
Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
My idea was to have the level up events be followed, immediately, by the next set of sandbox scenes for the next level already. But of course, that would be a massive chunk of content, which means the level up can only be implemented when the update is meant to house the next level events already. Which ends up looking like this:
Ok, I see. Ofc, the update has to end somewhere and now I understand the way you have structured things. I would definitely say I'd rather see the "end" rather than wait, but now I am looking forward to the progression that happens.

I guess I was "spoiled" by the massive intro, where things just flowed and kept building until Nick is overwhelmed and has that vision in the bathtub about boinking the whole town...and then spends a nice evening watching tv with Maggy and that was it. Content until the next update happens. It was a good stopping point. That sense of cohesive flow is lost with the sandbox element splitting things up. That is why I asked about uninterrupted "extended story segments". The sandbox is less likely to get in the way. When I have to go back every day or every other day at 2pm in the afternoon to see the rest of what happens it really gets tedious after a while. Event- go home- skip time - sleep-event-go home-skip time-sleep-event-go home-skip time-sleep.

That disconnect is exacerbated when the events are shorter. Thats really the detriment of the sandbox. Its great for structuring a game's content (assuming you have enough content to fill it) and providing a sense of scale of the game world...but too much and it becomes invasive and I was definitely feeling that last time I played.

Thats really all I was getting at.

Maybe it could be fixed by forcing the player to go through the first version of the scene regardless of the love requiremen
Yea I think you should. that second encounter felt way too casual without the previous event. That doesnt just...happen. especially considering the context surrounding it. They speak as if they had a talk about it before...which the player would not have seen since the first event gets skipped if you have too many points.
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