
Aug 15, 2022
I usually find in my experience that project managers whose only skill is to project manage, suck. They delay things inevitably because they are praying for someone else to do the work. If you want things done you need to be someone who gets things done, and has the skill set to do those things OR who is willing to learn and then do it. This takes a good amount of initiative and self sufficiency that most project managers lack, otherwise they would not be dictating shit and just do it themselves. When someone tells me they are a project manager, my first thought is... oh so you're a lazy mother fucker. got it.

Senor Smut

Aug 11, 2020
This thread was started in 2017, so yes, it has been in development for at least seven years. Most of us will never see the final release, because most people here will not last that long. Neither will Crush for that matter.

The irony is that he claims to have been a project manager, so he should know how timelines and schedules work. Either he is the worst project manager ever, or the best. Depending on, if the project was to finish the game or to drag it out for as long as possible as that is the source of his income. I'll let others be the judges on that.

Eiter way, you are free to enjoy the game of course, but don't expect anything more for the next two years. Now that he has decided to bring back the second (?) version of his game and combine it with the third (?), there is to chance in hell that it gets done before that. Like I said, I am sure he will reboot it again, because both versions of the game won't go together, unless he starts all over again.
Exactly this. He's already said that his MOABS will necessitate not only a full lifepath (which till take him at least 18 months and likely more to complete) but also reworking most of what he's written so far, which will be at least the work of another 18 months -- and I do mean likely more time for both of those, so it will probably be another four years before a ny story progress is even attempted, at which point he will go radio silent for six months because he's working SO hard, at least THIRTY HOURS A DAY, TWELVE DAYS A WEEK and doesn't have time to update the plebs on what he's doing. Of course somewhere along that line he will discover that either A) previous decisions have rendered impossible what he planned to do, or B) technological changes have made the old code obsolete, and therefore he will abandon the lengthy soft reboot he's now embarked on in favor of a hard reboot that sends him straight back to square one. Kate will NEVER bargirl.
Apr 3, 2019
I usually find in my experience that project managers whose only skill is to project manage, suck. They delay things inevitably because they are praying for someone else to do the work. If you want things done you need to be someone who gets things done, and has the skill set to do those things OR who is willing to learn and then do it. This takes a good amount of initiative and self sufficiency that most project managers lack, otherwise they would not be dictating shit and just do it themselves. When someone tells me they are a project manager, my first thought is... oh so you're a lazy mother fucker. got it.

Being a good project manager is really hard because, among other things, you have to predict the future.

Being a bad project manager is REALLY easy because, among other things, you can ignore the future.

Really, it's not about being lazy or not. It's about being content with saying "Sorry, it will be done soon, one of these days" again and again.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
The irony is that he claims to have been a project manager, so he should know how timelines and schedules work. Either he is the worst project manager ever, or the best. Depending on, if the project was to finish the game or to drag it out for as long as possible as that is the source of his income. I'll let others be the judges on that.
He also claimed that he left his job so he can focus on FA full time... but based on the skills he presented over the years, it's more likely he got fired due to total incompetence.


Jan 5, 2018
Graphical update...who gives a shit? It's a paper doll -- admittedly a high-quality paper doll, but it can never transcend the limitations inherent in the form. This game is not about graphics -- he's already rebooted once for graphics and it added essentially nothing. This fucking guy, I tell you.
It's also kind of ridiculous because the art is already good, Victoria is a good artist and adding in the images (and well-drawn 2D images rather than CGI or AI stuff or reusing existing porn photos) is one of the things that adds to the appeal of the game and sets it apart from other text-based games like Blue Swallow. Especially in recent updates when Victoria has started illustrating other characters, group scenes, sex acts at the club, etc. - that has all added a lot.

It's a classic Crush thing of needing to improve something that's already pretty good rather than fixing some of the many incomplete parts.
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Oct 16, 2017
It could be a good game, yes. Sadly it isn't. Then again, it has spawned a few spin-offs or inspired others to create games with a similar premise. You can even find them on the last few pages of this thread and I think they are far better in execution and making progress at a much faster pace than the original. FA has been surpassed by them already, which is quite telling, considering that they have been in development for a few months only.

FA is in its 7th or even 8th year and with the announced reintegration of the lifepath I can guarantee you that it will take another two years, before any progress will be made. Quite frankly, I'd go out and say that it will lead to a complete reboot of the game for a third or even fourth time, because there is no way you can integrate that stuff within the existing framework.
What games are similar? I love FA, but good god the lack of updates are insane.
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
The man has skills to fool thousands of people for literal years into believing he's competent, and you think he couldn't trick a single boss? /s
No, because unlike those idiots who still give him money that boss would ask for some actual result... not to mention that a project with a deadline might also have some penalties tied to it if the deadline is not met. If the company he worked for was forced to pay up fines due to his incompetence it's more then likely he would get fired. Especially if it happened more then once.
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Sep 29, 2019
What games are similar? I love FA, but good god the lack of updates are insane.
They have been mentioned here in the past and are regularly suggested at the bottom of the page as a similar thread. Since it is technically against board philosophy to advertise other games I will just point you in the direction of Bob69 and CassieBare

They each take a different approach to the concept, but have achieved more in mere months than Crush has in years.

Except for their bank accounts. I have to admit that is the one thing I really admire him for. He has somehow talked people into giving him ~7,000 every month for years without anything in return. If you take away Patreon's Cut and whatever he is paying Queen Victoria, he is probably making 3-4,000 whilst doing noth-, uh I mean working full time on the game.

You know, people would not even be half as mad, if he was honest. Just come out and say that you can only produce 2-3 pages of text every few months and nobody could blame you for it. But constantly saying that you are working full time for months and still only being able to release the same 3 pages of content, is just insulting. Especially since he keeps delaying them time and time again. If you broke it down, I'd wager that he barely comes up with a single sentence per day. Which is why I am convinced that he does nothing and then goes into crunch time like the week before the release. Just like a lazy student would do in school when a paper's due and then asking the teacher for a bit more time. For him, it has worked so far.

And yet his cultists are paying him and keep defending him; they are actually enabling him. Say what you will, but he has figured it out and you have to give him credit for that.

Funny thing is, this post probably contains more words than he produces in a fortnight. And I am not even getting payed for it! Maybe I should be the one creating a Patreon Account, so I could charge you for writing critical posts every now and then. Think of it as outsourcing! You could do whatever you want with your time and pay me a small fee for doing it for you! Anyone interested? I'd be working full time on it! Promise!


Oct 4, 2023
On Patreon:

MOABS complete

Hey guys! For the past few weeks I’ve been working on the MOABS, the Mother Of All Beat Sheets. The aim is to fix the story and player experience problems in the Bangkok section – too repetitive, heroine too passive, story progression too slow.
I’ve been working on it solidly and I’m happy to report the MOABS is now complete. I’m incredibly excited about converting it into new game episodes! I guess the best way to explain it is that Female Agent was always supposed to be the game I wanted to play, and I can’t wait to play some of the new planned content.

Next steps
I could have kept tweaking and improving the MOABS forever, but it’s now at the point where it needs fresh eyes and new brains.
Reading the MOABS is a lot like reading the fucking Necronomicon – you shouldn’t do it – but a few brave and trusted souls have volunteered to peer into its unfathomable depths.

My hope is that the MOABS can be changed from good to great with some fresh insights. While we’re working on the new Lifepath, I plan to be continually improving on the MOABS in the background, so when it launches it’s even tighter and better.

I made it using h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ a combination of the Mac OS Notes application and an offline calender in Thunderbird – it’s not especially accessible or readable in its raw form.

So I’ve been organising it into a readable PDF to make collaboration easier. I aim to finish it off and get it out to collaborators this week.

I know that a lot of people will really really want to see the MOABS (and honestly I’m so excited about it that I kind of want to show it off), but it’s filled with major spoilers, and I want to keep the circulation list very small in order to prevent it leaking out and ruining everybody’s game.

Okay, that’s it for the report, I’m gonna get back to work! Have an awesome day everybody. ❤‍
Apr 3, 2019
If someone still wasn't convinced that this patreon isn't specifically to sell an idea and build hype after that post, I don't know what will.

Any decent "Support my work and see how it gets built" Patreon offers sneak peeks, ideas, keypoints on the product. Doesn't matter if it's pure software or "simple" art. Artists will in fact quite often post rough sketches, lineart, basic (no shading) coloring and so on.

Nothing of that sort here! Only hype


Sep 29, 2019
So his achievement is to have taken down notes and putting them in a calender so that everybody can read them and see the schedule at all times?

I mean, what is next?
"Guys! I made a cup of coffee! I put it on IG, so everybody can participate and have a looksy! Give me more money!"
  • Haha
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Active Member
Dec 13, 2018
Multiverse theory suggests that for every possibility, every choice, every random event down to the quantum scale and every possible physical value there is a universe for it. Furthermore the universe is likely infinite with stars and galaxies continuing on in all directions, so even within our one universe you should be able to find every possible combination of matter, energy, choice and random chance. An infinite number of Earths with this very game dev. There should be at least one version of this game where the dev does everything he sets out to do. Mash together all the previous versions and content flawlessly and even create new content and scenes all throughout.
I somehow doubt our little patch of spacetime is that version.


May 15, 2018
So, this week, he completed what he had completed last week, and apparently it took so long because he change the font to 12 pt.

Seriously, at this point, if you don't think Crush is a pure scammer hype marketing genius, you probably don't have brain cells.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I mean, what is next?
"Guys! I made a cup of coffee! I put it on IG, so everybody can participate and have a looksy! Give me more money!"
Look, some people make money selling their alleged bathwater. At this point a screenshot of a cup of coffee would be actual step up.

(can only hope the bathwater doesn't become the next step)
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