RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Ian obviously has a crush on MC's mom. But dunno how serious is it. Either platonic (he misses motherly figure) or straight love (after watching her porn maybe).
Definitely not an affair at this point.
From what the game shows Ian treats Vicky as a motherly figure, something that he doesn't do with is own mother. She is the only woman he seems to respect.
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2021
From what the game shows Ian treats Vicky as a motherly figure, something that he doesn't do with is own mother. She is the only woman he seems to respect.
It's not like Ian hasn't been known to fuck up his existing relationships because he can't keep his dick in his pants.
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Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
From what the game shows Ian treats Vicky as a motherly figure, something that he doesn't do with is own mother. She is the only woman he seems to respect.

You know, if I wouldn't know that the very author of the game is reading this thread and that I would therefore very much endanger him to laughing himself to death while reading my theories I would potentially elaborate. But as things stand I rather see how the game continues and keep my theories for myself. :LOL:


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
But as things stand I rather see how the game continues and keep my theories for myself. :LOL:
I doubt that TD would get a health-related problem from our theories. ;) Over time we already stated several both interesting and farfetched ones and while he was certainly amused, TD withstood the assault on his laughing muscles. So please state some of y<our theories, we all are curious.:)


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
I doubt that TD would get a health-related problem from our theories. ;) Over time we already stated several both interesting and farfetched ones and while he was certainly amused, TD withstood the assault on his laughing muscles. So please state some of y<our theories, we all are curious.:)

All I have are a few hints here and there that COULD point towards a romantic relationship between Victoria and Ian but really don't have to. So it isn't exactly a strong case I can make here. Also it has been a couple of months since I last played the game (especially the earlier parts of it).

So a few hints would be, that Victoria doesn't even seem seriously look for a new relationship. She also seems to be fine to wear nothing but a towel in front of Ian. Ian on the other hand doesn't seem to be too bumped up, that Mina finally dropped him and why would he if he is actually in a relationship with another woman he really has feelings for. He also seems to be perfectly okay with fucking older women that took care of him, when he was younger.

Also the weird case when Victoria and Ian appear together in the MC's apartment. Then there is Ian not even reacting to the question during the birthday party. And there is probably plenty more but all just "possible hints" and no solid prove as far as I remember.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
You know, if I wouldn't know that the very author of the game is reading this thread and that I would therefore very much endanger him to laughing himself to death while reading my theories I would potentially elaborate. But as things stand I rather see how the game continues and keep my theories for myself. :LOL:
Try it. They enjoy reading people hypothesis about the game. :)
Ian's mommy issues and sexual preferences overlap in the story already, mc seems aware of that even if he isn't
He will need lots of therapy to fix the damage done by his sociopath uncle.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2019
He will need lots of therapy to fix the damage done by his sociopath uncle.
At this point I'm wondering if Chuck isn't a full blown psychopath.

Edit: You know what, let's break this down from the first google search article of psychopath I found

1) "Psychopaths get bored easily" - Well no shit there, look at where Chuck frequents.

2) " Psychopaths are very charming" - He charmed his nephew into joining the club, and when Ian couldn't convince Edwin, he took it upon himself to throw on the charm at Edwin to get him to join (to say nothing of the lack of empathy it would take to be motivated to do these things to these people.)
Clearly this is an additional checkmark in the psychopathy box.

3) "Pathological liars" - I'm not convinced on this one. Maybe others more familiar and who've played the story more recently than me can give explicit examples of him lying . That said, this doesn't rule it out. This is a story after all, and unless the story calls for Chuck to lie for a specific reason to suit the narrative, we'll never know about it as it would be irrelevant.

4) "Psychopaths lack realistic long term goals." Direct quote from the article here - "While psychopaths are goal-driven, many take a carpe diem approach to long-term planning. They believe they need to live in the moment instead of planning for the future, although what goals they do have often are disconnected from any probably [sic] future. They have an inability to ground their understanding of their lives in reality. "

I'd say that sums of the Chuck we know in the game pretty damn well. Enough said there.

5 - "Psychopaths think they're superior" - Again, I think I'd file this one under the 'we don't know for sure because the story doesn't make this information relevant." That said, I think it would be hard to argue against this point. In fact, this point could be used to argue that every owner in PC is at least a borderline psychopath.

6 - "Psychopaths can switch their empathy on and off" - He does this with Edwin and Ian constantly, and this is just the glimpses we get from Edwin's (our) POV. It's not hard to imagine just how often and consistently he does this in a place like PC, or with the girls that work there.

7 - Psychopaths have a bad temper - I think our definitions of 'temper' could differ here, but surely I'm not the only one here who would say this qualifies? We've seen Chuck get 'serious' a few times now. Perhaps that's his way of a losing his temper? (again, perhaps others with more fresh, specific examples could help shore up this point)

8 - Psychopaths are sexually promiscuous
giphy (4).gif

9 - Psychopaths are impulsive or irresponsible - yep.

10 - Psychopaths were problematic as children - N/A

11 - Psychopaths engage in criminal behavior - yep.

Yeah the rest of these are no brainer and I'm bored.

But here's what I find most interesting about all this - I'm no longer actually convinced Kathleen is a psychopath.

I think she's just a sadist. A piece of shit person, certainly, but a bona-fide psychopath?

No, I think that designation might belong exclusively to our dear uncle Chuck.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
But here's what I find most interesting about all this - I'm no longer actually convinced Kathleen is a psychopath.

I think she's just a sadist. A piece of shit person, certainly, but a bona-fide psychopath?
Hold up... Wait a minute... Now how are you pretending that Kathleen ain't a full bag o crazy?

Sadism is one thing. But this lady is doing drug deals on the side, will suck you off just to "piss off" her partner in said deal, relishes in using a charity that's in her dead sister's name and mangling it beyond recognition, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head!

Her main deal is to get more shares of the club than Chuck or anyone else and basically run the place as she sees fit while not caring one deal about the people she hurts along the way. That is NOT standard behavior and Google can't place that bag o crazy on a special list.


Active Member
Jun 22, 2018
Hold up... Wait a minute... Now how are you pretending that Kathleen ain't a full bag o crazy?

Sadism is one thing. But this lady is doing drug deals on the side, will suck you off just to "piss off" her partner in said deal, relishes in using a charity that's in her dead sister's name and mangling it beyond recognition, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head!

Her main deal is to get more shares of the club than Chuck or anyone else and basically run the place as she sees fit while not caring one deal about the people she hurts along the way. That is NOT standard behavior and Google can't place that bag o crazy on a special list.
Yeah, in the scene in which you decide to go to her after the second exhibition she pretty much confirms she always has been..."different"


New Member
Jul 27, 2023
I made a Cheat mod for This Masterpiece game and decided to share it. It's based on Scrappy's CheatMod. So thanks for giving me the green-light to use his cheatmod as a base. And Many thanks to wurg for helping and guiding me.

Note: The Cheatmod should work with the future updates, unless the Dev Add or Change variables.

(I tested the cheat mod on the Public update and it works well without any issues.)

Pixeldrain / Workupload

View attachment 1653899 View attachment 1698827 View attachment 1698829 View attachment 1698830
how to use it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
Folks... I just... I want ya'll to understand that these people are NOT good people. Kathleen is full blown psycho and I don't know how she's married to a judge who hasn't figured out that she gonna need more than Jesus on Sunday because that sinner going to Hell on a speed train when she croaks.

Chuck is Intelligence. Full blown. Like... You ever watch Burn Notice? A blacklisted spy? Chuck is probably the one that blacklisted the spy to get him killed. One of his crowning achievements is playing go on a female's ass and teaching his nephew his hedonism. He can pretend he's a good person that "worked his way up" all he wants. That mofo was a MADE. GORRAMN. MAN.

Augustus? Bruh... Come on... He blackmailed his own flesh and blood to work for him and get her into the business. There might be agony and torment, but look what that man can do. The only good Yakuza you'd ever see is Kiryu and he's an idealistic figure. Nah, homie is straight up a meaner Majima, pocket knife and all that would sneaksnag you if you messed with his money.

We are being told a DARK story. There is SOME light there. But depravity, corruption, and broken bodies are far more likely than a happy end (besides you getting off with one of the girls)

Hell, even Jacob, as sociable as he is, has KILLED some mofos while Wolfguy... Yeah...

The point of the story is that there aren't that many good people. Just a lot of bad ones with maybe one or two redeemable qualities AT BEST serving some rich assholes with too much money and not enough scruples.


Oct 18, 2017
I think Edwin's mommy issues are the cause of his awkward and poorly adjusted personality. At the beginning of the game, he has no friends save Ian, who he tolerates at best. He's also not very experienced with women, having only a few short relationships, in his own words. He also seems to put on his "good guy" mask, but is heavily dissasociated from his true feelings, but when they come out they're not very nice.

I thing his penchant for sexual cruelty and sadism also stem from his unresolved mommy issues and anger he's trying to repress that was caused by his mom's tapes. As for Vicky, they need to have an honest conversation about her gangbanging days, because the cat is out of the bag and Edwin's formed an image of his mother that may or may not be true. Having your whole life revolve around your mother being a "martyr" is a very weak foundation, and it's not healthy.

I never said that Edwin's a sociopath, but he can become even more monstrous than Chuck and August if given enough time with Kat, who immidiately sniffed out his dark tendencies. Vicky's a sweetheart and a good, supportive mother to Edwin, but I don't thing she suspects that her videos sent Edwin down a dark path that he'll have a very hard time getting out of.

Like the comment above said, none of them are good people. Even on a good path, Edwin's working in an illegal sex club that exploits and pimps out desperate women for the pleasure of old rich perverts, all for a free tuition. Even at the beginning, Edwin's proven to be a morally grey character. Seriously, none of them are good.


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Is there any consequences to having both mina and hana on the same save? I like em both and cant choose lol
Not right now. But if you on the Hana BF path and promised her to stay faithful and then also do the Mina path, it probably won't end well for you.

As of now there really isn't much difference between the fuck buddy and the boyfriend path, so you can just not do the boyfriend path.
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