Unity - Stuck at Home [v0.3.5o] [Moraion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the hand drawn art style, the content is a bit out of my lane but found it amusing fairly fun game despite no real sexual content .

    It should be a solid 4 star game, take out the mini-games and that will be a step in the right direction..
    There are planty of crappy time waisting games without sneaking them into a ren-py game in lieu of artistic content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    fun game, I just wished there was more content but its still in early development so I can't complain, I like the art style and the looks characters as well, the mini games can be tricky but over all fun, can't wait for more content
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cool game would definitly recommend, good story nice art cool characters and even a femboy. Good game in general hope to see more from them in the future because it looks so good. The only thing that I wish was different was that there was a wider variation of characters as in the sense of skin and hair color.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Laughably little content/scenes between characters. I first picked this up and thought it had incredible potential, to the point that it'd be a game that I supported or checked up on every month to see what progress looked like.

    That has rapidly changed; I might check back on this sometime in 2024 in the hopes that maybe the dev has added 2 scenes between now and then instead of more crap minigames.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Visual style and Animations - 3/5

    The backgrounds used and the overall style of the environment used in the game are good and make exploring of the house easy. Unfortunately, visual aspects for the story and characters do not follow in suit. What I am referring here is the art for the CGs. I found the quality of the CGs present to be a mixed bag. The quality of them vary quite much from 2/5 to 4/5, with no apparent pattern to them. One time you may find a CG of a character which is messy and rushed and another time a CG for the same character may look crisp and very detailed.

    On, a personal note I do not quite understand the reasoning behind the character style is not the most appealing one and definitely not the most refined one. The style used seems to be inconsistent, with few common characteristics between characters appearance.

    This makes me somewhat skeptical on the fidelity of the art going forward. The overall looks of the characters themselves is different and at a first glance you could say that the characters are drawn by different artist and the same one (maybe this is the case here).

    Music and Atmosphere - 3/5

    There is only one track for the music at the time of writing this, it would have been nice to have more tracks, but it is common enough for visual novel games to not have music at all.

    Generally the game tries to create a suitable atmosphere and build up before the scenes, but there is not much in terms of scenes, in both numbers and quality. Which makes the build up to fade fast and not be memorable.

    Story, Setting and Characters - 3/5

    The story gives an unfocused feeling, where it does not know where it wants or needs to go. From what I see, the story wants to go towards a slower or a longer route until any meaningful actions or events will happen. But there are still good moments and dialogues to be had.

    My first impression of the story reminded me of another game with the same premise and a similar set of kinks and fetishes, but which went on a different direction to deliver the setup for the events and characters actions. Maybe the dev took some inspiration from that game and did not want to take the elements of mind control/influence from there. Until now, the settings where the actions are set to take place are not very creative and there is definitely room for improvement.

    I will say that the devs needs to let loose and brainstorm to come with some new and novel ideas for the settings. I will definitely love to see something unconventional which can be tune the reason that locked the family members in their house.

    Characters are both unique and bland.They definitely can become more unique and memorable, but they are forced to conform to some tropes or their traits are not explored enough. As for the relations between the characters, I do not find much to say. For the most part, they feel standard for a game of this type.

    The most interesting relationship for me was the one between the two brothers. As for the female cast they need to be fleshed out more and given some interesting quirks and kinks.

    Gameplay - 3/5

    The gameplay follows the well known visual novel formula, with the addition of a limited exploration/sandbox point and click system, which does not make the gameplay difficult.

    What one might find difficult are the mini-games, which for the most part are awkward to play and do not bring any depth to the story and gameplay. For the better or worse, the story progression is tied to the mini-games to a certain extent.

    As for the user interface, it is well done, easy to understand and follow. The game has a hint and quest system so for the most players going through the game should not be a problem.

    Content ratio - 3/5

    The content ratio to play time is on the modest side. I think this is mainly caused by the slow burning story and the dev not wanting to spoil the player in the early stages. With the given story and setting, there is real potential for the dev to create some excellent NSFW scenes.

    What the game needs the most is more content and a consistent quality for it. And some interesting and unique traits for the characters. I believe that the game can increase in rating, but it will need several updates before that.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Biggest strength of this game for me are strangely the minigames. I'm not into big honker mom's or gay content so I mostly wait for youngest sister content. The problem for now is lack thereof. The project is still early in development so hopefully there will be way more in the future.
    Art 3/5
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 4/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has probably the best gay content I've seen in a porn game in a very long time, and the writing is top notch and doesn't wanna make me bash my head in (unlike a lot of incest games).

    This is a game definitely worth your time even this early in development.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Updates are going no where except adding more and more minigames that no one likes. Game started promising but there hasn't been any real scenes added between the characters. If you like pisspoor minigames you may like this.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    No actual scenes after a year of development. Just some peeping and teasing isn't enough to motivate people to come back to the game. Art is good and initial release seemed nice, but a year later and it's still basically the same.
    Time is better spent elsewhere.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The sexual content is going to close to zero, the writing better be top notch to make up for that, but it's just your standard bland affair. I may have rated this 2 for the models but I have to rate this so badly because it was a complete waste of my time, I regret playing it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2022930

    I want more and more content! this game has over 4 GB but have content like game 200-300 MB.. One I can say this game is amazing but as I said I want more content. MC brother and sister is so sexy but I can say I like this trap brother more and no homo haha :D he is soo cute! I hope we will have soon sex content on both sides I mean I don't only fuck him but I want also to be fucked by him and in the future have fun with the whole family oh god... amazing harem.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Good art but the game has seriously almost no sex scene in it even after almost 8 months.
    Teasing and teasing and teasing and nothing more.
    The whole premise of the game should allow you at least to have sex with one of the girls but currently as it stands its terrible.
    Even the update change logs are trying to tease you that there are scenes but later you discover that there is nothing.
    The only reason I do not give 1 * is because the art is good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very beautiful plz more Casey i love the art the story and the femboy the moms boobs are too big tho a realistic size is preferable more femboy end of real review / is the video good morning teacher here is the homework and the first ever mobile version of SU been grinding your gears up and down the heroes of the world of superheroes while simultaneously placing yourself on one of its thrones and the first ever
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The premise is fetish-filled enough and the character design is good. This game has decent potential if it does get finished. It's reminiscent of Incestral Awakening and in a good way. There's not too much content at this point but that's where we enter the faults and potential pitfalls this game will have.

    To start, the game is open exploration and so as such, you do a lot of pointless clicking around a single house to try to find events that aren't repeats. The design idea behind this is only really fulfilled if you have enough content where there is the potential to find events at unsuspected moments. This could be where the development of this game leads but in my experience these games tend to not approach the open exploration with this in mind. On the wholly negative end you end up with a lot of tedium as you cycle from fade-out to fade-in between rooms and find a character standing around saying the same shit they did 3 in-game days ago. Hopefully this design decision is more fully embraced and the dev has plans on filling in the nooks and crannies of the open exploration. If not, the content that is provided will be a slog to get through as you keep slapping 'Skip Day' over and over.

    Fortunately, for now, the game has no inventory system or items to collect. That is another design decision a lot of devs in this area make and it's usually over-developed and under-utilized. An inventory system typically goes hand-in-hand with open exploration and so it's a surprise (but a welcome one) to not see it (yet).

    One of the positives I like this early in development is how the characters interact. They act mostly like a family would and each character has a distinct personality (for the most part) that flavors the interchange between characters. In the most recent update (0.0.6a), the youngest sister pranks the family by having them watch an awful movie and the reactions/call-out was a moment where these aspects really shined.

    Onto the art. As previously stated, the character design is good. They look cute but also sexy. While it is still early, some of the CG scenes do not look up to par. I hope the dev can find some artists that can put some extra shine to the CG going forward. Personally, I hate when devs re-do old scenes as if it's a content update. The CG in the minigames is good, for the most part. Where this is lacking is in the peeking scenes. The characters can look remarkably different from the designs seen throughout the rest of the game. Not to mention the peeking scenes don't capture much in the way of sexual-arousal as much as the writing in those scenes conveys. Composition and consistency with the character design would go a long way to improving this aspect of the game.

    The last bit is the minigames. I'm not a huge fan of minigames as they tend to not be very fun and take a huge amount of development time that could be spent on literally anything else. So far the minigames aren't awful but if they are a roadblock to progression without changing up much (either in mechanics or rewards for completing) then they're going to be another tedious time-waste to get to the scenes you might want to see. I can definitely see a potential for improvement in this area though. Take for example the younger brother yoga minigame. On harder difficulties, after your relationship has progressed with them, the yoga could be nude, incorporating sex toys, or the other characters. If it is only that you get a linear scaling of relationship points to difficulty level, then they'll just suck.

    If I came off as harsh in this, I don't intend to be. This game has a lot of potential and I'm unsure of the devs experience. But from some of my reading on here they may be pretty green at Unity and game dev. And while I'm not a subscriber, I do hope the dev reads these and comes away with something worthy of consideration. I truly hope this game is completed and the dev wins big. (y)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Stuck at Home [v0.0.5a] [Moraion] sounds like the perfect 2d game for me. You got a mom, older sister, younger brother (trap/could be seen as futa), and younger sister. With a decent story being stuck in a pandemic (Deja Vu?) and very great art so far (animations in future updates). But sucks to say that it doesn't have enough content at all yet. Only enough teasing you makes you want much more. I'm also worried that just staying at their house might get repetitive. Overall though, excited for more updates for this project (it needs it) and would recommend supporting the developer/developers of this game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I've tried this game twice now, but I probably won't try it again. I really like the art, but that's about where the good ends. I could do without the trap, but at least he's avoidable. There are an awful lot of empty time slots, as is common in sandbox games.
    Chloe's minigame is completely useless, as most minigames are, and possibly broken. I did not see a word to type, so the game is unwinnable, therefore I could not progress with her.
    In short, this game would probably be greatly improved with a change to VN format, at this point the sandbox adds nothing positive, only negatives. Perhaps, in the far distant future, there will be enough content to make the sandbox worthwhile, but not at this point. I hadn't played since December, and the only new content I saw was a picture each of the others masturbating, and the broken minigame I mentioned above.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review for V 0.0.5.a]
    The game is still in it's early phases, so it's hard to tell how the pacing of the story will be. So far at least, it's been solid; The dialogue is actually mildly engaging, and helps develop the relationship between characters at a somewhat natural pace. And as for the art? It's somewhat unique, hand-drawn, and looks quite good in my opinion.

    I will say, however, that this is still quite early in development - More of a demo than a game. if you're looking for something to immerse yourself in, i'd wait for a couple of updates, as what is currently available isn't much.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So I'll get this out of the way first, I think reviewing this game poorly just because it's new and doesn't have a lot of content is pretty stupid. I see a lot of one stars since it's in such an early state but then I look at literally every game on this site and they'd all get 1 star, with a handful of exceptions, if completeness was the only way to get stars. So I'll review it as if it's a 0.0.4.

    Overall, great game. Biggest thing for me was the dialogue. Very good but at the same time, not insanely verbose. The art is nice, there are a few screens that are a little meh and the combo of hand drawn with 3D model backgrounds is a little jarring at first but pretty soon I was into it. Some rooms are high quality, filled out well and some clearly are placeholders at the moment, like the hallway, which is just a brown room with 3 doors. Despite those nitpicks though, really liked most of the art and for projects like these, they only get better over time as the artist and dev find their groove.

    The navigation for the sandbox could use some work IMO, there are hubs that you go to and then branch off into side rooms, like the hallway and what not but it's not clear which one until you click around a bit. It's at least very snappy and in a convenient spot on screen.

    The UI was actually really good for this stage of development and menu navigation was very quick and snappy. You definitely see some of the benefits of using a nicer engine like Unity over Renpy the first time you dive into the menu and save. There is also already a fully functional hint/walkthrough widget in the game, which is amazing and an indicator for when a room has an event available. There are games under development for years that I have mentioned needed these systems in previous reviews of mine so big plus for the dev.

    To summarize, not a lot of content, it's very early in development after all but I think it has a strong foundation, the dev clearly is at least basically proficient with Unity, has found a talented artist and this is absolutely a project I will be following. If you're looking for sexy scenes however, give this one a few more releases before you download. This is solidly in ecchi territory at the moment.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Short and no fun waste of a visual novel imo that would do better on Renpy then Unity. With only one interaction for the little sister and 2 interactions with the mom and this last update focusing solely on the little brother (personally I'm not into traps of any kind, if you are more power to you) its not worth the disk space downloading. I guess if you want traps then you might enjoy, but not my cup of tea.
    On a more positive note I do love the art work
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice artwork, looking forward to more. Streamlined design - I always appreciate when you don't have to hunt all over the place to figure out what to do. Skipping text is a little on the slow slide but at least it's an option. Interesting dynamic with Casey... curious to see what happens there :)