3.80 star(s) 44 Votes


Apr 2, 2023
I remember in a Discord post a while ago, the creator mentioned that he is planning to implement a exhaustion/horny meter which would mean that if she was fucked to many times or the zombies cum in here to much she would pass out or give into the rape that inturn would make it impossible to break free leading to a game over.
Hello, do you have a link to the discord server?
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Oct 14, 2017
I remember in a Discord post a while ago, the creator mentioned that he is planning to implement a exhaustion/horny meter which would mean that if she was fucked to many times or the zombies cum in here to much she would pass out or give into the rape that inturn would make it impossible to break free leading to a game over.
Would like to see that that Jill gives in instead of "break free" there should be "give in"


Dec 15, 2018
The 'give in' should be a single key-press to go to the sex straight away during grabs. The dog grabs take so long, and look janky AF. I just toggle cheat engine speedhack hotkey to speed through them to get to the animations.

I remember in a Discord post a while ago, the creator mentioned that he is planning to implement a exhaustion/horny meter which would mean that if she was fucked to many times or the zombies cum in here to much she would pass out or give into the rape that inturn would make it impossible to break free leading to a game over.
Maybe as a menu option. I don't like that as the only way to play, I often spend most of the time just running through the stage getting fucked in different positions when I feel like it and this would interefere with that edging monkey spanking session.
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Apr 6, 2023
Guys, you heard about the update? When can +- come out? Sorry for such a not entirely correct text, this translator does not want to translate properly.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
I remember in a Discord post a while ago, the creator mentioned that he is planning to implement a exhaustion/horny meter which would mean that if she was fucked to many times or the zombies cum in here to much she would pass out or give into the rape that inturn would make it impossible to break free leading to a game over.
Please no... Stop making the sex scene a game over... the big one is enough, maybe some boss attack too... But not everyone..


Oct 29, 2018
It's a fucking porn game man, it's not the next triple A release, 95% of people could give less of a fuck about door mechanics, alright? Also... It's not really the "best" game, the guy behind Night of Revenge put out more updates to his game than these guys have in the 6 years it's been on this site, as to which, D-lis is an one man show, coding, animations, art, everything done by him.

They make every tedious by adding superfluous shit that doesn't actually help the gameplay but actually detracts from it.
What you may have not understood, as many others, is that this game isn't yours, but the one of the developper/s. Which mean, they do what they want, how they want with it. If you're not happy about it, don't sub on them.

Peeps thinking the creators of anything owe them shit is laughable.


Nov 3, 2017
What you may have not understood, as many others, is that this game isn't yours, but the one of the developper/s. Which mean, they do what they want, how they want with it. If you're not happy about it, don't sub on them.

Peeps thinking the creators of anything owe them shit is laughable.
What you fail to understand, is that these games live and die by us, not by whatever stupid metric people like you think happens. Don't come into a thread to argue about something where the developers ran away from the thread because people were unhappy with them taking 6 fucking years to make a game, with well over half of that time spent on dumb as fuck things that don't make the game better to play. I haven't subbed to them since 2020 or something like that, I rightfully supported the project when I thought they didn't have their heads in their asses, but here we are 4 years later, with barely anything to show.

You aren't going to win anything by shilling for the devs here, especially one like VersusX (I leave Meguido out of it because he doesn't engage with people) who ran away from both threads that were created of their game, especially considering he ran away from the ULMF thread where people were generally respectful towards him and Meguido because of "unconstructive critism", when the ULMF thread people were just asking questions, giving feedback (unlike here, where we know he won't see it, so it's just a thread of annoyed individuals talking about how annoying it is to wait 6 years for them to make a game), and then talking about the game positively.

I'm sorry that you lack the ability to see that you are a minority here, and then decide to post some dumb response to something, no one here says that the devs owe us anything; just like you, we're allowed to voice our displeasure and disdain for the fact that this has take at this rate, it's going to be 10 years before they finish anything, and fuck me do I fear for the "1.0", if this stuff takes them 10 years to do, making a full game? They're going to be fucking seniors by the time they could even think about releasing the game.


Nov 3, 2017
Man, it's fucking CRAZY how often someone has to interject a stupid fucking opinion into the thread, and the find out that no one fucking agrees with them. I feel like I'm farming points at this rate of these morons coming into the thread to say their drivel and then fuck off to wherever else they want to spew their garbage.
3.80 star(s) 44 Votes