RPGM - Warlock and Boobs [v0.504.0.1] [boobsgames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    When you hover over 4*, it says "Good." When you hover over 5*, it says "Excellent." Warlock and Boobs is somewhere in the middle, it's great.

    I've played this game for a few dozen hours over several updates and the good parts continue to improve, but the bad parts are never made better: namely, the combat. The single worst thing about this game is the combat. It is so excruciatingly tied to luck, so much so that save-scumming almost seems like an intended gameplay mechanic. I also believe the percent hit chances/percent status inflictions are literally lying to you (or there are some unknown resistances at play that change these base percent). Another minor gripe that could bother others but doesn't really bother me is the almost unguided quests. This is ameliorated by public walkthroughs and notes in the changelogs, but for those who don't read them, I could see it being frustrating.

    Besides the combat, the art is great, the quests are interesting enough, the grind is manageable, the fetish options are plentiful, and the updates are satisfying and constant. The music is also surprisingly good.

    Try it out. Play it for a few hours, let it build up steam, and make your judgement from there. Definitely keep your eye on it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    1. A deep storyline that constantly continues. In most games, the entire plot is a short story.
    2. Numerous living NPCs, not indistinct shadows
    3. Original drawings of excellent quality
    4. An excellent combat system and a crafting system for this game software
    5. Secondary tasks are no more boring than other games
    6. Availability of languages other than English
    .o-o-very slowly and takes a long time to build. I think we will all die before ...

    I advise lovers of RPGs!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    HRPG Maker Dangat art style western, for those of you who are bored with anime art style you have to play this game, there is gay content but you can turn it off, can't wait until this game is full release.
    Overall not bad
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    Few really hot scenes.
    Art is really good. Never seen anything better than this.
    Gameplay pretty seflf explained. Nothing you didnt see already hundred times.
    The most worst in this game is the variation of scenes. It have aroudn 20 - 30 anal sex scenes but just around 5 vaginal sex scenes. Turning off the gay content makes no sense for me if you still fuck everyone in the ass.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 795684

    All those great art wasted in a horrbile RPGM. I just check art from other sites once an update became avaliable. Can't play a chore to just see 5 new pictures. So yeah, this is the summary of the game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good that you can't get game over by losing but the thing is the combat just sucks , lots of rng takes out the fun and its extremely unrewarding since theres no xp at all from open world mobs.

    I don't like to think I'm very stupid but I couldnt figure out what to do to progress at all without the walkthrough.

    Art is nice though.
    Just fix combat perhaps, cheating is no fun, shitty grind arent fun either.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply amazing. Its a very interesting take of the Stardew Valley genre. In Warlock and Boobs you live in a tiny village with plenty of hot women . Each day has a morning, a daytime, evening and night. And all the characters have some script to follow for each day and time period. The complexity this creates is fantastic and very engaging because you want to explore the nearby villages or other maps to see what is happening. And there are many, many scenes. Some so well hidden that you will need a guide to find out. Great art, great text, immense potential, and I have only seen the 0.344 version.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A really fun game to play especially for bisexuals. There is a lot of cool stories and the world you can uncover, sex scenes are intense and sexy. As the game nears its completion I am always happy to come back to it every new update
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful artwork. The only thing that is good and what matters. This alone constitutes the three stars I give.

    Story has no focused direction but it doesn't really matter. It seems the focus is to get those CG presented. It makes for a good fap material. You're just a mage who live in a small town. It's a promiscuous world. Quests are just there so you got something to do while you try to fuck everything and everyone.

    As for the gameplay....It needs to be polished.

    It's a complete joke of a grind if it weren't for the cheat room. Cheat rooms are there so players can focus on getting the good stuff but if a game relies on it to make the game bearable to play then that goes to show the failures of the game mechanics.

    Let me elaborate. First off, the only way to get a constant stream of exp is to partake in daytime hunts with your friend Eric. Too little exp earned. It's a grind. What is even worse is that there are encounters all over the map but you can't even earn exp from them. This is just stupid.

    Second, the combat is okay. Most of the time you're going to fight alone though and the encounters will overwhelm you. In order to gain an edge, you have to level up to gain new spells and guess what? Yes, you have to grind for exp. Which can even make you rely on the auto-win cheat even more. What's the purpose of implementing combat anyways...

    Third, the hunger management and the stuff involved around it. Initially, one way to earn food is to help Jenna in her chicken coop gather eggs. This mini-game is something Lucifer could think of as torture. And you do this everyday or maybe every other day. Either way, it is plain suffering. Later on, there will be other ways but they're only slightly less worse than that damned egg gathering. Even porn games such as A Struggle With Sin has hunger management but at the very least, the methods are less of a hassle.

    Lastly, relationship points. It's also a grind early on. By the time you are earning a lot there's really not much use since you're most likely unlocked all sex scenes anyways. Wouldn't it be reasonable if all points earned early are +2 instead of +1? If it's a matter of not getting the scenes too early then better writing or character progression would have suffice instead of numbers making it longer. The NPCs are already horny characters at the beginning anyways...

    With that being said, I really like the artwork. Forgive me for being harsh but I root for this game. There are just some things that really disappoints.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, a bit grindy, but if that's too much for you a cheat room is easily accessible so that's not an issue. Likeable characters, I enjoy the fact that you can see other pairings without it being straight up NTR.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For anyone wondering imo the NTR in this game is not even an issue it only goes as far as you watching your neighbour have sex with his stepmom and your aunt being gangbanged by futa elves.

    Amazing game. I've been holding playing it for quite a while because im somewhat special with what kind of grindy rpgm i enjoy and i must say this is one. Theres a feel of progress for every scene when doing quests theres also a few scenes that are pretty good and dont require any progress in the game, but i did felt lost a few times and a walkthrough i saw on patreon wasnt that great trying to explain where things were.

    I enjoy all the futa content it was amazing and the semi building relationships through quests and actions.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR A game with fantastic unique feeling art that has a little bit of gay content. The art and ideas are solid, but the grind and the punishing lust mechanic make getting the art feel worthless. What should be a 5/5 is bogged down greatly by lack of playtesting, or intentional grind.

    Alright lets get this out of the way the art is superb, its a unique bimboy style that seperates itself from the typical cartoony style of a lot of the hentai games out there.

    The bad? The gameplay is frustrating, not in a way where I was lost for things to do, but in a way that I kept asking "why?"

    Why, is there such a high fail rate to gather plants?
    Why, is the rep grind so insanely long for each girl?
    Why, is the path to the primary objectives so hidden?
    Why, must I have a certain amount of lust to interact with girls and trigger lewd scenes, when once I do, I have to perform a bunch of little lust increasing things just for one scene?
    Why is this "game" designed in a way to not be fun?
    Why can't I run from mobs? You force save scumming due to lust mechanic.

    For the creator, when you add a mechanic or create a barrier, always ask why am I doing this? If it's to challenge the player (the combat) perfect, to slowly build up corruption/scenes perfect. To challenge the player mentally (puzzles/herb types) awesome. IF its to pad out game-time, stop, If it's cause you like a grind stop, your not the majority make the grind optional. If it's because you want this to feel realistic, its a porn game, stop.

    This game could easily be 5/5 if you double the relationship gains, make plants twice as easy to collect, double lust gains AND halve lust loss, finally add a run option in combat. If you like grind in your game, then make it an option easy/normal mode. Adding in more clarity for quests (1 sentence that's all) would be a cherry on top but I could live without thanks to guides.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    a game something good, the art is very good, in the design of the characters not to mention it, wonderful design and very elaborate, but really the game is not in my opinion it was not what I thought, well let's what we are going to, the game is a bit tedious or repetitive to say, the plot really really don't know if there is a plot or it has a story since everything is a bit confusing, I played it from beginning to end and I really did not like it very much not because of the way of the fights or the adventure but in the sex scenes, the one hundred game that is most recommended for those who have a fetish or are a lover of anal sex, since most of the scenes are anal, there are very few vaginal sex scenes and When I mean very few, there are very few in the game, not counting the pregnant woman since they put her as pregnant by the MC when she is not, she only had anal sex with the MC and vaginal sex with the monsters and the mayor who is futanari, in conclusion a game is recommended for fans Of anal sex, I have nothing against anal sex, I just don't like it and I'm not a big fan of that kind of sex
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A really really competent RPGM game; even though it's nothing too out of the ordinary this is kind of exactly what I like hentai RPGM games to be: it's got simple gameplay, great progression hooks, and great hand-drawn art. It IS a little hard to figure out what to do sometimes but there's also a guide.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art, poor story telling, bad game mechanics, excesive grinding.

    Gotta say I usually don't enjoy RPG maker games. I came running to download this one when I saw on twitter, or it appeared to be, that you could transition the gender of the protagonist. In general, with few exceptions, the characters CGs, although cross the line of bodies objectification, have a high quality, very polyshed appealing style. Also, it's very apprecietaed the diversity of erotic content ranging between gay/hetero/trans posibilites, either it's not very wide, but allows the player to build and choose a way to interact.

    All of these are good aspects of the game, but they can't make a good/enjoyable game on its own. The biggest issue I see is an innexistent coeherent narrative that leads us towarths the objectives of the main character, something where we could reflect our own desires. For instance, I was expecting the moment when I could femenize my body all the game throught and it came at a very late stage of gameplay in a very dull way, for no apparent good reasons or main character desires. It ends just as a excuse to show a massive breasted transexual on screen, and the moment doesn't taste like anything to me. Its just another pornographic image appearing, just as so many we crossed throught the game to this point.

    I honestly hate games that are only a pretty counter to show hentai art. If I was to consume innconected pornographic images I have search engines on internet and I don't have to spend my time grinding tedious tasks. Which also leads me to complain about the way the game is designed to unlock new content. At least it's a chaos of unrelated events that makes it very hard to understand where to go or what to chase. When you get to understand what to do, the grinding to achive anything can be obsene, and on top of that, dev, has something for hiding secrets and hard to find content all over the place. somehting that far from making you feel good about finding stuff, makes a very frustrating gameplay, moslty because you know you will never unlock everything unless you check a guide or a walkthrought.

    I also rated very low because I can't stand the rape culture and the sexual violence on pornography. I'm expecting that independent devs start to build creative alternative ways of thinking about eroticism and sexuality. Not only as a point of view with gender perspective, but because same old shit is boring.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is excellent, the dialogues are tasty. But the gameplay should improve. It took me several tries before I got hooked. The information about the quests given by the menu would deserve to be more detailed and especially to say when the current version does not allow to finish the selected quest.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Save yourself a weekends worth of free time and go fap to something else. (Or look up this game CG if you must)

    Gameplay is grindier than any other game I've seen on this site, and it's not even an ejoyable grind. There's even RNG involved in some parts, so nuff said.

    It DOES have a lot of potential with a great deal of polish and fleshing out of concepts (Like the protagonist doing body modification stuff, both to himself and other people).
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    First, the good: Good art. Balloon tits, but, hey...not always a bad thing.

    And now, the bad....

    First of all...RPGM...nuff said on that part. Besides that, the grind is ridiculous. Combat is more than just a bit frustrating. There is no option to retreat. You can fight and lose, or submit and automatically lose. So, in short...in combat...you lose. You don't get experience from solo fighting...at ALL. Never have I played a game where I tried to explore a bit, get into a lot of easy fights...and still have zero exp to show for it.

    The only plus for this is the art. That's it. If I wanted this much grinding, I'd go play Everquest.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    With amazing art, it is a shame that the gameplay is so not fun. At least the last time I played it which was nearly a year ago. The UI looks a tiny bit unpolished, but the game can feel like a grind and likely needs to be rebalanced around with some adjustments to make it a more enjoyable experience.

    Right now, just finding art from boobsgames works just as well. I cannot remember anything from the story, which makes it unmemorable.

    The artist should likely get a gameplay designer to assist them, or swap if they already have one.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful grind and the utterly useless quest log ruins this game. The grind is so ridiculous that cheating is pretty much a necessity unless you want to spend 8 hours grinding relationship points just for the first 3 - 4 introduced characters, and even then, RNG events ruin it again. The art in this game is amazing but the awful gameplay & grind is one of the worst I've ever seen on RPGM.

    Leaving this review as 1 star unless this dev heavily reduces the grind, stops using RNG to proc events, and implements a quest log that is actually useful.

    I'd rather go play the worst sandboxes on this website than play this in its current state.