3.70 star(s) 80 Votes


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
It is not abandonned really, at least for now. Dev (MG) take a pause for Feb. He will continue to take pledges in March, following his Patreon page. I am a patron of him, so I am just saying what I am seeing.
Did he state that he'd be continuing again?

So far he's explicitly stated he's abandoning development of this game.


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Marked as abandoned.


I've decided to call it a day. After over two years on this project to little success I've decided it's time to move on. No one will be charged for February or March and this page will be deleted at the beginning of March.
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Staff member
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Jul 7, 2017
why this game have abandoned tag we had update 5 days ago ? some games don`t have update for months and don`t have tag !

That Patreon post clearly states that he's giving up.Of course there's a chance he wrote this while being in a bad mood, and just needs some time off. Maybe he'll reconsider his decision at one point.

Developing games is hard work, and I can fully understand getting frustrated when people aren't appreciating it. Getting monetary support for adult games is harder than it has ever been because of the large amount of creators, and when you see negativity around your game every day, it's fully understandable to lose motivation.

If/when the developer starts up with the game again, the abandoned tag will be removed when the next version is out.
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often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
on the other side:
If all developers would react that oversensitive because of some users over here, then ALL games would be abandonned!
Developers should focus on their vision and create what they want to create instead of trying to please and take care of everybody's comments over here on F95. (For some good reason some devs don't even look in over here).
This game started so great and it was getting better and better and nearly worth to start to pledge. But maybe better now, than once the game would be farther in progress.
A developer smashing all down all of sudden like that and closing patreon page, leaving all community server and facehit the fans of his work is not really worth to cry about.
Just feel so bad for this great game and it's plot which was not as mainstream as the usual "roommate, daughter" games.

I know, my opinion might be polarizing, but i don't care. That's my opinion which i wanted to say - and i did.


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
IMAGE WAS OVER HERE (i deleted it out of the quote for ToS reason)
before posting such oversized images (not likely seen over here), you should read the whole patreons content, and also the last post the dev made: He definitively QUIT the game forever, will delete his patreon account in march (earliest point) and already left all developer community servers (discord).

see over here:


Forum Fanatic
Jun 9, 2017
before posting such oversized images (not likely seen over here), you should read the whole patreons content, and also the last post the dev made: He definitively QUIT the game forever, will delete his patreon account in march (earliest point) and already left all developer community servers (discord).

see over here:
Before making statements of any kind...shouldn't you gather proofs?

A post says that it will be in a break
Another post says that it's the end
Both posts contradict each other

Until something really happens shouldn't we wait? What you gain from having an abandoned tag? Do you get some money? More exposure for your game? F95 sends you a pizza? Just asking...
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often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
Before making statements of any kind...shouldn't you gather proofs?

A post says that it will be in a break
Another post says that it's the end
Both posts contradict each other

Until something really happens shouldn't we wait? What you gain from having an abandoned tag? Do you get some money? More exposure for your game? F95 sends you a pizza? Just asking...
i am just considering the LAST post he made, because that's the actual one standing. Also is Patreon the official site of the game, and the dev is the OP of this Thread. So of course i believe in the last comments/statements he made over here and on patreon - and on both places the last posts say "game over".
Also i know for sure that he LEFT all discord servers where devs are together (not just going offline ->he LEFT the servers).

So what proof do you need? The post he made over here to quit? (https://f95zone.to/threads/the-wish-v0-6-2-5-midnite-guerilla.31037/post-2948586)
the NEWEST post on patreon, where he told to quit? ( )
The fact that he left all servers on discord?
Or do you rather believe the post he made before that all (to say that he just takes a timeout)?

What proof should i gather more than that?

Each way: the LAST post he did on Patreon is more than clear:
Game Over:
I've decided to call it a day. After over two years on this project to little success I've decided it's time to move on. No one will be charged for February or March and this page will be deleted at the beginning of March.

Thanks to those who did support me. Good bye.
PS: I just posted QUOTES of the developer himself which he posted on his official patreon page - i don't know why you start insulting me and acting as i am a child:
Do you get some money? More exposure for your game? F95 sends you a pizza?
And i NEVER demanded an abandonned tag (just saying) - i just said, that the dev acts oversensitive, and it's a shame to abandon this game - so i don't get how you came to that insult. But it seems pretty normal, if you run out of arguments and facts, just to change subject and start insulting and/or mocking about the other.
(i don't have any game since i am not a developer - also just saying)

Forgot to mention - even IF the dev would "come back" and continue the game, i rather will NOT pledge him, because i would have to fear that he again throws all away when someone posts the next complaint over here instead of just ignoring it and continue his game. Maybe once the game is finished, but forsure not even 1 second before that. The dev lost my trust to be able to finish this project.
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Oct 20, 2017
Well damn. This sucks I found this game on another site and tried it I LOVED IT!!! It's just a shame he's abandoning a great piece of work hope he comes back to finish the job
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Nov 4, 2018
You know what. Fuck this shit. I'm fed up of people who cannot fucking read. I'm done. Game over.

I want to thank everyone who has proven to me that making this game is a thankless task. I will update this thread if and when the next update is ready, but there's no point being involved in the day to day conversation because it's just the same bullshit questions that have been answered a thousand fucking times already. I'm out. Enjoy the game, don't enjoy the game, I no longer fucking care. This is why games get abandoned. The stupidity of the players.
I agree partially with what Hyperserver said about developers to be focused on the progress of their games rather than trying to fill the brains of some people in here, but I do not agree with placing the tag abbandoned on this game.

There are so many games that haven't been updated for months, and there are no posts from their creators on their patreon page either. Does that mean that they are abbandoned? No it doesn't. The fact that that he decided to remove his patreon page at the beginning of March maybe means that he doesn't want to charge people anymore, thus leaving him more free towards the base of the players of the game; he doesn't receive any money for his work, so he will work at his own pace.
Since this thread is his, this is the second official page of the game besides the patreon one. And since he said that he will "update this thread if and when the next update is ready" I take it that the man, needs to cool off after all the crap we players
put him through.
Deleting his newly created discord channel, means the above. That he needs time to cool off without being harassed by the negativity or the positivity of the players.
I am truly sad about his decision because I worked with the guy in preparing the last release of the game, and he is a stand up guy from what i could tell in the whole week i worked with him. Not many developers who decided to abbandon their game would remove their patreon page when they could make a buck out of it.

The guy got pissed from the comments of the players here and there, and as far as I am concerned he shouldn't be interacting with them at the first place. At least not in the amount that he did. He released the new update, he made the new walkthrough, he gave an incest patch, and he explained what needed to be done for the patch to work. From that moment and on, any other conversation was futile. If people don't want to read, or don't know how to read English that should be their problem.
(To give you an idea of the posts, I ve red about a guy who said that the patch wasn't working properly because the milf was called "landlady" instead of "mom" at Day 1 of the game. What can you say to that guy if he CAN'T FOLLOW THE STORYLINE in the game.)

Anyway,the guy needs his time to cool off, and I for certain will not abbandon him. Just give him some time, and if after a couple of months there is no sign of him, then tag this game as abbandoned.
3.70 star(s) 80 Votes