
Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
It's not clear if the author of that guide believes those things himself, or if he's speaking in the voice of [what the average harem enthusiast would want]. If it's the latter, indeed I'd say he's accurate. It's moronic, but it's accurate. They see anything less than a totally unequivocally committed harem of virgins as a cuck tale.

I get the fantasy, every guy at some point has dreamed of a rotating stable; but there can only be so many stories of that before utter boredom sets in. It's basically a guide on how to make WVM.
True, it might be written from a "what most people looking for the harem tag are most likely to expect from a game wearing it" perspective.
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Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
I mean...I get that in Porn VN terms she is technically a LI, but right now it is somewhat hard to see her getting together with an 18 year old who would always remind her of the darkest chapter in her life and how would that work with her daughter that would be much closer in age to the MC than Rosalind? :HideThePain:
Edwin is 22, not 18. Rose: 36. 14 years is a big gap, but not huge. It's workable. Her daughter is 12 or 13. I don't remember which, so Ed is 9 or 10 years older than her. Sure, he's closer in age to her than Rose, but not by much. Importantly though, Edwin is a pretty responsible guy for the most part aside from his recent involvement in the club. If he continues to conduct himself with maturity, it will significantly influence how he'll be received in household that's dealt with a fuckup as male influence to this point. Besides, he's going to busy with med school and residency until she goes to college anyway. The daughter might not call him Daddy, but Rose will.:devilish:
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Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Edwin is 22, not 18. Rose: 36. 14 years is a big gap, but not huge. It's workable. Her daughter is 12 or 13. I don't remember which, so Ed is 9 or 10 years older than her. Sure, he's closer in age to her than Rose, but not by much. Importantly though, Edwin is a pretty responsible guy for the most part aside from his recent involvement in the club. If he continues to conduct himself with maturity, it will significantly influence how he'll be received in household that's dealt with a fuckup as male influence to this point. Besides, he's going to busy with med school and residency until she's goes to college anyway. The daughter might not call him Daddy, but Rose will.:devilish:
Yeah okay, I was mistaken with his age, but I don't think it changes my point. The age difference was more of an addendum and not the main argument. It still means that Edwin is as different in age to Rosalind as her daughter is old.

Could TD still end up writing both into a relationship? Sure, but it will be difficult to do it convincingly.
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Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
Yeah okay, I was mistaken with his age, but I don't think it changes my point. The age difference was more of an addendum and not the main argument. It still means that Edwin is as different in age to Rosalind as her daughter is old.

Could TD still end up writing both into a relationship? Sure, but it will be difficult to do it convincingly.
Sorry, I misunderstood your main argument. It seemed like two of your three supports for why Rose is an unlikely LI were age related (he's 18, reminder of her dark chapter, closer in age to daughter).
Age doesn't always matter in real life and much less so with fictional characters. When I was 27, a client of mine once told me that she couldn't figure out my age because I looked like I was in my 20's but acted like I was 40. It might have been intended as a compliment, but even so... :cautious: Anyway, if a young man conducts himself "like a man" he's treated as such. If he's a frivolous fuckboi, then he's treated like an inconsequential twit by women who want a reliable partner. My point is the age thing is an easy problem to deal with, plot-wise.
The reminder of her darkest chapter is the real sticking point, buuut if he's the guy that helps her out of the trouble that lead her into this dark chapter, then I think there's a real chance that she's eternally grateful and will want to hitch her wagon to a young doctor's rising star.
To successfully write this pairing believably will indeed require care and consideration, but we're talking about T motherfucking D. He can do it.
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Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
To successfully write this pairing believably will indeed be require care and consideration, but we're talking about T motherfucking D. He can do it.
No doubt, we'll see, where the story goes. Right now it seems the plot points of the next update will be Hana and Mina getting to know each other better, Frankie potentially starting to have feelings for the MC (reading all that from one render with a line of text is a stretch, I know) and maybe we'll get a better idea of the relationship between Felicia and Edwin as well.


Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
I know the point of contention of what qualifies as harem, but I've been clear on the subject over the years, and even recently:

And speaking to my taste, I just don't like harems or incest in stories.

Generally speaking, the MC convincing five women to love and be monogamous solely to him stretches my personal suspension of disbelief a tad too thin in most cases, outside of more shlocky scenarios. It CAN work, but it doesn't suit the tone I want for Pale Carnations.
Now, our potato MC casually banging multiple hot women probably tickles that harem instinct for some people, but to me it comes down to commitment, context, and ultimately resolution. Honestly, disregarding that my idea of what's romantic won't be universally shared (and depending on the heroine, will look wildly different from the next), getting Edwin into a loving relationship with just a single heroine in an organic and semi-believable way by the end of Chapter 5 is what I forecast as my greatest hurdle. In no way will Edwin knock up the entire cast while they all live in blissful spiritual matrimony, fulfilled and whole as one happy cohesive unit - and never mind the lack of a tag, I hope that's evident from the tone of the game.

That said, as a story, the imagined happenings after the credits is less important than what happens before IMO, and this game will have plenty of group scenes by the time it's done: MMF, FMM, and beyond. So if that's why harem games appeal to you, then it's something. Although I know, from personal experience, context is king when it comes to what powerpoint slideshow you jerk your meat to.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
The reminder of her darkest chapter is the real sticking point, buuut if he's the guy that helps her out of the trouble that lead her into this dark chapter, then I think there's a real chance that she's eternally grateful and will want to hitch her wagon to a young doctor's rising star.
To successfully write this pairing believably will indeed require care and consideration, but we're talking about T motherfucking D. He can do it.
Honestly, I don't think it needs to be all that hard. The thing about 'darkest chapters' is that they're very subjective and a lot of it hinges not on how the chapter develops but how it ends. Rosalind is unquestionably going through a miserable month, but I suspect that *if* she can walk away from it knowing she's given her daughter a 'normal' life, then she'll be quite able to make peace with her ordeal once it's all over.

Triumph over adversity is a powerful narrative. It has a way of accentuating the positives and downplaying the negatives when you look back secure in the knowledge that everything turned out well. And if the MC plays a big role in her success their shared suffering might actually draw them closer together, sort of like how veterans - even ones from opposite sides - can sometimes overlook the horrors of war and focus on the bonds they formed in the process. Sure, they'll need to come up with a cover story for how they met that's suitable for polite society, but that's easily done; the age gap isn't that big.

Of course, this hinges on Rosalind being able to look back from a place of success. If the month of being degraded and abused was merely the precursor to a life in hock to the Club and a permanent estrangement from her daughter then yeah, she's never going to want to look at the MC again. But while giving her (and/or the other Carnations) a relatively happy ending is certainly an uphill struggle, I think it's a plausible outcome if the MC pitches in. It will take a delicate touch to pull it off, but TD (and GIL!) have demonstrated they have the skill, planning and patience to pull it off.

I'm even cautiously optimistic they want to do so! <fingers crossed!>

Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
It's an exercise bike with a screen on it, so you can pretend you're riding through the Poconos or at a spinning class while you're in your living room. I think they make rowing machines with screens on them too. Basically, all I know is fashionable people are very happy while inspirational, energetic music plays in the background as they do cardio at home. That, and some fortunes were made and lost during the pandemic if you decided to hop on that stock's hype train.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
It's an exercise bike with a screen on it, so you can pretend you're riding through the Poconos or at a spinning class while you're in your living room. I think they make rowing machines with screens on them too. Basically, all I know is fashionable people are very happy while inspirational, energetic music plays in the background as they do cardio at home. That, and some fortunes were made and lost during the pandemic if you decided to hop on that stock's hype train.
Which was at a meta level related to his quote for the ad that was a little too honest :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
It's not clear if the author of that guide believes those things himself, or if he's speaking in the voice of [what the average harem enthusiast would want]. If it's the latter, indeed I'd say he's accurate. It's moronic, but it's accurate. They see anything less than a totally unequivocally committed harem of virgins as a cuck tale.

I get the fantasy, every guy at some point has dreamed of a rotating stable; but there can only be so many stories of that before utter boredom sets in. It's basically a guide on how to make WVM.
That's kind of the point of the guide: a harem guideline.

Not necessarily how to write each and every person or even to do everything it says but to help invigorate a few main archetypes within that type of story.

I certainly didn't see it in Oppai Oddyssey (and I'm slow walking that one even SLOWER than I am PC...) and not every dev is going to follow it.

Certainly there can be better guides (or stories like old ones on Literotica) but it's not to swear by every work done but look at them as ways the community can grow and learn just like the devs to make better writing a goal.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Guys, let me turn the tables on the debate on Rosalind being interested in a relationship with Edwin:

if you were a 21 years old man, would you really favour a 36 years old woman with a 12 years old daughter over a 19 years old blond model?

Seriously, bros, come on... :whistle:


Nov 20, 2018
Guys, let me turn the tables on the debate on Rosalind being interested in a relationship with Edwin:

if you were a 21 years old man, would you really favour a 36 years old woman with a 12 years old daughter over a 19 years old blond model?

Seriously, bros, come on... :whistle:
Well, lots of men are just boys who want a new mom who they can also fuck.
For them Rosalind makes perfect sense.
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