HTML - College Daze [v0.510b] [G28]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly just solid overall. Lots of replayability as well. The author is clearly passionate about making sure that the story is coherent, even with how many different branching plot lines there were. I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops, and I'd highly recommend this to just about anyone. Pretty wide variety of cast as well, so there's someone for everyone
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The depth of the branching content far exceeds anything I have seen before. At numerous different points you choose between 3-4 different people/groups to interact with, then each one branches off a number of times creating dozens of pages of content that the reader will not even see unless they are like me and compulsively file through ever possible option. At one junction, it actually took me over an hour to read every possible interaction that was created by that single choice for that one "time-slot". 90% of which would not be seen if missed, and are unique to that specific time-slot. In some cases there are similar things that can occur later for missed scenes, but generally only if it happens to be vital for the actual plot.
    Its not even like the choices are largely cosmetic, as is the case with most games. There is no "you choose if you want this scene with character A or character B". Every scene is not only totally different from the parallel scenes, but all change pretty radically depending on the choices within each scene. I do not think I have seen a game with so much quality content that is missed in a single (normal) play-through. Even with so much content to explore, I do not recall a single typo or horribly structured sentence.
    Additionally, the use of the pictures/Gifs is done quite effectively to match scenes. Despite the fact I find several of the actresses used to be not ideal to my personal tastes, it is entirely understandable why they would be used, as finding actresses for which all needed pictures pertaining to content or threesomes with specific actresses is a truly impressive feat.

    The end result is a very immersive text RPG, that fortunately also has interesting RPG mechanics for character-building, with solid scripting and a plot that is mysterious enough to be reasonably compelling. If there is an HTML game with more genuine effort put into it, I have never seen it. So if text-based games appeal to you at all, you would be insane to pass College Daze by.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The best HTML game of the last year (overall?). Lots of different branches, lots of women, actual story progress with lots of different fetishes being serviced.
    A bit worried about the amount of branches for the future but so far it's really, really promising.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    So I just played through the game and my only "complaint" is that it's short, but that's to be expected by looking at the version number. There's a good variety of content for everyone with the premise set the way it is, and I can only hope that development for this game continues since despite there already being a decent amount of content here, there's the potential for a massive amount more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    * Great Story - one of my top 2 picks
    * Great replayability considering it is a story-based
    * Updates are frequent from a Supporter point of view.
    * Non-linear story parts.
    * Avoidable magic and pregnancy part, but love both of them.
    * Has great text and picture/video balance.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best HTML game here.

    I'm really enjoying the story so far, the game provides you with high replayability and its reasonably packed with amount of gifs/videos. Overall i think there is a great balance between text and images.

    Would be a nice to somehow being able to keep a track of choices or atlest some of the more important ones as there is a lot of them and obviously there wil be even more of them with more playing days.

    I really like how the mechanics of stats work in this game. What im not sure of is if they are balanced properly. I still didnt noticed much of the inteligence or willpower checks right now so i think Fitness/Attractiveness is way to go and same goes for the lights itself as with some of them you will get better outcome almost all the times.

    This brings me stats/spells checks in game. I belive these checks are set up little bit too high as even with spell level increase from succubuss event (which makes it mandatory) i was having a hard time to meet requirements without really trying to go for just 1 or 2 spells and thus loosing a lot of other content.

    I would also moved the ''first shopping'' on the first day somewhere else so you are not forced to go there just to buy more energy for spells , abandoning the rest of routes in process.

    Other than balancing i didnt notice any bugs or any other issues. Balancing is not really a bug or anything and can be updated anytime therefore i do not see that as a big problem and it didnt affect my gameplay in any way to lower the score which for me is 9/10 points.

    Keep up the good work!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy games where you are the one controlling or changing others in some way, except of the other way around. And College Daze gives you several ways to change and manipulate the people and environment around you. I definitely want more!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is fantastic! Good grammar and no typos so far. The story feels contrived i.e, similar to most adult games with all the magic etc. But I think towards the end game, it might be a little different. There's also an option to ignore the magic in every choice so I wonder what path that leads towards.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is on the road to turn into one of the best HTML ever, and by the looks of it it's far from being finished so there's plenty of room to improve.

    The decisions matter and not just on how do the sexual scenes differ, the actual story has divergences, not just how the mc does things but how the npcs react to his choices, there's no grinding over and over.

    The story is not original but it is well executed so it doesn't give a feeling "i have already played this", the characters are written in a way that makes one actually care and desire to strenghten the bond besides improving the options during sex, they don't feel 1 dimensional at all.

    The sex itself is well distributed between images and writting, the writting in general is very compelling.

    The magic and attribute system implemented easy to understand but actually deep, the way you gain attributes feel really balanced and so for not giving airs of ending with a mc with perfect score on everything.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Spectacular, not much to say other than this to be honest. It has Plenty of content, the choices actually matter and get different results. It also changes the story line. written well, fun, hot models, interesting concept on how you can focus on a determined kind of magic, the stronger you are in that kind of magic the more interesting scenes you unlock. You get stronger by using the same kind of magic multiple times. its already at an incredible state, the only bad thing its that the game is not complete. can't wait

    Update: The current version I played is the v0.071a . At this point I don't even think the dev or devs can fuck up, if not by abandoning the project. The fact that i couldn't wait for the complete version is still very true, but with progression of the story to what feels like an ending or the climax to the story gives me only one though. As the game heavily pushes towards replaying it to have a full experience, would it be possible to have the option of a new game plus once the story is terminated? Or at least the possibility to keep the progress of at least one of the lights leveled up?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written with a great choose your own adventure mechanic about the different spell casting powers. Images and animations are well sourced and consistent. Has the potential to be the best HTML game out there - it's already not too far off.
    Updates are sizeable and consistent and the writing is absolutely top tier.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is seriously very fun to play. I really didn't expect that it would draw me in so much. The writing is very good and the photos and movies chosen are great.

    My only criticism (very subjective imo) is that keeping track of what path you chose is rather hard in this game - some of the choices carry over to further choices and alter the options you can take later, and I'm not always sure which specific choice did that and which only affected the immediate scene. On one hand this promotes replayability, something that is rather rare in porn games - but on the other hand it can be frustrating sometimes, when you realise that this one somewhat unreasonable choice you made ( or not made) resulted in you missing a great scene later.

    Again - this is a great game, with huge amount of content in it's current state, and a treat to play! I think that this dev found the ultimate porn game recipe - cause if you take different path after each update (and there are lots of paths so far) the game feels fresh and new every time! Keep up the good work dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Riley

    Holy fuck. In all my time on this godforsaken, shithole website full of Ren'py/RPGM clones and poorly translated Russian Spider-Man porn games, I've only found so many experiences which rise to the top.

    You've got your Incubus Cities, for when you want to commit horrible atrocities or fulfill that same urge for getting 100% completion that Meroidvanias give you. You've got your A Spell For Alls, for when you want an adventure game but also really need to get off. You've got your Perverted Educations, for when you're not quite feeling yourself. You've even got your Summertime Sagas, for when you just want some cute art of a dude fucking his mom.

    And now, to add to all that, you've got College Daze. Damn, dog.

    I fucking hate CYOA games. They bore me to tears. I need /some/ semblance of a game. Or, in regards to something like Free Cities, an /actual/ game. That College Daze manages to keep my attention is a miracle, but via the gamifying of making choices (plus a bit of coincidence in the pinpoint accuracy it has for my personal fetishes, such as mind control, real porn, and incest), the above par writing (not just saying that because most people who make games here are ESL as fuck), and the - I'll be honest - stellar model choices, it's hooked me for multiple-


    -/sessions/ so far.

    9.5/10, minus .5 because I really do hate linear games with missable content as a personal preference

    p.s. daughter-ifying your mom is a fetish which I didn't know I had and now I'm kind of fucking pissed because it's so incredibly niche there has to be erotica for that fucking somewhere
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Contender for best real porn game.

    The gameplay is essentially a throwback to those choose your own adventure books from long ago. There are a staggering amount of choices to be made. You can't see everything in one playthrough, but that isn't a negative. You decide who to go with, and the type of fetish you wish to perform on them. It gives you a sense of control and agency while keeping the story constantly moving forward. There are many routes constantly being presented, but they are all small detours that converge very quickly into the next common node. This means we won't have to worry about the development process spiraling out of control like so many games that get abandoned.

    The main gameplay mechanic is the colored lights that represent a certain power or fetish. Pink lights lead to lust, purple light to mental manipulation, brown lights let you transform guys or bimbofy girls, etc etc. The UI is done extremely well with character bios and spell descriptions.

    The actresses are pretty much perfect for their roles. There are MILFs and college aged. The image sets that are chosen fits very well with the given scene. It's probably impossible to be totally satisfied by the number of pics/gifs for scene, but this game does include enough to be visually satisfying.

    The writing in general is superb. No awkward dialogues or Engrish to be found here. The sex scenes are written very well with descriptive text and spoken lines during it. Scenes are on the longer side of the spectrum for the HTML games (although they could be a bit longer).

    The underlying plot is very engaging. This kind of story about a supernatural power trip is served very well with a nice mystery/intrigue as the backdrop. Although the focus for most is trying to bang a bunch of chicks, the plot never feels tacked on. There are even some good twists and turn in the story as you find out more about the powers and the world.

    If A spell for All is the epitome of sandbox real porn, this takes the spot for the CYOA type. There is probably something for everyone here.

    Oh, and bonus points for update speed by this dev. There is always a decent chunk of content and its released incredibly fast!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily a contender for the best HTML/real porn game. The level of depth in the story and game-play far outshines anything I've played to date.

    This game's biggest strength is that there's basically multiple story lines with several different characters. So you really get the chance to pick and choose which character's story you want to delve into. Normally, a hefty amount of choice can derail central story, but each choice feels merely like a side quest, which gives you the opportunity to always tackle main quest when it appears. And there are seriously a ton of different scenarios and choices to choose from, adding to the game's replay value.

    In comparison to the Company, College Daze completely blows it out of the water. The writing feels much more believable and the updates are far more frequent. And while A Spell for All is a very charming game in it's own right, the game-play system here is far more in-depth.

    I really can't recommend this game enough to someone who enjoys real porn games. It's a ton of choices for a wide variety of players.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The game looks really good, nice choice of images, well written and interesting. I was overwhelmed by the amount of choices though, none would complain about having too many choices, but I think that this risks to spread the game too thin, which looks like a recipe for disaster.. I would suggest to focus on less choices at the beginning at least if my opinion mattered something
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    my most anticipated adult game of 2020. great writing great concept and regular updates makes this game stand out above all the rest. very few games manage to illistruate just what the html engine is capable of and this game is looking like it may end up being a close third behind the company and a spell for all in doing just that. definently worth your time even in its current state as the updates are frequent and are of decent size.

    my only critisizm and one i hope the dev will work on in the future is the temporary nature of the spells. it would be nice to see some lasting effects of the mind control so the girls or guys change to become more and more like the thing you are doing to them untill an event where you can change them completly. for example if you chose the mind control route and regualrly chose to make the person act as a slave it would be interesting to see them become more and more submissive to you each time you do that untill you get them submissive enough to change them permanently. the way things are now just seems way to temporary to me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    good job, totally love the work you have done with it and the updates are really frequent. i would suggest you to add some stat points to the characters and adding further more options to the phone option would be great. keep it up the good work you are doing. this game has potential.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Marvelous Chris


    The premise got me curious to try this one out even in its early state. I was pleasantly suprised by the big amount of choices presented to the player immediatly, which kept being the standard throughout the content implemented.
    Combine that with the management of energy to gain power vs maybe not spending it on this opportunity so you have energy for later.
    Not only this but you also have to keep in mind that (from my impression) you have to pick and choose which powers you want to focus on because if the orbs power is too strong you cannot utilize it.
    But all is not wasted as you gain experience or level in said powers level.
    Being able to quickly save and load which allowed one to explore different options without the hassle to redo scenes.

    Now onto the writing which i found so far to be decent in that it kept my interest enough were i read through it instead of skimming through it which i tend to do most of the time in general.
    The choice of images and gifs i found in general help add to the experience.
    This suprised me since i usually prefer drawn or pixelated art over real porn used in games.

    Before i forget you also have more stats than just energy and different power levels, which also play a part in whether you succed in some options or not,
    One minor bug i encountered which is that when using keyboard shortcuts it acted as if i had pressed twice when i only had pressed once.
    This gave me the wrong impression that there were some randomisation whether some choices were forced or not.

    Other than that i don't have any complaints. I will keep my eye on this one and hope the dev can build upon this foundation and make a good and interesting erotic text adventure, because this has left me hungry for more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Grey Ribbon

    Gonna say, one of the best new HTML games on the site currently, and there's already quite a lot of content for it to be worth playing. Hope this continues! College-oriented games with upfront lewds makes this a particularly awesome gem :)