Unity - Stuck at Home [v0.3.5o] [Moraion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Good: femboy and incest

    Bad: Dev took almost a year for half an hour of content, a couple of bj scenes and still no sex, and is now starting a new project so don't expect any more content for the next few years (if ever).
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    good art but feels like a frustrating cock tease rather than a fun porn game. Prefect setting only to be sqandered by a lack of events/ difficult UI.

    its my favourite setup yet nothing seems to be done with it. I will keep updated with this game but so far i can hardly recomend it
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    each update takes at least 3 months ( currently 8 months with no update) and it barely has any content. the art is only good at the beginning than it becomes like doodles I would draw in my free time, the developer is not professional and wont accept in critisim. the game has been in development since 2021 and now at july of 2024 the story hasn't progressed at ALL. Basically yandereDev situation all over again.
    in short the developer is a scammer please dont get scammed as I did.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Yo this is really good. I actually never rate or comment on any of the games here, so this is a first. I love the art, the gameplay, the characters. It's really well done and I'm looking forward to new updates!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    genuinely, I love the artstyle, it's very cute, I like the plot, the game feels good and comfortable to play
    there is no sex scenes at all (for a while now too), but at least there is some nsfw scenes/drawings and are accessible in the gallery
    also sometimes the game feels a bit slow - the transitions between rooms and corridors feels way too long (I don't have a slow PC), I feel like that should be tweaked a bit,
    if the game had full sex scenes and etc - it would definitely would be 4.5 stars, but 3 for the current state (v0.3.0a)
    I truly cannot wait for this game to be finished and I do hope it won't get abandoned....
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art, lovely characters if youre them, however a lot of content is VERY clearly missing. Loving the storyline but then again, no damn content in this thing. Its been worked on for 3 years and there is not even any sex scenes. Disappointing that i spent my time on this.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    version 0.3.0a
    5 stars for Casey's thiccc femboy ass
    But minus 1 for the fact that after 3 years you still can't fuck it :(
    For anyone into femboys he's unmissable - the cute face + midriff + visible g-string + fat fucking ass... so good.

    The writing in this is great. All the characters have distinct personalities, and the dynamics between the characters are superbly written. Unlike the landlady-tenant bullshit we're all used to, the taboo here is explicit and unavoidable, and makes the story arcs, where they have to confront the nature of these forbidden possibilities, all that much more compelling.

    It's a fucking awesome game, imo. The navigation is painless and the game makes it clear what you have to do to advance the routes. If there were sex scenes it'd be an obvious 5/5, but at this stage it's a glorious blue-balling masterpiece
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art marred by months of waiting for minutes of content and annoying minigames. At least navigating the map (house) is quick and easy.

    Covid lockdown was a rough year but this game feels like an eternity in hell in comparison.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Mia Mini game takes this from 5 stars down to Two. 17 tries on normal and can't complete it and have to wait the full time every time even when I know I screwed up and just want to restart. I love almost everything else about this game the only other problem I have found is the menus seem to have some trouble loading quickly. I understand wanting to have mini games and even having a bit of a challenge and I may not be the best gamer out there, but it just seems unnecessarily difficult.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    No real content whatsoever in this game. Just blah blah blah, mini game, blah blah blah. Biggest waste of time on this site. The game is 2 and a half year old. Would not even make a half decent mobile game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It has been 3 years of development and while the progression is fun with the sandbox element, there are almost no sex scenes. Again, 3 years of development. If the scenes were animated I wouldn't be so harsh but it's very disappointing.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Doing good work so far, make sure not to bloat your files too much and I'd say if it goes over 12 GB you definitely need to go back through and work on optimisation otherwise that is fine. I am not sure how the minigames are meant to scale exactly but from my experience the big sisters phone minigame is considerably more difficult than any of the rest in the current state so maybe try and balance them as while most of the others are quite sisimplelick or click and drag on a certain part kinda fast and one is just tap A or D for a few seconds at a time having one that requires both precision speed and puzzle solving skills to an extent might be a bit much for the average plplayer'sewd rotten brain. Another thing, using fanart as a reward for the minigames is great and all and a good way to allow community interaction but i Iodon'tink this should be kept by the time of full release asude from maybe hidden away in the gallery or as a part of optional minigames but having it there as a reward for the mandatory ones seems a bit odd. Another issue with using fanart being the fact that the community will obviously favor one character over the others as well as every artist being different so you might have that placeholder for the mom's reward there for a while worst-case scenario. Also, while it might require some major reworking with the time line maybe spread out the days that events happen on a little. I slightly ignored the guide for a little while and just wandered around each day trying to run into events and ended up with enough affection to speed through the later 70% of most routes once i started looking at the guide again without having to grind more affection at all and it made the fact that 80% of events happen on Tuesdays or Thursdays glaringly obvious.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    great game so far, it has nice art and great writing. its still pretty bare bones as its still new but judging just by how it is so far and what's already added I can tell its going to be a great game and I cant wait for future updates. good luck to the dev and don't keep us waiting too long for those updates :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I take back every single criticism I've ever had. Thank you for letting me fuck the femboy Moraion (and artist).

    I'll probably update this review once I've finished this update (this itself is a good sign given previous update droughts).

    This update is huge. Firstly, it contains basically an ending for the most popular of the four characters, the femboy Casey. It's a huge update containing MULTIPLE sex scenes, romance, wholesome dialogue, etc. The edging of the past 3~ years have concluded with a full extended finish.

    Additionally, there was a lot of extra animations/scenes added. Most importantly, a lot of pre-existing cgs have been reworked to include ANIMATION, this being all the various masturbation scenes and the new casey scenes. There's also brand new "daydreaming" scenes, and new cgs for Casey's yoga minigame.

    Also that intro was a joke, the developer really should have just been open about the fact they were releasing a huge update, hopefully they'll be more communicative in the future!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Casey and the mother are top tier

    One of the tickest femboys ever

    But there are a lot of problems too

    It takes a long time to load when changing rooms, starting a conversation or event, saving, loading, basically everything takes too long to load, this may be because this is still in an early stage, but it is also the fault of the unity engine, It would be better if it were done in Renpy
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I went into the game thinking I would find something interesting instead I was just bored the characters and art style are good but thats about it there is pretty much no sexual content besides being able to see the girls in the bath and one character masturbating which is quite ridiculous so I can't recommend anyone play this till there are serious content updates.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    First time I peeped it out forever ago, was kind of mid about it.
    Tried again more recently, very nice. Not the most complicated thing I've interacted with, though it actually has attempts at minigames which even at their bare bone state they still are a decent addition.
    Also if you want to speed run scenes for a specific character its very manageable. Game with its current content took me maybe an hour to chop through with minimal reading, occasionally stopping to laugh at the swearing and seeing what day/time/place I need to progress with someone.
    Will be keeping my eye on the changelogs of this one from now on.
    (Hope there is more Casey content in the future.)
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    it's sad but no nothing to do, too much time for no sex, some pic but we want story with casey.

    stop do story with every character if you want but choose one and do something please.

    i really thinks, we just want some story, there is not story
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is very nice, and while I have mixed feelings about this kind of slowburn-story, I like the flow of it, i'm kinda tired of all these novels with H-scenes right at the very first builds with little to zero buildup.
    "LOL imagine expecting good story from porn games -it's a novel, it ABSOLUTELY NEED to have a (at least okay) story. And for now, the writing is VERY good.

    At the same time, I feel like I saw this kind of stuff before. The little cool project that grabbed people by balls on its very early builds and suddenly is hitting all the goals on its funding platform.
    And even while it can't even mantain a steady flow of updates on the current project, is already talking about starting another one.

    I will keep checking on its updates because, again, it's a cool project. But my expectations plummeted when I saw that last goal on subscribestar.

    PS: "dude on a pirate site complaining about the dev getting money LOL"- I used to support some projects like this, but then some stuff happened (on a project from a certain skeleton douchebag), and today I think twice about giving my hard earned money at the slightest sign of boney behavior.
    Not that this is the case.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm enjoying where its going so far, the inclusion of minigames breaks this up from being a plain "game" where all I do is click over and over again with no further thought. I appreciate QoL things like the tips on the computer. The thing I most appreciate is the focus on the household, there's no neighbors or going to school, or whatever.