
Jun 3, 2020
Kathleen's next big scene will be her "test" of Edwin, if you opted to visit her after Exhibition 2, although that is likely outside the update after the next.
OOOOhhhh... so the next one will be the one when MC will use the "box of fun"... sounds exciting. Can't wait to see how TD and GIL arrange the presentation.

It should be fun.
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Apr 16, 2017
I'm curious to see how this episode will go with Veronica. I think she's most interesting Carnation from a "corruption" perspective, where corruption is loss of control, or how far the character changes from where they started without intending to, rather than degradation.


This is one of the few VNs where the characters are complicated enough to wonder where they'll end up based on their characterization and player choices. (y)
Corruption is a process, not a loss of control. And none of these characters have any control no matter how much they perceive it. That's somewhat the issue here.

Rosalind has been put into debt. She's gone to Kathleen to try to alleviate debt. She's willing to do anything because she has a single minded drive to help her daughter. Edwin can relate because his mom did something similar with porn while Rosalind is doing sex club shenanigans.

Felicia had no control to help out the art school close to her. Her husband wouldn't help her as he views her as a trophy wife only good for looking good and nothing more. Her motivation is independence and she has the drive to do it. What she wants is to be able to save what she wants over having someone control what she deems important.

Veronica has been put to debt up to her eyeballs and now she's about to lose everything in her house/gym. She's cornered. She wants to get out but sacrificed her marriage just to have this roof over her head. Her motivation is this little piece of independence and this roof over her head which she can keep.

Mina and Hana are meant to be two sides of a coin. That's the dichotomy at play with them. Hana Mina is your dark but honest goth chick while Mina Hana is your light but naive aspect. With some of the choices, you could have them see Edwin as a scumbag or possibly as a path to both but their characterizations and choices we'll have to determine and see as the last update lead to some interesting things near the future.

Harper is the most professional of the girls and the right hand to Dalia. When she says she trusts you, she's trusting you with her life. But remember that you've had interactions with her before that which allow her to better know you such as going at it with her, Dalia, and Kathleen as a reward as well as possibly knowing her when you go to meet Mina at her concert or finding her trying to make out with Lucy. You might be her boss, but you build a relationship with her that allows her to begin to know you better.

Dude, I don't know what you mean by "the most corrupting scene". Finding out Augustus brought his daughter into the business is pretty high up there. Rosalind flashing an old dude for pics is pretty corrupting. Veronica taking pictures in her gym and eventually collaring herself is corrupting. They're making do with a situation they were put into beyond their control. That's the point. Doing the best in a bad situation.

And yes, while Felicia has an exhibitionist streak, remember that when there's no crowd, she's far weaker since her hedonist ego isn't being stroked.


I think that the main thing isn't that this is all corruption. I think the word here is that this is "characterization". We're seeing all of the characters put through trials and see what comes out of it. Based on what you're saying, this is certainly one of the VNs I look forward to especially as all the characters bring something to the story and something to the table.
Last edited:
May 23, 2021
tbf the last update leaked almost instantly in like a couple hours tops; that being said, i dont mind waiting for the public release, TD and GIL deserve the support
the one before the last one if my memory serves me right the last one took a good time to be posted here
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