VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once a Porn a Time [Ch.2 v0.13] [Salty01]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I went into this one with low expectations - ever since the original Princess Trainer, there has been a stream of clunky, grindy wannabes. But this game nails it, mostly because of the excellent writing and character development. When you edge these characters toward corruption, you get that thrill, just like the original Princess Trainer or Four Elements. Well done, and I'll be sending some money to the developer.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    Has a solid gameplay loop for a porn game, paired with commendable artistry.
    The narrative suggests potential longevity, hinting at extensive content.
    As long as the developers remain committed, players can anticipate sustained updates and gameplay experiences.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating just chapter 1. The art is nice and the events are alright and I like the variety, but everything in between is tedious. It's just clicking the same things over and over until you get to the next event. As an example if you craft something it takes a day to complete and you have to go to bed first, why? This is not a strategical game where you have a limited amount of days to get somethin done. It serves no purpose but just wasting your time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say that this is probably one of the most enjoyable games on here.

    Visually it is great, and it got even better in chapter 2.
    I enjoy the story and setting quite a bit, it's original enough and well executed.
    The girls are varied enough and there is a decent number of scenes.
    I will add that it starts a bit slow, but now it has gotten to a decent level.

    The game is also not too grindy, though one thing I did not like were the riddles.
    They were basically the most standard ones, you either knew the answer or had to google them.
    Oh and they are case sensitive, even though that would have probably been a trivial thing to fix.
    I hope they won't return in chapter 2.
    There is also the matter of locked patreon content. Sure it's hard to complain about it on a site where we basically just pirate. However, it is a decent amount of content you would miss otherwise.
    Yes the codes are in the thread somewhere but still.

    This concludes my incoherent ramblings for tonight, I look forward to future updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of my favorite games, I've been passively playing it on most Ile for about a week and I'm just about finished with part 1. The art improves as you go, I was skeptical at first, but by elsas arc you can see clear emotion in the eyes and lighting.

    My main complaint is a lack of re-viewability. (Ie, not being able to interact with snow wite in meaningful ways after compleateing her quests, not being able to strip Anna while training Elsa.) Being able to visit everyone once a day feels a lot emptier when you can't, for example. Make snow white make a pie again, even though the apples are still for sale. Or being able to fuck her or get blown by her at will after probing yourself a prince.
    I know you can re watch most "important" scenes, but the replays don't have words or options, it just feels empty in that way. But that's not enough for me not to give it a 5 star and join the patreon.
    Love this game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, the biggest compliment i can give for these kinds of games is that the characters feel like real people. Your "team" actually behave like humans in this game. Excellent writing and art but the drone system defo needs revamping.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a high quality game.

    -High quality animation and excellent drawings
    -Great pacing in my opinion
    -Good storyline and fun characters

    -A little grindy at times, but I think the grind is worth it and just the right amount for me
    -I find myself waiting for multiple updates before picking it up again as I tend to blitz through a new update when it comes out pretty fast
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: Ch.2 v0.1
    Chapter 1^
    Not the best animation
    Often you can interact with only one character, the rest are waiting for some events
    Wacky droid search
    The plot is good, although there is not enough interaction between different characters
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice parody. Fun dialogues and alright gameplay. Played on one of the earlier versions and for sure will come back to it in the future. Art is smooth and feels unique.
    Art 4/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay 3.5/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 4.5/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. I would like to see more games as fun and completed as this one. I really like the design, quests are fun and end scenes are really cool. I think I would love more content in the chapter one but I must admit it's already really cool.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a great game and the artwork for the characters is mainly why im giving this game a 5 star rating, because its on par with some of the other greatest games on here and the tension building with certain characters are well done too. all in all, definitely a recommendable game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing. that's really all there is to it. the sandbox is great, all the characters are crazy in their own way, the art style while... different, is still beautifully done. The story, for the lack of a better term is absolutely insane, but in the best way possible. It's kind of like an acid trip, without the acid, which is the best kind of acid trip.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Congressman Weiner

    When I play a sex game, I play for two things mostly: The art and the humor. Oh sure, the sex is important, but there are games where the sex is great but the game itself has bad art, bad gameplay, or no humor.

    And I like cartoony stuff. Akabur, Four Elements Trainer, Game of Whores ... that kind of stuff. So this game is my kind of game.

    And I enjoy it -- the characters are fun, the artwork is good, and the concept is original and interesting. It's kind of more of a visual novel than a game in some ways -- your choices do matter, but not that often.

    I also like the fact that not every girl has boobs the size of zeppelins, where it looks like she would not be able to walk upright. Mind you, I like big boobs as well as any straight guy (the Sphinx is wonderful) but too many games go overboard to the point where it's ridiculous.

    Plus the game is not rapey. Another problem many games have is that while the goal is corruption, the way it is accomplished is in ways that are not pleasant. Sometimes I try a new game and just hate the main character for the way he treats the women. I like the fact that here, the main character even hesitates at abusing his powers ... and that's with androids who technically aren't even women!

    Too many of these games don't seem to like women. They like sex, but not women (if you see the difference). I can't imagine many women liking those games.

    I like women. I also like sex. The two are not incompatible. I think women would like this game.

    The parts I don't like are minor, but noticeable.

    The grinding to get things with the drones isn't really that fun, although it's not as bad as when the game first started. I don't mind minigames but minigames should have some kind of strategy. This is mostly luck, and that's just not as much fun. Oh sure, you can buy ways to increase the amount of time your drone is out there, and you can use a bit of strategy to decide whether to gamble on whether to go ahead in the hopes you don't overshoot your target, but once more, that's more luck than strategy. I'm not a gambler so having to do this a lot just slows the game down for me, and that's not really fun.

    I also think the sex scenes should be repeatable and there should be more of them. You get one of the girls to do things with you, and then you go back to visit her. Hooray! She's all corrupted now and interested! And what are your options? Very limited. You'd think you'd be able to do more things with her and continue on with your training of her to try new things but no, you can't even get her to repeat the things she has already done! And you'd think she'd want to.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing more characters and more scenes and perhaps moving away from needing the drones. I'd love to see the game open the place for visitors and turning this into a kind of brothel game, but one where you're always finding new girls and training them.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderfully made, this game is very well designed and written and its very sexy, though i do wish we could go back and *actually* do sex scenes again instead of the gallery method. I also wish we had the ability to buy more gifts besides clothes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like this one!

    First things first, the drone sucks. I hope the next upgrade makes it more enjoyable and less grindy. Until then, I'll just have to rely on the good old Save Editor...

    That being said, great art, good variety. The pacing is ok, maybe a bit on the slower side (especially if you rely on the drone), but overall I enjoyed interacting with all the characters.
    Definitely one of my favourite 'games' now, looking forward to future updates!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't really like unfinished games but I can't resist to play it. The dialogues are hilarious and I love the artstyle of the characters, great game looking forward on the next update. Also Emee best girl.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been a huge fan of this game for years now. Salty is a seriously classy act. I particularly appreciate the love for smaller boobs and good range in boob shape - I think it creates a really absorbing, erotic game world.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is very neat but the grind is really long, as other said the drone part is the worst one.
    Another bad point is that this game has been developed since December 2019 and there's no much of the juicy stuff.
    And finally the dev is moving away from the parody theme (the main selling point for me) so he can sell the game on Steam. Anyways enjoy 0.33:
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3323064

    Game can be a bit grindy at times though definitely worth it. Style is pleasing to the eye and I like the writing. The content isn't huge but it is quality stuff. Great game, I would recommend it to others.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is far too grindy.
    I am not too big a fan of the "gimmick" of the waifus being sub sapient AI.
    There are only 3 sapients (other than MC) in the game and your relationship with them is simply not developed enough.

    MC is a moron who works for free. This is especially annoying when people make fun of you for being so stupid... when you literally can not choose to do otherwise as this is railroaded.

    The art is nice. But there is no enough actual sex scenes and for some odd reason you can not repeat the previous scenes you have done.

    The patreon only sex scenes are all missable. That means you must enter the patreon code before you start playing for the first time, otherwise you will need to restart the game from the begining to get the patreon scenes you missed. Which is yet another bad decision by the author.