RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    I went through this game 2 times, got the ending with a wedding and with a wedding where the main heroine has 18+ with everyone. The game is actually short if you use cheats. But I was annoyed by the points of decrees a little. I got a million of them with the help of cheats. Also, if you want to see the entire content and the entire branch, cheats will also help. Animations are cool, art, pictures are beautiful. The combat mechanics are difficult for a beginner, but then I figured out how to play. But I always missed fights with wins with cheats. I would like to see part 2 of this game. But I think it will be in 100 years. And so 5 stars
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the game is kinda good, but It was a tremendous letdown for me. I played throu almost all the builds of the game while it was in development, and it always piqued my interest, with something more interesting promised for the next update. But that something interesting was always some super vanilla stuff, nothing more. The protagonist deserves 10 stars, but she's super wasted in a game like this. During the game you get some really nice and kinky titles, but they really aren't well implemented in the CGs, which I can't stress how vanilla they are. Then the endings....No spoilers, but they all sucks: I was promised some pregnancy at least, but nothing, all super vanilla and boring. The gameplay is really good, but I don't care about it that much for a hgame, so no bonus points for that, the art is a hit or miss, sometimes kinda good, sometimes kinda bad (never a 10/10, more like a 8 at their best and a 5 at their worst).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Sadly it's one of my most played games on steam, passing both fallout new Vegas and mount and blade warband, but still haven't been past the original dark souls. In all reality, the game is really good for pornagrophy standards, whether it's the pure run or smutty run, it's worth it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    After some time without touching Karryn's Prison, since the v0.6 maybe, I finally get to play it all the way through this v1.2.3. This game is absolutely fantastic on almost every single aspect of it. Truly a masterpiece of hgames and a miracle of coding in RPGM. It is not perfect for sure, but it gets closer than most. The gameplay overall is incredible fun, with the genre masterly united with the combat and the slow descent into a more willingly protagonist. All the mechanics are interesting and captivating. The combat, the upgrades, the management, the corruption, even the many minigames the blessed devs decided to implement. Maybe some of those minigames are not that good, but the mere fact that they exist as an option for you to take a time from the story and combat is already a fantastic addition. Story-wise the game is fun, about Karryn trying to control this mess of a prison filled with men and monsters. With an actual interesting ending and multiple choices depending on how you progress. Even the music is very well made. Personally I really like how protag has multiple art just for her humor, that truly helps making it near real the feelings she has at the moment. A very rare attribute in hgames that use the typical protag overlay during gameplay. That being said I must complain about the art in some moments. Certain proportions simply look weird in certain angles, head to bust to hips. Also the female genitals are not well drawn, there is no escape from that. But overall Karrtn's Prison is a must for people who enjoy hgames.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, playable at several different styles (virgin, super-slut, masochist, sadist, just to name a few) and many different levels. Lots of monsters, each with their own sex attack). Now finished, so good time to try!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated: I've sunk in 136 hours into this game now, and it is definitely staying in my favorites folder. You have to make executive decisions on how you want to play the game, as this is going to determine what upgrades you choose to work with as you're progressing. The story is pretty good, and it focuses primarily on corruption. I played it on the easy difficulty so I could work with cheats and all the better to fap with, and even then it had a fair bit of difficulty to it to not just get beat in battles. I would sometimes play this just to progress through the edict system. 5/5 game, thoroughly enjoyed this title.

    Original: "This game is excellent. The voice acting is scintillating. I've barely started this game, but I can already tell that I'm going to have to move this to one of my favorites. I already really like the edicts and sexual progression system."
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great art and story! I hope more games will be made in this style and painting!
    The lack of censorship of the game itself was a very positive point !
    It was just a bit difficult to unlock all the events because there was no guide :cry:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is a 5, very replay-able and optional of how to progress leveling. All the side jobs and updates give constant additional playtime. The fighting is good for gameplay while the losing is great for horniness. Waiting to try the new gym dlc next.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, where to start?
    It's crazy to see how good adult games are turning out recently, and this one is an absolute unit of an adult game. I'll be talking about different aspects individually bellow:
    Gameplay: Sadly, the game was made in RPGM, which is very limiting in terms of what is possible to do, but don't think you'll find anything like other RPGM games you might have played in the past. The movement is, unfortunately, wandering around on a tilemap, but other than that there is no shortage of unique and fun mechanics built within the system to immerse the player into the situation. The developer built minigames for multiple tasks you're given inside the game, and even the combat won't feel like normal RPGM. Besides the usual "walk around and beat enemies up", you'll need to manage the prison, work side jobs to increase revenue, invest into armor and weapons for you and the guards walking around(which can backfire), and after every fight Karryn will change, making every combat unique. Beat up a lot of inmates? Karryn gets domminant and cocky. Got beaten up and humiliated? Karryn gets submissive and ashamed. Used lewd actions to finish an enemy? Karryn gets more slutty. Enemy did lewd things to Karryn during the fight? She builds up desire and starts fantasizing about lewd things. It's very, very cool.
    Art/H-content: Beautifully drawn, one of the best I've ever seen. Very high quality, high variety of scenes, high number of variation within each scene. Voices, the protagonist talks all the time, and sound which is usually overlooked but very important in adult content in general, this game does it perfectly. Overall, every lewd thing that goes on is hot and somewhat unique, since the sex is playable and depends on how perverted Karryn currently is.
    Veredict: I would give this 6 stars if I could.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    best RPGM to ever exist. completed the game multiple times but still obsessed with it. hope this game never ends. keep the DLCs coming sir.

    i want to give an idea for some DLCs:
    1. add a teacher minigame for the class room on level 2 with some toys and other naughty activities
    2. add a basket ball minigame for level 4. with new scenes and scenarios.
    3. also if possible, add a cunningulus option in the sexual attacks portion.

    can't wait for the upcoming DLCs. keep up the good work
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best RPGM game I've played.

    This is an actual game, with interesting mechanics and the lewd content is well intergrated into the game play. It's leaps and bounds better than the standard click enough times until you unlock the next scene, it's actually playing a game not a grind.

    There are a few things I don't love about the game, would prefer and option to have a more realistic MC over the comically huge tits trope for instance, and the dialogue in the story can be bit corny at times, but all in all, it's just so much more polished and enjoyable a game play experience to give it anything less than 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on here. Very interesting and varied combat (sex / non sex), great voice acting and a challenging corruption system. Awesome work! Will definitely keep following the makers of this, this is a breath of fresh air in terms of how well thought out the various stat changes etc have a real effect on the character.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried this game to see what all the hype was about, was extremely disappointed. Maybe my scoring is harsh but it's probably from being so overhyped and ending up not being anything special. I'm still feeling the backlash of a huge let down.

    First the obvious, the voice acting is pretty good but again, is nothing new. It doesn't get annoying after a while so much credit here.

    The gameplay is okay, it's definitely one of the best BF games I've played but BF is also not new and a few games made it at least as interesting not to say downright better where everything is at least a little forced, not "we're fighting but this is a mechanic so let me put my dick in your hand during a fight or shove my ass in your face".

    The story is simple but serviceable, however the character development and the dialogue is terrible, more on this later.

    The world setting is above average for RPG Maker, it's a prison castle, it's again serviceable, the maps okay for what it is.

    The music was actually pretty decent!

    Karryn seems very sexy early on, especially in the initial busts but the art seems to get worse throughout the game. At some point the art just looks like huge circles. The developer had games where the drawings looked way better in the past, here it feels like thy wanted to make Karryn so thick that they're just drawing huge circles everywhere, it feels very off-putting at times not to mention inconsistent.

    Now the not so obvious. The gameplay for a roguelike gets very repetitive, very fast. I found myself no longer aroused due to the repetitive gameplay rather quickly, I wanted more, oh how I wanted more, but it was just the same thing, over and over again, this would be okay if it was backed up by great character build and plot happening in-between the fighting but the reality couldn't be further from that.

    if the characters were used more and weren't absolutely irrelevant it would actually be nice to progress but no, we're introduced with possible antagonists that have a screen time of 5 minutes and they never show up again. No one in the entire prison is relevant at any point besides Karryn, it's all just battle fuck and unlock minigame, back to battle fuck, new minigame, grind a lot between all that. At some point we are expecting any semblance of substance but that's when it hits me, the authors previous games didn't have that either, they turn quickly into bimbos and the sex is absolutely gratuitous, no plot, no character build, nothing, you just battle fuck until you're a slut, then you put out to "faceless" enemies in a myriad of ways where the art feels repetitive rather quickly and then you're rewarded for your grind with a short minigame, and that's it, for 5 floors.

    For someone that wants a quick game for quick faps, maybe this game is the holy grail, but for someone who wants something innovative with compelling story at moments you're going to be incredibly disappointed and frustrated at the potential this game could have, but doesn't live up to.

    The king appears at the start, then never to be seen again, the former warden looks like he's trying to fuck her right at the start but then he's never to be seen again, everyone around the prison feels like they weren't there the previous day, no story flow, the guards outside your room story wise seem like different guys every day, same for bosses, same for bartenders, there's no conversation, no build, no interesting interactions, no corruption, it's like no one besides Karryn in the whole prison has any personality, the game teases with so much potential early on and ends up being... average at best.

    I can literally sum up the story in one line: "King's secretary becomes warden of a prison and tries to retake control of the prison by force or by allowing everyone to have sex with her while also taking a few jobs to increase morale". And that's it, that's the entirety of gameplay, you can expand on what I said, but nothing happens out of that, it's linear, grindy, it's decent for what it is but at the end of the day it's a disappointing for what it could have been.

    It feels like at a certain point it forgets it's supposed to be an hentai game and the time investment for the reward you get is absolutely unsatisfactory, added to the fact you don't have any recollection system it feels more of a chore than leisure at times.

    While having a lot of entertaining parts well done, fails to be better than the sum of all of them. Ultimately a mess with a lot of potential but failed delivery. Could be one of the best hentai games ever, turns out to be just okay.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    hmm how to start..?
    well lets start with this: KP( Karryn's Prison) is my favorite rpgmaker-game! (rpgmaker becouse other system have diffrent restrictions)

    so why is it so? well..

    First of all lets talk about game design.
    most rpgmaker games have an absolute boring design: talk to that person- get that item- fight that enemy- search for hints....
    i mean most of them are just dull and the only diffrents between normal games and H-game is that you get a H-scene as a reward.

    But in KP? no your goal is to recapture and manage the prison and everything is based around that. you dont talk to people to get quests, no you decide what you do. you dont grind enenies within a boring system, doing the same action over and over again and again only to get exp, money, items and equipment only for you to get access to the next grinding zone. no every fight can be a H-scene, while having a complex fighting system, that gives you a lot of options. and sure, to get access to everything you need to play quite a bit, but i liked that since the system is complex enough to not be boring, while any decision can be impactful for you game, which keeps you entertaint.

    Secound backstory and implementation:
    in KP everything is about the prison. the goal is to recapture and manage the prison (already said that), the prison is where everything happens, all enemies are prisoners, the job are helping in managing the prison.
    the prison is the main focus, so instead of other games sending you from one place to another, here you only move around the prison, which is great, you lern the map fairly quickly and nothing becomes just a passing background.

    third player control:
    this is one of the most important and most impactful parts of any game for the player(in my opinion).
    in most rpgs you just run around clear quests and collect money and items while experiencing the story, but not in KP!! in KP the goal is known and how you reach that is up to you.
    and the game gives you 3 systems to influence the game.(at least i would describe it like that) the edict system, the passive system and the title system
    edict system: buying upgrades for karryn and the prison
    passive system: achievements for and from H-stats (the more, the slutier karryn gets)
    title system: achievements for and from Stats about the prison or karryn
    those can give you access to more abilities, giving you more control.

    fourth graphics
    i mean do i need to explain this one??
    just look at karryn. right?
    great CG.

    so yeah, that is about it.
    i have seen some people saying: its grindy, its to much stats, its what ever
    where i can only wonder, what is wrong with you?
    i mean sure this game has quite some stats to look at but if you understand the basics of the game its not difficult at all.
    and the game can be a bit grindy, but i prefer this game with its many possibilies which are entertaining, over those generic games with simple systems that bore me to death.

    so conclusion: i can recommend Karryns Prison for anyone, especially those who want to play a game that breaks the dull norm and where only your choice matters.

    And i am hopful and curious to see what remtairy is going to do next and if the next game will be even better.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros: Great VA, Fantastic music for this genre, Very unique concept

    Cons: TOO MUCH stats and variables, hard to keep track of EVERYTHING on the leveling menu;
    too much grind for gold and upgrade points;
    gameplay in job minigames is tedious;
    playing safe and using strategies is not very rewarding, basically the only path that is intended for playing is the submissive slut one which is a shame because being a dominatrix and getting even slightly different H-scenes in context as a reward for playing aggressively would've been nice.

    Overall the idea behind this game is cool but otherwise the execution is lacking. The combat is quite good. The artwork is nice and there's a lot variations of a number of H-scenes.
    BUT the story isn't great, the gameplay drags too much after a while and the amount of play time that you have to put in this game to get to the good stuff is too much IMO.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Too many unnecessarily frustrating elements and too few options to control them, even in free-play mode. I also most definitely do not appreciate having scenes locked solely behind defeats, even after finishing the game. Force-feeding people your own desired paths and leaving them few options to control a game in their chosen direction is not a great game-development direction, no matter what else it is that you have done excellently.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing is really good; there was a lot put into the characters and plot. Combat system is engaging and incorporates NSFW elements in a very unique way. There is also a ton of replay value, as the RPG system allows for various builds that impact gameplay in interesting ways.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: This is the best H-game ever made.

    I've seen some reviews saying the combat is dumb or the game is too hard and it is obvious these people didn't try to learn the game's mechanics at all. Yes, the game is hard and if you go in blind you will almost certainly lose, especially if you want to access sex scenes super quickly. However, if you prefer to see a slower corruption and use the visitor centre lots then achieving a pure run is pretty easy. Basically, as long as you don't rush and deliberately lose loads at the start it is easy to see lots of sexual content (which is simply incredible) without reaching a game over really quickly.

    I love that the corruption in this game is slow and this game more than anyother lets you really feel like the protagonist is succumbing at a natural rate. It's also great that Karryn's reactions to being groped, looked at, talked to etc. change as her corruption increases and this is also reflected neatly in the desire and pleasure mechanics in the game.

    The graphics are nice as long as you find Karryn attractive since there aren't any other women in the scenes. Speaking of scenes, the sheer amount of content, variety and scenarios are basically unparralelled giving the game tons of replayability. The gameplay is seamlessly integrated with the sexual content, further adding to KP's replayability and the great UI and mechanincs mean that the game rewards the time you invest rather than being a confusing mess. I have not encountered a single bug whenever I have played this game's full release either. I genuinely believe that Remtairy has created the gold standard for H-games (even though it doesn't seem that he is able to recognise this himself). Provided that none of the game's tags scare you off you should absolutely play this game and if you like corruption games then this is a must play because it is unquestionably the best in the genre.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4319406

    Karryn's Prison could easily be a 5 stars for me. The art, voice acting and general gameplay are all great. the problem has to do with what the game is trying to be (which is a roguelite), and what it is (extreme grind fest).

    This game works differently than other rpg's in that you don't make money from battles, but instead a passive income that you can manage in various was. And a few minigames (which is where the problem starts).

    The mini-games take way too fucking long for what you're rewarded with. The bathroom one works great because you can leave at any time (but is also the only one without a straight up monetary reward) and the stripper job goes by pretty quick. But the receptionist and bar jobs are a pain to deal with. It takes forever to do even the simplest of actions and the higher your reputation the longer it takes. On any normal play through i've done, these always take up around or over half my playtime which is lame considering how samey they get really quick. It's especially frustrating when you spend so much time doing them and end up losing anyway. I don't mind losing a run. I've put in 100's of hours in rogue games and the frustrartion is part of it, and i know. but the biggest difference is that they know you'll lose a lot so runs never last too long, but with karryn, losing a run you heavily invested in is just demoralizing when you have to go through all that again.

    I would still recommend it because it is a high quality game, but if you're only in it for the sex, just cheat in some money with rpgmakersaveedit, play on the lowest difficulty and invest in endurance, dexterity and mind.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    well the gameplay of this is "poor" but i still couldn't make myself give it 2/5 (EDIT: nvm i changed my mind it's a 2/5 game because it's so grindy and the design is so stupid), because if you wanna abuse your heroine you have all the possibilities... it's just to go through the game it's a 1/5 terrible game with atrocious game design. at first sight it seems clever with depth, but it's just unnecessarily complicated, very small amount of thought went into it.

    the game does a good job at first making you believe that all the complications have some clever design, and you are doomed to fail at first, but with the correct build you will succeed... couldn't be further from the truth. even when you know everything, the gameplay is still garbage. enemies outscale you very hard. the bigger level you are and more time passes the harder enemies get.

    show me 1 game which is not ass where you get higher level and you feel weaker... which is the problem here. more enemies, more waves, you get more and more debuffs. unless you rush and cheese the game you will fail. atrocious game design.

    there are so many problems with it. none of it makes sense. first of all you are a lone secretary fighting against hundreds of prisoners who keep respawning in a closed prison, yet none of the guards help you even though there are like 40npc guards you can talk to. makes no sense.

    then agility makes you dodge a great amount of damage... the "only" problem with it is even dodges causes you to lose HP (aka stamina) sometimes even more than if you got hit by enemy. laughably terrible game design. the only use agility has that you dodge special attacks of enemies so you don't get stunned.

    3 physical stats all doing different things, and you need all of them to be useful, yet you have to specialise, so you either will have shit accuracy, shit evasion/speed or shit dmg/hp. again, terrible game design, especially with the enemy scaling.

    feels like a 8 year old put together all his ideas and some programmer created it how it was envisioned and they hired great art for it.

    this might be the first game I've rated low despite being an okay porn game. because the gameplay is too grindy and garbage. and gets boring fast especially when you have to keep fighting waves after waves after waves and enemies after enemies, constantly have to hold enter to skip stuff because it's just so garbage. you can waste 10hours and still be on level2 because that's how bad the gameplay is.