
Aug 31, 2018
Why are the new characters getting progressively uglier... Naomi is for those that like femdom, fine, the dev wants to attract a wider audience, makes sense financially... the manly orc was unusual but whatever... now there is a pudgy fricken hobbit... is there really a large enough audience for those characters to bother adding so many of them and having to update them later on...


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
Why are the new characters getting progressively uglier... Naomi is for those that like femdom, fine, the dev wants to attract a wider audience, makes sense financially... the manly orc was unusual but whatever... now there is a pudgy fricken hobbit... is there really a large enough audience for those characters to bother adding so many of them and having to update them later on...
I find none of them "ugly" per se, just some are more to my liking than others. I can appreciate alternate beauty, but some are not my preference. The dev's have always had the plan of having 6 girls in the house. Count the doors, they have had that many doors from the beginning of the game, and now they have finally gotten all six girls there (all rooms are used). Now they are going to get them up to about the same level as Cait/Naomi/Rae in terms of lust/love and content.

This is how a game development works, especially when it is being financed on the fly. You have to give some content, then you add more to complete the vision. When the game is complete, you can ignore girls if you want, but for now, some content might not be your favorite and you can skip those updates. That is why there is a changelog every release.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Why are the new characters getting progressively uglier... Naomi is for those that like femdom, fine, the dev wants to attract a wider audience, makes sense financially... the manly orc was unusual but whatever... now there is a pudgy fricken hobbit... is there really a large enough audience for those characters to bother adding so many of them and having to update them later on...
I think it is the author's attempt to make them "exotically nonhuman". He doesn't want to make an orc into just a human with green skin. But fully inhuman could be ugly... so he goes for some slight alterations to the facial structure that are decided inhuman. and this can trigger uncanny valley


Sep 13, 2020
Got an exception loading my old save, but I was able to rollback. Now I'm getting an exception when I try to go into the living room.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/navigator_scripts.rpy", line 43, in <module>
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 119, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 119, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 135, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 142, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_occupation_action_for_room'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "scripts/engine/navigation/navigator_scripts.rpyc", line 5, in script call
  File "scripts/engine/navigation/navigator_scripts.rpyc", line 25, in script
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 914, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\python.py", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/navigator_scripts.rpy", line 43, in <module>
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\ui.py", line 297, in interact
    rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2702, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3094, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 430, in visit_all
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3094, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 440, in per_interact
  File "D:\Desktop\AHouseInTheRift-0.6.0r2-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 625, in update
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 119, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 119, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 135, in execute
  File "game/scripts/engine/navigation/house/ground_floor/living_room/living_room.rpy", line 142, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_occupation_action_for_room'

A House in the Rift 0.6.0r2
Mon Apr 11 04:14:15 2022


Jan 27, 2018
ZanithOne Just a general lore question (note: I'm prolly going to use the wrong terms here, so forgive me for that): If the mc was trying to dreamwalk with someone that had insomnia and took a long time to fall asleep, how would that affect the process?


Aug 31, 2018
I find none of them "ugly" per se, just some are more to my liking than others. I can appreciate alternate beauty, but some are not my preference. The dev's have always had the plan of having 6 girls in the house. Count the doors, they have had that many doors from the beginning of the game, and now they have finally gotten all six girls there (all rooms are used). Now they are going to get them up to about the same level as Cait/Naomi/Rae in terms of lust/love and content.

This is how a game development works, especially when it is being financed on the fly. You have to give some content, then you add more to complete the vision. When the game is complete, you can ignore girls if you want, but for now, some content might not be your favorite and you can skip those updates. That is why there is a changelog every release.
You just went off on a tangent in your reply... What I am saying is why is the dev adding characters that no one or very few people would want, not why he is adding more characters. He is putting time and effort into adding content that very few people would want to see, whereas he could create characters like Cait/Lyriel/Rae instead that more people would want. Now I could be wrong and there may be far more people that like those characters than it may seem, but chances are if you have been playing this game for a while you came for Cait/Lyriel/Rae kinds of characters not 'alternate beauty' as one user here called it. That's what I find odd.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
You just went off on a tangent in your reply... What I am saying is why is the dev adding characters that no one or very few people would want, not why he is adding more characters. He is putting time and effort into adding content that very few people would want to see, whereas he could create characters like Cait/Lyriel/Rae instead that more people would want. Now I could be wrong and there may be far more people that like those characters than it may seem, but chances are if you have been playing this game for a while you came for Cait/Lyriel/Rae kinds of characters not 'alternate beauty' as one user here called it. That's what I find odd.
The precise popularity of characters is of course difficult to judge beforehand. And there is a latecomer syndrome - we know less about those characters so they're less interesting on the one hand, on the other hand the first characters decide who is in this thread - people who like early characters like Rae or Naomi will see them and stay around, those who might have preferred later ones like Yona might have moved on. The whole crowd here might be pretty different if Yona were the first. Some would have skipped this, others would have stayed.

So I very much doubt your assumption of "very few people". Maybe less than the other way round, maybe not, but just because I don't like certain characters it doesn't mean others should. Of course I am speaking from the opposite viewpoint because I like what we've seen from our dwarf so far.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
You just went off on a tangent in your reply... What I am saying is why is the dev adding characters that no one or very few people would want, not why he is adding more characters. He is putting time and effort into adding content that very few people would want to see, whereas he could create characters like Cait/Lyriel/Rae instead that more people would want. Now I could be wrong and there may be far more people that like those characters than it may seem, but chances are if you have been playing this game for a while you came for Cait/Lyriel/Rae kinds of characters not 'alternate beauty' as one user here called it. That's what I find odd.
Or even not include any more characters and just get on with the story (Yes Yes I know, he always planned on six girls but plans can change!) Look, I'm a big fan of Zanith's work. This game is one of the best in the genre as far as I'm concerned. But the endless game development that we are seeing with so many AVN's is starting to wear a little thin.
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Or even not include any more characters and just get on with the story (Yes Yes I know, he always planned on six girls but plans can change!) Look, I'm a big fan of Zanith's work. This game is one of the best in the genre as far as I'm concerned. But the endless game development that we are seeing with so many AVN's is starting to wear a little thin.
Well, most are one-person devs or (as here) very small groups of amateurs. So when held against "professional" games we need to expect comparatively long dev time for comparatively little content.

Of course what you prefer is a matter of taste, I personally am - in this situation - more happy with a long wait than I would be with a smaller game than intended because that extra time can be used to make characters meaningful. And hopefully I still have a few years left in my shrivelling body - if it takes 10 years I'll be around to see it.

I will agree that plans can change and that this game could probably work with only three girls - depending on the plans (the doors staying closed would always feel off though IMO) so this is less about AHITR in particular than the general statement. As for "getting on with the story" I don't see it as important now but in the finished game.

But in the end, long dev cycles are something we just need to accept, especially on a site like this which offers the whole range from professional studios to single devs. If this is too annoying one can always restrict the games to those which have been completed.


Aug 31, 2018
Well, most are one-person devs or (as here) very small groups of amateurs. So when held against "professional" games we need to expect comparatively long dev time for comparatively little content.

Of course what you prefer is a matter of taste, I personally am - in this situation - more happy with a long wait than I would be with a smaller game than intended because that extra time can be used to make characters meaningful. And hopefully I still have a few years left in my shrivelling body - if it takes 10 years I'll be around to see it.

I will agree that plans can change and that this game could probably work with only three girls - depending on the plans (the doors staying closed would always feel off though IMO) so this is less about AHITR in particular than the general statement. As for "getting on with the story" I don't see it as important now but in the finished game.

But in the end, long dev cycles are something we just need to accept, especially on a site like this which offers the whole range from professional studios to single devs. If this is too annoying one can always restrict the games to those which have been completed.
Long wait cycle with worthwhile content halved, with 3 desirable characters and 3 undesirable, makes it an even bigger bummer.

So I very much doubt your assumption of "very few people". Maybe less than the other way round, maybe not, but just because I don't like certain characters it doesn't mean others should. Of course I am speaking from the opposite viewpoint because I like what we've seen from our dwarf so far.
It's less of an 'assumption' more of an observation. If you were to consider all the h-games and look at the characters you would find very few (overall) that look the way the characters we are talking about do, because there is relatively little demand for that, thus we can conclude few people (overall) would like them. If those were the characters the dev started with, the game would most likely be dead by now or at the very least far less popular. I think you can at least somewhat agree with this statement, so it's odd that he has made such a shift in character appearance.

I am not arguing that those characters aren't liked by some, of that they shouldn't be, I am wondering why the dev made such an odd shift in character appearance instead of sticking with the formula that has worked so well for him. His call of course, a sad turn of events as far as I am concerned though.


Dec 11, 2018
Long wait cycle with worthwhile content halved, with 3 desirable characters and 3 undesirable, makes it an even bigger bummer.

It's less of an 'assumption' more of an observation. If you were to consider all the h-games and look at the characters you would find very few (overall) that look the way the characters we are talking about do, because there is relatively little demand for that, thus we can conclude few people (overall) would like them. If those were the characters the dev started with, the game would most likely be dead by now or at the very least far less popular. I think you can at least somewhat agree with this statement, so it's odd that he has made such a shift in character appearance.

I am not arguing that those characters aren't liked by some, of that they shouldn't be, I am wondering why the dev made such an odd shift in character appearance instead of sticking with the formula that has worked so well for him. His call of course, a sad turn of events as far as I am concerned though.
As far as I'm aware, Blair as a concept was teased a long time ago with a general description of her appearance. To be frank, all of this seems very meticulously planned, and the main dev time for the story is the expansion of a pre-planned outline. This was the plan from the get-go, and to get people hooked early on, the first few characters the MC interacts with, namely Rae and Caitlin, are more conventionally attractive. The point here is that Zanith and the team are trying to appeal to a variety of tastes: young lady Rae, bookish nerd Caitlin, dommy-mommy Naomi, bratty valley girl Lyriel, muscle-girl Yona, and shortstack Blair. To be clear here, only Rae and Lyriel are characters I find attractive, and Caitlin is doable (heh), while Naomi, Yona, and Blair are characters I'm not particularly interested in. I'm not complaining about this fact though, because the existence of these characters and their content does not overwrite or undo the characters I like and their content. Look, we're all allowed to have our preferences here, and I'm not going to accuse anyone of being a bad person for having personal preferences, because that would make me a hypocrite. It would, however, make one a hypocrite for criticizing the right of the creators for making content as they see fit to cater to their desired audiences. If you have a particular aesthetic in mind and want a game that will appeal to it and no other, this game is not for you. I do not know any specifics, but there are many other games on this site that will, but the more picky you are with your options, the smaller your pool is.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
It's less of an 'assumption' more of an observation. If you were to consider all the h-games and look at the characters you would find very few (overall) that look the way the characters we are talking about do, because there is relatively little demand for that, thus we can conclude few people (overall) would like them. If those were the characters the dev started with, the game would most likely be dead by now or at the very least far less popular. I think you can at least somewhat agree with this statement, so it's odd that he has made such a shift in character appearance.
The thing is, if we take "people overall" into account we'd soon have a very limited scope of games because by this logic every game would be more or less the same. And shouldn't really be made in the first place because "people overall" probably prefer Mario games to adult VN games. A game, like books, like music, has a target audience and its goal is to appeal to them. You don't play Beethoven for "people overall" who may prefer country, but for those who have an interest in it in the first place.

What counts is what the target audience for this game thinks - and while that is a larger group than the ones following it, it is a smaller group than AVN players as a whole. And sometimes you or I are not part of it.
Jul 18, 2018
How do you unlock Sccene Gallery: Misc - "College e-girl", "Business lady", and "Punk gal"? I looked up a scene guide which just it's part of the "intro daydream sequence"? How do you activate that?


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
How do you unlock Sccene Gallery: Misc - "College e-girl", "Business lady", and "Punk gal"? I looked up a scene guide which just it's part of the "intro daydream sequence"? How do you activate that?
It really is the intro before you come to the house. You have to start the game anew, there you have the choice to watch one of three girls and get a scene with them, these are just the three. Then you have to start anew again (or load a save from the decision point).
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