VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Up 4 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations is an absolute recommendation. The game is so good it will actively make you sad that your life isnt filled with the same amount of people in this game.

    As others have said, the absolute strong suit is its writing. Its impeccable. While with other games, you had to question the logic or ignore the absolute shitshow that was the dialogue, this game is basically one of the better end of books. I am especially pleased with how much sex/pornography takes the centerpiece of the story, as most other games just facilitate an environment where you CAN have sex, but its always something happening on the sides. Like, you fuck, but the main thing is always this hotel youre gonna manage. The rest is more of a side piece.

    That being said, another strong suit is in the characters. Like, you got your varied cast while also having a relatively small "main" cast that you can focus on. Each one feels like a (perverted) person you could meet in the street. I have to truly highlight Hana, who is a character who is actively opposed to the very concept of the game. Which is the most fascinating choice, and it works so well.

    Favorites aside, the game is the real package. Lots of high-quality porn, good talks, good fetish, plenty of direction of how things go in the scenes themselves, which paths to take.

    The only reason I wouldnt recommend playing is that its not finished. And OH BOY you wish you wouldnt have to wait for the next update after playing through it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the greatest game I've played on this site.
    The visuals of the game are pretty great, the characters design are awesome and visually the sex scene look good.
    But that's absolutely not the main quality of this game, like the writing is so good, each character feel so unique and human.
    Moreover the game is very diverse and polished.
    Overall this game is a masterpiece imo.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not great at deciding such things with any sense of definitiveness but I can say that as of now Pale Carnations is one of, if not actually my favourite lewd game.

    Honestly the only real complaint I have with it is the one same issue I have with any game using Honey Select for its renders - the male models are average at best and quite shit at worst. But I can't really hold that against the PC devs.

    Big ups for the writing though. Whether Pale Carnations is in fact my #1 of these games is something I might be internally debating for a while but it is - in my opinion at least - the best written. No matter whether it's indulging in vulgarity, waxing poetic or philosophic, engaging in the romantic - whatever the case might be I found the writing engaging across the board.

    I cannot recommend the game enough and am presently cursing the fact that I gotta wait to see what happens next.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following and playing this game since the beginning, and as of Ch. 4 Update 4, this game has an actual story; it's straight-up drama, and I want more of it.

    Pale Carnations is one of the very few games that shows genuine fucking—like, straight-up feral fucking—and if you're into it, maledom. Not some bitchboy vanilla sex that's over in a minute like you typically see.

    When it comes to the characters, the more you read about them, the more you realize just how vibrant and lovely they are. In the first chapters, they're just fuckdolls, really, but after Ch4Up4, I felt like I'm reading a proper romance. I really like these girls; in fact, I like all the characters. There is no character that is annoying or out of place.

    It's also turning into a proper role-playing game. Having played the latest update, I've gotta say, I really appreciate that there's no locked path in this game. The choices are clear as day, and so are the consequences. You're encouraged to explore different paths because they do lead to enjoyable places.

    I think this is one of the best-written lewd games out there and a must-play if you're into maledom.

    To summarize:

    • Great characters overall, women and men alike.
    • Choices make a difference if you want them to.
    • Easy to navigate, and it's only a sandbox when you're in the club.
    • Good animations and character models.
    • It's got a story now, which is exciting.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The undisputed GOAT of adult games. Amazing, hot scenes. An interesting story with dark themes, well written dialogue, and characters that you will fall in love with. This is the peak of adult games.
    1. Sex scenes are fucking top notch
      • +Good variety of fetishes, positions, and girls
      • +A lot of focus on rough sex and ahegao/mindbreak, without pushing too far into an uncomfortable level
      • +MC lasts more than a single round unlike many other games in the genre
    2. Characters
      • +Main girls are unique, hot, flawed, and very well written.
      • +Plenty of scenes with each character, little to no blueballing/teasing/slowburn.
      • +I usually prefer having multi/poly/harem relationships in games like these. But the solo routes are so well written. Many of the solo route scenes are romantic, intimate, and really makes you feel so connected to the character for that route.
    3. MC
      • +I might be a minority in this, but I really enjoy the MC. He doesn't come off as annoying, pathetic, weak, or too much of a cringey, creepy perv
      • +Really easy to project yourself onto him
      • -- Not really for power fantasy fans that want to be a muscle-bound chad that can kill anyone with a flex of his bicep before he fucks their wife or whatever
      • +-His dances were ridiculous, kinda funny though so I'll let it pass
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    V. Ch4 update 4

    being as old as the dark side of the moon my tastes have had the time to percolate and distill into stabilised taste. i also can now tell within minutes if a game is worth my time. i download and try a lot here but most just get deleted in no time and some get a review if they leave an impression.
    this is one i had not tried before despite it's time already here, but i choose as my mood takes to the tags on display. this time i was in the mood.

    the art is nothing i have not seen before but is better polished than most using this type. i'm not big on the art side as the N serves my tastes more than the V and only a strong N can make the V even viable to me, even though this is not a VN. i lack an artists eye. needless to say it looked pretty good compared to most.

    the writing is exceptional. each character HAS character, utilising different speech and differing expansions of dialogue. outside of an actual novel, very fucking rare here. a certain something writer should try this and see just how something they really are not.
    as a novel this is a real pleasure to read, even though the base plot/premise is really not my cup of tea, my own proclivities somewhat vanilla for this, but i do have an expansive imagination
    i did expect the sex to be relentless but instead the story plays out with exceptional pacing (yes i used exceptional again, why not? is it my word of the day or just that good?......) so that my the reader has time to blow a hole in a tissue, read through the warm after glow and keep reading in time for the chubby build up again ready for the next tissue. really well done that writer.
    i have only read 1 route but the attentiveness to detail looks solid.

    and now here is my two gripes. one is for game design and the other is purely the site staff lacking in sense and moderation.

    firstly, this is NOT a VN. it is a point and click game made so by the point and click roaming sections. a novel is not free roaming and neither is a visual novel.

    secondly, the very annoying unclickable-to-skip transitions. there are too many of them. the jingle started to grate on my nerves at times.

    aside from that, all hunky dory. certainly one to revisit once the completed tag gets added and definitely a possible future purchase should it then go to steam (if not already but i never purchase incomplete or early access so no idea, i rarely pay attention to the posted links).
    great stuff guys
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Update 4]

    + Character designs are amazing (subjective)
    + Animations are great in all scenes
    + Very high production quality
    + Writing is remarkable, engaging and well paced
    + Choices feel like they matter
    + Character depth and progression is well done
    + Facial expressions are well done in all ways of interaction

    - Dark themes might not be for everyone

    I was hesitant to pick this up at first, and even dropped it at one point without getting far in. Lately, I decided to pick it up again and I found myself pleasantly surprised. With every update the game adds layers of depth to the story and character emotions and background, as well as with character relationships.

    There's a lot of action so you won't be left feeling blue, but it doesn't feel shallow. Rather, it feels kind of like a slow burn in how you build up relationships with characters, all of them. Every relationship takes time and a build of up interactions, not just a single candlelight dinner or a wine and dine romp session that will make your partner(s) ride or die with you. No, there's a lot more to it than that, a lot more depth.

    This game became kind of like a guilty pleasure for me. I really like it even though it contains a lot of sadomasochism themes that normally don't interest me at all. However, the characters and the overarching plot, regardless of the path choices you make, are very engaging and the writing is very well done.

    Worth checking out and giving a chance, even if you might not be interested in some underlying themes.

    Overall Rating: 10/10
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good and even great at times but idk about #1.

    It's well written and the English is nice, but I feel like MC hasnt fully stepped up and in my view at least, he's still a bit of a pushover at times.
    Maybe this will change even more given enough time? who knows..
    There are times in which MC reacts differently already, sure, and TD wants to be 100% sure the players realise that by writing (Ive read more or less the same phrase 3-4 times I think? may be misremembering though) each time "I wouldnt have acted/reacted this way a few weeks ago" :)

    Despite all the degeneracy and the sadistic shite MC can do, he still worries about acting like an asshole, or like a prick, or eg he questions why he would make such a promise. I mean, of course it's nice that his morals are more or less staying intact, but I feel like that clashes a bit with, again, the extremely sadistic stuff he can do.

    It's a big branching to manage but keeping the increasingly evil MC on the same "common route" as a more chill MC (affection points aside) just feels.. a bit wrong at times. like, a super degenerate route with Elizabeth, unlocked with the more evil choices, wouldve been pretty cool and a testament to MC getting "properly" involved in that crazy world

    Characters are interesting and pretty multidimensional, there are very few cliches and thats just a whole tank of fresh air.
    Renders are, despite HS limitations (eg the skin texture for example is just... less than stellar, imo) outright amazing, if you dig the style! Nice job.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    "Indulge in the ultimate adult gaming experience with this titillating masterpiece. From steamy visuals to provocative narratives, every moment is designed to ignite passion and excitement. Explore fantasies, unleash desires, and immerse yourself in a world where boundaries fade away. With seductive gameplay mechanics and enticing challenges, this game promises to captivate and thrill. Whether you're seeking adventure or intimacy, this adult game delivers an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and satisfaction. Dare to explore the forbidden, embrace your desires, and elevate your gaming experience to new heights. It's time to unleash your inner fantasies and embark on an exhilarating adventure like never before. Get ready to lose yourself in a world of pleasure and intrigue. This game is a must-have for discerning adults looking to spice up their gaming library. Prepare to be seduced, enthralled, and thoroughly entertained. Welcome to a realm where fantasies come to life and every moment is an invitation to indulge."
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    (ch 4, update 4)

    This is one of those VNs that makes you think. It fulfills your dark urges while simultaneously forcing you to confront the reality of what your character is doing and contend with the humanity of both yourself and the women you are involved with. I'm not even usually into BDSM, coercion, or any of the darker side of the sex work landscape, but the story and characters are compelling enough to get me past that discomfort and even bring out a little of those hidden urges in me, without making me feel like a complete waste of human life.

    The visuals, audio, and writing are all excellent.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never wrote a review on this site before, but for this game I decided that I needed to share just how good it is. Pale Carnations is probably my favourite AVN out there, it has fantastic writing, art and animation.

    Like a lot of people who have seen this game on here at first I was hesitant to give it a go, the BDSM aspect and exhibitions in the club didn't really interest me at all, I've never really been into stuff like that, but Pale Carnations does a fantastic job of keeping you enamored with the game despite this, it sets up the premise really well that you can understand why everyone who is involved in the club is involved in the club, including your character who you can understand his motivations completely, this is refreshing as a lot of games throw you into scenarios which don't make a lot of sense for the MC to be in.

    This is where Pale Carnations shines at its best, it's incredibly well written and having characters with multiple layers and motivations which come out over time with good pacing is one of this games greatest strengths, you might initially start out disliking a character to find out that as you get to know them you can actually understand them and grow to like them a lot, for me this character was Veronica, I had no interest in her at first but as you get to know her, her character really shines, she's a great subversion of expectations and whilst her character might not be wholly original its one of the best executions I've seen.

    Also it has to be said but Hana is probably my favourite girl in any AVN, she's incredible and again shows off the multiple layers which characters can have in this game, I realized just how much I had developed an emotional connection to the characters in Pale Carnations once things got more serious with her and I actually felt genuine guilt about messing around with other characters afterwards, that's probably the first and only time I've felt like that playing an AVN, another testament to the incredible writing ability on display here.

    Onto the sex scenes, Pale Carnations is definitely up there with some of the best, all renders look fantastic and I have very little complaints, the game also has some fantastic animation done from scratch which really sets it apart from other games where you'll frequently see reused animations, if I had any criticism of these scenes its that the audio design could be better, the game features some fantastic soundtracks for each scene but only in recent updates can I say that I felt like the audio such as girls moaning and sex sounds were beginning to get better, this is a fairly minor complaint but definitely one part which could be improved on (again it has improved in recent updates so hopefully that continues to happen)

    Anyways I'll stop here as I know my writing ability isn't fantastic but I really wanted to share just how good this game is, I highly recommend giving it a go even if you don't initially like the look of it, this is easily my favourite game on this site, and the devs deserve all the love they get.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of games on this site over the years, more than you'd probably be able to get me to admit to, but I can honestly say that this is my favorite. It has everything a good H-game should have, the girls are hot, the sex scenes are incredible, and the writing is excelent. There are very few things on this site that are even in the same league. Unless you simply cant stand some of the heavier themes, this game is a must play
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is compelling, and the dialogue is excellent. The fact that I never felt like skipping it, speaks volumes for it. The characters have personality. Your choices feel meaningful. I'm a fan of the looks for the women, and the character expressions are good. Highly recommended. I hope they make bank on this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I cannot describe how much I enjoy playing this game. How your chararcter interact with people depending on his background and how many different paths that you can take that it's imposible to see all the content in a single playthrough. This game it's simply a masterpiece.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I hate it and love it at the same time.
    I've got hooked on it, while also not sure if I can finish this game.

    + Sex scenes are hot. I love kinky stuff and here devs made a great collection of depraved and degrading games for women.

    - MC is just a toy in everyone else's game. He's weak, sometimes even pathetic. He doesnt have muscles or strong personality or control over situation. I hate this kind of shit in games.
    - You are in charge to motivate desperate women to participate in all the degrading games that your masters want to see. You are an important part of a crime thats happening in this private club.
    - You will have to deal with cruel perverts and lick their asses.
    - Anxiety builds up with every scene. There are no hints about what this game throws at you next time.
    - Sure, you get involved in sex. But only because THEY told you so. You will always act on someone else's conditions. Never powerful enough to enjoy the game on your own terms.

    Would you like to be someone's toy? Decide for yourself, because its the only way to look at hot scenes here.

    I hate being controlled and uninformed about situation till the last moment. In this game I have to powerlessly observe someone else's cruel game of blackmail and perversion.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch. 4 Update 3

    I view myself primarily as a lover of harem games and cozy vanilla shit. Pale Carnations is neither of those things. By all means it is a game I would normally avoid and forget about, and I believe I even did when it was first released. Fast forward to the present, I've now returned to this game a total of four times throughout it's development with plans for a fifth when it once again gets more updates. Pale Carnations is truly something unique, and is probably one of the best examples of intricate and intriguing writing I've come across on the site. I usually like to give a little paragraph about how the game plays, but I think the overview genuinely puts it better than I would.

    For a more vanilla guy like me, rarely have I felt as in tune with the MC as I do with the one in this game. Pale Carnations sort of pushes the envelope as Edwin (or whatever you name him) finds himself jumping into the deep end of the Carnation Club's depravity in the form of the carnation game. And much like how he starts having all these conflicting thoughts about what he's witnessing and being a part of, I find myself right there with him. I'm not really into things like BDSM, degradation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, prostitution, (the list goes on) of which all are very much present. Yet the game handles them in such a way that it feels... palatable to me for lack of a better word. And just as the MC finds himself enjoying parts of it, I'm once again right there with him.

    What is truly the best aspect of this game to me is the characters. You just simply do not get this level of detail and depth often. Each and every character has their own motives, agendas, feelings, likes, dislikes, etc etc. Enough to where you can't help but be captured by them each in their own ways. Kathleen, one of our bosses, is a mega sadist by nearly every account and she's a great character because of it. You want to hate her, and even do, and at the same time can't help but be invested in her. I think pretty much every girl is memorable, but man do Hana and Mina knock it out of the park. I think the best compliment I can give is that despite every bone in my harem loving body hating that I have to eventually lock into a route, I would honestly be more than content sticking with one of them (or a throuple please god). Considering I've dropped many a game for that very reason, I think it's a testament to its quality.

    The story itself largely focuses on the characters too, and sort of moves day by day leading up to the carnation game event each week. You'll find yourself in a supporting role as a sort of manager for the carnations (the three girls participating), doing whatever you can by means of your choosing to keep them chugging through all the depravity. There's a lot of choice given in how you want to handle things, and more branching than most AVNs to keep it interesting. You're always kind of kept on the edge of your seat as you never know quite what you'll have to do next.

    The sex scenes are far from your usual vanilla, but man they are hot. There's admittedly some that don't do it for me as much as others, but that's to be expected given some of the fetishes present that I normally avoid. They're intimate, well animated, and just well composed over all. Having well written characters only adds to that sort of intimacy you get in those scenes as well.

    All that being said, and as much as I do praise this, is this a perfect game for me? Not at all. But just about every reason for that comes down to my own personal preferences. I could go without seeing all the porn scenes with the mom. I do find myself apprehensive about having to eventually choose a girl. Some of the fetishes legitimately turn me away at points. The overall bittersweet (at best) atmosphere is far away from the cozy games I love. Yet here I am having played it this many times and giving it a glowing review.

    I could go into a lot heavier detail about why this game is great, but in the interest of not having a huge wall of text I'll leave it at that. I don't think I'd call the game a personal favorite of mine, but I think it's easy to recognize this as one of the best AVNs on the site. Certainly not for everyone, but it's a stellar example of how good the lewd visual novel genre can really be.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One day porn games will be big enough to have series/movies adaptations.

    Pale Carnations will be one of the first. It´s the greatest game here. A notch above the other "greats".

    It´s fun. Witty. Touching. Insanely perverted.

    Somehow i´m just playing it now. What a treat it is.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a top tier game with top quality visuals and writing. Interesting story plot and pretty models. One thing i didn't like in the game was you need certain traits to choose some choices. Due to this I used mod. There are branching paths for girls. There are variety amount of kinks. But this one's not everyone's cup of tea. Some may find this one a turn off due to the plot elements and scenarios. There is fair amount of content. Some content you may miss if you didn't check walkthrough or use a mod. I'm Team Hana & Veronica

    I thought I reviewed this one time ago. But seems like I didn't so writing it now while waiting for next update. Keep up the good work dev.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A phenomenal game. Mutt & Jeff really knocked this out the park.

    The characters feel real and complex. They all have their own motivation for why they do the things they do.

    The story is great too. The narrative draws you in and really makes you care for the characters. There are real stakes at risk in every single one of the weekend competitions. The potential harm that may befall our carnations and loved ones in the future worries the hell out of me.

    Lastly, Hana is my favorite RO in probably any AVN.

    Not sure what it was exactly, but her whole aesthetic attracts adoration.

    I've already changed my pfp.

    You can bet your ass I'll change my username to reflect my fandom of Hana the next moment I can.

    Overall, 5/5.

    Can't wait to see what's next.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the top 3 AVN games. Unique plot, very well written, great graphics and animations. Updates are slow, but each chapter has a huge amount of content. The 4 chapters to date greatly exceed the amount of content in most games that started development around the same time (4 years ago).

    Even though there are many characters, there are just 6 possible LI so the content is not diluted on paths with no character development.

    There is also a lot of replayability, as there is no possible way to unlock all of the content in even a couple of of playthroughs. The gallery offers tips on how to unlock every scene so you also do not need a walkthrough.

    This game also offers loads of player choice that impacts the story - not just choosing whether you want content with a specific character or not. The plot is also advancing at a appropriate pace - each chapter has been planned out and is progressing towards a story finish instead of milking subscribers with indefinite slice of life and plotless content.

    Great AAA game