3.80 star(s) 44 Votes


Aug 31, 2021
What you fail to understand, is that these games live and die by us, not by whatever stupid metric people like you think happens. Don't come into a thread to argue about something where the developers ran away from the thread because people were unhappy with them taking 6 fucking years to make a game, with well over half of that time spent on dumb as fuck things that don't make the game better to play. I haven't subbed to them since 2020 or something like that, I rightfully supported the project when I thought they didn't have their heads in their asses, but here we are 4 years later, with barely anything to show.

You aren't going to win anything by shilling for the devs here, especially one like VersusX (I leave Meguido out of it because he doesn't engage with people) who ran away from both threads that were created of their game, especially considering he ran away from the ULMF thread where people were generally respectful towards him and Meguido because of "unconstructive critism", when the ULMF thread people were just asking questions, giving feedback (unlike here, where we know he won't see it, so it's just a thread of annoyed individuals talking about how annoying it is to wait 6 years for them to make a game), and then talking about the game positively.

I'm sorry that you lack the ability to see that you are a minority here, and then decide to post some dumb response to something, no one here says that the devs owe us anything; just like you, we're allowed to voice our displeasure and disdain for the fact that this has take at this rate, it's going to be 10 years before they finish anything, and fuck me do I fear for the "1.0", if this stuff takes them 10 years to do, making a full game? They're going to be fucking seniors by the time they could even think about releasing the game.
This is as true of a response you can give, I for one really don't get how they seem to be working on like 4 other projects when it is so obvious that all of their "supporters" are only subbing for 1 thing and that is the great concept of a Resident Evil parody game involving sex/rape and such, instead of a stupid text based game where you have to click your left mouse button 5 million times to get to anything related to a sex scene or nudity.

But then they seem to be more busy making in my eyes and this is my opinion ofcourse stupid Waiffu Gallery's that nobody seems to care about when they could spend the money and time it takes to makes those renders on the game where 90% of their income comes from, but then you get a once in a liftime BioAsshard dev report that contains nothing except for " oh sorry guys that it has been so long, but yh we added a new lighting system and are still in the procces of moving assets to UE5.

Like i get people saying its their game and they can do whatever they feel like doing, but i still daily see so many new Patreon supporters come into the Discord asking how the making of the game is going, for them to get a half assed response saying that they are well on the way with moving to UE5.

The same is with the request for more animations in the game and better enemy variety and like i spoke about before making the game more difficult since now you actually have to make the zombies grab you and deliberately walk into there grabbing animation to get any sort of difficulty or pleasure out of the game.

And why put time into all these "Mechanic Test" maps for them to get rid of them in the full game, and then when we as their fanbase and avid h-games enjoyer voice our displeasure about it they just try to patch the wound with another timeline update post that then shows that after they release version 1.0 which when god knows actually releases, they are just throwing away all those years of little map updates just to start the actual development of the game.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
This is as true of a response you can give, I for one really don't get how they seem to be working on like 4 other projects when it is so obvious that all of their "supporters" are only subbing for 1 thing and that is the great concept of a Resident Evil parody game involving sex/rape and such, instead of a stupid text based game where you have to click your left mouse button 5 million times to get to anything related to a sex scene or nudity.

But then they seem to be more busy making in my eyes and this is my opinion ofcourse stupid Waiffu Gallery's that nobody seems to care about when they could spend the money and time it takes to makes those renders on the game where 90% of their income comes from, but then you get a once in a liftime BioAsshard dev report that contains nothing except for " oh sorry guys that it has been so long, but yh we added a new lighting system and are still in the procces of moving assets to UE5.

Like i get people saying its their game and they can do whatever they feel like doing, but i still daily see so many new Patreon supporters come into the Discord asking how the making of the game is going, for them to get a half assed response saying that they are well on the way with moving to UE5.

The same is with the request for more animations in the game and better enemy variety and like i spoke about before making the game more difficult since now you actually have to make the zombies grab you and deliberately walk into there grabbing animation to get any sort of difficulty or pleasure out of the game.

And why put time into all these "Mechanic Test" maps for them to get rid of them in the full game, and then when we as their fanbase and avid h-games enjoyer voice our displeasure about it they just try to patch the wound with another timeline update post that then shows that after they release version 1.0 which when god knows actually releases, they are just throwing away all those years of little map updates just to start the actual development of the game.
Imho getting so morbid about all of this will only get you pain and nothing else. Just expect the game to NEVER release, since it's very much clear they're only doing this for money.

The only hope is that somebody else will make a game very similar to this and actually update it like a decent human being does. Good devs are less and less present but they're still around


Jan 4, 2018
Really not sure why people are still surprised about the whole "starting the game from scratch after arena is done" thing. That has been outlined since the beginning of this project years ago. Really think you guys are getting a little over dramatic about a porn game when you could be spending your time doing anything else. Not trying to be a jerk either just some of the anger I see from the comments cannot be healthy. Play other games, go on a walk, hang out with friends, etc. Do anything else and then just come back and check on this like once every two months.


Dec 30, 2017
Really not sure why people are still surprised about the whole "starting the game from scratch after arena is done" thing. That has been outlined since the beginning of this project years ago. Really think you guys are getting a little over dramatic about a porn game when you could be spending your time doing anything else. Not trying to be a jerk either just some of the anger I see from the comments cannot be healthy. Play other games, go on a walk, hang out with friends, etc. Do anything else and then just come back and check on this like once every two months.
I take it you never supported projects, such as this one, through kickstarter, patreon etc, only to come to the realization after years that you were being exploited?

Deleted member 1017199

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2018
I take it you never supported projects, such as this one, through kickstarter, patreon etc, only to come to the realization after years that you were being exploited?
Even if you were exploited you gotta move on eventually. Perpetually ranting about that time eromancer scammed you with MOTM or whatever happened in the past isn't making things better and its certainly polluting your mind with unnecessary stress.


Dec 30, 2017
Even if you were exploited you gotta move on eventually. Perpetually ranting about that time eromancer scammed you with MOTM or whatever happened in the past isn't making things better and its certainly polluting your mind with unnecessary stress.
You know what else isn't making things better? simping and apologizing for those kind of devs.
Don't make this personal, it isn't, there is nothing wrong, on the contrary, with vocalizing and warning off potential victims, it is a malpractice that is becoming way too common and people - the community - should fight against it.

Deleted member 1017199

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2018
You know what else isn't making things better? simping and apologizing for those kind of devs.
Don't make this personal, it isn't, there is nothing wrong, on the contrary, with vocalizing and warning off potential victims, it is a malpractice that is becoming way too common and people - the community - should fight against it.
Obviously. The take away is said by the other guy.
you could be spending your time doing anything else.

Also how is ranting in a piracy forum helping with that fight? Shouldn't you be doing virtual strikes or something I don't know


Jan 4, 2018
I take it you never supported projects, such as this one, through kickstarter, patreon etc, only to come to the realization after years that you were being exploited?
I've been burned by devs who get way in over their heads plenty of times I'm old by this forums standards probably lol. There's just not enough energy in life to let this be what consumes it. Eat the loss shrug your shoulders and move on. Maybe one day you'll be pleasantly surprised by another project or when this one does release something worth being excited for.


Dec 30, 2017
Obviously. The take away is said by the other guy.

Also how is ranting in a piracy forum helping with that fight? Shouldn't you be doing virtual strikes or something I don't know
what a pointless discussion... if apathy is your thing, the same argument can just as well be the same towards your contribution to the discussion, whats the point ranting against ranters?
might as well just not pitch in any feedback at all either way, according to your perspective.


Dec 30, 2017
I've been burned by devs who get way in over their heads plenty of times I'm old by this forums standards probably lol. There's just not enough energy in life to let this be what consumes it. Eat the loss shrug your shoulders and move on. Maybe one day you'll be pleasantly surprised by another project or when this one does release something worth being excited for.
I have been very pleasantly surprised, and that's the thing, those were the very few vs the overwhelmingly majority.
I do believe this is a similar thing to the very often discussed microtransactions and live service debate in conventional games, the community needs to push back on those to get results, in that case by not buying games or not using in game stores, in this case, by not supporting the swathes of "devs" who carrot-on-a-stick people into supporting without having the effort or intention to deliver knowing the hopeful will collectively keep bringing thousands per month


Nov 3, 2017
Obviously. The take away is said by the other guy.

Also how is ranting in a piracy forum helping with that fight? Shouldn't you be doing virtual strikes or something I don't know
Because if we went to VersusX's Discord to say our piece, he'd more than likely ban anyone for "harsh" criticism. He has no spine, so you must be new here if you never understood why he doesn't come to this thread or the ULMF one. Like you fail to realize that VersusX should not be a lead on a project nor should he be the one making any of the shots; because it's clearly evident that the game is going to go absolutely fucking no where with him at the helm.

Why do we rant? Because this is only place we can, ULMF doesn't like it, but this place lets us do it mostly unfiltered, there's a few cases like... The Future Fragments thread that got locked and then opened up with an unmoderated one because HW is a man child, and people were getting rightfully pissed off about all his lies.


New Member
Jan 17, 2019
I was going to mod the character files and see if i could import some other models into the game (claire, ada etc..) however there is a problem. It seems there are alot of plugins that versusX decided to use and I'm gonna have to spend about 650$ in plugins before i can load this project. Oh well, i guess it aint happening.


May 19, 2018
But then they seem to be more busy making in my eyes and this is my opinion ofcourse stupid Waiffu Gallery's that nobody seems to care about when they could spend the money and time it takes to makes those renders on the game where 90% of their income comes from, but then you get a once in a liftime BioAsshard dev report that contains nothing except for " oh sorry guys that it has been so long, but yh we added a new lighting system and are still in the procces of moving assets to UE5.

Like i get people saying its their game and they can do whatever they feel like doing, but i still daily see so many new Patreon supporters come into the Discord asking how the making of the game is going, for them to get a half assed response saying that they are well on the way with moving to UE5.
wait, wait.. you're telling me one of their excuses is that they're working on porting the game from UE4 to UE5? That should be a quick and easy transition though? One of the major selling points of UE5 was that it's quick and easy to convert a project from UE4 to 5. It should take a few minutes, at most. That excuse makes no sense to me.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
A lot of games are taking time (certainly more than a meager few minutes) to upgrade from 4 to 5. Maybe Epic isn't being as honest about that.


Jun 16, 2017
I take it you never supported projects, such as this one, through kickstarter, patreon etc, only to come to the realization after years that you were being exploited?
I've backed dozens of Kickstarters and have yet to back one that later turned out to be a scam ----granted, some I backed in 2021 have still yet to fulfill the pledge 'but' there has been consistent communication and some items have made their way to backers [ie: PDFs, swag, etc]... there's a lot more checks and balances on Kickstarter to [try to] keep people honest.

Patreon though? That's the wild west in terms of money being exchanged for product, KS you're supporting the project to help it reach fruition whereas Patreon you're paying to sustain the creator in w/e endeavour they're undertaking.

Admittedly, I haven't backed a Patreon before but I imagine where it wildly differs from KS is that KS [is supposed to] end with a product, something to show for your money whereas Patreon is a black hole to throw money into and one day you may receive something for your patronage but there's no [legal] impetus for the creator to do so.

Just my thoughts since this looked to be the hot topic of the last dozen or so pages, lol.


Nov 3, 2017
A lot of games are taking time (certainly more than a meager few minutes) to upgrade from 4 to 5. Maybe Epic isn't being as honest about that.
Epic lying? Who could've ever thought! Regardless, pretty sure it's been longer than the time normally needed to go from UE4 to UE5. So just as a little heads up to anyone... The 3d models, animations, and stuff like that will port over perfectly to UE5 from UE4, it's all the code that breaks, which could take some time regardless; not the however many years this is going to take.


Sep 17, 2017
No matter how much money he makes if he treats it as one of his many hobby products then it will reflect that. Experience should have already told people juggling multiple projects is a red flag, you never take a battle willingly on two fronts. All the same the effort this project has is still very impactful, and I do hope we get more H games in a similar vein to this. Hell even an RE sex mod would be right up the same energy if it had the fetishes this one did. There were two other H games similar like this with zombies, I forget their names. Eden, project Zero or something? We need more aspiring creators to be inspired by these hobbyists, so we can get a true work of art. They always fumble it with glorified open sex galleries or over complicated gameplay...
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3.80 star(s) 44 Votes