VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.99] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has one of the most interesting stories I have seen in a VN on this site, good Eldritch Horror, is Lore rich for those who like or love lore , love the characters and love the story the one thing I can say bad about which is more nitpicking then anything more variety in the chest size all in all it is a must play
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    The Specter

    This game has one of the most interesting stories i've seen in a VN on this site, the developer is pretty responsive towards criticism which is rare with most games. Honest to god one of the few games that goes into supernatural shit and doesn't end up making it fucking awful, the art has been improving pretty consistently and the scenes are usually well paced.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, some people say the changes in drawing style are weird/they make them cringe or something along those lines - I personally like most of what's in this game animations-/scene-wise , the ones I dislike are purely because, for example, turning into a woman to get fucked is not on my fetish list. (It is great though as you can choose to ignore such situations.) In any case, I digress, I don't really see the problem with the drawing styles since I like them.

    Overall, love the fights even if it kind of becomes repetitive as shapeshifters don't have a million ways to fight but as you discover more it becomes less repetitive.

    In a few words: love the characters and love the story
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is really good man, calling it just a porn game is more of an insult to this hidden gem.

    if you downloaded this game for the porn, don't worry, there's plenty of it, but the story of this game is just as good, and it's not just limited to porn.

    it's a decent piece of cosmic horror, maybe not as good as the greats, but it has its level of that's good
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    they make the mc have more plot armor then luffy while also somehow making his abilities as sucky as they can be. like motherfucker works at a government facility with the best minds in the world and yet cant think of using different forms or weapons? heck he could've done a fucking hammer when he does that giant transformation instead he does a spear while a hammer could instantly destroy a enemy he chooses something that leaves them somewhat alive. heck he could even transform the front of the spear to transform into a mouth while its shooting to consume an enemy but yet he does the most basic shit.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN out there and worth supporting, There are substantial update, clear improvements from each update, and a good indicator of what's to c(u)ome. An engaging story, it grows from each story, for a Hentai VN and unique characters honestly one of the best and its not even finished yet.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite porn game/visual novel I have ever read or played. The dialogue is legitimately emotionally gripping. The author is able to write humor, romance, action, and tension which makes for a very well-rounded experience.

    If I had made this review a year ago I'd have said the art is the only flaw, but the art drastically improves midway into the game to the point that it becomes a strong point.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, interesting characters with believable backstories. Deryl really felt like a bro after i got to end of the content, plotline is interessting with some impactfull decisions, art style even though it shifts near the end is great. the image of ella looking out from behind the tree in the park had was pecfect, it had me hooked, even though the later art style is "better" i hope they keep that kind of weird uncanny look for her in the fist few chapters. all in all i enjoyed it very much 10/10
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Damn it. I had realy high hopes for this one...

    It starts great, but it just falls flat on it's ass pretty quickly.


    - Interesting story premise, at the beginning.

    - Art style, I really dig it.

    - Superpowers? Yes please.


    - Story. Yep, premise was great as a vigilante arc and all that, until it hit "world scale". The thing is, that by the middle of the game, like litteraly, 80% of the population is either a monster or a superhuman. Seriously, gods, apostles, chosen, HERO/SIN. WTF? Someone wrote themselfs into a corner, huh? It's like Naruto/One Piece/Bleach all over again. And I don't even want to start about all those Dead Ends...

    - MC, yep ×2. Basically you are an ultimate underdog, you're weaker than everyone, like litteraly everyone is stronger/more powerful than you are, EVERYONE (exept Kenny, btw I dig the reference). I wanted to play a "vigilante sort of" game with lewd content and not a Naruto/Bleach ripoff. God damn embarrassment.

    - Girls. God almighty. Why, just why, they have to have those humongous tits? Are they cows? Is someone really into these "things"? Like, for me its a huge turn off, bleh. But, hey, if someone likes that crap, good for you.

    - Dialogues. They are just cringe like 90% of the time. Your tipical anime style, over the top, "10 times repeat the same sentence" type.

    I don't typically write a review on a WIP, but for this one I made an exception.

    If you like LOOOONG (about 20-30 hours) boring, over the top stories, humongous tits, cringe dialogues AND you don't value your time - go for it. You'll have a field day.

    Otherwise, stay away, it's not worth it. Two stars are given, because of some rare kinks (WARNING, lewd content is only about 10% from the entire game) and a good initial plot, about first 5-6 hours.

    Just personal thoughts, outside of the critique. If this game was made as a comics or an anime, without that microscopic lewd content, it would be a "not bad" tier, unfortunately the autor started with the AVN, than some time later decided he wants a "serious" novel/comics/anime, but lewd scene where already there, patrons were already throwing their money in, so it became what it is now.
    Nuff said.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I had so much fun playing this game. It is easily the best VN on this site for me, even more than being a DIk. i love the characters and the scenes. The world building is pretty good and im actually so upset i caught to the current content (v0.9386)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is my Go to for a Story Rich experience,
    If u are a fast wanker this might not be for you but damn
    - Unique Artstyle
    -Complex but yet understandable Story
    -Many Characters wich all had a good Introduction
    -Noticible Powerscaling of the MC
    -Choices have Impact on the Outcoming and further Playthrough
    The only thing i can think off wich are a bit bad are the Dead Ends but even they are Avoidable (who could thought it haha) because if u save often u can simply go back.

    Overall this game is the best i have Played and was even the first i Subscribed to the Creator.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on this site, not even that, perhaps one of my favorite games in all genres.
    MC is... dull, but loveable horny emo mess. For other characters, they are top notch, fleshed out personalities, top tier sprites too.
    I love the art for this game, even the one in the beginning which is slightly more... cartoonish.

    But what truly makes this game so good is the story, it's not often I find a story so interesting, truly one of a kind.
    Alongside the endless amounts of lore, this truly make this one of a kind game.

    A must play if you will.

    But if I were to nitpick, I'd love more diversity in the chest region, since everyone's chest size ranges from big to fucking humongous.

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing much to say, the best AVN out there, period. Story is really good, characterization is top notch, ost is somewhat good just need to rewind baby idk. "What kinks you want to include in this game?" Dev: Yes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A few days ago, I launched this game for the first time, and since then I haven't played any other VN.
    I didn't expect this game to have so much content, it's just an incredible amount of work from the author. You can clearly see that he is passionate about what he does, and I have to say that he does everything incredibly well.
    The story and characters are developing organically, and it's all very interesting to follow.
    It would have been nice if the MC reflected more often on the events he participated in and the choices he made, but that's just me.
    In general, the game is just incredible.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll just start the review with my only actual personal complaint with the game. I liked the story much more when it felt like the origin of our main character. The learning to be a hero and trying to adopt a persona was the most interesting part of the main plot other than the obvious monster stuff. Balancing freak monster fights/being a hero and the boring school stuff/relationships is something that would've invested me much more.
    With that said, it's a fantastic game! A very dense game as well. There's a LOT in this game when it comes to the world. Which is awesome! It shows the creator is really passionate about it. There's also just nothing else like this VN. Everything about it feels fresh and unique in terms of story and characters. This is something I can see being translated into a comic book style of story very easily; which could honestly be to the benefit of the story because the writing in scenes can be hit or miss for various reasons. It's weird, it's freaky, and it's all around just a pleasant experience. Plus there's hot goth chicks with huge tits so.. how could you pass that up?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When i first saw this game i thought: i have no interest in most of the sexual content of this game and the main character super power "shape shifting" seems to be boring, but i decided to give it a try still because of the high rating and because i was intrigued by the game dark/horror visuals.

    And i was completely blown away ! Now to be honest i still don't care about 90% of the sexual content this game has because most of it is either vanilla or some disgusting monster stuff which both aren't what i enjoy

    But that doesn't really matter because almost everything else this game provide is amazing ! the world building is top tier, the side characters are cool as fuck both females and males, also the author of this game doesn't make the boring mistake i see in a lot of games of this genre where they make 99% of people around the main character be females.

    Instead there is a decent amount of male side characters that the mc spend a lot of time with and talk to and have amazing friendship with.

    For the mc superpower which is "shape shifting" pretty quick you will find out that it's not really shape shifting or not a traditional one although yes the mc can turn into another person/creature but, he also can bring some of these creatures traits into his original human body for example he can turn his skin into an alligator skin this make his super power far more interesting.

    Very late in the story you will discover another part of his superpower that make it even more interesting but i won't spoil it here

    The main thing i find so intriguing in this game is it's world and characters, i think the author behind it have just made a franchise type of world, like you can have 10 games in this world and you will still have a lot of interesting parts and concepts to explore

    So i can't wait to see more of this world and hopefully we get superhuman part 2
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If i had to describe this game in one word it would be "awesome". The game is still cooking but i already want to give it atleast a 9/10, best VN i ever played. Literally everything in this game has its own lore and the attention to detail is crazy. PLAY THIS GAME WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? XDD
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game without a doubt, good character design, endearing charismatic characters and an incredible story.

    Each update leaves you wanting more and waiting for what's next.

    And the content is quite broad to explore and get many more stories that complement the characters and the main plot.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The game initially caught my attention because of its artistic style, I really love this gothic style, and as this game has high ratings I decided to test it and give it a chance, I really liked it and spent hours enjoying the game, but there are two things that put me off a little.

    first the choices, I'm not a big fan of choices that lead to dead ends, I prefer when the story continues no matter how bad my choice is, limiting it to dead ends is kind of a false choice since I'll have to return big part of the game and choose what the developer wants me to choose.

    second are the exaggerated fights like anime dragonball or naruto, always with power struggles to see who is the strongest and exaggerated things like the girl who summons a sword from the ground and makes the sword bigger than a building, when I was younger I really liked these things, but nowadays I prefer less exaggerated things.

    but that's just my opinion, everyone has different tastes, and this game is quite unique due to its art style, which I really liked in its initial stages, it's just those two things I mentioned that put me off.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I do like this game.

    I'm greatly enjoying the story, the aesthetics, the amount and variety of adult content (within this "bigtiddygoth" niche).

    I'll try not to spoil you about the good stuff except to say that it's enough to overcome the shortcomings.

    My main gripe is the artwork. I really like the overall style. Girls with bright red eyes, purple eyes, electric blue, you name it you'll find it somewhere, it's pretty. However at times it is very plainly unfinished, or at least what the artist has deemed finished leaves some glaring holes.

    You can tell that the backgrounds are mostly real images of real places with some sort of filter on it. Almost all the male side-characters are real pictures of humans with a filter to make them look like a drawing. In certain scenes, you can see that parts of a character are genuinely drawn, but specific details are just pictures of real body parts in roughly the right position, again with a filter to make them match the rest.

    When a girl gets naked, if it's the basic standing up model of the character, she has no pussy, and her skin where her clothes used to be is flat white in texture.

    Most of the above is fine, and again, I don't mind, and it doesn't dramatically take me out of the game. However sometimes stuff just isn't quite right: an electric guitar being played with the strings upside down; a drumkit with no cymbals, and the odd moment where a male character's body in a sex scene is just a vague mountain of flesh behind the better drawn female, except of course for his dick. These items bother me a little.

    I'm not very good at gushing about a game's good qualities. Trust me bro, this game is good, but I do hope the above details may be considered worth ironing out in time when the dev finishes it.

    Oh my, I also appreciate our MC not being a total creep (at least if you don't want him to be).