Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

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Active Member
Jul 23, 2020
Becca: So guess what I brought?

Roxxy: Um...Becca are you sure about that? You can barely hold your liquor as it is, let alone this stuff.

Missy: Who cares? It's Friday Night, we got Bonuses, let's Party!

Roxxy: Fine, but we limit ourselves to one drink.

Becca: One drink limit....maybe two....

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30 minutes later:

Missy: WOOOO!!!!

Mitchel: What are they doing down there?

Bruce: Knowing my mom, she probably broke out something strong and they're falling over each other.

Mitchel: I think your mom has a drinking problem.


Ryan: All right, I'll go check up on them to make sure they don't break all of our cups and wine glasses.

Bruce: Bring some Tortilla chips while you're down there.

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Missy: I'm serious, they're so small.

Becca: Girl you grew like 4 cup sizes after pregnancy.

Missy: But look how little they are in comparison.

Roxxy: Missy you were a B cup before pregnancy and are a E cup now.

Ryan: *What in the hell are they doing*

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Roxxy: We're all big now, but girls like these come from Alpha Bitch Genes.

Becca: Boing, Boing.

Missy: Still wish they were bigger.


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(To Be Continued)
I need more thicc ginger milfs in my life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017


Well, maybe it's not the best image. It might not be clear that Anon has just thrown a Molotov cocktail. The girl is relatively consistent from the previous picture, but she has a more detailed style than anon. I could make him similar to her, but he'd be too different from DC's character. I can't make the girl more similar to him because I don't want to, I think more details is better, and because I'd have to know how to draw, which I don't.

Anyways, it's an on-going series. Next will be an image of the bank on fire with the glass door broken. After that should be a visit to the police station and some lewd action.

The girl isn't anyone in the game. She's just a new character in my story.
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May 8, 2021
Bruce: Ryan, what's going on? You've been down here for like 10 minutes.

Mitchel: Yeah, what's going on? Doesn't take this long to get chips.


Roxxy: Oh, God, Right There!



(To Be continued)
(OMG this one caused me so much headache. Mixed with taking way too long to finish but also my computer resetting randomly, meaning I lost progress, I'm surprised I even got this done before the end of the day.)
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Aug 10, 2016
Just a few animated files I found. They've been renamed so if any belong to folks here or are reposts, just let me know and I'll delete them.
I believe those were made by dildorog he used to post his works here but now he post on his twitter
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May 8, 2021
Becca: Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?

Missy: That was hot. Too bad we can't really strip too much further with the boys here.

Roxxy: Or...We always have the swimming pool.

Becca:...Last one there is a rotten egg! Girls-night_out_4-1.png

Mitchel:....I think we are out of ear shot.

Ryan: Well, we should probably follow them.

Bruce: I know, this is the hottest shit I've ever seen, and I'm not missing it.

Ryan: What? No!....I mean, yes, but more importantly Drunk women around pools sounds like a really dangerous combination.

Mitchel: Oh, I didn't even think about that.

Ryan: Am I the only one that still has blood going to my brain? Come on.


(To Be continued)
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Jul 29, 2020
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May 8, 2021
Mitchel: Okay, they haven't spotted us yet.


Ryan: We should probably go out there and get them back in. Don't want anyone drowning or slipping and breaking their skull.

Mitchel: Except if we do that they'll know we were watching them, and be in major trouble.

Bruce: I'm just fine watching them from here.

Ryan: Of course you are. And you mind facing your pocket rocket away from my bum?

Bruce: Whoop, sorry.

Mitchel: Well should we even go out there? They are drunk and clearly not acting normal.

Ryan: Well that's also the reason why we should go out there.


Bruce: Look if they aren't acting normal, then let's just let them Sober up and we can just watch.

Ryan: Dude, your making way too easy to be the responsible one in this situation.

Bruce: Well even Mitchel said that trying to convince three drunk moms to come back inside might be a tough sell

Ryan: We should still try.

Bruce: Okay, what if we just call them from your window to come back in, that way it seems like we never followed them.

Ryan: And increase the slipping hazard for them? No way.

Mitchel: Did it just get dark?

Bruce: It's night, of course it's dark dumbass.

Mitchel: No darker then before.

Bruce: Maybe it's a cloud.

Ryan:.......Uh Oh....


Becca, Roxy, Missy: OH BOYS!!!



(To be Continued)
(A little surealism for this Monday Evening. Hope you have a good night. Might or Might not have my next submission by either Tomorrow or Wednesday)
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote