Mr. Muscles

Mar 30, 2021
So far the BF and FB ( :WeSmart: ) paths for Hana don't really differ much at all. But if you go all-in with Hana and fully follow that path you have to call it off with Mina. I don't makes that path kinda boring because you will likely skip half the content of the rest of the game (or at least of the next upgrades). As of now I will probably do at least three paths, one with Hana (BF), one with Hana (FB) both with the MC trying to be nice and one with the MC going all-out sadist.
Yeah, but I think that on the GF route, Hana said that anything within/related to the club is fine (but I'm not sure if the scene with Kath and Sophia applies), but outside of it, the MC is all hers. But yeah, you're apparently limited to "club scenes only" if you take GF route. I do consider this one, for now, my "canon" save, but I'll be playing the chapters at least twice at release to check the FB route as well, the writing in this particular route (FB) did hint and them not being a proper thing now (commited), but maybe later on.

I also did a third save, just out of curiosity, where the MC commits to a romantic relationship with Hana, but cheats with Mina. Who knows, maybe in a the multiverse, Hana will be up for a threesome here too and forget about cheating part :KEK:


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
One day, I'll be able to properly manage my expectations for these single updates of multi path AVNs, even if in theory I know beforehand what will come. There's never enough story progression. That's a me problem though. :D
I'm just not really interested in Hana (outside of the Club)/Mina. With all the absurdities that are going on at the Club, having a "normal" relationship outside of that feels kinda weird to me.

On my save the last competition ended with a tie, which meant everybody losing and getting punished. The scene was nice, though since all three were drugged it didn't really feel like punishment. Maybe Harper should've gotten involved. :BootyTime:
The increased screentime to Sophia/Abel was nice. I assume MC sticking his nose into various affairs at the club didn't go unnoticed. Sophia as a character I find slightly repellent (genius, yeah yeah), but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate her role in the story.
And Kathleen is harmless, huh? Disappointing. :p

Anyway I think I going to replay the week 2 competition with the schmoozing again and I'm looking forward to more time with the Carnations again soon.
Yeah I guess I'm in the minority here but I read all these raving feedbacks with the keywords 'mina' & 'katherine' and my brain just kinda files under yeah yeah meh..... what else are people writing.

Such is the Felicia li path - I imagine redhead lovers feel similar.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
Nice, finally get to see what the effects of the girls winning/losing are so I can go back to the start of ch3 or whenever it was and try to wrangle things how I want... I think them all losing is probably the right way to go, though I guess that's the same as if both Fel and Rose lose, if that's even possible, doesn't seem there's a Vanessa and Rose lose scene with Fel in charge... butit's been so long I can't remember how it all worked.

Fel was looking super cute when she was all pouty about getting shocked, that was probably my favourite bit of the update.

Not sure how I feel about the boffin lady, she's pretty and all (very similar to Fel) but seems a bit hammy with just how flat her personality is supposed to be. Though, I thought it was funny when the MC calls her a Nazi scientist.

The other thing I can't figure out is why the Mina scene didn't really feel that pervy... it should have done, the MC went to town on her, he's cheating on Hana, also fucking his friends ex... maybe it's just because the stuff in the club is more kinky, maybe if we can ever drag Mina down there and get her embroiled in all the shenanigans I'll be more into her.


Jan 3, 2021
is it just me or the walkthrough mod skips all the exploration scenes?
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2022
So far the BF and FB ( :WeSmart: ) paths for Hana don't really differ much at all. But if you go all-in with Hana and fully follow that path you have to call it off with Mina. I don't makes that path kinda boring because you will likely skip half the content of the rest of the game (or at least of the next upgrades). As of now I will probably do at least three paths, one with Hana (BF), one with Hana (FB) both with the MC trying to be nice and one with the MC going all-out sadist.
On one hand it clearly states that fucking Mina on Hana GF route would have (probably) negative consequences later on since MC reiterates his promise of monogamy over and over again during this update; but on the other the dev also teases the possibility of Mina/Hana sandwich and most importantly throuple relationship in some dialogues. Right now I have Hana GF/Mina Lover Continued route as my main save to see what the drama leads to, and hopefully (by some miracle) we do have the option of throuple at the end :BootyTime:
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Jul 4, 2020
For the lounge, the choice to take her hand or not does (somewhat) dictate if Edwin is cold or warm to her during their conversation. Although, you might be talking about the hag handy/punishment game scene in the blue room... there I'd argue his disposition is being affected by Sophia's perfume. You can see Edwin's lack of filter in earlier scenes with the aphrodisiac too; he becomes pretty frank when under its affect.

In hindsight, I do think being able to modulate Edwin's tone during the concluding Abel scene would have been appropriate. GIL himself thought it stuck out like a sore thumb when he first read it, as did one of our proofreaders. I maintain that Edwin has sufficient reason to be irritated over the situation, and it's not like he's playing toward an endgame (yet), but he is typically characterized as being mindful around the club's patrons. Him getting a handle on the situation wouldn't be out of character. On the flip side, I also think there's something to be said for him having rare moments of honesty. Everyone reacts emotionally on occasion and he's still a dorky 22-year old kid after all.

Edwin is a pretty well-defined character as far as porn game MCs go, so it's sometimes tricky to discern where it's appropriate to railroad his responses and where to allow the reader to choose how to processes situations and act on them. I appreciate when people point out these incongruities. Multiple gut feelings is useful information when what I'm working off of is a single gut feeling, although obviously I take them with a grain of salt.

I'm not sure yet, but I may just go back and iterate on that scene some to give the player some choice in characterizing Edwin's outward responses. As vague as Abel is in that scene, it's a pretty foundational scene for Edwin going forward, so it bears some consideration.
Sorry for butting in, I have a rather dumb point to raise/ask, it may just be my forgetful ass not remembering things. Why does Edwin find Sophia irritating from the start? Like, even before the take her hand choice, it just felt like he almost hates her... For the whole human testing thing I would have really loved to choose for the MC wether he found that despicable or not, but I guess that might clash with his character? not to mention the amount of branching routes that sole choice would probably have created.

I might have taken too much of a liking to Sophia : P (please f95 dont turn this into a cringe emoji)

I apologize for my poor English.
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Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
Thanks for saying as much. I hoped they would kinda bookend and contrast with each other. I've been really shocked some people have found it dull. It's some of GIL's best work IMO and I'm really happy with the sensuality and the build up.
I think the "problem" is, that some people are mainly playing the game for the hardcore sadistic...semi-sex torture stuff, so when you give them a mostly vanilla love and sex scene, regardless of how well written and pictured it is, it just can't give them what they want.

In that way PC is - at least thematically - a bit of a "genre mix": You have the pretty extreme hardcore stuff in and around the club and you have the romantic, more vanilla parts with Hana and Mina. And as with all genre mixes PC has the problem that some people play it for the former and get bored by the latter and some people play the game for the latter and might find the former somewhat unappealing.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
For the lounge, the choice to take her hand or not does (somewhat) dictate if Edwin is cold or warm to her during their conversation. Although, you might be talking about the hag handy/punishment game scene in the blue room... there I'd argue his disposition is being affected by Sophia's perfume. You can see Edwin's lack of filter in earlier scenes with the aphrodisiac too; he becomes pretty frank when under its affect.

In hindsight, I do think being able to modulate Edwin's tone during the concluding Abel scene would have been appropriate. GIL himself thought it stuck out like a sore thumb when he first read it, as did one of our proofreaders. I maintain that Edwin has sufficient reason to be irritated over the situation, and it's not like he's playing toward an endgame (yet), but he is typically characterized as being mindful around the club's patrons. Him getting a handle on the situation wouldn't be out of character. On the flip side, I also think there's something to be said for him having rare moments of honesty. Everyone reacts emotionally on occasion and he's still a dorky 22-year old kid after all.

Edwin is a pretty well-defined character as far as porn game MCs go, so it's sometimes tricky to discern where it's appropriate to railroad his responses and where to allow the reader to choose how to processes situations and act on them. I appreciate when people point out these incongruities. Multiple gut feelings is useful information when what I'm working off of is a single gut feeling, although obviously I take them with a grain of salt.

I'm not sure yet, but I may just go back and iterate on that scene some to give the player some choice in characterizing Edwin's outward responses. As vague as Abel is in that scene, it's a pretty foundational scene for Edwin going forward, so it bears some consideration.
While the Sophia/Kath/Abel scenes have some nuances, as I mentioned in an earlier post and which is very good, I agree that being able to modulate Edwin´s response in the at home scene would be better. Say, one option to still be nice, one option to be nice, but mentioning that simply breaking into others home is not really proper behaviour and he finds this not funny and an option where the conversations runs as it is now.
I also would propose an option to decide how to behave towards Sophia in special. When they sit in the bar and blue room, we have two dorky geeks (even if one is someone you should think before messing with her), who can click to a certain extend, as we can see. There are decisions which certainly make Sophia more or less inclined to the MC. So I think there should be the option to be nice or nicer to Sophia, depending on the MC´s sympathy and how much he likes or despises her.
Thanks for saying as much. I hoped they would kinda bookend and contrast with each other. I've been really shocked some people have found it dull. It's some of GIL's best work IMO and I'm really happy with the sensuality and the build up.

Well, I kinda expected some of it. GIL and I remarked that Hana was setting an unsustainable bar, but that was about the breadth of future scenes, not necessarily the content.
Since I am normally playing with the MC and Mina being just good friends, my "Mina" playthrough is not my focus. I liked the sex scenes in there, but I can see why there are some players who found it not very exciting. Many of the Mina fans, not all, but many get off on the netori and corruption angle. Mina is very nice and she has some hidden "pervert" in her, which they want to bring out.
Hana on the other hand, is something of a reversed "mirror image" to Mina. Hana has very few problems with "pervert" stuff as long as it is consensual and while she can be really nice, she has few restraints to tell others her opinion. For most Hana fans, the corruption angle is irrelevant, since with her only those playing for sadistic stuff would say she needs to be corrupted. For the standard players, Hana is very uninhibited, if she wants to be so.
If Edwin for example wanted her to repeat another topless concert gig, Hana would do it without blinking if she likes the MC. Good luck with getting normal Mina to do something similar.
I theorise that for most Hana fans, the girlfriend path is more appealing, while for most Mina fans, the girlfriend + corruption path appeals more.
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Aug 25, 2021
In my blind playthrough of the game, I choose the options that are closest to my heart, not the ones that will lead to sex scenes.

Soo, I don't like Sophia, or rather I don't like people who want to manipulate me, especially as directly as Sophia does.
I too let my heart influence my experience. When Sophia admitted that she wears her perfume just because she loves the chaos it causes, she made it to the top of my LI list. I would like to see the MC up his game and show her that he can compete at her level. His rudeness during Abel and Sophia's visit could have been a calculated move in such a game; but it wasn’t framed as such, and felt more like a little-boy’s tantrum.

I wish the game could be flexible-enough to allow the MC to develop into a truly Machiavellian character—as his circumstances seem to demand—on one path; while also allowing him to be played as a white-knight to keep the simps happy. TD would really have his work cut out for him to manage that.


Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
Sorry for butting in, I have a rather dumb point to raise/ask, it may just be my forgetful ass not remembering things. Why does Edwin find Sophia irritating from the start? Like, even before the take her hand choice, it just felt like he almost hates her...
Edwin hates having his mental capacity jeopardized by the perfume. You get some of that in a couple of other scenes when Kat employs it.

I think the "problem" is, that some people are mainly playing the game for the hardcore sadistic...semi-sex torture stuff, so when you give them a mostly vanilla love and sex scene, regardless of how well written and pictured it is, it just can't give them what they want.

In that way PC is - at least thematically - a bit of a "genre mix": You have the pretty extreme hardcore stuff in and around the club and you have the romantic, more vanilla parts with Hana and Mina. And as with all genre mixes PC has the problem that some people play it for the former and get bored by the latter and some people play the game for the latter and might find the former somewhat unappealing.
Oh, certainly. And we we recognize and lean into that aspect when planning updates. As someone who likes a mix of content, there's a very deliberate effort to chase unsavory elements with softer ones. It's meant to further the push and pull of Edwin's relationship with the club - because while players likely already know what kinda ending they want - ie, be a sadistic bastard or burn the place to the ground, Edwin still has to get there. That tempo was why there was a nice chunk of Hana in the wake of Week 2, and why Mina followed so closely after Edwin potentially had too much fun cattle prodding the girls and fucking his boss' face.

Don't get me wrong, both the pigtails serve a function beyond the balancing act. Hana is fundamental to the club story line and Mina's relationship with Edwin will play out in varying ways and effect multiple character paths, but they were initially conceived for that purpose.

I do wonder if some people didn't find it as enticing because it wasn't as "bombastic" as Hana's scene - because both Hana and Mina scenes from the last two updates were equally vanilla in my opinion, it's just that Hana was more of a whirlwind that pulled Edwin along while Edwin he was in the driver's seat for Mina's hotel date. I was hoping for a nice passion vs sensual contrast with the two being so close together.

(Sorry for being rambly, sometimes I use replying to these posts as a chance to work out my own thoughts.)

I theorise that for most Hana fans, the girlfriend path is more appealing, while for most Mina fans, the girlfriend + corruption path appeals more.
I do think this scene will play favorably for her future content. Her telling Edwin to "let go" and live out his desires holds the potential for things to get quite intense.

His rudeness during Abel and Sophia's visit could have been a calculated move in such a game; but it wasn’t framed as such, and felt more like a little-boy’s tantrum.
He does actually manage to impress Abel during that scene, but as you put nicely, it's not a calculated move. Just incidental of him having a temper tantrum and being truthful with his observations.
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I just finished playing this for the first time and bloody hell it's good
Move over other girls Hana is best girl
It's the kinda game i would some day like to see on steam
Although i gotta say i never choose any of the mean options i'm playing a super nice mc
Because i could never choose the mean options that are there in real life.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
I too let my heart influence my experience. When Sophia admitted that she wears her perfume just because she loves the chaos it causes, she made it to the top of my LI list.
Yes, I have a soft spot for Sophia as well. As I mentioned in several earlier posts I really like the quirky, eccentric LIs, like Sophia, Feli and Hana(to a certain point she is also quite eccentric) here or Miru and Leia in WiaB. While Hana and Felicia are in front on my personal LI list in PC, Sophia is up there too.
May 9, 2021
Edwin hates having his mental capacity jeopardized by the perfume. You get some of that in a couple of other scenes when Kat employs it.

Oh, certainly. And we we recognize and lean into that aspect when planning updates. As someone who likes a mix of content, there's a very deliberate effort to chase unsavory elements with softer ones. It's meant to further the push and pull of Edwin's relationship with the club - because while players likely already know what kinda ending they want - ie, be a sadistic bastard or burn the place to the ground, Edwin still has to get there. That tempo was why there was a nice chunk of Hana in the wake of Week 2, and why Mina followed so closely after Edwin potentially had too much fun cattle prodding the girls and fucking his boss' face. Don't get me wrong, both the pigtails serve a function beyond the balancing act. Hana is fundamental to the club story line and Mina's relationship with Edwin will play out in varying ways and effect multiple character paths.

I do wonder if some people didn't find it as enticing because it wasn't as "bombastic" as Hana's scene - because both Hana and Mina scenes from the last two updates were equally vanilla in my opinion, it's just that Hana was more of a whirlwind that pulled Edwin along while Edwin he was in the driver's seat for Mina's hotel date. I was hoping for a nice passion vs sensual contrast with the two being so close together.

(Sorry for being rambly, sometimes I use replying to these posts as a chance to work out my own thoughts.)

I do think this scene will play favorably for her future content. Her telling Edwin to "let go" and live out his desires holds the potential for things to get quite intense.
I can't speak for anyone else. I can only tell you why I didn't find it enticing.

Up until this particular scene, every scene has had a point where the player could be soft and ease back, or be a complete asshole and push through what might be considered a 'soft psychological limit' for one of the girls. From face fucking Veronica on the floor while she is wearing a collar, to kissing Felicia while fucking her ass, to having Hana call the MC Daddy when she really didn't want to. None of these things were mandatory but if you wanted to play the sadistic path, they were available to you. They were things that expressed the dominance of the MC.

Then we get Mina - sweet, innocent, naïve Mina - who literally says 'What are your fantasies?'. And then...nothing. There's no choice where you can be an asshole and pull her up by her pigtails while destroying her pussy doggystyle on the bed. There's no choice where you can choke her out while fucking her against the window. I mean, there could have been a reluctance on Mina's part to the MC fucking her without a condom because she was afraid of getting pregnant, which would have added something to her request to destroy her and the fact that he creampies her at the end. In other words, there was no psychological element to the scene at all, because there was no pushback/reluctance to what was happening and no barrier to the MC getting what he wants. Mina just lets everything happen because what is happening is nothing that she wouldn't have experienced with Killian a hundred times in the past. In fact, it almost felt like she was mocking the MC for not being aggressive enough at some points.

If this was the Matrix, Mina would be the Oracle telling the MC/Neo 'Sorry kid. You've got the gift. But it looks like you're waiting for something.' And knowing the stuff that my MC has done to girls in the past, I know that's bullshit.
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