Others - Completed - Sexena: Arena Tales [Final] [The Poundry]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is good and that's about it. The UI makes everything terribly slow, the story completely linear but filled with unnecessary button clicking and the endings are just bad.

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  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Clunky UI which slows the game down a lot and many unnecessary clicks can be avoided by changing this. Now, I have two points I'd like to discuss about the story:

    Endings (The Lack Thereof)
    So let me get this straight, we had a Tavern Keeper with BOOBAs the size of living breathing teenagers, a gorgeous buxom redhead girl which I don't remember having any sex scenes with, a deergirl futa with a massive cock (and only a handjob scene, no optional taking or giving of dick), a bookish blue goblin girl who wants you so bad but keeps it lowkey in a cute way, and a goblin which edges you to oblivion so you can give her the creamiest insemination of both of your puny mortal lives, and we get no ending scenes for any of them? Not even a Dragon ending in the same vein as the other meme-ier ones or god forbid, a good ending with her who tempted you into the arena to beat her? And speaking of Dragon:

    Endings (The Ones We Got)
    I'm not complaining about the ones which make sense like the being robbed blind or the human guinea pig ones. Hell, even the marriage and business getting in the way ones are amusing to me. It's just that the cuckold one and the never getting hard again one is just tonally off from the rest of them. Very weird. And there is only one marginally good ending with the Goblin as a partner-in-crime and the medieval industrial prison complex. Can't bump it up to two or maybe even three, eh?

    Overall, since the scenes aren't even animated, get an unlocked gallery so you can gawk at the CG's if you don't want a half-chuckle here and there, I guess
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great KINETIC novel. With great art from Doxy , huge boobs, ahegao and fun plot. Yes, there is no choice, no battle, and nothing serious. But there is a quite funny dialog between art. I haven't tried this version -because I bought it in steam.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The only thing good about this game is the art. I'd suggest skipping the game entirely and using the gallery option for that.

    There are severe bugs. I couldn't view any ending sequence, the game would just go black after attempting to select an ending. On that note, the vanilla endings are a slap in the face- all of them have some totally negative outcome for whatever reason.

    The UI is slow and clunky. There's no fast-forwarding for text, you can't disable screen transitions, the text highlighting is awkward and can make you miss pieces of conversation.

    The UI issues could be forgiven, but they're irritating instead, because this is the type of game that you speed through- the writing is extremely bad. Characters don't behave consistently, aren't interesting, and it seems as if they just shoved lines in to get the game released. The humor is a bad attempt at copying a sitcom.

    Finally, there's no more combat, actually, there isn't any real gameplay. You just click on conversation options until you find some hidden path. I wouldn't have minded if they kept the old gameplay loop of fight, win gold, upgrade equipment, and fight again. At least then I could forgive the writing.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I would like to preface this by telling you to take my score with a grain of salt. This game is such a mixed bag that you'll see a wide range of satisfaction depending on who you ask. Personally, I wouldn't say that this game is bad or a waste of time, but it is certainly disappointing. I say this because, what is a decent game with top tier art and fap material, could've easily been literally one of the best porn games ever posted on this website if not for some annoying and/or underwhelming aspects. I really wish I could give it a perfect score, but why am I even giving it 4 stars when I'm so disappointed? For the exact reason stated at the beginning of this wall of text. Giving it a lower score would be denying the dopamine that the game provided me, while giving it a higher score would be misinterpreting the disappointment that I still feel. Let me try to make sense of what I mean, but I suggest you play the game yourself if you're interested. No review will be helpful, but I'll at least tell you what to expect:
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    All in all, I recommend that you try the game for yourself. I read the reviews before playing it, but I wasn't scared off. I was still interested in what Doxy had for me, and I don't regret my decision (for the most part). Disappointments aside, it's some good fap material that was unfortunately sullied by the lack of polish. A few more minutes in the oven and some extra time with the girls and this would've easily been a masterpiece.

    I initially gave this game 4 stars because I genuinely enjoyed it, but after finishing all of the endings I had to come back and change it to 3 stars instead. I've never felt so cheated and clowned on in my entire life. The only saving grace is that the harem ending is decent, albeit still lacking a sex scene. My advice is that you shouldn't even bother touching any of the endings except the harem one, ever.

    But as I said, take this review with a grain of salt. Go play the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I understand the qualms others seem to have with this game, however, I feel they are a bit strong with their negative opinions and worry they may scare off players who may actually enjoy a game such as this, I certainly did.

    First off, the artwork is excellent. I prefer animated scenes but for still images, this game does all you can ask for by providing several different portraits of each girl.

    Next, the gameplay is fun and simple. 2 choices. Either you attack or defend. If you're wrong, you get to experience unique and entertaining dialogue before having to restart the battle learning from your one trial and error. In other words, the game doesn't waste your time.

    Finally, the story and dialogue is entertaining. The characters silly and quirky, the main character pitiful and loveable. And no character is introduced who you don't end up seeing naked, so everything has a payoff.

    As stated in other reviews, the game does have flaws. My biggest problem is the size of the games window. It doesn't allow you to go full screen, while also taking up enough space within the limited sized window that you have to scroll to see all content. The problem with this is that the artwork doesn't adjust to your scrolling, meaning you end up cutting off the girls heads in orer to continue the dialogue.

    Secondly, there is no gallery and only three save slots, meaning if you like more than three scenes, you better have bandicam ready otherwise it's a few battles and a lot of dialogue every time you want to rewatch a scene.

    Lastly, the ending is a mixed bag. On one hand, there are 14 endings, which is fun to go through and see them all, the only problem is that they all require you to face the final boss repeatedly, which take a minute. I won't let the unsatisfying nature of the endings affect my review for they are plentiful and entertaining, but I will say that a final aftermath scene with the big boss herself was sorely missing. It isn't satisfying o have to restart the game in order to get the single panel in which you actually tame the dragon, especially after having seen it already. Why wasn't she included among the girls you could settle down with?

    All in all, fun game that is enjoyable for what it is, which is a unique adventure with unconventional fighting strategies that are great. I truly believe it deserves 4 stars, but need to off set some of these more scathing reviews. Game isn't that bad at all.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has only one thing going for it, and even that is done lazily.
    The art.
    Everything else in this game is laughably bad. Though the ideas presented for conquering the arena are kind of cute, they're definitely not aiding a game that literally has "Sex" in the title.

    The biggest flaws in this game come from what is supposed to be the direct focus; the sex. What you get 2-3 images of a female character that will slurp on your rod for about 10 seconds if you read everything presented for you, and then be done. There's no climax sequence, and even with reading all the text presented, you'd only have enough time to pump that stump for about 20 seconds. Unless that's enough time for you, this game will leave you entirely bored.
    To really round things off, the dialogue for the sex scenes are basic and bland. Nothing stands out as unique or extra enticing.

    All in all, this is a horrendous game that's a final product and asks for a pretty hefty price. Thank fuck it's free here on F95 <3
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Trash. Some of the art is passable, and that's about the only good thing I can say about this "game".

    The writing is terrible, and considering it's basically a visual novel with annoying choices and backtracking? That doesn't give this much to stand on.

    Don't bother wasting your time on this.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I was not aware of its previous iteration so i cant judge its evolution both gameplay wise and art style but i can judge it for what it is now.


    -Artstyle (Character) is great
    -Interface art design fits with the overall theme
    -Some humor here and there if you actually read the dialogue

    -Option menu is non-existent (at least i couldn't see any but if you dear reader knows how to access the options please correct me on this)
    -Gallery is also not available and here i thought it will be unlocked after completion
    -surprisingly shallow gameplay
    -misspelled words sprinkled throughout
    -awful ending unfortunately
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The artwork is good, but the gameplay is boring. Select A, B, or Hidden C. Compared to the original one this is just a kinetic novel game, but worst is you can't just skip the text you have to wait for each new text to show and continue.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm normally a lot more in depth for these but... there's nothing to say here really. It's mostly just a shitshow.

    The background art is pretty okay. That's about it.

    The game boasts " Battle With Wit & Words - narrative puzzle battles, no grinding necessary! " yet: It HAS grinding. Since otherwise you are not allowed to progress without the required equipment.

    Along with: "Enjoy Lovingly Crafted Art - unique sex artworks, drawn by the famed Doxy!" and "Meet Sexy Monstergirls - many lusty monster ladies to meet and fuck!"

    Doxy is infamous for being just awful at drawing specifically: Monster girls. He can draw guys, that's about it. (and hyper tits)

    It's just terrible choice after terrible choice.

    And there's not really any "game" either. You have a right choice, and a wrong choice. And you're not allowed to make the right choice unless you grind to unlock the gear to be allowed to make the right choice.

    There's no reason for this to really be a "game". Much less: A paid game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game got two things going for it, nice art, and decent dialog.

    The combat system is in most fights binary, with a right and a wrong choice, and if you pick the wrong choice you lose the fight. And some fights have to be lost at least once in order for you to be able to get a macguffin to win said fight.
    The 'town' is vastly underused, with shops just being there for a character to be in, not to sell items or anything else.
    The characters instantly become unimportant (and impossible to talk to) when you reach their sex scene, at which point another character takes over till you get their sex scene and so on.
    And the "ending" is quite possibly the least satisfying ending I have ever seen in a game.
    *Edit* Sorry, forgot to mention the story, because well, there isn't one. The Nameless hero with seemingly no personality goes to a town based around an arena to fight "monstergirls" (humans with strange skin colors, weird ears and in a few cases animal tails) because a woman told him about it in a dream. The "dark secret, tied to the reason you were brought here" and "the mystery that lies ahead" mentioned in the game description? Yeah, no, nothing like that in the game, sorry.

    Beyond that, the engine, or the use of it is a mess, with some lines of dialog being displayed for a fraction of a second before the next 'bock' of dialog shows up, 'new' dialog appearing in the grayed out 'read dialog' part of the screen, choices including what seems like code and other such annoyences.
    Also, 3 save slots and no scene replay or gallery... Reminds me of my days playing game on the SNES and Sega Genesis...
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Saw the pictures on steam and was looking forward to it. Sadly, artwork is also the only decent part of this game.

    There are 4 town girls to chat with and 12 arena girls to defeat but there's no battle system. You just click on attack or dodge button to see which one works against them until a new option appears to win. The plot doesn't take itself seriously either since its comedic with jokes on every other line of dialog.

    There's no game over so don't be afraid to lose battles so you can see the defeat scene. Actually its pretty much recommended to lose first because there's no other way to see all scenes since there's no gallery (or options) menu. If you want to see a scene again don't forget to save before it but choose carefully because there are only 3 save slots.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this
    it was like swords and sandals but you can fugg the cute monster girls.
    I can be a bit grindy with having to fight combatants on a lower rung than you just to get cash to upgrade equipment but thats about it.
    story's ok i guess