RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though it has little to no animated H scenes the art is very well done Still making it able to compete with some of the best stuff out there while keeping the presentation quite simple.

    Overall visuals gamewise look pretty nice. not the generic rpg maker visuals here. Battles system is also far more interesting than the more generic rpg battles in quite some hentai games. The story ain't anything special but it does ad to the experience. The resource management system in terms of game progression is also very satisfying let alone keeping the prison in check.

    The gameplay loop here is very satisfiying with tons of depth and things to unlock. There are multiple ways to play the game as either someone pure or a total slut. Also so many fetishes here. The corruption aspect in this game is also very nicely done.

    The overall package of this game is very strong, Presentation is great, the gameplay is excellent, allot of things to do and unlock.

    IMO however the strongest point of this game is the godlike voice acting. which elevates the overall game experience to the next lvl. It's probably the best english voice acting in a hentai game, So many lines aswell. top tier stuff in this department, it's unmatched.

    Overall an S+ tier H game hard to find something better than this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game really appealing. It makes good use of RPGM.

    Gameplay is rather complex and challenging. It is fun trying different paths. The minigames get rather repetitive. All in all, this is a game you should not miss if you are looking for something beyond the VN genre.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: While it's very obvious a ton of work was put into this game and it's a good package overall, it still has some relatively major flaws. I would recommend playing until Karryn becomes a slut and then stop soon after. I focus almost entirely on the negatives because it's a very well produced game besides these things.

    -The first and most obvious one is that it's just extremely repetitive. You will see the same CGs over and over and over and over, do the exact same jobs over and over and over, do the same battlefuck nonsense over and over and over, etc. The only variation comes is when Karryn gets corrupted into changing her expressions and voice lines, but that's not really enough to keep interest over a long period of time. Even that goes away once you're at max slut level so literally everything just blends together into a constant sex marathon with no breaks. Once you reach that point, most of the gameplay is thrown out the window and there is very little point in playing anymore. I can't bring myself to finish my playthrough because there really isn't much point to after Karryn becomes a slut.

    -Adding on to the repetition, there is no way for Karryn to become sadistic in terms of sex scenes. It seems like the dev was going to include a mechanic like this(Sadistic stat, special voice lines, titles, footjobs, etc.), but I guess they figured it would be too much work and scrapped the idea midway. Really sucks because this would've helped a lot in terms of player agency and variety.

    -There is no meaningful story or dialogue whatsoever. Normally I would not bring this up if the game obviously wasn't focusing on it, but this again wraps back around to the game feeling samey without it. Is that to say I need a super involved story in a game like this? No, but I would prefer SOMETHING to distract me from the abysmally boring gameplay loop that is end-game. The game also doesn't take itself very seriously and every single man exists solely to corrupt Karryn. Another thing that gets grating after 15+ hours.

    -You are punished for having high order and actually doing your job correctly. I don't think this needs explanation on why it's bad.

    -Trying to remain pure sort of forces you to speed-run the game, as you will forcefully get titles that give you permanent debuffs for the rest of the game no matter how well you play. I absolutely cannot stand games that all but force you to go through them at their pace rather than your own.

    Like I keep saying, the game gets extremely repetitive with no variation later on. It starts off strong and stays that way for a while, but fizzles out very quickly the second you're forced into using sex in battle to keep winning. The game legitimately becomes a chore to go through, though it is genuinely fun before that.

    Fuck whoever thought it would be fun to try and avoid people when your outfit gets ruined. Makes slut Karryn nearly unplayable having to deal with that so much.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A deserved 5 stars, fun game although maybe a bit too slow and repetitive for some people. You spend basically 80% of your time in combat doing the same thing, but the title system is really fun and there is slow burn corruption. There's also a little NTR (karryn wants to stay loyal to the royal prince and marry him, and the prince sends you letters and a gift for every floor you clear), which might be good or bad depending on your taste. The only thing Im missing is clothing options. I would have loved to see more sexy outfits, yes there are outfits you get when you do your "sidejob" for the prison but those didn't really do it for me. It's also a fairly hard game, sexual defeat will slowly but inevitably happen if you lose a couple times. Good game though, definitely recommend to download atleast once.

    UPDATE: There are mods for this game that add new outfits and other things, check out their discord server
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite some shortcomings, it is still a definite 5/5.

    There is a very well fleshed out gameplay system, a good variety of enemies and sex scenes, multiple side jobs with unique mechanics, different combat styles for the player to experiment with, interactive combat H system, voiced MC, hundreds of passives that the player can acquire that alters Karryn's stats.. It is very obvious that the dev put a LOT of work into this. It is a game worth hundreds of hours of gameplay.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    As a lover of corruption, this has become one of my all-time favorites. I've always avoided playing this because I always thought it wouldn't be all that good, but I fell in love with it. The titles you obtain and all the passives that can be added on top of you is just amazing. I usually don't like corruption games that don't have Humiliation included as a tag, but this was still superb. My favorite RPGM game so far. I'm so upset that I've reached the ending, even though the game was as complete as could be, I was still wanting even more! But this game delivered everything it sought out to do, and I'm just greedy. Wish we had an option for how long the minigames lasts, for me they were too short. But for others I've seen on reviews, they were too long. Maybe the mods had an option for you to adjust this, but I just couldn't find it. The art is amazing and the full voice acting was sexy.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    + It's a complete game

    + Art, Karryn looks great

    + Dialogue

    + Edict system.

    + Fighting system (until you get unavoidingly corrupted so this becomes a negative after level 1 or 2)

    - Tedious. You get corrupted no matter what you do, which is kinda fine but in terms of game design this means you'll lose more which means that progress is EXTREMELY slow.

    - Mini games last way too long and based on a weird system which means a lot of clicking for simple tasks.

    - Sex scenes have the same issue as the mini games. They last way too long and you have barely any influence on them.

    - Some traits get added for no reason other than to corrupt Karryn when there is no clear reasoning. Some do (like first anal or so), but a lot doesn't make sense.

    - No gallery.

    - Endings are not worth the grind

    - The way to get most money (low order) does not make sense plotwise. You get rewarded for doing a bad job.

    All in all, I don't get why this gets the title of best H game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    this overhyped game that is unbalance with awful game design game sucks all the fun out of it. The game is also slow tedious grind feast that leaves you with no real choice, everything forces you down the slut route.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play for ANY hentai enthusiast, there are so many fetishes here, so much action, just... *chef's kiss*

    You will NOT be disappointed. There's an actual game here and the plot is hilarious and memorable. Seriously, give this game a try. And if you really enjoy it, buy it on Steam to support Rem & Sachi.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing high quality game. Erotic play within minutes of boot up. Actually fun gameplay design for female protagonist type game. Reasons to keep playing. A balanced level up system. I don't even like femsub, the game is just that good.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game from here I've played so far, incredible gameplay and good scenes !
    The mods are decent too and add some fetishes, and the game can be replayed without too much repetition. More mods are in dev and available on remtairy's server
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H games I've ever played, even if it's on alpha It has waaay more content than expected and I love how stressful it can be to manage the prison while doing a "virgin" route and maybe needs a tweak or two but I would recommend it anyways
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the best made eroge ever. The story is extremely well written, with deep and complex characters, a funny plot, and a strong sense of emotion. The gameplay is also excellent, with a mix of visual novel-style narrative and interactive decision-making that can significantly impact the outcome of the story. The artwork and soundtrack are also top notch, adding to the overall immersive experience.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a level of content and polish here you really rarely find in porn games. The game provides a multitude of ways to express and entertain your submissiveness.
    Combat - Simple enough that you don't have to learn anything just to see porn, but gives enough options for how to play it that you get to have some personality. You aren't gonna have to worry about throwing fights for dozens of turns so you can lose and see the H scenes. Losing is quick, easy, and even instant once you unlock it. The "win through sex" feature is also incredibly viable to the point of actually being a lot better than regular attacks, so you can see tons of smut without feeling like you aren't making progress.
    Minigames - The barmaid and receptionist games are great. They're a nice way to break up the pacing and do something else. They have tons of sweet, submissive flavor from serving all these people who harass you and wear you down until you do what they want.
    Progression - The game can be pretty grindy and repetitive in typical RPGM fashion, but no individual action takes too long and there's good variety. Unlocking all the upgrades and getting through floors takes a looong time, though.
    Overall - This game just makes it feel so good to submit. Trying your hardest to do things the normal way until assailants wear you down until you're out of resources and being forced to go along. It just feels so hot. Each time it happens to you, you get new (de)buffs that make it more and more likely until you're just so naturally submissive that it's the most effective solution to everything. Really love the way the systems gel with the smut in this one. Super interesting game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid H-game, artwork is nice and the amount of fetishes is astounding. Story's kept light, as expected, and the gameplay is actually fun with the management and battle system. It's got high remarks on steam and F95 for a reason, just play it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best nsfw games in existence, nothing more to say.
    -It is a fun game even if you go for a virgin run.
    -It has a lot of replayability.
    -It has a good story, I would like to see this being adapted into a hentai.
    -The sex scenes are awesome.
    -The voice actress is awesome.
    -Seriously play this game it's awesome (If you can buy it, do it, we have to support creators like this).

    The only thing would be the performance, needing 16 GB of ram to work perfectly, but that's more of a rpgm problem than the game itself.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awsome!!! Probably one of the best games in its genre. Gameplay is fluid and reaplayable with different builds. Even losing is fun :) Art is amazing and it is perfectly integrated in fighting mechanics. Story, characters and concept are unique therewithal entertaining. First i criticized in my thoughts as there should be more events in the game, but i noticed that i just wanted more of it :) the game is just as it needs to be. I hope we can see sequence or more dlcs in future..
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My very first H-game that got me hook up and try other H-game.
    I bought this game on steam and play it for the first time after finish the game the gameplay is very good.
    came here to rate it on, because of how good this game is.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best GAMES on this site. I'm personally a big fan of the art, but having only one model the whole time can definitely make it not for everyone. However, the gameplay has a good range of difficulty and many interesting systems. This is probably the best you can get out of RPGM, the only part of the game that even feels like it is the overworld. At this point I have over 100+ hours on the steam version and it was worth every penny. Most of that has been doing specific runs to get achievements, which combined with the Title system gives this game a bunch of replay value. If you only played it once or twice, I'd highly recommend going back through on Warden or Prisoner and focusing on a specific stat to see the wacky builds you can do.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has touched me like nothing ever did before.

    Contrary to all those horrible games that teach young kids to grow stronger only to kill more and more living beings as if it's okay, in this game Karryn learns to open her heart (among other things) to overcome her challenges.
    She is assigned the role of chief warden in charge of an extremely dangerous prison, filled with the worst scum that this Earth has ever known.
    And of course they constantly try to break free and make her life harder.

    You could be a bad person and use violence. But if you try and open your mind a little, you'll see that LOVE is also a great way to pacify people.

    A spiritual journey for both the MC and the player, to understand empathy, tolerance and peace.

    5/5, will definitely play it a third time.