RPGM - Completed - Winter Memories [v1.08] [DojinOtome]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect simple HGames that offer a lot of fun in the gameplay while giving reward with H Event for each heroine. There is a reason why summer memories by far my favourite and the sequel winter memories enchance experience a lot and improve feature in the game while adding more character and interaction from past game summer memories. The game connected to the ending in summer memories so finishing that game is a must. i found my self taking this game strategicly when managing every single minute i spend (game time), while playing a lot of other mini games making my character unstopable god sex machine. it really fun.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best ACTUAL porn game on the site, with of course, its original Summer Memories (I beat both games 100%). The gameplay is very similar to the Boku No Natsuyasumi games (even the original name given to the main character here is Boku) but more streamlined so porn is the main event.

    Gameplay wise, this one expands and makes better a lot of gameplay elements of the first, making for a much better game gameplay wise.Its incredibly surprising that the art is redone to be even more impressive than in the original, and all the extra town girls now get proper long stories with actual endings for each one of them, not only the 3 main house girls like the original.
    The achivement process, were you get rewards that impact the game (some in amazing ways, like the anime viewer) its amazing, and the new game plus, that you will need if you go for 100%, is also better than the first game one.
    And holy shit, the fun that is each girl having 3 different pantiesand you tryingdifferent variations (some panties look amazing) is absolutely great. ANd they seem to be updating that part to add even more.

    Like everything here is better, and I mean that when the original was already great, but the jump of qulaity when you play both games back ot back is outstanding.
    Hopefully, like the game implies theres a 3rd entry with the spring vacation.

    If i have to say some negatives:
    -In this game, all the girls repeat, except 2 new ones (which are actually tricky to unlock if you are only following the house girl paths at first). While this is great because it expands more the town girls that were and afterthought in Summer Memories, to give them a full fleshed story, and Rio gets a lovely dovey second part of her story (best girl with the gym teacher, which sI d have to say, sadly her route is not the best in this game), it does impact a little bit the enjoyment of more of the same.
    If spring memories (if it exists) want to keep the trend of everyobody returns, I at least hope they add more than 2 new girls (5 would be ideal).

    -This is more my own opinion, and i know the game wouldnt have worked as well thematically, but I would have prefered Boku being at least the age of the cousins. Of course, it wouldnt feel the same, but it is what it is. DO not take this as a serious negative though.

    -The translation of this version is not the best compared to summer memories (this is edited MTL, while summer is fully translated),but hey, is the best MLT ive ever seen, as its heavily edited.

    In summary, i would love a western version of this game, i dont mean being about a kid and its vacation, but the gameplay loop, but with more western written characters and variety would be incredible to see.

    If you actually want to play a real game with porn, do not pass the chance to play summer memories and winter memories.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun overall, the characters are the same as in the first part of the series, except for a 2 additions. This slightly takes away from the experience, as I'm not a huge fan of the 2 new characters. You don't start completely from 0, as in the first part, but more like re-unlock all of the characters. Overall, I think this'd be a good conclusion to this series, as it seems to me that there isn't much left to do in this series if the creator doesn't want to create a whole new cast of characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, thank you very much for creating a masterpiece, it would be great if you added more things to the game but it is more than good.

    The only thing I would ask for would be new positions, that would be great to be honest.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    Sequel as good as original game.
    We have here highest quality animations, good dialogues and interesting plot.

    Here is made few ammendments to gameplay, such as rebalanced skills. Now you cant early rush into passive skill which removes noice during sex scenes, now on early game you need to manage dad's suspicions.

    And you have here great christmas theme, it will be perfect to play during winter!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    a lot of the small annoying stuff in the first game is gone and it's a lot more enjoyable to play, the quests don't feel so annoying and repetitive, it's just more of the same from the first game but cleaned up!
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 951200

    So, the 2 main directions I'd imagine a sequel of Summertime Memories to go are: either the game starts off with everything in the previous game unlocked but builds upon 3sum/4sum content, or a whole new setting with a new protagonist and heroines. There are probably better ideas that people more creative than myself could come up with. Unfortunately, I feel like the direction they went in is just about the most uninspired and boring one they could have chosen...

    It is basically a continuation of the first game, but with all the H-content locked up again. Hardly any of it is new and I even see a couple skills missing (maybe they're unlockable but its still wack). There are some QOL changes, and thankfully there is more to do with the side girls, but this all ends up feeling like a underwhelming expansion than a true sequel.

    It also feels a bit like the devs are still trying to find a proper balance between H content and gameplay. The game features a lot of bells and whistles that ultimately feel more pointless than they did in the first game. My lust meter is never full, my stamina meter is rarely empty, and I could cap out my memory meter pretty regularly. The minigames also feel mostly forgotten, which I'm personally fine with since the pog one was the only one I cared about anyway. The game has loads of items which I never felt like I needed to use at any point, but I guess they could be handy.

    On a more subjective note, it irks me that these devs can include so many characters yet they almost all have the same body type... Especially with the main 3. The game is still great though, and would be a 5 star game if it wasn't so similar to its predecessor.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished this one for a first time today.

    It is a very good sequel for Summer Memories.
    Finished with Sisters and Mother ending in my first playtime.
    You can't play this one if you have not played the prequel. Summer Memories is very good too.

    - Art is good in this sequel too.
    - Upgraded game system.
    - Characters stories development is good enough.
    - Some new characters.
    - Events are congruent with prequel.
    - There is a 4P option available after unlocking certain achivement.
    - There is some fetishes variety.

    - This particular version (1.0.8) needs more work on translation, it is not so bad but needs some corrections and there are some japanesse untranslated texts.
    - Text boxes ovelaps over other text boxes.
    - Needs MORE ANIMATIONS AND GRAPHIC SCENES. Example: Kiss scenes.
    - Needs more internal cumshots views.
    - Needs a Harem ending including all the girls.
    - All young girls harem ending. All milfs harem ending.

    This game is very good.
    You can cheat by using a save editor in order to progress faster.
    Still discovering endings, there are many endings it seems.
    Let's see what more this one have for me. ;-)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    im kind a fan of this game,
    from doujin otome, no need high graph / awesome cg
    pixel can be fun too,.,,

    like previous game summer time , and genre like Shota x milf, or something like that,
    thing make his game awesome is, semi grinding for gain love with heroine and then multiple ending
    Love it
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the much-anticipated and much-deserved sequel to Summer Memories, one of the all-time greats that basically changed the face of incest-themed adult games and one of few games that to date still receives almost universal praise from this community. Winter Memories is a decent game, so although it has its flaws, my penis and I are overall pretty happy.

    The most apt description of this game that I can come up with right now is that it's sort of a victory lap, a celebration and an attempt at a repeat of the first game's success. Parts of it are practically a simple rehashing of the old game but during the cold season, not to say that no original elements have been added. In interest of avoiding spoiling anything, I feel that there's not much reason to get more in-depth than that, especially if you've played Summer Memories... you basically know what to expect.

    If there was one thing that I, individually, would add to this game to make it all the more pleasurable, it would be an alternative route where the events of Summer Memories had either been magically forgotten by all parties or, better yet, a route where none of it ever happened and he basically had an ordinary vacation there in the summer, with things just NOW turning perverted. The game, as it stands, doesn't have much corruption or subtle, step-by-step progression, because by the time you walk in, all the girls are acutely aware that this will be a repeat of the suck-and-fuck orgyfest that took place during your summer vacation.

    Here's a huge fantasy for me: an innocent onee-chan or MILF stripping naked to platonically take a bath or shower with a shota boy, giving it no extra thought because he's too small and young to be a sexual threat or to even look at her body in an indecent way... or at least so she believes. This was something I was personally strongly hoping we could explore a bit more in this game compared to the last one, which sort of lightly touched on this scenario, but really didn't do much with it... basically just a single frame and a line of dialogue from each girl in the early game, then as you unlock sexual favors as options, it quickly turns into something completely lewd and adult, foregoing all pretense of innocence. I know this is a very specific niche, but it would have done a TON for me if we had been able to get more into this type of scenario prior to everything devolving into an all-out sex romp, but the first bath scene in the game has your aunt immediately, very shamelessly, reveal that she remembers everything that happened over the summer just fine and fully intends to continue the debauchery right where we left off.

    Maybe it was wishful thinking, but in the early game I swore I was picking up a vibe that we may have the option to make it so the events of the previous game had either been purely MC's imagination running wild and never really happened yet, or make it so they had been purely forgotten by every other party, ensuring that we would be able to enjoy the gradual corruption process of your sweet, gentle, loving family members all over again. I was quite disappointed when she basically just went "Ya I remember lol duh" and casually lets you rail her right from the get-go.

    Still a good game, though, and definitely still recommend it to incest addicts like me!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is good. Like most of, what I'm going to say, "pixel animated point-click top down" style of games, pratically all interactions are managed by point and clicking, requiring only that you have good observation to spot certain things that will give you a secret skill, achievement, etc. To me, the point of gameplay for these games is to allow H-scenes to happen in a logical and more immersive manner. Other than that, not any good points to say it. The gameplay itself isn't appealing enough to be it's own reason for existing. There's also mini-games, which most are pretty simple and serve to gain money, xp, etc.
    Mechanics are quite advanced for these styles of game, having two skill trees, achievements(which give you certain abilities) and a mood system that increases depending on the sex position you choose. Basically, everything is directed towards increasing types of moods and affection(which progress the story for each girl). I can't say that increasing the mood to it's maximum is rewarding enough for all the work you have to go through. But more on that later.

    Story should've been probably one of the highest points for the game. It's stronger than many games similar to it. Every girl has a distinct storyline and personality. My issue is that the story focus too much on the sweetness of it all, instead of the forbidden, if not incredibly wrong side of them doing sex with the protagonist. It's not spicy. It's diabetic. My favorite story would have to be Kanae, because it's one of the few where it can't pass as sweet, since the wife is literally cheating on her husband while fucking a kid.

    Ambient is great and helps a lot setting the mood for the game. Each scenario feels distinct and it's filled with things to do. Seems like a simple thing, but it's what I find to be one of the best things about this game that others fail to do. Space shouldn't exist for itself. Almost every inch of space in this game(aside from public spaces) is useful for doing H-scenes. This is what game like this should aim at. If the house of your game has a bathroom, then it should have an available H-scene in the bathroom.(be it on the sink, in the shower, etc). If it has a living room then it should have something in the sofa, over or under table, etc. And so on.

    Sex scenes. This game prioritizes a lot more quantity over quality. Which isn't to say that it's necessarily a bad thing. Like I said, a lot of space to do H-scene, a lot of girls. But the H-scenes itself are probably the less enjoyable of all the games similar that I encountered. I can't zoom in and most of the sex positions have a angle that doesn't allow you to see the girl(the MAIN POINT of all) and the kid is blocking it. So you see more of the kid than the girl, most of the time and there isn't a transparent option. Even the extra panel that serves as a "zoom" and has more elaborate drawning and animation consist mostly of ass shots(which are pretty good), but don't allow you to enjoy the rest of the body.
    The other problem of prioritizing quantity over quality is that there is a lack "personality". In all H-scenes, the character react the same or have the same body language, and the mood system doesn't actually change the H-scene like some "NTR mode" or "Mindbreak" you see in other games. It would be another story if the sex positon were tied to a girl, so you would have something different for each one, but here it's a skill, so you use it on all and it just the same with a different clothing. Sound effects for H-scenes are good and the scenes are fluid.
    The game also has a lot CG scenes(for each "chapter" of the story for each girl), which aren't animated or pixelated, but are very good for the most part with good dialogue and sound. There's also "pictures" with a more kid-like drawning which you'll collect during the game.
    Customization, if you can call it that, exists, but seems limited for the most part. Depending on the time you choose to do the act, you may find the characters wearing pajama, but, again, the game doesn't seem to take advantage of that, if not for the three main characters(sex during sleep). I want to reiterate that the game has a lot of options. A lot. but still doesn't change the fact that most are mediocre when you really get down to it. Aside from the CG scenes.

    I feel like the perfect score for this game would be between 3-4 stars. I would be insane if I called this game average(which is 3/5), but giving 4/5 makes it seem like it's almost perfect and there's lot to improve I think.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A long time ago Summer Memories awakened the taste for older women in me. The best summer vacation ever.

    Everything was perfect in Summer Memories, from the atmosphere to the characters. I loved every second I spent with the first game.
    I've been waiting for the sequel ever since and my wait has been rewarded, because Winter Memories is similar, but the sweaty summer atmosphere has been replaced by the chills of Christmas season. Something that is even reflected in the soundtrack. In short, Winter Memories is more of the same, which in this case was all I wanted.

    There's plenty of fresh scenes and positions featuring new and past heroines, as well as expanding on fetishes from the previous game like Netori and Oyakodon.

    5/5 - The perfect sequel to the perfect game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    summer memories fans should definately go for it. took around 12+ hours. the content especially the core 3 family members is really good.

    progression was great, games was fun and intuative, a little bit grind, all the way excitement
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Giving 3/5 instead of 4/5, because I enjoyed the first one more, but still I can't manage to like Boku(MC). He looks like a gremlin, in some scenes seems indeed a fucking deformed unknown thing, moreover Ikeda tries to convince us with the weakest-ntr plot(everyone loves mc's dick, despite being 5cm long) and mix it together with some rape.
    Boku is going to be a rapist in the future and that's the main plot of the game.

    Apart that it's quite grindy and you've to redo the same things over and over.
    Suggestion: use the stamina trick for getting tons of points for unlocking sex skills, like in the 1st one was with the blonde sister and the bugs collection.

    Love hotel is also a very nice feature, but it feels weak, because apart the interesting fact of being invited by the girls you don't get extra poses or anything more than having a bigger room.
    What lacks here are the extra bits we had in the 1st chapter, kind of a story supporting it and the 100-200 levels scenes together with cosplay, extra stories and similar things.
    Sex poses are also basically the same ones.
    The dev is already focusing on another project and I doubt we'll get a plus version like the previous game, apart maybe some small updates.

    The game is still entertaining and I suggest to give it a go after having played the 1st chapter, but it's somewhat rushed or some elements haven't convinced me completely.

  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version 1.0.6

    After plowing through this little town during summer holidays you are coming back to conquer them all again in the winter seasons!

    The game is worth to be called a sequel. The changes and additions elevates it to a similiar yet new gameplay.

    -I hope you like the same body type over and over again. Iam not against big tits and big hips, but 8/10 of the characters share the same body type and the same animations. Except for clothing, hair and face nothing changes in their animations. And these animations were already in the previous game!
    -The artwork in the sex scenes is consitent and solid but the way of censorhip is really ruining the entire picture driven sex scenes for me and this is a huge problem since a lot of work seems to be put into them and less into the pixel porn.

    +There is a good reason to hunt for achievments since they give you powerful abilities and advantages in the gameplay. Like skipping minigames for example.
    +The new gameplay loop is new and refreshing, but still you will feel like you are coming back.
    +More ladies were implemented and fleshed out to a higher degree that you really get to know them better. I was a huge fan of Kagami for example but she did not really had much personality in the previous games, but now she got a lot more attention and that counts for every newcoming character or new addition.
    +Addition of more pixel art like internal view and a detailed view of the scene you are currently watching. This was definitly necessary but there is not enough new.
    +Good Pixel art and art in general.
    +You can enjoy your first playthrough blind since you can convert your save into a new game +. So no worries about mistakes you dont have to start all over againn
    +Good Ui and well developed game in general.

    >Generic sounds and music
    > Summer Memories had better immersion I really felt like being in a hot summer, but this FEELS like a muddy and mild winter.
    >Too much piss.

    The general game and gameplay improved but the sex department is still lacking a lot. For your time you wont get a lot, but personally I enjoyed the combination of game and sex game. The gameplay was fun and the sex (sometimes the story of the heroines) motivated me to keep playing till the end and through my new game +.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    My ideal sequel is one that maintains the good qualities of the original game while putting its own original twist on it, to make it stand out both as a sequel and as its own game. Winter Memories doesn't really do that. It's more DLC than anything, but the core of these games are strong enough that this still ends up being a worthwhile game.

    Because this game features the heroines from the first game, who are already willing sex friends with the playable character, the question becomes: how does this game meaningfully develop their storylines in an erotic way that will continue to escalate from the first game? The answer the game comes up with has its good and bad.

    Let's look at the main heroines for example. In the first game, each main heroine had their own storylines that made them each unique. The aunt had a netori storyline, the blue-haired one showed a nuturing type of character becoming more willing to do dirty acts like giving rimjobs, and the blonde was the hot college girl who you fucked, which made her suitors heartbroken and jealous. For Winter Memories, the aunt continues the netori storyline, but in a way that is basically the exact same as the first game. The other two have weak storylines that barely match with the first game at all.

    Regardless, the sequel isn't without its positives with how it handles the heroines. From the very beginning, you're able to have sex with any of the heroines while the others are also present, something that was only present at the end of the first game. And there are some sex scenes that are much longer than the ones in the first game. I'm just someone that thinks the situations contribute a lot to the overall eroticism of a game.

    The game expands the side heroines to the point where they basically have the same features given to the main heroines. You can have sex with the side heroines in their own homes, for example. The storylines here are mixed. The bug girl from the first game was boring, and here, in order to try to make her interesting, Winter Memories basically reuses what the blonde heroine had in the first game, which was cucking her suitors. We've seen it before, so it's boring. On the other hand, the fortunetelling girl continues her tsundere storyline of warming up to the playable character, which is cliche, but seeing her become lustful and loving was both appealing and meaningfully continued her storyline from the first game. She was a big positive for me. Notably, the housewife from Succumate also makes an appearance (who was the best character from that game), but here she ends up feeling redundant due to fulfilling basically the exact same netori appeal as the aunt.

    In terms of gameplay, this still has the fantastic and clever meter management from the first game, but it also ends up over centralizing the Menko game. In this game, you can basically play Menko with any character, which ends up providing the vast majority of the means to level up. So, that means playing the game dozens, if not hundreds of times.

    Now don't get me wrong. If you liked Summer Memories (like I did, it's probably my favorite adult game), this is worth playing. The fun core gameplay loop, the great pixel animations, and the buxom character designs are still here. I just feel like the sequel ends up feeling like it didn't really know where to take the characters from the first game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reading duration ~9min]
    This review is based on the assumption that a sequel's obligation is to surpass its prequel.

    2 stars from someone who adored Summer Memories+

    Version played:
    Played 1.0.0 when it came out with english MTL, encountered some softlocking bugs that I easily fixed by restarting this piece of software and loading my savefile and finished with harem ending in onsen.

    What's good with Winter Memories that is better than Summer Memories ?: (Sorted by most deciding in descending order)
    +Two new female heroines such as the Menko girl's mom (iirc divorced, single mom) and a bored housewife of a newly-wed(?) couple
    allowing for some Netori action besides the one you already get to do with your aunt & uncle.
    +Straight up sex action in the first 15 minutes and access to a few freeroam sex options with the cousin family members.
    Very crucial game design for porn games to get straight into the sex for some to see if 'le grind" is worth the sexual content.
    (By the way, it's wrong to deem this game's tasks as grindy. It's really easy and you should play more, older, H games with actual grind to see what I and some others here really mean.)
    +extra animated sprite windows for a lot of sex positions with the family members.
    The few pixels on the world animations were to few for me so this is a HUGE deal for me.
    +Bigger map with every heroine having their own fully implemented homes with it's own personality matching the heroine.
    Allows more locations to have sex at and more rooms to decorate with your cum spray. Sheesh!
    +Passage of time and it's time management is more lax which is good. Time is scaled on minute by minute for every hour and time moves as you move, sort of,
    and you can do last minute emergency actions to fix an your route/stats before you move on to the next hour which triggers every possible event.
    Giving you the option to do a lot of things in just one time of day e.g. you can get your whole day routine done in the morning with
    few hours to spare and there is a skip time button once you think you're ready for the next hour, anytime.

    Neutral points:
    There is a variety of sex positions and special sex positions. I think it has a 1 or two more for both in terms of numbers. (THERE IS NO TELEPHONE SEX WITH AUNTY ANYMORE AAAAAAAHHH)
    ~~It still has sounds like in the prequel. Be it partcially voice acting in sfw and nfsw areas or environment and UI and they're important to have and they're good for what it serves.
    It has them and that can't be said about every h game, sadly.

    What's bad with it ?: (Sorted by most deciding in descending order)
    --It's just more of the old at the end of it all.
    The female heroine cast consists overwhelmingly of members from Summer Memories and that makes the whole game to me a big DLC with snow, a Summer Memories++ or Summer Memories+ 2 if you will.
    There is more story/events to each heroine from the first game and it's DLC. There is more shown how they live for each heroine.
    It all feels like you're chewing on an old gum that has lost most of its taste and you're on the lookout for a bin to toss it away.
    --The two new heroines (my main reason playing this game) only appeared VERY LATE in my 1st playhthrough.
    I played first time blind and barely had time to complete either story for the two and I'm pretty sure the dev made it so for replayability motivation.
    Yes, I know if I go for a 2nd playthrough I could get to start their story maybe early-mid-game with some planning but this is not a short game that could justify replayability.
    It's a longer game and I want things to complete in 1st playthrough for such games. Atleast for the story.

    If you're a newcomer to this series, play Winter Memories > Summer Memories+.
    The handling through out the game, be it the gameplay system and the time management, difficulty, sexual animations and presentation etc. are all an improvement to its prequel.
    The pacing is better, too. It gets much faster to the sex events and other sex stuff which is why most of us come to play h games. That's another improvement from its prequel.
    If you've already played summer memories before and played winter memories later, then you should recommand winter memories to newcomers, anyways.

    Actual TL;DR:
    it's just Summer Memories++winter map with x-mas and new years scenarious. And this just ain't flying with me.
    Praises for the few improvements, but concerning lack of actual new and exciting things that are especially NEEDED for Winter Memories to become better then its prequel Summer Memories.

    A sequels' obligation is to surpass its prequel, right ? If not, wouldn't it be better for it to be a DLC instead ?
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If i had to show someone a game to get them into the world of eroges i'd 100% show them this series, not only because of the quality of the content, but also to get them used to the painfully boring mini-games in every rpgm game out there.

    Don't get me wrong, overall the game is amazing as every other DojinOtome game is, but i hate when the grindy mini-games don't have anything to do with the H content, like seriously, i wanna fuck the girl, i don't wanna get fucked by simple math reminding me how dumb i am.

    However, even if i find the grinding annoying, everything else is just so superb and really well done: The art is great, the animations are amazing, really good scenes, music is nice and the general presentation of the game is just pleasant to look at.
    Though not as good as the previous title, winter memories is still a 10/10 because god damn it hits on the right spots and almost no other games in this site do that for me.

    tl;dr: play summer memories first and enjoy this moment because this breath of fresh air comes once in a few months.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Some of the download links are broken, and the AI translation is... NEARLY good, but if the uploader had simply bothered to play through the game even once to correct it then it would be perfect.

    Otherwise the game only has a few minor bugs.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A fan of Summer memories. I was looking forward to playing this game. Lots of scenes, events and also moans. The characters are various and have unique routes.

    I play this game on mobile using Maldives. So it's a bit difficult to control or interact with objects (in mini-game “serving restaurant” i can’t use double finger to trigger right-click but it's not working, or when you want to play Menko you have to use 1 finger to hover at the character then touch another finger to trigger right click). When playing on mobile, sometimes I got bug like freeze screen (have to forced close the game, not saved yet), so remember to save your progress often.

    • Graphics: 9.5/10. There are animations and h-scenes quite good for me
    • Story: 9/10. Sequel to summer memories, it still keeps the story line and logical logic
    • Gameplay: 8.5/10. Most of mini-games you have to interact with the bar on your right, not’s many things to do. But yeah, it’s an H-game so I don’t really expect much.
    • Sound: Umm… I'm not a music connoisseur

    I am sorry if my English is not very good. Thanks for reading