
Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
I haven't followed up on Fen's game for a hot minute but is this legitimately the last planet for the "campaign"? Ngl feels kinda rush and didn't I remember hearing there was a couple more planets a few years back?
Yeah, was planned for more planets but then I guess they decided to scale down... which will still likely take years before I'd consider them playable. Hell I don't know if I consider the last main quest planet as fully playable.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
Actually, that brings up another point. For a game that's all about customization, the game mechanics and writing often fail to take it into account. I get that it's next to impossible to account for everything, but I take that as a sign that there's too much customization.
Not impossible, it's just dev being Lazy / Messy / Incompetent .
Game Development is a craft, You can't just do whatever you want if you can't handle to fill in / follow up.
Anything added should "server a purpose".
"Too much customization" is not an Excuse to throw in the towel. It means you need to scale back to a manageable level.
  • Straightline the options;
  • If you can't offer contents for such customisation, don't offer the choices in the first place.
  • "Meaningless Choices" are one of the worst game designs, unless it's some easter egg.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
"Too much customization" is not an Excuse to throw in the towel. It means you need to scale back to a manageable level.
If you can't offer contents for such customisation, don't offer the choices in the first place.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. If you implement more content than you can handle, then it's too much.


Aug 5, 2021
Agreed it seems there's barley only Futa stuff or it at least only focus on it, with male and females as an after thought and thats beside every other person having a dick.
Like real talk for once I am actual close to finishing it this time, well for story content at least I am on the last story planet. I probs won't start A new playthrough right away though. May try to do some other things maybe look for some more side stuff but won't look for that long cause I noticed a few things after by more attention to it. (This turned into a longer thing then I thought it would be, been playing it alot rescently and I guess at this point I am jsut venting XD P.S added this after I type it all out lol)
3 things that personally annoy me
1. Has much as a like it being a Taur FUCKING SUCKS. Like WHY give me the option if its gonna LOCK ME OUT of SO MUCH fricking content?! theres one planet that FLAT OUT does not let you go there if your taur even if meeting the unlock requires.
It does give some special scenes from time to time but its VERY little, for example AMBER seems to have NO difference if your a taur other then some sex scenes, Like WHY DO I NEED TO GET THE UPDGRADE FOR TAUR EQUIMENT IF I AM ONE AND STARTED AS ONE, AND WHY WHEN SHE IS ON MY SHIP EVERYTHING IS WRITTEN AS IF I AM NOT ONE Like the three some shit and image does not change if your one its acting like I an none-taur. AND that s beside being locked out a SHIT TON of sex scenes because I am one
2. Height Seems to have No affect on anything what so ever even effects on scenes, Like with Azra she's like 9 feet or at least close to it at least and I am MAX height which is 10 and its written like I am smaller then her COSNTENTLY, Also why is the max 10? We Run into peeps that are taller not mention some other wild animals that are like that dragon thing on the snow planet so why not, but that also leads into another thing.
Why offer this if just like taurs it locks you out of HALF THE SHIT, and Don't get me wrong I get thats kinda of the point but we run into people that have "HYPERISH" Sizes that can do WAHTEVER TO US but when we have we can't do JACK SHIT, Like I like the idea of being so endowed that you move slower or immobilized if you get to big IE your boobs being filled with to much milk or your balls being filled to much, but doesn't do anything else? and effects NO SCENES what so ever! (As far as I can tell from what I've played) maybe I can't sqeeze though a vent or something cause my dick to big or my boobs/Bals to big?Like That just seems Silly to me, other then some bad ends you can get from doing it.
I don't no if getting A hyper dick would slow you down or not, it seems being a taur makes you immune to it for the most part? like for the balls as well it takes more to immobilize me from what I can tell, So I my see in my next one, if I do it.


Aug 5, 2021
I cant speak for current iteration but in the flash version of the game if you copied the size of the frostwyvern to the pc you would have a lot of unable to enter certain cell issues.
That's a fair Point I suppose but you think some races would have smaller or bigger max sizes at least, or maybe playing a taur would give a extra foot or something at least!
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Aug 5, 2021
I haven't followed up on Fen's game for a hot minute but is this legitimately the last planet for the "campaign"? Ngl feels kinda rush and didn't I remember hearing there was a couple more planets a few years back?
I am not sure I am about to go to Dhaal which seems to be the last probe location idk if there's more after that, there's some extra planets I can go to, but one flat tells me to stay away cause I am a taur and the others well there's not much to do, and even when there is, I CAN'T DO IT CAUSE TAUR
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Jul 22, 2022
Now I'm curious is there a "Ignore Dick size" cheat that allows you to fuck anyone even if you have a hyper cock. Because again I'm getting tired of these BS double standards where any Npc with a hyper cock can fuck the PC fine, but you doing the same thing to them? Ridiculous!

Again what the fuck is the point of giving players the choice of being or growing to hyper sizes if you're going to then punish and lock out HALF THE SEX OPTIONS For most NPC's because the Pc is hyper sized which in this type of setting is freaking ridiculous so why the fuck is there a dick size mechanic in the first place!?

When we have a setting where people can change and alter their biology on a fundamental level such as: changing sex, the color, size and flavor of their bodies and bits and even species and etc. to the point they were born like that on a whim.

Again stay consistent with your established lore and word building dammit! MUH GOD!!


Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
Whelp, I *was* having fun playing again until I got to the end of Syri's quest and they somehow broke it so it can't end after the last boss fight. GREEEEEEEAT.
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Aug 5, 2021
Now I'm curious is there a "Ignore Dick size" cheat that allows you to fuck anyone even if you have a hyper cock. Because again I'm getting tired of these BS double standards where any Npc with a hyper cock can fuck the PC fine, but you doing the same thing to them? Ridiculous!

Again what the fuck is the point of giving players the choice of being or growing to hyper sizes if you're going to then punish and lock out HALF THE SEX OPTIONS For most NPC's because the Pc is hyper sized which in this type of setting is freaking ridiculous so why the fuck is there a dick size mechanic in the first place!?

When we have a setting where people can change and alter their biology on a fundamental level such as: changing sex, the color, size and flavor of their bodies and bits and even species and etc. to the point they were born like that on a whim.

Again stay consistent with your established lore and word building dammit! MUH GOD!!
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