VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Sins of the Father [v0.8.1] [Kaffekop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first: Great game.
    Really nice story and character devolepment throughout the game.

    Biggest let downs:

    Renders could be better, although it's not bad at all.

    Unfortunately no animations at all in the game.

    Really engaging game, have fun playing it
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    review after v0.7

    I was expecting more from this game after the high ratings but didn't meet those expectation.

    a lot of content
    beautiful models

    while there are a lot of negative aspects in this game from poor writing to unnecessary many characters, to need of a walkthrough and an MC who acts like a 13-years old, there's basically one huge flaw that ruins the game for me. The Prologue!!!!

    You CAN'T start a game with a guy watching his father getting murdered in front of his own eyes and heavy topics like depression and addiction that followed that incident only to make them completely irrelevant a minute later in the story when a ghost appears and tells us that the real goal is to get horny and get laid as much as you can! I get the need that some devs have to add depth to their characters and backstories, but this is ridiculous. The whole game so far is you - an adult who acts like a virgin teen - peeping on sluts and getting off. The girls, no matter their age or blood relations, are always willing to satisfy his needs and worship his amazing penis and that's it. There was no need for that prologue. You could just start the game by saying "dad died from heart attack, left us this mansion and i'm always horny" and the game would be the exact same!

    Overall, it's not that this is a bad game per se. It's just a very forgetful one because there's no struggle, there's no real emotions, there's no depth in characters, there's nothing that would make you not skip the dialogues and that's the worst thing to a game. But if you just want to have a relaxed time with beautiful models displaying their naked bodies then this is a great game for you.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an update from my original review. Feb 2024

    First off the story is good. The MCs inner monologue is crazy, and happens right in the middle of pretty much every conversation taking place.
    Is the lady next door not a LI? If so then we have some NTR going on with her son, unless it's turned into some cucking somewhere.

    MC loses his dad in a home invasion. MC learns that he has superpowers and killed the home invader. Ends up in a coma for 3 weeks.
    Then brings his family back from the brink of the abyss. Finds out his dad had money to build a 4 million dollar home in Arizona. I won't spoil much more.

    I will recommend this VN even though there seems to be NTR in minor scenes. It's just my opinion, but I'm not a fan. It might turn into a cucking moment.
    Good luck to Kaffekop
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Reveiwed After playing version 0.7.

    Pros :
    -Very good content in the game
    -Very good CGs
    -Plot looks quite big and lots to happen
    -Very Good writing

    Cons :

    -It looks like there is a lot of branching/Path in the game and it is not very clear to know on which one you go and so you have to remake the game with different options to unlock them. would be nice to have some indications on where we go when it comes to this.
    -It was mentionned BDSM tag but it looks like there is not so much of this here, too bad :)

    Overall playtime in this game was excellent and it can definitely be recommended !

    Keep up the good work
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.7

    This is a corruption based visual novel about a boy who discovers inner power amid a host of improbable circumstances.

    One ordinary night the protaganist watches his father get shot by an armed intruder and then uses his previously unknown magic powers to cause the intruder to keel over dead. His family immediately spirals downwards in a self-destructive alcohol fueled depression, but then the MC decides to fix them all and he does with a quick family meeting where everybody decides to get their life back on track. That's the end of the prologue.

    Realizing that they've racked up debts the can't pay by neglecting the outside world for so long the family is about to experience real hardship until a letter arrives explaining how their now dead father built a $4 million mansion using money he didn't have. Everyone is confused but lacking better options they decide to move into the modest ranch house with pool that somehow cost 4 million dollars. Immediately they meet all of the smoking hot MILFs and their sexually promiscuous daughters who all invite themselves over to swim in the only pool on the block full of 4 million dollar mansions. Meanwhile the MC has discovered that he has super sex magic and is passively emanating "fuck me" waves to all of the hot babes nearby. Unusually for a corruption game the MC doesn't actively do much corrupting. He's not even telling the girls how uncool tans lines are or how clothes are so lame. Every hot girl who hangs out near him just gets unbearably thirsty and slowly becomes a nudist.

    Anyway, the family realizes that they'll never be able to afford the property taxes on their 4 million dollar mansion with the job description of "half naked pool user", so they go out searching for a job. The MC stumbles into his job at the law firm that handled his Dad's mysterious real estate dealings when he discovers that the billion dollar law firm with branches in several states has just fired their only IT guy after it was discovered that he was a scumball. They hire high school grad MC for 10 hours a week managing all of their IT including the massive server farm in their basement and the huge security breach that had all of their client data being mirrored out to some unknown hackers on the internet. They're not too worried about this, letting the MC fix it in his own time, so long as it doesn't impact their day to day operations. A very realistic portrayal of how non-tech companies handle their IT.

    Naturally over time the MC's corrupting influence means you're sticking your dick in your sisters and mother, as well as your neighbor MILF. The current story ends before too many side characters are fully seduced, but there's plenty of fap content, especially after you get past the early game mandatory "ew gross, you're my brother" part of all sisterfucker games.

    It's a VN, but there are some choices to be made along the way. I think some of the scenes are mutually exclusive, but I only played through once. Some questions are "fuck hot babe yes/no", but others are "fuck hot babe 1/fuck hot babe 2".

    Daz, and made with care and not just using the stock assets. Boobs and asses are sometimes on the large side but not grossly oversized. One thing I thought was refreshing at first is the MC had a fairly human sized dick, virtually unheard of outside of sissy/humiliation games. But then of course he got zapped with the horsecock spell by his inner demon and of course every woman's reaction to seeing a third leg is "I must taste it!" followed by "I must have it within me, but I'm afraid it won't fit, oh well, YOLO!"

    The coherent and not-boring story combined with the good art and no-bullshit gameplay makes this an easy five star. I'll be following the updates and subscribing to the Patreon.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    5-star game for sure. I can tell that Kaffekop really cares about this game. The amount of combination seems to be endless, and it's just nice to see a dev that considers "what happens if this and that".

    Some people would love walkthrough, but I thought it's really charming that the game keeps on offering me a new experience depending on my small different choices made here and there. It's a game that keeps on giving, and I can only hope that Kaffekop will have the opportunity to complete the development of this masterpiece.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game starts relatively vanilla and with the certain event, it starts to spice it up so quickly that makes the game 10/10 easily! Renders are absolutely gorgeous and the main character absolutely dominates the game, a perfect game!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game, feels sort of messy and a little all over the place in my eyes. It does have some interesting characters but it really has a lot of them. It is hard to keep track of all of them.

    The MC is pretty creepy imo so that is also a bit of a turn off for me. Also, at times the renders seem a bit meh.

    Other than those issues, the game clearly has potential and I will take another look when the game has more content.

    Worth a try.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Daiju Fuma

    Interesting characters with their own personality, so many possibilities to play the game in different ways, good story and i am intrigued to see how it goes on and of course good sex make this game to one of my favorite VN off all time. Well done, Kaffeekop
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1216335

    Quite good game with beautiful girls.
    Animations would not hurt but the pics in the love making scenes and dialogues are quite hot. Especially that milf with twin daughters was really good idea ;)
    I don't look for story in these games but overall feeling and this one is hot so I'd recommend to try it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. I'm really impressed with this game. The story is coherent, the renders are really great. The writing is top notch (with a few tiny grammatical and spelling errors). Lots of beautiful women of all sorts to romance..

    Has a slightly confusing paranormal backstory, but that can be forgiven. :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn I really enjoyed this game, I like the premise of the story and I feel like the story is well written (I might not be the best one to judge though).

    Anyhow there are a lot of details that make you ask yourself questions about what is going on with the powers you posses, and the different characters you will encounter all have very clear and differentiated personalities.

    The developer puts a lot of effort in managing the suspense surrounding the MCs past and how it will affect his and his family's future. And every interaction with other characters lead to side stories that hold up well and blend with the main plot.

    The graphics are very pleasant and I haven't yet found a model I didn't find beautiful :)

    I will say though, take a little time to advance further into the game, at the beginning I was worried I'd grow bored but boy, was I wrong!

    A pleasure to play and I can't wait for more!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    xl Daedalus lx

    I just finished this one and I felt the need to share my opinion with the interwebs.

    The short review is that it is amazing. I am shocked that I did not discover this one sooner or that it seemingly does not have the buzz of some other games.

    The longer review is this: The models are of superior work, and are not only realistic (for the most part) but also a refreshing change from the norm. I felt that each model/character had a unique look and feel about them, and one that I personally have not seen anywhere else. The characters seem to run the spectum of femininity, from cute to sexy. Even the male characters have unique looks. A fantastic job overall.

    The writing is, for me, superior to nearly all other games I have played from here. The flow and subject matter are not only interesting but engaging. I suppose that the best thing I can say about it is that the story actually took me by surprise, and that is not an easy thing to do. I realized the 'plot twist' seconds before it occurred instead of the normal instant recognition of a contrived plot twist. So, that was very fun and a cool thing.

    The writing is, to me, easily the best I have seen. Moments in the game build tension, or quickly generate a rise and fall in anticipation are intense. The paranormal/occult theme is a bonus and not a detraction. This is not a game that uses cheap plot devices to further a story via mind-control or magick. Instead, it is a background scent that wafts through the story from time to time, reminding you that it is there - sometimes offering a taste, sometimes teasing it's pleasures until you beg for it.

    The mechanics are very straightforward, seemingly flowing right into the story. So, that leaves a little to be desired, but only a very little. I have become so accustom to the mechanics of clicking on a room or world map to travel that it felt missing (?) but I very quickly appreciated the lack of it.

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    Overall, this is definitely a game to watch, and I for one hope and pray to the Fap Gods that it continues to completion. Without hesitation this is now on my top 5 list of games.

    Well done to the creator, and if you have not played this one, I highly recommend it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Here's my review of this game after playing version 0.6.1.

    The premise of the game is that the main character has to look after his family while his father is murdered on one evening.

    As conveniences go, the father mysteriously leaves a mansion in a hot,arid town and the family consisting of the mother and 2 sisters decide to move. After their move, the MC has the chance to meet his largely female neighbours and meanwhile, als try to track his father's mysterious death, inheritance etc.

    The plot, while too simplistic, is made interesting & engaging by the supernatural aspect. Not that it hadn't been tried out by so many games (only 1 did better, can't mentioned due to forum-rules) but SOTF has just the right amount to keep the plot moving.

    There's also a mystery element (no spoilers here) after which the MC has to devote himself single-handedly to either of his primary character quests.

    The dev/writers have done a fantastic job in writing unique back story not only for the primary characters but also for the secondary characters.

    Therefore, when the scenes materialise, there's a sense of achievement which is on par to the best games out there. That says a lot about the quality of the story. The primary character quests while distinct are intertwined with the secondary ones and aren't obvious from the choices you make.

    At least from here on, if the dev makes this aspect slightly obvious, it could help the players to make a decision.

    As for the technical aspects, the renders are stunning and have been given a realistic touch without losing aesthetics. I'm sure it'll cater to a majority of tastes, if you will and again, this shows the attention to detail by the dev.

    Overall, a solid 5*, I hope Kaffekop gives all characters a satisfying ending not only w.r.t faps but in the context of the story as well.

    I wish him a quick recovery and the best for his health.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A game I'm surprised I haven't found earlier. I think it deserves to be famous.

    Excellent renders, big cast, sexual tension at every corner.
    Only drawback I might have found is the bit long-winded story. Otherwise the game is top-notch as of version 0.6.1
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best written game i have found on this site, a good amount of content + the characters look amazing. The only thing that was annoying was the sound on the intro screen, even though it is a minor thing, I HATE that song with a passion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I played version 0.6.1. Really great game. The quality of the writing/storytelling is very good, and the visuals are also very well done. I was also surprised at how much content there is already. At first I thought it was pretty linear, but I was also surprised at how many different paths were possible when I later read the walkthrough.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I give this a 3 because I know some people will love it and I think they should give it a try, a lot of the problems I have with it are down to personal tastes others won't have.

    My main issue is the MC. He borders annoying while dipping his toes into creepy bastard. His internal monologue is slimy as hell. If you picture a dirty old man drooling over a young girl at a park and you've got what popped in my head every time the MC here looked at a girl. I mean, he was almost popping boners over 2 fully dressed women who were at work doing nothing sexual at all.

    The slime is made worse byt the faces placed next to the text in the text bar. Some of the are so skeevy looking it crosses over into rape face.

    I am overly harsh about but i'm very picky when it comes to male MC's. I don;t like most of them and those I do like are usually mid 20's and over with a bit of life experience and know what they are doing. I can't relate to young guys at all and the shit he voices here just comes across as smarmy.

    Another personal hate of mine, and i've mentioned this a few times, is peeking. I hate it, it makes my skin crawl with how creepy it is and how badly done it always is (like walking right up to a shower and never being seen). The downside here is this is peek sim 2019. Granted if i'd known that beforehand I never would have played this to start with.

    Then 2 things happened with the "story" that pulled me right out and shotgunned any immersion I could have tried to salvage.

    First he goes to a law firm to sign for the house. He asks about client information he would never have been given regardless of being family or not. Then he comes up with genius plan to search the files in the law firms computers when he gets a job there. As someone who worked in a law firm in her teen years during my "i'm gonna be a lawyer, oh yes" phase before my love of cooking sprouted I can tell you he would be spending the next 5 to 10 years in jail while his family got in more debt over the added fine he would receive.

    The next part was when he explained his family history and their financial situation to people he'd just said hi to.

    I know people love the story and writing here but I found it rather weak.

    By all means, I urge others to try it for themselves but it's not for me at all and not one i'll be coming back to,
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily the best game I've played here in a loooong time. It starts off slowly, but has many voyeur scenes to make up for the lack of overt sex. The story, though, is what is worth it. The story is good enough that I didn't realize how slow it started. I just spent almost 3 hours before realizing that I have to get up to get ready for work soon.

    The models are great, and there's variety to them. My only (minor) gripe is that all the "older" women have huge tits, for the most part, and the girls don't. Again, for the most part. When you have a small army of MILFs in a game, a few can afford to avoid the usual big titty trope.

    That said, it doesn't detract at all from the experience. Great renders, an unsurpassed story (and there's obviously a LOT left of it!), and fantastic pacing lead this to the top of my list of favorites.

    Kudos to the dev. Keep up the great work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of version 0.6

    I dare you to play this game and not become obsessed with the story. There is a narrative building that has me on the edge of my seat. This is a mystic/magic powers story couched inside a family drama. Hints are dropped early and often and, in many cases, I didn't realize they were hints until I was well into the game. Now, I'm wanting to go back and play the game again because I'm positive there were clues that I missed on my first play. I'm invested in this story and can't wait to see what happens next.

    While there aren't a ton of choices, there are enough that the narrative is clearly being altered by my choices. However, at times it seems like the routing between the various narrative paths could use some tweaking. For example, when Jo suddenly starts sleeping nude with the MC, I was shocked because nothing in the path I took suggested that she should suddenly be okay with that. Same thing with the mother. Suddenly she's topless in the pool and while the story was building to that inhibition beginning to crumble, I didn't think her character had gotten to that point when she started walking around topless. These are minor quibbles and could be fixed with slight narrative changes. It's a common side effect of games that want to provide a branching narrative structure. SotF seems to handle this better than other games.

    I love the models. While a couple are ones I've seen in other games, the mother is in my Top 3 MILFs. Just gorgeous and has an age-appropriate look for a 45-year-old. Abby is a second favorite in this game. The tans on the women occasionally look like a shade of orange at times and is my only complaint. There are actually men in this game too. That is a refreshing change from most games in which the MC is seemingly the only man on earth.

    The renders are great, the poses and scene angles are excellent. This is a good looking game. No animations at this point, but I'm a firm believer that awkward animations break immersion so I'm fine without them. I'm here for the story, not for animations.

    The teasing is excellent and there is a slow burn seduction of the family. I'm interested in seeing how the seductions play out on other paths. Don't expect to beat off to this game though. This isn't a sex simulator; this is an erotic thriller.

    As a final thought, I am hoping that there is an endpoint in mind for this game. I worry about these branching narratives in that they typically fall apart if the broad strokes of the story aren't determined ahead of time. Hopefully, this game won't end up like the TV series Lost did. So far, so good though!

    Highly recommended!