Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Bit odd, after getting Cait some glasses the scene in the library after, Lyriel kept saying 'like' like a bimbo, but she's not so was she just trying to blend in or something?

Edit: same thing in the next library cleaning scene, did she become stupid or something? :unsure:

Edit 2: I feel like, if she was always a bit of a bimbo it was either poorly telegraphed or i just missed it but i also wonder if she's just gone under a bit of a personality shift as the game has been developed, does anyone know?
Lyri's dialogue has always had that valley girl style, at least since she arrived at the house. I've never quite pin pointed when it began, but I don't remember it from the dream walk scene's in her Aunt's tavern. She could just have adopted it to fit in. But Zanith does not make it clear where she picked up the dialect, it's certainly not in the nature documentaries that the MC see's her watching, altho I do recall her mentioning some other tv shows.


New Member
Oct 18, 2021
I have version 5.13 is there a patch i can download to get up to 5.14? Or do i have to download whole game again?


Oct 14, 2018
I happened upon an unexpected blending of two events, in the evening, Rae pulled me in with an offer to continue Naomi's etherwalk training, the second one of those, i did that event but rather than wake up in bed with them the next morning the night-time time triggered Cait coming into my room for her second attempt to the mages college, the one where you meet the headmaster for the first time. The next morning continued from Cait's event and if there was meant to be a morning event for the etherwalk training scene, i never got it. Somewhere in the code there should be a check added to prevent those two scenes overlapping.
I got something very similar, I went straight from daywalking with Rae, to her dragging me into Naomi's etherwalk training (this was the first time, chapter 10, where they talk about running into an old man who thinks Rae is Naomi's daughter), and then rather than triggering the wakeup, it went straight to Cait walking into my bedroom, finally ready to go back to the school (the second attempt, where you talk to the headmaster). The next morning continued from Cait's event, no changes, in the afternoon I could talk to all three girls in the library (and Naomi stomped out), and then I dreamed about Blair for the first time. And then the next morning I woke up in Naomi's room, in what was clearly meant to be the end scene of her story's chapter 10, and only then did the quest log switch forward to chapter 11.

Not a game breaking bug, but very weird and caused me to switch back and forth and try different variations for a while to figure out what was going on. From my save game prior to this, the behaviour is consistent, no matter what I do, if I start Naomi's 'walk in the night, it gets interrupted by Cait's request - interesting twist, if I turn down Caitlin at that point, I stand in Naomi's room at night. At which point the game is basically broken, until I wander back into bed and sleep. Then I wake up normally.

If I turn down Naomi's first etherwalk, taking the hit to her intimacy that that costs me, I still get Cait coming around at bedtime. So yes, it looks like the game is simply missing a check on the night after an evening event, to not trigger Caitlin's second trip to college.
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Jan 8, 2018
Bro this game is so fucking good, it has been sucking my life out of me these past few days and there is so much content I have not "finished" it yet. Congrats to the dev.

3D Reaver

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
The precise popularity of characters is of course difficult to judge beforehand. And there is a latecomer syndrome - we know less about those characters so they're less interesting on the one hand, on the other hand the first characters decide who is in this thread - people who like early characters like Rae or Naomi will see them and stay around, those who might have preferred later ones like Yona might have moved on. The whole crowd here might be pretty different if Yona were the first. Some would have skipped this, others would have stayed.

So I very much doubt your assumption of "very few people". Maybe less than the other way round, maybe not, but just because I don't like certain characters it doesn't mean others should. Of course I am speaking from the opposite viewpoint because I like what we've seen from our dwarf so far.
Were there a lot of people complaining that Lyriel is ugly when she was introduced ? i don't think the fact that shes newer has much to do with it

No, this is an observation:
View attachment 1752473
You saying that nobody wanted her is an assumption. And an incorrect one.
Thats never going to be accurate. A lot of people are going to vote based on what they think is expected of them.
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Were there a lot of people complaining that Lyriel is ugly when she was introduced ? i don't think the fact that shes newer has much to do with it
Yes, there have been quite a few complaints about her back in the day, though mostly about the character not the looks IIRC.
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3D Reaver

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
Yes, there have been quite a few complaints about her back in the day, though mostly about the character not the looks IIRC.
I phrased it like that on purpose. My point was that when people complain about the looks of Yona and blair it has nothing to do with how new they are. their personality and character development are a separate issue


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I phrased it like that on purpose. My point was that when people complain about the looks of Yona and blair it has nothing to do with how new they are. their personality and character development are a separate issue
I'd say it still has something to do with it. Lyriel is from a classic fantasy mold which people are used to. Yona isn't (slight similarities with TES Orsimer notwithstanding). Yes, this also means that Lyriel is more approachable for many.

But if Yona were a "starting character" in this game, those who prefer their classic models would just not be in this thread in the first place, while those looking for more "monstrous girls" wouldn't have skipped it.

Don't get me wrong, I strongly prefer Lyriel to Yona, too. Not only in character (which Yona hasn't developed yet, so I'll reserve judgment) but also in looks. I am happy however that there is more variety than just same old. And I think that many players expected that as well - as seen in the poll you dismissed.

Thats never going to be accurate. A lot of people are going to vote based on what they think is expected of them.
And while that may be correct for some people, I would say it is more accurate than just two random people on a forum sharing their gut feelings heavily influenced by their personal preference. Why shouldn't these people not be influenced by theirs when voting?

3D Reaver

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
And while that may be correct for some people, I would say it is more accurate than just two random people on a forum sharing their gut feelings heavily influenced by their personal preference. Why shouldn't these people not be influenced by theirs when voting?
Id say its more than a gut feeling to say that a character that is "conventionally attractive" is well ... conventionally attractive
Because that poll is the equivalent of a girl putting a poll up asking if she's ugly. it doesn't matter if its anonymous. most people will not say Yes even if they think she is. its rude.

I think ive pushed this conversation beyond what i should. i'm not trying to be rude to the dev or you.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Id say its more than a gut feeling to say that a character that is "conventionally attractive" is well ... conventionally attractive
Because that poll is the equivalent of a girl putting a poll up asking if she's ugly. it doesn't matter if its anonymous. most people will not say Yes even if they think she is. its rude.

I think ive pushed this conversation beyond what i should. i'm not trying to be rude to the dev or you.
To answer the last (non-)question: I didn't think you came around as rude. Having a disagreement on something isn't a personal attack after all. Or at least needn't be. And while I cannot speak for the dev team, I don't think you've been unfair to them either.

I still disagree, but in the spirit of your post I will agree to disagree and reset to "waiting for update" mode :)


Dec 11, 2018
Were there a lot of people complaining that Lyriel is ugly when she was introduced ? i don't think the fact that shes newer has much to do with it

Thats never going to be accurate. A lot of people are going to vote based on what they think is expected of them.
You are beginning to understand a statistical phenomenon in your second point. Beginning to.
A more correct way to interpret this is that the majority of persons who respond to open polls tend to be people who feel strongly about these issues, while the ambivalent majority will just scroll past. The main takeaway here is that the majority of that strong-feeling minority like Blair, and the rest of Zanith and co's nearly two thousand patrons don't feel strongly on the issue. And further than that, of the thousands of non-patrons who are fans of the game, only a small few seem to feel strongly enough about the issue to make a post criticizing her addition. Again, I'm not going to call anyone a bad person for having their preferences, since that would make me a hypocrite, but I will call out those who are criticizing the right of game devs to make their games according to the preferences of their target audience, especially when they are openly making false claims and deliberately misinterpreting statistics that are plain and clear as daylight. You are smarter than that, and you know it.


Aug 24, 2019
Yes, there have been quite a few complaints about her back in the day, though mostly about the character not the looks IIRC.
Exactly this, Lyriel's complaints were always cause she was super rude to the character and other members of the household, not her appearance.

Blair on other hand has a totally fine body but anyone who puts a lot of stock into a girl's face probably aren't too keen, me included.

It's not quite like Yona's situation either where people were unhappy about getting a second big burly character considering that's a bit of a niche. Although Yona's face did get some complaints too, Blair looks like she's been hit by a frying pan.
The witch nose doesn't help.
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New Member
May 2, 2020
I've just downloaded the android version, and it won't load for me. Whenever I try to load it up, it says unpacking files and than it closes. Can anyone help me figure out why?
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