
Sep 14, 2023
The lack of seatbelts while driving his child gives me concern and juuuust a little bit of anxiety...
But! The fact that he's at least keeping his eyes on the road was a great detail. Hate that in shows, the driver keeps looking at the passenger while talking.

Fuckin' keep your eyes on the road man...
When he wasn't looking he almost crashed the car. So makes sense.
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New Member
Aug 22, 2024
is there any hack to make selection more stand out?
i actually hovered on the second choice, but if im using keyboard to navigate, i cant tell which choice im on


Jun 16, 2021
If you chose Jasmine, MC is just any mid-life crisis fellow tired of his wife and kid and divorcing them to get a steady 20-25 year old girlfriend to maintain the illusion of youth and freedom. No responsibilty, no stability, just a fleetless attempt to stay young and an inability to move forward. He will get bored of Jasmine very soon and replaces her with the next girl to keep his partner young.
Isn't MC 30 years old or something? If he is, it isn't much of a age gap, actually was pretty normal for millenials.


Jun 1, 2020
Something like that. At some point, when MC speaks to Jasmine, it's said that "he's less than 10 years older than her".
I had fun trying to figure the ages of the main characters :

From what we know, MC and Alisson got together during their college days (by the second year at earliest), married and got Lily later, and worked together at the same company until their separation. At the beginning of the game Lily is 6, and Jake and Alisson have been separated for 2 years.

A bit of plothole in the timeline though, is that Alisson says that she god her PhD as Dr Falla and changed her company mail adresses to be Alisson Miller meaning they married around that time, that would put MC toward the mid 30s and Jasmine/Alexa above 25 so they shouldn't be in college anymore.

With all taken account it probobly give something like :
Jake, Alisson and Cooper : 31-33
Veronica : Early 30s
Maggie : Late 20s
Natalya : Late 20s
Jasmine/Alexa : 22-24
Kris : Probably early-mid 20s
Doctor : 45
Lily : 6
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Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018

Hello everyone!
I’m coming to you with another update! This week I’ve been working on animations because there’s quite a backlog, and I think I’ll be occupied with them until the end of the week. I already have over 2200 images, and I’ll let you know the number of animations in the next development update. I prefer to know the final count after rendering since not all of them turn out as well as I’d like, and the number often gets reduced after rendering
Additionally, we have the winner of the poll for the Extra Scene, and this time it’s Allison! As we all know, Allison is quite a delicate character in the story, being one of the few who was involved in Jake’s life before the events of Race of Life. We have a lot of ideas for her, but we thought it might be worth creating the Extra Scene as a "potential" flashback to Jake’s past and showing you a scene from when they were still a couple. This way, we avoid spoiling her character, and their rebuilding relationship (for those trying to rebuild it) won’t interfere with such a scene.
Therefore, if you want to vote on the Extra Scene and which part of Jake’s past should be shown, you can do so Additionally, if you'd like, you can vote for the fetishes you want to appear in the Extra Scene—here’s your chance to do so - ! Currently, one of the leading fetishes is lingerie, so if it wins, I’ll give you a selection of sexy lingerie to choose from, and you can decide which one you think suits Allison best Of course, only Bookmakers and higher-tier Patrons can participate in the voting, and from that tier, the Extra Scene will be available!

Also a few words from Joshua

It's done. Full dialogue has been drafted.
The total length is around 190,000 words, so it'll give quite a bit of gameplay, though a lot of that is in parallel, so scenes will play out differently depending on your choices of path and partners.
You'll get to see a little more background on Jake and his potential love interest's lives, as well as meet a few new characters that will play small but important roles as the story pans out. Now, it's down to the editing. Jachu and I will make a pass over it (he's already done that for most of the script while he was creating the renders) then it's on to our beta team for their proof reading to make sure I haven't left in too many typos or other issues.
I think this episode will give everyone a clearer idea about where Jake stands with the people around him, and I hope you all enjoy playing it.
Next up, I'll be scripting the bonus scene. Allison won the patrons poll, so I'll work on that soon, but in a way where it won't spoil anything for players looking to try and rekindle things with her.
Then, it's on to the outlining for the next episode!

Stay tuned!
4.70 star(s) 183 Votes