VN - Ren'Py - The Coven [v0.9] [Former Flame]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you come here looking for the Dostojevskij of porn you're in the wrong place, hell I'd say you're in the entirely wrong genre. That being said, this is a fun little harem romp with some real nice models and a better than average story for harem games, with the potential to become really great. All I ask for is a little more bush and a little more story focus.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    well overall it not bad, but MC is shit, doesnt have any opinion, just does what he told, doesn't have any god qualities except his dick.
    how MC can be so pointles, he is not forward, he has no balls to say no.
    he wokeup no -one knows where and does everything he told, then girls come to= him and he is not doing shit, more like waiting and escaping,

    so far story is shit, MC is joke, models are good.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Fairly boring visual novel without any gameplay, the story did not make any appeal or even sense. Lots of girls, maybe too much, models of them are average or below average in quality.

    The characters don't make any feelings, and just jump on MC D as soon as possible, some models are taken from other games like midnight paradise, but somehow look worse than original.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN has "visual", it doesn't have "novel".
    Immersion, emotion, build-up...all things that make a story engrossing and enjoyable are somehow dead cold here.
    The plot serves as a fast-paced background and a very basic pretext for another occurence in a pretty primitive "everyone jumps on my dick" fuckfest.
    It's not catching. It's not feelable. It's disappointing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love the story about magic and one person which have so much more strength than the rest and I am this person ;)
    Most renders are very good. A few things about in the first szene they have pubic hair and in the following they don't have is a little bit sad but these are minor irregularities. Thank you for your good work!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I will give this game 5/5 because I cant think of a single thing I would change, other than that I don't know why this one sticks out among many others, but it just does. My favorites are the "landladies". This is 1 of 3 games I keep looking forward to playing more. The updated takes a while, but in my eyes it is well worth the wait.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    So here is the gist - MC has a magical dick and his cum is the most precious thing in existence. Every girl around you, including your relatives, is a witch that wants nothing more than your cum.

    The writing isn’t great either. That made me immediately tune out and then watch on autoskip.

    There are a lot of naked and sex scenes. Of course, MC has magical x-ray vision as well. Most models are pretty dated, but some are nice and sexy. Renders are low to average quality.

    Good Things

    • Some models are pretty hot, especially their tits
    • Situations can be interesting, due to all the magical handwaving possible

    Bad points

    • Faces on most models are bad, blurred, and dated. Contrast with bodies greatly
    • Childish premise
    • Most renders have flat light, boring expressions
    • Animations are very basic
    • Choices are not well implemented
    • Inconsistencies between frames and in character actions
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. The story is really good, I can't wait to see how it will grow and if we will be able to choose a path. For now it seems we are a good guy, but past men sorcerers leaded to war between witches so ... I prefer the nature coven with the oracle.. I dont really know why but it seems we will be able to learn more strong magic there. Good job.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The only problem I have with the game is the MC design, which to me is kind of ugly and old-fashioned. Besides that, the game is perfect; the story, the girls, and the relationships are all 10/10.

    Fully recommend.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    so far so good.. the writing seems to be clear and understandable compared to most VNs.. the characters are well planned out and the premise of the project does have interest for the future episodes..
    At time of review it could use some music and effects to add to the appeal and dead silence that we currently is..
    Good luck devs and i'll be following this on patreon
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: rough and unpolished but a good material at the core.

    Gameplay is linear renpy visual novel. Choices seems to only be there to select if you wish to see a scene or not, so far I've seen no consequences from choices. (other than knowingly refusing to interract further with a girl)

    Animations and renders are good and above average. Girls are well done, lights are beautifull, backgrounds too. You can tell this is the strong point of this game.

    Pron is quite disapointing as of now: very vanilla, climax is often poorly conveyed and quite frustrating, lack of text making the scene a bit mechanical. It gets better towards the later part of the game though, so there is some promising improvement.

    Story is the main problem here. The writing is lackluster, confused and confusing. The world is barebone and even the girls have very little noticeable personalities. Just a bunch of babes craving for the D of MC for wtv reason.

    Conclusion: core of the game is strong animations. Writting needs a lot of work to really make the technique shine. Right now it is more a succession of random pron scenes rather than an engaging story.

    It's a 3.5 as of now (V 0.8) but I believe it can become a 4 easily if some work is put on writing both of the story and in the scenes.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, the story is progressing really well right now, everything about the game is good except for a few minor problems, but what is missing in the game is that the characters are not introduced to us.

    and the person who made the game didn't make the mistake in other harem games, whatever you say. In other harem games, mc has to choose between girls all the time, or he can only have a relationship with two of the girls and not live with either of them.

    but in this game, mc can hang out with all the girls around him. In the current version of the game, he is not dating anyone, but most of the girls he talks to are given the option of being a girlfriend.

    Render quality
    ✭✭✭ 3 stars - The game hasn't received any more updates so it's 3 stars for now but I'll probably reorganize it and give it more in future updates because the game maker shows that potential

    ✭✭✭✭✭ 5 stars - The story in the game is usually based on magic and witches. It is not a very common story style, even if it is done, most people cannot progress successfully, but the game maker has advanced the story so well that it is neither too mysterious nor too complicated for now, I hope it continues like this.

    MC or Protagonist ✭✭✭✭ 4 stars - Even though everything around him is new to him, he doesn't react much when he learns what magic is. He even knows how to talk to girls and he also knows how to talk to not only girls but also women.
    Not much attention has been paid to his appearance, but as in other games, the clothes he wears are not always the same, they are constantly changing.

    Character design ✭✭✭✭ 4 stars - You can really tell their age from the faces and bodies of the milfs and young people around you, only some of the characters are too similar to each other, other than that most of the characters are beautiful and hot

    The Coven [v0.7]
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    As of V0.7


    • Model's look good
    • Interesting premise


    • MC is unlikable
    • Story seems a little disjointed
    • Nothing much has really happened
    • Forced scenes & reactions


    Game doesn't know what it is, could've been an all-in fuck fest , a steady romance or a tense me vs them kind of game. It's somehow none of them whilst also making choices pointless ( rapey Sura just won't go away). Too far in to change I think. Wasted potential.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    If you go in blind, you might no like the game. But if you can accept:

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    Then you might have a fun time. Story isn't terrible, but it could definitely be better. My only gripes, taking the above into account, are some scenes cut to the next at a very weird time with no warning, and there is very little dialogue during lewd scenes and it makes them feel more mechanical than hot.

    Not a lot of choices. Big ones have been regarding side girl paths (to take them or shut them down).

    I wouldn't call this game "the next thing you should play", but it should be high on your list of filler games. If they can flesh out some deeper background in the beginning, and correct the two issues above, I would maybe bump this to a 4 star.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is awful and I absolutely cannot believe that people have played this and actually enjoyed it. It genuinely feels like the creator of this game either expected us to play a prequel to this game that doesn't exist or literally be reading his mind to understand any of what is going on. Each scene feels like it isn't connected to the rest and sex kinda just happens. No emotions, no build-up, no nothing basically. The models are fine but so are the models on like 90% of the rest of the games on this site. I stopped playing at the trial of fire. Some person comes out with their arms on fire to fight you but it ends with you fucking them and somehow you passed because thats what you were supposed to do... Yeah that completely killed my interest in the game. If you want a good story or even just a story that is in anyway cohesive to an overall plot avoid this VN like the plague
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    Great writing, funny and interesting premise, amazing visuals... truly a must play VN.

    If I had one minor ask from the writer, I'd love to get a little more dialog in those great sex scenes, but that's just me.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Dont know why the game has so many high ratings.

    The game doesnt tell you anything. And yes, exposition dumps are stupid, but there is NO world building. The game even excuses itself at the start for some exposition, but that could be handled way better and that is not helping at all.

    You have magic powers, you meet several women, but nothing is explained. The MC just accepts that and that's it.

    You jump from location to location, there are timejumps and all that stuff.

    e.g. At the pool, the MC says he is tired. - cut- Now it is dark and the GF is coming pack and I think she went shopping or eating with the rest of the girls. Some of them went shopping, but I think that was some time before the MC was tired.

    Before that you get dumped with girls and their names, but way to many and to fast. From the get go you have some weird relationship with your ... step-sisters or ex-roommates or whatever they are.

    One of the teachers is talking to you and spreads her legs to show u her panties and neither of the two is mentioning that or reacting to that.

    Maybe the game get better, but at this point (after the pool) I am already to bored to play any further.

    Most of the girls look nice, but some facial expressions and poses are weird.
    With some re-writing this could be fixable I guess ... currently it is just confusing and boring.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot. It tells an interesting story. Sometimes even funny and unexpected.
    The grafic is full of pretty girls and women.
    I would be happy if the updates would come more often, but I understand that it take time to prepare this huge amount of pictures and text.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Justin monrow

    V 0.7 review -
    Definitely top tier game and 5 stars from me . Excellent renders - some of the renders like casting spells are awesome and stunning female characters , fantasy setting ivolving witches , spells and magic , count me in and animations are great . Writing is also well done . By conclusion a nice fantasy game . Highly recommended , looking forward to the next updates .
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say as I continue to play the game I'm loving it more and more. The renders are great.. not all of the girls are cookie cutter.. I mean look at Sura.. nothing like the other girls.. the older characters are good looking.. but not over the top.. Just a wide range overall. The story might meander a bit.. but hey I am enjoying the ride. The MC is learning about himself as he goes along.. I can live with it. In a nutshell.. good renders.. good writing.. good story.. and 5 stars from me.