Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

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May 8, 2021
Ryan: Oh wow....You weren't kidding, you really are stuck.

Roxxy: Of course I am stuck. Why else would I be ass out of a washing machine?

Ryan: I...Kind of thought you were trying to mock me for my search histories.

Roxxy: ....We'll have that discussion later, first get me out of here. My boobs are trying to smother me.

Ryan: Ok, I'll think of something.


Ryan: *Nice*

Roxxy: What was that clicking noise?

Ryan: I'm...Not sure. Maybe something is breaking inside the Washer?

Roxxy: Oh Shit! Quick pull me out before this thing falls apart on top of me.


(To be Continued Part 3/4)
May 8, 2021
Roxxy: Come one, Anything?

Ryan: Nope, you're not budging. I think the problem is that your robe is pinched in multiple places around the rim of the Bin when you put it back in.


Ryan: Hate to say this, but I think I need to cut you out of there. I'll get the Scissors

Roxxy: WAIT RYAN! Let's not be Hasty. This is one of my favorite robes. Ryan?


30 Minutes Later:

Ryan: So yeah, Mom's going to need a new robe.

Roxxy: *God this is embarassing.*

Anon: *Sigh*....I was never sure what age was "Getting too Old for this shit"...but I think I'm quickly approaching it.


(Have a good Weekend everyone, and I'll see many of you Tomorrow Morning.)
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May 8, 2021
Roxxy: Morning, Diane.

Diane: Morning, Roxxy. How's my favorite Niece-in-law?

Roxxy: Doing well. I'm here to see if you have any more Milk. As always, the kids don't tell us when we are low on anything until we are out.

Diane: Sorry Roxxy, I'm backordered. Have about 2 dozen orders ahead of you.


Diane: Now if I had some help...

Roxxy: This talk again?

Everyone in the Cummings family had learned a while back about where Diane's milk came from, and had been really encouraging to her business. However, since then Diane had been trying to recruit other family members into her operation to a lot of hesitation from them.

Diane: It takes me a long time to fill these orders by myself. Having a second pair of...hands... we could get to your order within an hour.

Roxxy: Diane...

Diane: It would be on the house. Honestly I'd be more than willing to pay you too. $150 for an hour?

Roxxy: Diane I....for an hour? I mean.....Would I have to wear the outfit?

Diane: I know you think it's silly, but I swear it works.

Roxxy: I just....I've gained a lot of weight since kids, I don't want to be reminded about it.

Diane: Sweety, you don't have to wear it if you don't want too, but you're still thin and gorgeous.


45 Minutes Later

Diane: Wow *heavy breathing*...15 minutes to spare and we finished everything...

Roxxy: *heavy breathing*....Moo...

Diane: Well a deal is a deal *heavy breathing* .... Though if you got another 15-30 minutes, I'll add another $50.

Roxxy: Moo...*heavy breathing*

Diane: Roxxy, are you ok?


Diane: *Oh shit, I broke her*

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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote