
Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
We got a graphical update to the release schedule before we got another step forwards in the story. did he get Victoria to draw this too so the fancy colours and pretty pictures would distract the supporters?
Mother of All BS is right on the money.

I wanted to take this chance to remind everyone that White Russian was supposed to be released on the 31st of October, 2022
View attachment 3777831
Woah. I just started checking out this game randomly. It's really good, but looks like there's some problems with the plot not moving along at all?

I finished the Club scene where you go out with the girls to learn more about Sadie. Can you tell me how much more is left?


Active Member
Apr 23, 2019

Lifepath youth regionalisation complete
il y a 20 minutes
Hey guys! I finished the regionalisation for the youth section of the Lifepath today.

This is, of course, the least sexy part of the game. But it's used to set some important backstory flags like her social class, whether she was a rock chick or a track star at high school, etc. It also includes the character creator, and is where the first skills are awarded and added to the new character sheet.
Revisiting it, I felt like the existing version lingers a bit too long in the youth section, so I've tried to make it faster moving and more fun in general.

Next steps
  • I'll push the test version out to contributors in order to get their feedback and improvements
  • While waiting for that, I'll pivot to tech work – the new hair and skin system has broken the youth avatar so we need to fix that and do some testing
  • There are now new art requirements for the youth section (e.g. Aussie schoolgirls don't wear English school uniforms), so our illustrator lovely Victorianeeds some time to create the new assets required
    • note to speed up production we're going to disable the rear view for the lifepath avatar (but it will still work in the main story)
    • note 2 Victoria couldn't start on this until the exact structure was firmed up

She's been busy hand drawing haircut rear views anyway.

It really does

Okay! Sorry for the delayed report, but the regionalisation was so close to being done I felt like it was best to complete it, then report.

Bedtime now but I'll be back to work on it tomorrow morning! Goodnight everybody ❤‍


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
That's like the saying it's a little damp in the middle of the ocean.
I took a quick glance at the Patreon, it seems like he's developing interesting systems. For example, the character sheet and the stats system seems to be new since the 2022 release? I think it's fine to polish the game with new code + features to make the customization better since technically the content won't further the plot but will enhance the existing content and make future content better.

Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month


May 14, 2019
Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month
His patrons never held him accountable for it, but he basically spent months (and I mean literal months) constantly scrapping and rewriting entire scenes because he could never get them "hot" or "sexy" enough for his standards.

Go back far enough on his Patreon or search this forum and you'll find the roadmap outlining the deadlines he set almost 2 years ago for the "mini" story arcs he had planned out, the last of which (if I'm remembering correctly) he never completed before he moved on and started re-adding the previously scrapped lifepath.


Game Developer
Jan 25, 2020
I took a quick glance at the Patreon, it seems like he's developing interesting systems. For example, the character sheet and the stats system seems to be new since the 2022 release? I think it's fine to polish the game with new code + features to make the customization better since technically the content won't further the plot but will enhance the existing content and make future content better.

Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month
So, just to get this straight: it's *okay* for the only thing new since 2022 is a character and stat system that still hasn't been implemented?

As far as an explanation for why content took over a year to be added? (and still wasn't added even after over a year delay) No, was too hard. He had to go back and rewrite things again before he could possibly write the next scene.


Dec 30, 2020
I took a quick glance at the Patreon, it seems like he's developing interesting systems. For example, the character sheet and the stats system seems to be new since the 2022 release? I think it's fine to polish the game with new code + features to make the customization better since technically the content won't further the plot but will enhance the existing content and make future content better.

Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month
White Russian got finished in November 2023. He made a quick stand alone game called Zero Kate Thirty that had no lewd content in the end of 2023. From 2024 on he was working on the Big Mac update, but during the middle of it got the idea to revamp the whole game, released a partially finished Big Mac update in the end of May, and then has worked on the life path style changes ever since.

The idea of upgrading the engines and systems is fine in theory but the problem is that the pace of development has already been painfully slow. It is a linear text based game with minimal art and no branching that gets two maybe three updates a year. The updates have one to two sex scenes in them. Now he wants to overhaul the whole game, adding a bunch of features that only compound the development time for each update.

The real reason for the overhaul is pretty clear, extend the life and profits of Female Agent. The MC has done everything there is to do as a just a bartender. Tons of shifts where she gets shamelessly horny, fucked her boss like 5 times now, fucked the owner of the bar, blown the cocktail instructor, and completed 2/3 side plots. It is time to transition her to full blow prostitute and complete corruption. Instead of committing to this key moment that signals the beginning of the end for the game, Crush has a devised a way to redo everything and extend the life of Female Agent for another 3-5 years, although that is may even underestimate his incredible milking ability.
Last edited:

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018
I took a quick glance at the Patreon, it seems like he's developing interesting systems. For example, the character sheet and the stats system seems to be new since the 2022 release? I think it's fine to polish the game with new code + features to make the customization better since technically the content won't further the plot but will enhance the existing content and make future content better.

Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month
A big problem with those systems is that they play next to no role in the actual game. It doesn't matter what stats you start with or how much you have. Every scene can only progress in one way. You don't actually get branching paths, what you get is: - Yes (enthusiastically)
- Yes (but deep down you really wanted to say no)
leading into the exact same scene with the exact same outcome. The stats thing is just another excuse he developed to delay any progress. He's having trouble writing ONE scene, you think he'll add scene variations and branching paths any time soon?

If he were authentic and actually trying to develop a game instead of milking his supporters, he'd knuckle down and flesh out the first path from start to finish. Even if it's only through placeholders, at least have 1 path and ending done. Variations/reworks should be left to the end.

Honestly this game is now just more HTML vn slop, and even those low effort webm recyclers can get a decent gameplay loop up and running in less time

It's still funny to me that this guy used to be a Project Manager


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
I took a quick glance at the Patreon, it seems like he's developing interesting systems. For example, the character sheet and the stats system seems to be new since the 2022 release? I think it's fine to polish the game with new code + features to make the customization better since technically the content won't further the plot but will enhance the existing content and make future content better.

Did the dev ever give an explanation for the delay on the White Russian chapters which according to the people here, is still not finished? I didn't subscribe since I saw over 5k a month
Character sheet, skills and stats system and complete lifepath already existed in version 1.6.x which he scrapped in early 2020 (mostly because he didn't have a clue as to how to use it in his game). He then spent about a year developing a significantly nerfed and reduced version of it before he finally scrapped it during summer of 2021 (because he still had no clue how to use it all in game).

This will be third version of lifepath, skills and stat system and I seriously doubt he fixed the main problem with it: figuring out how to use it in his game! Meaning you can expect him to scrap it completely by some point in late 2025 or early 2026...
A big problem with those systems is that they play next to no role in the actual game.
Main problem is that he have no idea how to actually use them in his game... which is why they play no role in actual game (even if they did play a some minor role during 1.6.x version!).

It's still funny to me that this guy used to be a Project Manager
Well, he did made a claim that he left his job so he could focus on FA full time... I personally think he got fired due to incompetence and potentially even costing his firm major penalties for not meeting deadline on a project.

Pede rasta 1

Dec 28, 2019
He was a government employee and lived for decades with a single project that was never finished, probably a municipal program for electric scooters without locks where you had to put money in a little box on the handlebars that also had no lock. He bought locks but the boxes did not have rings for the locks.

With a closed budget, he had the goal of connecting the entire city but in the end he could only go from point A to point B, two inconspicuous points of the city that almost no one wanted to go to.
He worked there until he retired and now he works here lol:rolleyes:


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
Character sheet, skills and stats system and complete lifepath already existed in version 1.6.x which he scrapped in early 2020 (mostly because he didn't have a clue as to how to use it in his game). He then spent about a year developing a significantly nerfed and reduced version of it before he finally scrapped it during summer of 2021 (because he still had no clue how to use it all in game).

This will be third version of lifepath, skills and stat system and I seriously doubt he fixed the main problem with it: figuring out how to use it in his game! Meaning you can expect him to scrap it completely by some point in late 2025 or early 2026...

Main problem is that he have no idea how to actually use them in his game... which is why they play no role in actual game (even if they did play a some minor role during 1.6.x version!).

Well, he did made a claim that he left his job so he could focus on FA full time... I personally think he got fired due to incompetence and potentially even costing his firm major penalties for not meeting deadline on a project.
Oof that's not good...This game is on my radar now so I'll definitely see if he delivers. From his Patreon posts, he seems to be organized, eloquent, and has a team?

It looked better than most game Patreons. To be frank, the game itself also seems exceedingly polished compared to other games. It's disappointing of this is indeed the kind of delivery he has. It's not enough his game is good, he needs to stick with a system and go through with it.
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
A big problem with those systems is that they play next to no role in the actual game. It doesn't matter what stats you start with or how much you have. Every scene can only progress in one way. You don't actually get branching paths, what you get is: - Yes (enthusiastically)
- Yes (but deep down you really wanted to say no)
leading into the exact same scene with the exact same outcome. The stats thing is just another excuse he developed to delay any progress. He's having trouble writing ONE scene, you think he'll add scene variations and branching paths any time soon?

If he were authentic and actually trying to develop a game instead of milking his supporters, he'd knuckle down and flesh out the first path from start to finish. Even if it's only through placeholders, at least have 1 path and ending done. Variations/reworks should be left to the end.

Honestly this game is now just more HTML vn slop, and even those low effort webm recyclers can get a decent gameplay loop up and running in less time

It's still funny to me that this guy used to be a Project Manager
Oh wow...seriously? I haven't gone down another life path (the 3 sex traits) and tried different options yet.

I did try to replay the Connor initial scene where she "interviewed" for the job. I could not find a way to proceed without getting raped, or get raped differently. ie, finish Connor in her mouth rather than get raw dogged. Not good!

I think the dev is more than a PM. He seems to know how to code as well.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
White Russian got finished in November 2023. He made a quick stand alone game called Zero Kate Thirty that had no lewd content in the end of 2023. From 2024 on he was working on the Big Mac update, but during the middle of it got the idea to revamp the whole game, released a partially finished Big Mac update in the end of May, and then has worked on the life path style changes ever since.

The idea of upgrading the engines and systems is fine in theory but the problem is that the pace of development has already been painfully slow. It is a linear text based game with minimal art and no branching that gets two maybe three updates a year. The updates have one to two sex scenes in them. Now he wants to overhaul the whole game, adding a bunch of features that only compound the development time for each update.

The real reason for the overhaul is pretty clear, extend the life and profits of Female Agent. The MC has done everything there is to do as a just a bartender. Tons of shifts where she gets shamelessly horny, fucked her boss like 5 times now, fucked the owner of the bar, blown the cocktail instructor, and completed 2/3 side plots. It is time to transition her to full blow prostitute and complete corruption. Instead of committing to this key moment that signals the beginning of the end for the game, Crush has a devised a way to redo everything and extend the life of Female Agent for another 3-5 years, although that is may even underestimate his incredible milking ability.
Thanks for the explanation. I was looking for something like this to explain it all. Reading the past threads it was all complaints without much context.

Gosh maybe I'm still in the denial phase, but this is quite upsetting and I almost don't want to believe it. It does seem like he's written himself into a corner and there's not that much sex stuff left.

I guess one positive note is she isn't fucking everyone like every other game. The negative is the spy story (I actually care about the missing girls LOL) and further corruption seems stalled.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
Oof that's not good...This game is on my radar now so I'll definitely see if he delivers. From his Patreon posts, he seems to be organized, eloquent, and has a team?

It looked better than most game Patreons. To be frank, the game itself also seems exceedingly polished compared to other games. It's disappointing of this is indeed the kind of delivery he has. It's not enough his game is good, he needs to stick with a system and go through with it.
He won't. This will be his 4th restart of the game in seven years. His 3rd version of lifepath and skill system, after he scrapped first two versions of it because he had no idea how to use them in-game.

And I can't even remember how different "development systems" he went through, each time claiming that it will help him develop game faster.
Apr 3, 2019
Oof that's not good...This game is on my radar now so I'll definitely see if he delivers. From his Patreon posts, he seems to be organized, eloquent, and has a team?

It looked better than most game Patreons. To be frank, the game itself also seems exceedingly polished compared to other games. It's disappointing of this is indeed the kind of delivery he has. It's not enough his game is good, he needs to stick with a system and go through with it.
That is his main talent. He makes it seem like he's organized, and he is very eloquent. But being eloquent doesn't mean you're good at either technical or creative things, it just means you can convince people that you are.

Just to be clear, I do think it's a genuine talent, and one that many people (myself included) wished they have, it doesn't necessarily have to be used with nefarious means.
3.60 star(s) 119 Votes