VN - Ren'Py - The East Block [v0.5.2] [Bobbyboy Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Scotty Doesn't Know

    Love these type of corruption games!
    This is like an updated version of Twelve Days Of Christmas without the money problems (Well at least not yet). Always wanted to play a game with better renders but similar to that. This is it.

    So far there isn't any blackmail or forcefulness to try make Kathryn more slutty. She is just persuaded to do these things by her Boyfriend, as she knows it turns him on and because she secretly enjoys acting slutty. Perfect! So much hotter when the woman wants to be a slut with a little coaxing, rather than forced into it. The situations are really hot. Whether it be with a homeless bum, some thugs in a dirty back alley, or a couple guys running in the park. The fact that all these events happen in public, makes the sluttiness so much more.
    I'm more interested in the dirty talk, teasing and groping, than the actual sex right now. So far she has only fucked her boyfriend & let some other men have some touches and see her nude. All with her boyfriends approval, sometimes texting him as it happens (Very sexy scenes).

    Her Mom & Sister also make an appearance for dinner (The Mom being a total slut & the Sister being a man hating prude, or so it seems) I know Dev has said no incest as it's Patreon based. Still would be nice to see Kathryn with her Mom & Sister acting like sluts, dancing in a bar. Kathryn purposefully letting them watch her while she's fucking someone. Chatting about their filthy sexual desires to each other. Could even have Kathryn trying to slowly corrupt her Sister into a slut like her. That way it's not incest but they can still be around and all acting like whores together.

    There's a certain casualness about events that happen. To me thats really sexy, where it's played off as not that big of a deal that she kissed a guy in the park or let him feel her tits. Even though there isn't much of a plot, its a hot tease so far. Always only a brief period without some great scenes. Moving into a New York apartment with so many perverts in and around the building makes her descent inevitable.

    I would like to see the boyfriend talk more to Kathryn about how fun and hot it is to act slutty before she gets his opinion if it's ok to do the slutty acts. Its sets up up the scene better with motivation or trepidation if she's uncomfortable. Also after her events they could either talk about if it was enjoyable or not. Can even go really hard on the dirty talk about how she feels about being such a slut & whore etc. My hope is to see her as a hooker on the street corner at some point later (even if it's just as a roleplay for her boyfriend).

    Renders are fantastic, Kathryn has a great look and body. Along with all the other women. The public setting where most of the lewd events take place have great detail, usually with deep backgrounds and many objects. Dialogue is quite good but just wish it was expanded slightly just before and after lewd scenes. There's a couple cameos from A Perfect Marriage (Marvin & Leonard). As far as corruption & slutwife type games this is fantastic. In my top 3 current fav games. If this next update is as impressive as what I've played so far (V.02), then I'll have to become a Patreon.

    Thanks BobbyBoy for a great game!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    We can separate this game into two parts.

    First, the renders, the strong point of the game. Nice renders. The girlfriend is very pretty, one of the best model here on f95!

    Second part, the writing. Well, lot of clichés, quite bad dialogues, which make the girlfriend sometimes look a little dumb. No originality at all in the story and the situations (hey, let's take pics with this homeless, hey let's take pics with these two runners, hey let's take pics with this dick, hey let's take pics with these two strangers... ok...).

    It's still early in the development, so I'm expecting improvement in the writing. Let's see where it's going, but for the moment it does not deserve more than 3 stars.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is a real promissing start. If you are into NTR this might get one of the best once on this webside. It is an innovative mix of slowburn and curious open minded character development within the girl. She is up to doing crazy stuff, but has some understandable boundaries she will not cross untill her downfall might kick in in some updates to come.
    And she has one of the cutest and sexiest models I have seen so far in porn games. Her design can easily compare to some of the big players on this website in my opinion.
    It also seems that they do have to deal with consequences for their risky behaviour from time to time, what is a refreshing change compared to a lot of other games.
    Curious about things to come.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Even tho the NTR scenes are optional this is a NTR focused game first and foremost. To me this is a 3.5 so I have to pick between 3 or 4. It's not a bad game for what it is quite enjoyable actually. But it's still early on in it's life cycle to get an accurate opinion of the game.

    Story - This is a porn game first with a story baked in. I can't say if the story is good or not it's too early to tell.

    Renders - Chapter 1 it's hit or miss they are either decent , good or bad. depending on the render. Chapter 2 they are alot better I would say it's on part on what you would expect just nothing mind blowing.

    However when it comes to the renders there is one thing that I thought that looks really good. That was the girlfriend it seems like the lighting is done really well when it comes to renders with her. Especially when there is nudity involved. While I think there is better looking LI out there for sure. The lighting effect on her skin makes her pop alot to me where she looks alot hotter than some of the LI out there that I think are hotter.

    Animations - This game would of been better if the dev went with more still render than trying to do an animation currently. As it isn't even really a real animation just a loop of a few renders where it makes it look off.

    Characters / relationships -
    You have a girlfriend in this game. Which works because it's meant to be an NTR game. So far for an NTR game it feels like one of the few that is putting a bit of focus on the relationship which is a plus for me.

    NTR - Okay this is the best part of the game for me. While im not super into NTR or played many NTR games I love how it feels more like a slow burn relationship when it comes to the NTR stuff. Since it isn't the girlfriend being a slut and cheating.

    There is on controversial scene I have to talk about when it comes to NTR. If you choose the non NTR option the girlfriend still kisses the guy. However I felt like people that didn't like this are making a bigger deal out of it than what it is. As she was going to give the guy peek on the cheek but the guy kisses her on the lips instead. But nothing past that.

    I have more of an issue with the actual NTR option of it because it feels closer to cheating to me. Because she let him take a picture of her tits and I think grab them. The issue with this scene for me is she didn't ask what she can and cant do with her boyfriend instead just was showing him pictures until he says that is going to far.

    Enjoyment factor - I enjoyed this alot more than I thought I would I cant wait for the update. However there is a zoom effect that took awhile to get used to. The dev said wont be using in chapter 3 or fixed. Which did take some of the enjoyment out of it at first.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I was blown away by the visuals in the game and the talent on display by the creator. If NTR (or subgenres) are your thing, it doesn't get much better than this. Both of the characters have distinct and interesting personalities that draw you in and cause you to quickly become invested in the tale of their corruption. Very excited for what the future has in store for this game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good story so far with good but avoidable ntr content. I am enjoying the corruption as well. Main girl is very hot and she gets into some very hot situations. I certainly will be following this game and Bobbyboy Productions.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So far i like the scenario's and the setting, the story is nothing special but it's serviceable.

    What really for me makes this game great is no supernatural elements like magic or some other motive for the ntr. Just a "normal" slice of life game where they "stumble" into those situations.

    The image and model qualities are good but could be better.

    Overall a decent start of the game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    NTR lovers always boggle me. Either you guys have zero standards, or you have slim pickings for content that you can justify as 'good', cause this is NOT worth 5 stars. at time of writing, the current release is [v0.2].

    First off, the claim that all NTR is optional/avoidable is a LIE. I think, first and foremost, false advertising or inaccurate descriptions should be addressed, especially for people who choose to play it BECAUSE of that claim. This also isn't me just talking out of my ass, this is me using the definition in the game by the DEV. The dev establishes that your gf standing ned to an old flasher and letting a gross voyeur look at your gf naked is defined as NTR, and yet the story has your supposedly loyal girlfriend kissing a COMPLETE STRANGER after he spouts a fucking stupid fake story about a disrespectful ex he wants to make jealous. only AFTER kissing him, does she decide to call her bf and ask if it's okay to take more photos. How looking but not touching would justify as NTR is beyond me.

    Next up is the much applauded writing, which is again pretty middling. From my viewing, I am assuming the main story is meant to be a physically and verbally abusive boss attempting to blackmail the protagonist. Okay, sure. But then they add this "don't look in the basement" plot thread for some reason, which is somehow linked to two neighbours who you've never seen actually interact with each other who are written COMPLETELY differently, but then you also have her family deciding to live near you? I assume it's meant to be a compensation to try and make it seem more even for male-to-female content, but it's also totally nonsensical. Why not have the family already be in the city, so it's the reason they move there? Why establish the female neighbour as being concerned about the well-being of the protagonists, but simultaneously have secret dealings with the dude who shows literally zero care for anyone else besides himself in what I assume to be some depraved sex dungeon or another similar plot-line?

    This disconnect is even apparent in the TONE. They have multiple characters go into non-sexual intimate details of their lives like the gf's dead father and a co-worker's sister with cancer, but then also have totally tasteless scenes with the boss just abusing staff and the other comically evil males. Either pick the realistic angle or the absurd stupid angle, the in-between is just needlessly jarring.

    The visuals are decent but nothing to write home about, with good models but multiple instances of stilted posing, odd lighting and strange background objects. I should note though that chapter 2 definitely shows improvement over chapter 1, so there's clearly improvements being made.

    For sex scenes, there's really only one FULL penetrative sex scene, which isn't even with the protagonists. There's almost one near the beginning, but it gets interrupted no matter what choice you make, and instead of finishing what you started, she just gives her bf a blowjob later? Sure, I guess?

    The fact that there IS sexual content for both is good, but there is a clear and definitive lean towards NTR. If it was going to be actually consistent, it would make sense for the protagonists' sex life to be the foundation and then for the dev to add onto it, which would ALLOW for forking and branching. Instead, it's built around the NTR, so if you dismiss the NTR you're just shortening the main line, not just cutting a branch.

    A positive is at least the characters acknowlege the choices through some minor dialogue and through available choices, however it gives the illusion of choice on at least three occasions, which leads me to believe the kinda system they're using to register choices and what's important is more simplistic than what would be believed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing and totally worth all the 5 star reviews it is getting. I played 0.1 and instantly decides to pledge.

    The gf is hot and innocent and can slowly be corrupted. What I like about it is the choices, you can choose not to go for sharing route, but there will still be guys swooping at her like vultures. Which makes it more exciting. As a NTR enjoyer, I love it when the female LI gets corrupted and stolen.

    This game have a bit of everything, even cheating too as there is a hot female neighbour who wants to get in your pants. And there seem to be a path for blackmail sharing where your boss threatens you and wants your girl so that you can keep your job.

    I would like to see a path where your girl gets stolen by your boss, and slowly grows to enjoy it with him more. Or your girl catches you cheating with the neighbour and gets "comforted" by another guy.

    Having said that I understand that having multiple paths and developing each one of them is really tough so I wish the author won't give up on the game. Also do expect complains from players if the path they like isn't updated. I'm not one of them but I have seen those people way too often. All the best!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start! Looking forward to this one and really hope developer doesn't abandon. My only gripe would be that the dialogue isn't different enough between paths, but if that's going to be fixed, definitely a 5 star game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    (v0.1) What an absolutely amazing start. Artwork is beautiful, story line is reasonable, characters are well developed. And the first version is actually a reasonable length!

    This is definitely one to keep an eye on. I look forward to seeing more of Kath and Luke's adventures. :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    - Innocent, shy, but friendly girlfriend
    - Most of events innocent/funny (without sex for sex reason)
    - No blackmailing, no raping, no rough meaningless sex
    - Homeless included
    - Girlfriend really loves her boyfriend
    - She is respecting him, and don't want to hurt his feelings at all
    - Boyfriend finds NTRS/Sharing very exciting and hot

    What can I say? It is a perfect NTRS game right now.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game for the first version. The renders are pretty great. the female lead model is attractive. The use of HDRIs and lighting is neatly done. NTR lovers will love this game for sure. Excited to see how the game develops to be
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent first release. There's actually quite a lot of content for a first release too. The content itself is engaging, nicely rendered and the writing is very good. The two main girls are hot and the themes are promising!

    I'm keeping an eye on this one!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with excellent graphics accompanied by sound. The story is in the main plot NTR, which was also announced by the developer. I really like the storyline, the girl is hot and we can be curious to see how the relationship between MC and Katryn develops and how far the NTR should go. I think it's good that NTR can be selected. Other players who don't like NTR can also play the game here. However, this route is not that developed yet, it will probably end in Sharing GF or Cheating GF. So if you don't like NTR/Sharing/Cheating GF, you shouldn't play the game or rate it.
    My rating so far:

    - Storyline: 5/5

    - Rendering: 5/5

    - Models: 5/5

    - Gameplay: 5/5

    - Content: 4/5

    5 stars so far, let's see what's next and where it leads.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very great renders, good characters, basic but promising first chapter, the scenes and dialogue were more than I expected so im really pleased and will follow this game development closly in the future ! As a NTR enjoyer this was very interesting because we saw a lot of choices and what could happen in the next chapters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating for is: A+

    + Graphics Great
    + Characters Great
    + Great Start
    + Long Playing time
    + Hot Story

    - Waiting for next update

    Nice Start, graphics are Great, nice Couple, lots of sexy scenes, sweet girls, some very erotic scenes, but not that many.
    It seems like a Great start for a Game, with Long Game Play and a Hot Couple, if it stays at this Pace, this Game can become my Favorite Game. Hope he stays with the game and will be supplying us with regular updates, because I will be looking forward to it, definitely a Game for me to support in the Future.

    A Hot Story, Great Characters.
    Story starts pretty good.
    Definitely worth the Download.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For an introductory episode, this was really good.

    The animations are well done, there is a good variety of renders and they are of good quality, the girls all look gorgeous in their own unique way and there is also a variety of male characters.

    The writing is good without weird grammar or spelling mistakes and the characters talk to each other like real people would. Obviously this is still an AVN so certain conversations/situations are not the most realistic but the way in which people speaks is natural, not robotic or forced.

    To top it all off, this seems to be going in a direction with the NTR which I really like, which is with the male character deciding how much of his girlfriend he wants to share. I hope this doesn't devolve into cuckolding/humiliation of the boyfriend, and manages to keep walking the sharing path as I really like that.

    There's not much content yet but there are already several very sexy scenes and there are hints of conflicts to come. All in all, I think this deserves a 5/5 and I hope it maintains this level of quality and with regular updates.