), culminating in a bunch of very intricate sex scenes. Felicia isn't my favorite, but I think what we got here works somewhere between well and fantastically well depending on exactly which route you take through her content. And there are certainly plenty of interesting reveals to ponder as we wait to see what Part 5 will have in store for us.

To that end, let's get into the spoiler-filled details.
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And with that I think we are finally done. Sorry for the excessive length, but there was a lot to cover here, and almost all of it was good. I'd say the update was definitely worth the long wait.

tl;dr Excellent character moments that advance the plot, good-to-great sex scenes for a bunch of paths, and plenty of intrigue for the future. I definitely recommend the update, despite the scarcity of Veronica and Victoria content.
Hi ename144!
You, like SteamedHamsInc. , wrote a really good review post, many interesting thoughts. A few commeting thoughts from me.
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Jun 25, 2018
(...) It's not like she couldn't send the note on her own and get Warren to cover for Elias' entrance (...)
Too risky, they could get to club any time and it would blow back in her face even more. If it was one person I could buy that (she could keep tabs on that person), but she has way too many people to handle. Not only August but also Chuck, Ian and now Hana even, plus any of the employees that might have noticed the new face.

Not to mention that we know that Chuck likes to check footage regularly:
Chuck: Just some footage from the previous day. I like to keep abreast of some of our patron's activities.

Let's be honest, Kat knows August and Chuck, knows what annoys them and what makes them tick (if she can do it almost immediately when meeting new people she certainly can do it with her old friends/acquaintances) so I can imagine she would know how to convince them to allow it without resorting to such covert shenanigans. But IMO she didn't have to convince them, this is a great opportunity for some really perverted stuff and this is what that club is about.


Jan 14, 2024
What you two choose to completely overlook in your Felicia bashing are some facts you can gleam from the game.

- Elias and Felicia have a prenup and an agreement for boys/girls on the side. So Feli being with the MC is not really a problem and I do not count Elias´ sidegirl against him, since they have this agreement.

- Elias is a blackmailer, who blackmails several of his clients, which is a reason Felicia is against using blackmail on the unreasonable art critic. Felicia has some standards.

- And one of the biggest points counting against Elias is him not helping felicia with the school. Felicia would not even be at PC had he helped her out with the school. Elias would have gained her full loyalty had he done so. As we learned through the game, Elias is rich enough to pay the sum for saving the school from flippantly speaking the post stamp money.
He knew how important that school is for Felicia, he could have saved it with a (for him) neglible sum of money, gotten great PR in addition and the full loyalty of Felicia. Feli might be a golddigger, but even just from a business sight this would have been the choice to do. Elias did not.

While Felicia is not free of failings (which she does admit to), Elias is the bad one here. At the end of the day, when it comes to the girls of PC, Felicia, Hana and Sophia for the win! They are the most interesting girls in the game, the others are really good too, but these three are the top.

The problem is not the agreed on cheating (if we even believe fel). The problem is that she actively destroys and humiliates her husband in front of his peers by cheating. This is as evil as a wife can be.

Elias is free to choose not to entertain each and every whim of his wife. That is not the same as intentionally destroying and humiliating one's spouse in the social circle.

Elias blackmailing is immoral but affects fel zero.

The girls of PC might be interesting, but as women for a long term relationship they are all bottom of the barrel. Even hana is a perfect example for why one never gets involved with girls who have a bad relationship with their parents: sure enough she tries to get Edwin into trouble by getting him to do stupid shit around August, just because she gets off on angering her father.

The game is one long warning about women and their ways.

Btw. Felicia is also a horrible friend. When mina still feels wholesome shame, jealousy, and disgust about the degeneracy of the threesome, fel who knows by now how shallow her hedonistic life is, pushes mina against her inate resistance towards the same foolish path.

Makes for an interesting porn game, but fel is the bad friend you would never want for your own daughter.

Got around to read half through the threesome with mina and fel and the visuals are really good. Everything is so crisp and clear. Edwins mimics are incredible. The way minas nipple moves. I know no other game that comes even close to making the characters so alive with its visuals. Just the way Edwin sits says everything about his current state. And the bodies of the two girls hit the perfect spot of believable but insanely hot.

The writing of the scene is excellent as well. The taste doesn't click with me, and its a pity as there is no western AVN writer around who comes even in the vicinity of TD's H-scene writing, but I really buy it when Edwin fires off a confident command, or makes mina temporarily fall into submissive admiration. The eroticism is just unmatched.

Thanks for the tremendous effort.

Finished the threesome scene and have to say I really liked the ending. Had a similar feeling to the earlier scenes of the game where it was more about Edwins pleasure.

Honestly missed that a lot.

Thanks, was an unexpected treat. :)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
The problem is not the agreed on cheating (if we even believe fel).

Elias is free to choose not to entertain each and every whim of his wife. That is not the same as intentionally destroying and humiliating one's spouse in the social circle.

Elias blackmailing is immoral but affects fel zero.

The girls of PC might be interesting, but as women for a long term relationship they are all bottom of the barrel. Even hana is a perfect example for why one never gets involved with girls who have a bad relationship with their parents: sure enough she tries to get Edwin into trouble by getting him to do stupid shit around August, just because she gets off on angering her father.

The game is one long warning about women and their ways.
Here we have a perfect example of how different our viewpoints can be!

"Elias is free to choose not to entertain each and every whim of his wife." That is correct but you overlook here that saving her school is not just an everyday whim of Felicia. She begged Elias to save the school and made it very clear how important this place is for her. Elias could have saved the school with ease, even getting great PR with it. And more, he would have gained Felicia´s thanks and full loyalty. She would never have gone to PC. But Elias did not save the school.

"That is not the same as intentionally destroying and humiliating one's spouse in the social circle." While hardly a nice move by Felicia, the humiliation of Elias in the social circle is currently near zero. The vast majority of the PC patrons are rivals of Elias and/or disliked him well before Feli came to PC. This was actually one reason Felicia came to PC, it was outside of Elias´normal social circle. So currently Elias suffers zero problems in his social circle.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
Btw. Felicia is also a horrible friend. When mina still feels wholesome shame, jealousy, and disgust about the degeneracy of the threesome, fel who knows by now how shallow her hedonistic life is, pushes mina against her inate resistance towards the same foolish path.

Makes for an interesting porn game, but fel is the bad friend you would never want for your own daughter.
How is Felicia seen as the corruptor when being on the threesome path from the start requires Mina cheating on Ian with MC?

That would suggest MC and Mina are the horrible ones.

Felicia and Elias come off as your pretty standard rich douche/trophy wife couple to me. Both of them are using each other and don't really care about each other, shrug, seems like a wash.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Hats off to you for your analysis and I dare say this one is the best one up to date.

IMO the only thing out of place was the timing. Going back and forth between different scenes severed the flow/immersion and was a bucket of cold water that made me aware again I'm playing a game/am just an observer. Not sure if it could be done better though, personally I can't think of the way to do it and if TD could, it would probably take too much of his and GIL's time.

I see it differently. Kathleen has been doing this for 5 years now and at least Chuck is her friend AFAWK (at least judging by Chuck's words) so why would she want to destroy it or reshape it?

Abel's experiments is her side project and I don't see how that could disturb the club (and I would imagine that Chuck thinks so too, he has Abel under a close watch which his interaction with Edwin showed so I'm pretty sure he roughly knows what goes on in the vault).

As for Elias, like I said, the rest must have known about it and agreed to it. IMO Kat is doing it for fun and fun only. To exploit the one in a million chance that someone like Felicia would come along (not only 100% willingly but also being of high status, someone she would meet during boring parties). I mean, for a sadist like Kat it would be a waste to not try and get Elias into the club and see Felicia squirm but even non-sadistic perverts would see potential in such a scene.

Anyway, Elias being there doesn't necessarily mean bad things for the club (for Felicia, sure) and they have a plethora of options to mitigate any blowback that might occur due to this. She might drug him for one, he might be into it for two (we know she does her research and Elias wouldn't be in her office if he wasn't a filthy pervert just like the rest of us them), Elias will know that if he would spill the beans he would be destroyed or killed, etc. The only question is whether he will have any self respect and slam the doors leaving the club behind or will he allow to be made a laughing stock and remain there as a clown and cuck.

As Kathleen said about Felicia:

(...) "Over the next month, your social status means jack shit. You're no longer Mrs. Elias Ford, you're just another pig whore deserving of contempt." (...)

(...) "You're something special alright. This summer is going to be exceptional." (...)

I agree that old title screen was better but it might be easily remedied if the background was darker (I think).

P.S. 2
BTW, do you think that Chuck could harm Ian (read: let someone else harm him) if his actions (regarding Darius for example) would jeopardize PC club and him getting off? Personally I think he could (although not permanently), his outburst during the exhibition showed that he really dislikes if someone is getting in the way of his fun.
Too risky, they could get to club any time and it would blow back in her face even more. If it was one person I could buy that (she could keep tabs on that person), but she has way too many people to handle. Not only August but also Chuck, Ian and now Hana even, plus any of the employees that might have noticed the new face.

Not to mention that we know that Chuck likes to check footage regularly:
Chuck: Just some footage from the previous day. I like to keep abreast of some of our patron's activities.

Let's be honest, Kat knows August and Chuck, knows what annoys them and what makes them tick (if she can do it almost immediately when meeting new people she certainly can do it with her old friends/acquaintances) so I can imagine she would know how to convince them to allow it without resorting to such covert shenanigans. But IMO she didn't have to convince them, this is a great opportunity for some really perverted stuff and this is what that club is about.
Thanks for reading through it all, glad you liked it.

As far as Kathleen's agenda, we already know Kathleen has no trouble (morally or practically) pulling the wool over Chuck and August's eyes. She says as much to Abel at the end of Chapter 3 Update 3. In fact, she says even more. Remember this exchange:
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I think she was being less metaphorical here than it originally seemed. Whether she plans to tear the whole setup down and start over or just shake up the management so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable, I think she has something very different in mind for the arrangement going forward than her partners. And frankly I do not think she has any interest in humoring August or Chuck once the fur starts flying. She obviously thinks she's better positioned to handle the fallout, and she may well be right.

Yes, it's possible Chuck and August are okay with inviting Elias to join the Club while they're making a laughing stock of him by humiliating his wife, but I have a hard time seeing it. August is explicitly against anything that would rock the boat, and Elias is guaranteed to do that. Chuck almost certainly considers Elias beneath his standards; the guy is practically the poster child for self-centered mundanity. I suspect Chuck considers a number of the patrons the same way, but they bring a lot to the table. Elias seems to bring more headaches than he does opportunities - at least as long as Felicia is a Carnation.

Elias is a bad patron, but he's the perfect spark to ignite tensions within the Club into full-blown civil war - one Kat intends to win. That's how I see it, anyway.

Hi ename144!
You, like SteamedHamsInc. , wrote a really good review post, many interesting thoughts. A few commeting thoughts from me.
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Thanks, Turret!

Unfortunately, we see Abel and Sophia almost entirely differently, so I find it hard to respond to your takes.
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2017
I fully agree but she is still a shitty person who does shitty things for money. I DO feel some sympathy but she is where she is by her own choice. All that said I really enjoy her complexity and as I've said everybody I've seen in the game wouldn't really be considered a "good" person by any measure.
It's a testament to the quality writing that these characters have such believable depth and can inspire such discussion.
Calling a spade a spade isn't ganging up neither is responding to some guy getting all emotional and tossing personal insults about opinions he doesn't like.

Again great game!

P.S. Felicia is probably also my fave character with Mina pressing in.
You started the personal attacks first just because I disagreed with you about you calling Felicia “evil” by calling anyone who disagreed with you a white knight, then you and your toady friend started insulting me personally, so I responded in kind. I never even said she wasn’t a shitty person, but I guess because I wasn’t kissing your ass you started being a dick to me. You’re a lying hypocrite.
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May 2, 2020
The game is one long warning about women and their ways.
This game is a perfect mirror of those who play it.

I really mean no disrespect, but if you look at what happens at the club in-game, and your only thought is "eh, women are manipulating whores", I'd say your view of the world - the real world - is *slightly* skewed.


Oct 18, 2017
When do you guys think the next update will come out? I'm cautiously optimistic for a mid September- late October release, but I wouldn't be surprised by a December- February date. The update was excellent as always, and the production value is astronomical, but I hope the game doesn't reach Being a DIK levels of bloat.


Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2021
When do you guys think the next update will come out? I'm cautiously optimistic for a mid September- late October release, but I wouldn't be surprised by a December- February date. The update was excellent as always, and the production value is astronomical, but I hope the game doesn't reach Being a DIK levels of bloat.
it won't reach BaDIK levels, there's way less stuff in this game to complicate it. No minigames, no phone, no overdone free-roam etc... also less story branching.
4.90 star(s) 493 Votes