
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
View attachment 4106735

Dev Diary 83

Howdy everyone. GIL here.

Progress towards the completion of Chp4up5 is steady. As of right now, the update stands at 2465 images, 63 videos and 45,294 words. 231 images, 0 videos, and 3,927 words were added over two weeks. Additionally, we have 10 or so animation drafts in the "fridge", but let's not count those just yet. Some might not make the final cut, after all.

The current scene we're working on might be the most ambitious we've ever made, or so we think. The amount of actors to handle and manage is staggering at times, and keeping The Flow™ going is quite a challenge. Regardless, we're very happy with the results so far. Character arcs are being addressed, important decisions presented, and fun unexpected combos happening. Everybody is going to get their time, but so far it seems Ian, Veronica, Hana and Mina will have the more significant happenings in this particular scene. We'll see, some things are still in the air (we're hacks!).

Considering all we have already and the plan in motion, I'm pretty sure this update will top the statics chart, but I don't think we will need more than 20 more clips to do what we want, so beating the record in that department is unlikely. Estimating clips is tricky though, with alternative angles demanded on the fly for script needs or sudden bursts of inspiration.

Looking at the raw numbers it could appear as if we've slowed down a wee bit in the last 2 updates, but it's far from the truth. Increased graphical quality requires more time invested every step of the way, and managing all the quantum aspects of the script while weaving a cohesive narrative that hits the goals set is a colossal task at times, only growing in difficulty as we progress. I'm an actual workaholic, not doing work-related tasks for a full day makes me very uneasy, and almost never happens. TD on the other hand can banish me to the basement for a week with half a day of inspired channeling, and the amount of time he spends looking into his soul while contemplating our next move is unsung.

Bottom line, You can be damn sure we're working our asses off to present to you a satisfying and memorable update that will move the story forward in significant ways. We're close to the finish line, feeling fresh, motivated, and having a lot of fun.

As always, thank you kindly to all of you who keep our lights on with your support. You guys make it happen as much as we do. It means the world to us.
According to GIL, our intrepid devs have averaged around 116 images, 0.0 videos and 1964 words per week over the last two weeks. GIL's terminology is different than our usual, but I believe that translates to an overall average of around 93 statics, 2.4 animations, and 1714 words per week since work on Chapter 4 Update 5 began. Here are the charts for Week 26:
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As GIL noted, the raw numbers are down a little this time, but that is likely a side effect of working on a very complex scene. The good news is that the upper bound of ~20 more animations needed (some of which may already exist) suggests the scene is less massive than the whole of Felicia's event in Ch4Up4 (though potentially more dense), and thus there's a reasonable chance we'll see a released before the end of the year. We still have 300+ statics to crank out in addition to those animation, so we're probably looking at something on the order of 5 weeks of time left to finish creating artwork for the update, plus a couple weeks of testing. That would put release in the vicinity of early December - though there's obviously considerable wiggle room (particularly as we approach the minefield that is the holiday season).

All told we're still some distance off, but probably a little closer than I would have estimated a couple weeks ago. Fingers crossed that no serious snags crawl out of the woodwork in the final stretch!
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