HTML - College Daze [v0.510b] [G28]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Marlboro Gold

    Well written and mad props to G28 for keeping up with the constant updates with the game.
    Of all the games I've seen abandoned early-mid devolpment I'm glad the one person who I decided to support on patreon actually delievered.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A porn game to be sure, but boy oh boy, is this one good!
    The magic system is very creative and nicely implemented for the most part, and even the handful of cases where the system is kinda lacking are still enjoyable.
    In addition, there already is more content in version 0.086 (the latest release as of writing this review) than in some other completed games.
    5/5, would play again anytime!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best games on this site. Well written, loads of different options which actually have a meaningful impact on how the story plays out giving it great replay value, something for everyone - the story line caters for a lot and anything you're not interested in is easily avoidable or you can click back and select a new option. There great selection of GIFs and images and overal it's an interesting concept that's been really well executed.
  4. W
    5.00 star(s)


    The best "real porn" html game available.
    If the average renpy game is a visual novel then real porn html games are 'choose your own adventure' stories. However, often you feel you aren't choosing your own adventure, you're just clicking the right options to progress the story.
    College Daze doesn't do this, I have played this game many times and I feel I get a different experience each time and this game is only in the beginning. The scope for this game is massive and I can only hope it doesn't go the way of most of the games on this site where one day it just stops being continued.
    Another aspect I really enjoy is that the "real porn" images are quite basic and really just serve as a visual cue for what is going on, it's the great writing that sells each scene. Sometimes the image will just be of a woman being kissed but there's four paragraphs accompanying the picture that let you immerse yourself in the story.
    When I can, I will write a comprehensive review of this game because there are certain moments where a story point is recalled in a small sentence that just makes the world feel alive, like your options and decisions are actually having an effect. Such a good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything about this game and cannot wait for more content. Perfect choices for the characters, lots of choices regarding the 'lights' and different paths to take and the pictures/gifs are all high quality.

    Really looking forward to more from this!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Still the King of real porn games.

    Rather than drop you into a giant, unfinished world, where every path just says ''will add later'', with a gameplay loop consisting almost entirely of banal grind and repetitive scenes, this adopts a very linear approach.
    Despite this, this has more meaningful choices and growth than pretty much any other similar game.

    At its core its essentially just a simple game that tells a story, then presents choices to progress. You mostly only get to pick one of these choices, as time moves on when you pick one. Its easy to understand, fun to play.
    What makes this so far above similar games is the sheer number of options presented, the writing and the sheer amount of sex it packs into it.

    Most choices have no real effect beyond the scene they're used in, but some have permanent effects. A common one is to turn women into
    A: A mommy
    B: A daughter
    C: A slave
    When they appear later, their dialogue will reflect your choice. Scenes seem the same though.

    The core of this system is the 'lights'. The MC can see magical lights of various colors and use them to try and do shit.
    Red: strip women
    Blue: wet women
    Pink: Fucky fucky ain't he lucky
    As you use powers, you get exp and get better at them. This incencitivizes replay a lot. You can't max every magic at once in one run without cheating and even with cheats you won't see anywhere near every scene and variation in one run.
    Like in one run I could call an single chick to clean my room for me.
    In another I could call like 5.

    The fact every action you take constantly moves the game forward means you never have to or even can grind. Sometimes you can choose to research colors for exp, but even that moves time forward, and means you give up interacting with people.

    The only real issue the game has is plot lines that don't really go anywhere because they're slow burners and the game simply isn't that far. Like you have this nerdy guy - Jake. You can turn him into a chick, invade his dreams and make him think you're his step-dad who molests him, then make him think he likes being a woman. But you can't make him permanently act like a girl, like you are his step-dad or be a girl. Because the game just isn't that far.

    Or more recently it introduced 'eternal contracts'. You use them, then for some reason have to use them again, THEN you have women... on weekends only. But the game is nowhere near implementing the second weekend. And we can already just perma turn people into slaves on any day. Really don't get the point of these and likely won't until like 3 years time when second weekend is in.

    The only mechanical issue I have is that sometimes the back arrow just vanishes. So then you have to load an old save if you want to see what your options do. The entire appeal of the game is seeing what does what so even if its to prevent scumming 'important' decisions, it makes no sense

    Overall if you want a lot of sex and to experiment with corruption, being nice, turning men into chicks, sharing them, etc, you really can't do much better
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game so far. I hate the real porn tag, but this game really makes it work! Awesome writing and a good amount of player agency in the branching story.

    My only complaint is that I want more...
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Branching paths is like no other game around. I'd try and add longer gis and more of them in the beginning of the game, but later on they get more common, so it's good. Certainly worth playing more than once.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down the best erotic HTML game that exists. Staggering amount of branching story paths, great gifs and models, and a wonderfully unique hook and system. No grind, just awesome story and gameplay.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Worth following, plenty of content so far, worth mutiple playthroughs, though it's just a twine - real actress GIFs game, it's still quite good. Quality mind control/time stop/hormonal control content
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. Maybe the deepest porn game I've ever played. I have replayed it maybe half a dozen times from start to finish and had completely different experiences. SO many branching paths, I still feel like I haven't seen most of it.
    Brilliant. Actually inspired my first Patreon donation .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Apart from being short, its great!
    Loads of directions to take & plenty of characters making it very replayable.
    Has massive future potential with the amount of different direction choices, hopefully the updates continue with the same level of content.

    Keep up the work!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a wide variety of trouble you can get into... Very well done to this point, and I am looking forward to continuing with this one....

    Much respect for putting so many branching paths in this one... Makes replay value much more fun...

    Keep up the great work....
  14. 5.00 star(s)


  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is freaking awesome and fun. You have so many choices and the story itself is really intriguing. I was really interested in finding out what was going on with the mystery. Not to mention the characters they are great. I really like how you can just be plain evil as well doing things that people would probably do if they had power. The choices of the portraits of the women are great choices. I really love the fact the names of the porn stars used are listed so you can look them up. Many thanks game maker! So I gave 5 stars for creativity, beautiful women, really erotic scenarios, multiple paths and choices to choose which makes it replayable. I was hooked and really look forward to the completed game to see how all my choices turn out!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best HTML game on the site. Long branching paths, lots of characters and options, and keeps getting better and better! As the game continues to develop it'll be interesting to see how to overarching story ties together in the end.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm very much enjoying this as for now :D I can say, that this is one of the best text based games out here. Great, if not fantastic immersion for a production with "real porn" tag! Absoultely stunning!

    And imho, this thing's actually quite realistic for a porn game :D I mean - if not for the lights of course xD
    Well - it's all fiction of course, but im tired of games with no actual story, but with stupid decisions, and cock hungry sluts, that from game version 0.00001b DEVELOPER PREVIEW are already screaming "oh fuck me master, fuck my pussy, oh yeah, i live for sucking cocks"... :HideThePain:

    I can't say anything about pregnancy system, cuz the game isn't that far to show us the aftermath of our creampies, but i love, that it's implemented :D

    Porn stars selection is good too!

  18. 4.00 star(s)


    ghostlyre's review is spot on. Hoping G28 goes back and develops the progression of the light a bit better. otherwise, amazing game. really looking forward to seeing the later releases of this game. Keep up the good work Dev
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    you are doing your job well. I think it is among the best of its kind. I like it very much. I'm done with a breath. Please longer update and more story.
    expectations from you are great. do three things; but do not do three things. you must do
    1. Your stories are never annoying and don't contain much dialog.
    2. There should be more details and you should choose the best parts of the videos.
    3. You have to give people what they can't have in real life, at least keep it alive.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a decent HTML VN. Lots of different paths, easy UI, great variety and interesting scenarios. Feels very interactive and not on-rails. Just need an achievement system for replayability.

    The writing and dialogue is very porny and not high quality.