VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.1.9] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is honestly stunning:

    Robust options
    A variety of kinks featured
    Beautiful and unique art
    Voice acting

    Such amazing care was put into this quality product, I'm honestly stunned.
    Likes: 4MW
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 2.5.5 a good game... but this should probably more aptly be referred to as as the game is not completed and there is certainly a lot of content to come.

    There is enough content to enjoy oneself with and the concept is pretty awesome. Sadly the dev is unaware of vegetarian dragons... speaking of which, there is a pretty good 'good and bad' system in here, not Fable style but rather how you can progress through the game.

    I haven't played through all of the content just yet... (Act 3) but it is well worth the download.

    Oh and so much fun with all the options to turn content off and on... that's amazing! I wonder if you could basically play this as a SFW game....
    Likes: 4MW
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic and highly promising game. Solid voice acting, interesting cast. Good amount of content for both cruel and merciful paths, intuitive gameplay and menus unlike a good chunk of other Renpy games.
    Likes: 4MW
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I've gone through 5 playthroughs of the current content, trying out different combinations for the characters I like. I think this game is going to be one of those gems to play and replay.

    The story of the characters is enthralling and you definitely get a feel for which characters you like and dislike from their dialogue and interaction with you. I like the options of having a sandboxy version along with the limited resource version.

    The player system of stats is intriguing and I'm curious to see how they handle conflicting levels of reputation in dialogue in the future, but from what I can tell, it's going to be amazing regardless.

    The most important part is the sex scenes here. It's rewarding. It's fun. It fits the characters.

    5/5 Sweetrolls if the game had any ;D
    But also, I'm hoping they add a NG+ option where your stats carry over for alternate dialogue. you know possibly Fus Ro Dah the antagonist off the building for a kill when I'm a giant dragon.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game even in its unfinished state, lot of options for dealing with people, but challenging (if not impossible) to get a "perfect" run where you can recruit all of the potential captives, which can be either a good thing or a bad thing based on personal preference. The writing is solid, as well as the voice acting, with the characters actually being believable/behaving as one would expect a real person to under the rules of the world they live in.
    Likes: 4MW
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Too few game really give the choice to be evil, this is one of them and already one of the best, being voiced is always a huge plus, monster porn has never been something i've been into but this check all the right box in my fetish list.

    Really hope this game will live to the expectation it's set up so far, good luck with that developer !
    Likes: 4MW
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Star


    1. One of the most flush out game I've ever play.

    2. Art and Animation is WOW! 11/10 (Mix of western/ Cartoon ish.)

    3. Many path to choose from. (Play as charming evil Dragon, Devilish cruel Dragon, proud, charming, merciful and very innocent dragon... You get the point.)

    4. Very nice sound track and Voice acting. (A little bit cringe without back ground music lol, but still amazing.)

    5. High replay ability, Very enjoyable!
    Likes: 4MW
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun premise. Pretty decent writing. The only real problem I have is working out where to improve stats or whether I'll be caught short by doing things out of order. I'm not a furry and that kind of thing doesn't do it for me, but the writing is pretty charming and the game is generally fun.
    Likes: 4MW
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is one of the best Renply Games out there for a couple of reasons.
    1. This game allows you to turn on or off tags that you like this allows you to customize and only see the content that you want to. It also allows the author to put in tags that some may like while still keeping it perfectly optional.
    2. The premise is extremely original in the fact that you are playing a truly monstrous villain in the form of a dragon. Not a half-dragon human with dragon features. An honest to goodness dragon with four legs, claws, and wings. This not only enables some truly memorable writing but also gives a new take on the monstrous protagonist.
    3. There is also a lot of content in the chapters after the first which allow you to develop your dragon however you like. Want to be a charismatic wyrm that convinces everyone with it's honeyed tongue? You can. Want to be a powerful dragon that smashes all that opposes him? You can. Want to be both at the same time? You better believe that you can.
    4. The art is good and varied and is being updated along with the game it really fits the scenes with some truly fappable content available.
    5. The Voice acting is good for me but I can see if someone else wouldn't like it.

    Now for some of the Negatives.
    1. While there is a lot of content in the later chapters after 1 this does come with the issue of the time constraints. There's a lot of things to see but if you don't know where it is there is a chance you'll miss it. This really hurts as the content is good but missing it makes it meaningless.
    2. With no clear way to tell how difficult a check will be you sometimes have to guess if you are strong or charismatic enough which is kind of a pain especially when combined with the time constraints mentioned above. There's a proper path to play this game and sometimes it feels like you need to follow that rather than exploring around a bit.

    Final Verdict: It's a great game that I can see going places and is worth your time and if you want your support. It has some flaws but they are eclipsed by the positives. If you are looking for a truly monstrous villain protagonist game this is the one for you!
    Likes: 4MW
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    good idea, bad execution.
    it's never possible to know which options are "good" or "bad". the player is guessing what the developer wants instead of actually reading situation and playing game. TV TROPES "solve the soup cans" logic.

    has shitty VN habit of doing false choices. also of having "SURPRIZE EVENT" out of nowhere. it is not a VN exactly because of stats. it is not a game exactly because player has almost zero agency. player never knows if choices matter or not. player never knows if choice will work or not.

    for example with huntress encounter, "charm" option leads to game over with 7 charm. i have no idea if 7 is high or not. I have no idea how high it needs to be to work. I have no idea if it even CAN work or it's another fake choice.

    entire game is like this. fake choices, unclear decisions. it can be fixed, but it will not be.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ravager is very rapey and gorey (?) so you might wanna avoid this if you are not into that (You're playing as a dragon what do you expect? Have some tea with them? Hell no! You either capture, kill, corrupt, rape or do all of them at once)

    (Disclaimer: I played this on mobile and it works amazingly)

    Story (8.8/10): Not the worst story at least it kept it's originality but it certainly is not the best. You'll most likely to stick on each character's story but not as a whole nor even your own story (as a dragon). For example, Mina (the merchant), her story is interesting as she is a struggling merchant and you'll further learn her story as you progress the game.

    Gameplay (8.3/10): For a VN, this ain't bad. Controls can get a little clunky and UI is not terrible but the sizes of the prompts and some dialogues are large and tend to overwhelm the screen. (This ain't a problem in PC but it is in Mobile) Also, stats are a little confusing in terms of story.

    Characters (9.2/10): Never have I seen a character in an H-game that behaves normally like a human being and that gives them a unique personality to each of them. For example, Mina (the merchant), as I said before she is a struggling merchant and will do almost anything for the sake of money but that she still has some decency to deny things she didn't like and will provide you some assistance too.

    Visuals (8.1/10): Art and animations are decent and unique but the CG's are inconsistent. For example, Mina's BJ scene and Mina's Rape scene, she looks different when you compare them to each other. Another thing is the MC's dick, what the hell is happening to his PP? One scene it's huge and the other scene it shrunk and then the other it became an entirely different dick. C'mon the art are amazing but make it consistent.

    Audio (9.1/10): Wow this game has original soundtrack (as far as I know) and a decent voice acting. Well that's about it, I'm not really into audio so yeah.

    Others: Replayability is at the top but it doesn't mean high replayability equals to a good game. Sometimes it gets tedious and just like the other reviewer said, he continues to save each choice as to know every possible outcome BUT sometimes you're lock to other scenes if you made the wrong decision like the Maely's first encounter in Act 2.

    Overall (8.7/10): It's a great game, try it out guys. :3


    Edited some typo and grammar

    Note: Once the big update comes, I'm gonna do a PROPER review. Now that I look at it carefully, my scores are scuffed and I really should tighten the scores (just 0-10 scoring next).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique protagonist, story is interesting, large verity of characters, the art style is different but good, lots of fetishes and the choice of being good evil smart or strong.
    Can't wait for more updates fantastic game 5/5.
    Likes: 4MW
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Reload simulator with inconsistent art (super cutesy out of sex, suddenly a completely different artstyle during). You pick options from a menu to visit locations, attack people, etc, and some of them raise your stats, which are supposed to help you in other scenes. But they don't really seem to. I can be just as much of an asshole if I be a nice guy for the entire game as if I be a dick and reverse. More importantly, the game is full of instant death events that don't seem to respect your stats. If you just go into a scene they haven't written yet it'll kick you to the main menu like you died even. So you end up having to tediously save every single scene and try everything to find the one option that doesn't instantly kill you for picking it.
    This makes it more annoying than tittilating to play.
    And this is assuming the scenes are even possible to survive or 'win'. Which they may not be.
    The game runs on a timer but its its so generous I ran out of anything to do before running out of time despite wasting turns on seemingly unwinnable events.

    As far as the sex goes its... okay. The dragon is mostly consistent in his size (outside of the blowjob scene where he inexplicably has a human sized cock). The girls are... kind of boring. And you don't have nearly as much control over them as you should, given you literally kidnap them and lock them in your base guarded by your followers.
    Like you kidnap a merchant chick. Can you fuck her? No. You can titfuck her. You can say ''I am going to fuck you''. But then you just can't, she just says ''no lol''. And your only option is to kil her. Or titfuck her. If I have two serperate entire armies preventing her escape, have her in my base, am a fucking dragon with a reputation for being an evil rapist, I shouldn't still have to respect her boundaries. If I was doing that I never would have kidnapped her.

    Overall it gets 3 stars for nice if inconsistent art, good char design and a neat concept but I can't really give it more than that.

    It also has voice acting but they all talked too slow for me to listen to so I can't really comment on that
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Harrison True

    Best voices I've ever heard in an H-game. The art is phenomenal, the stats actually matter, and I'm always on the edge of my seat. I think my fav aspect is the replayability, I still haven't found all the scenes! Makes for a good pasttime while I wait for the next version
    Likes: 4MW
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very entertaining fantasy adult VN with great writing and pleasant to look at drawn art style with a wide variety of interesting and distinct characters.

    The game has plenty of story choices as well as dialogue interactions that vary from being cruel and evil to charming, as well as a dragon can be, and the dragon as the MC is implemented really well and actually feels like your an intelligent beast and not just a human character with a dragons body. The game also features plenty of explicit and well-written sex scenes and the most violent ones are mostly optional and never feel too forced or unnerving, as well as plenty of other different types of kinks that are completely optional and are selectable in the game's preferences menu.

    Overall one of the best fantasy AVN that I came across with fun writing that has plenty of story choices and well-executed ideas such as army and fortress building with conquests in a simple but entertaining implementation.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Innovative angle on a well known trope. The savagery of the game depends largely on your choices, making them meaningful. Although the harsh tags are well justified, the game does not have cruelty and malice in its DNA, which i greatly approve of. The characters are distinct and the dialogue is well written and intelligent. The music is surprisingly immersive and the voice acting is icing on the cake.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: 10/10
    Originality: 10/10
    Replayability: Definitely there until you find the "best route" and I wouldn't say its boring.
    The game has a pretty good amount of content, woven in a great story for this genre (although the story might be a little GoT inspired). On top of that it has Voice Acting.
    Honestly pretty good game, by my standards almost perfect and have been playing it for months. I would like to see "pregnancy" tag. Pregnancy as a way to get more kobolds and/or when we save the princess.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Ravager is shaping up to be a solid Visual Novel. This is NOT a knock off of other dragon-related games; it is an original effort where the labor of love shows.

    Choices are important in this game. There are several branching pathways and many kinks to be fulfilled. Don't like a particular fetish, no problem, the developer has set up the ability to turn these off in the Preferences. Original music, artwork, writing, and voice acting help tell the story.

    I have to say, hearing a unique musical score for a VN is a treat, it doesn't distract and establishes each scene. I can't wait to hear what new guitar rifts will project from my speakers in future updates.

    The animated characters are overflowing with personality, definitely my favorite part, but really wish they were what used for sex scenes instead of the digitally painted pieces. This isn't to say that the digital paints are bad, it's just my preference.

    The writing is slowly being refined, I tried an earlier version of the game and found it lacking, but is definitely starting to improve. With the many narrative pathways, you can tell the writing team is beginning to grow.

    Audiophiles consider this a warning!
    The voice work is a mixed bag. The female voice actors tend to have better sound quality. I'm not sure if this is due to better equipment, optimal recording, varying compression, or post-processing. Whatever it might be, to individuals that can hear the difference between different KBPS ranges, you will notice the variation in the audio of voice acting.

    Ravager doesn't waste time to get you into its story and has several locations to visit. I have an inkling these will be expanded in later versions of this VN.

    This is definitely a project to follow if you want something out of the ordinary. Consider this 4.4 Stars out of 5.

    Edited for grammar.
    Likes: 4MW
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game if you look for mindless evil choices, and MC male domination

    - Pro:
    - Very short texts/conversations, much choices
    - You can be evil, ravish females in multiple ways and afterwards even eat them (you are a dragon)
    - Good art
    - Plays very fast

    - Con:
    - Of course in a game with little text, it is shallow
    - Dragon has dragon dick, which has great size, but I would have preferred human dick
    - In my first playthrough I ravaged all females, refused to talk, and eat everyone, but eventually that lead me to getting killed, so I will start over and be a little more cautious
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1723329

    You can tell some budget went into this game.

    -Quality Voice Acting (with many cute accents, and it’s really hilarious also, for example to hear some of the voice actors yelling “Fuck my ass!!” in the middle of the sex scene lol)

    -Quality CGs in different art styles keep everything fresh

    -Quality character animations outside of CGs

    -Your Choices actually matter! Let’s imagine you thought killing your merchant was a good idea, but later on you are in dire need of funds? well fuck

    -Different ways of going about things. Cruelly raping and murdering everyone u see, or kidnapping them so they help u in the future?

    (Don’t worry about the whole gay/bestiality/gore/... tags, all of this is kept to a minimum and you can easily turn it off as well)

    Overall there is no reason to skip this game and you should play it^^

    Some suggestions to make the game even better:
    -A movement system(like seeds of chaos for example) or at least a map would be useful.
    -A small combat system would also be cool
    -And maybe some upgrades/ ressource allocation (invest money into better lair defenses, invest XP into ability to fly longer/ spit fire or watever)