VN - Ren'Py - Nudist School [v0.17] [Elsa]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    • Models are fine
      • Some renders are pretty grainy and the lighting often feels off but I enjoyed looking at the girls overall
    • Animations are serviceable
      • They feel pretty basic and stilted but they do their job
    • Setting is hot
      • I really like the premise and the idea of being comfortable with your own body (even though they're all hot but it's porn, I get it)
    • Writing is terrible
      • Without sounding too mean, reading through some of the sex scenes made me feel like I was reading a poorly retold textbook. A few examples:
        • Teasing her pussy first is an important thing to do so that she will secrete pussy juice to reduce friction when having sex.
        • Her warm wet pussy welcomes your dick by providing pussy juices to reduce the friction between your dick's skin and the vaginal wall.
        • The juices from her pussy help to lubricate the friction between your dick and her vaginal wall.
      • I get that English is not the writer's native language but I can't imagine any of this sounding remotely hot in any language.
    TL; DR: If public exposure is your kink, it's a nice wank. Just... don't think too much about what you're reading.
  2. 2.00 star(s)



    dialogue is unbearably stupid. ive seen worse so i guess rating 2 it is then.

    so your only solution is to just skip. but then again the sex scenes are boring too with average animation.

    the main problem with dialogue is that it feels that the dev tried really hard to make the story believable/real. so it hits double when it sounds/feels completely retarded. characters are overly whiny/annoying/1dimensional. whole dialogue is 1dimensional. it's like the dev keeps reminding you that you are playing a game and it's impossible to immerse yourself into the story.

    it's rare for me to give animated 3d porn rating2 but i think this deserves it. it might be still rating 3 but i think games with crappy but serious dialogue are impossible to play.

    it's like a practice project for someone dabbling in renpy. so my recommendation is, let him practice, and wait for his next project cuz that might be good. but this isnt.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the game overall. It's obviously about nudism but there is a slight undertone of BDSM (submission specifically) as the students have little to no say in their nudist exploits.

    The dev uses a choice based branching system(as opposed to kinetic or sandbox). Though sometimes it is unclear where a choice will lead it is overall decently used.

    The level of English is the weakest link in this game. It is clear the dev is not a native speaker. Don't worry you can still follow the story but there are clear grammatical errors.

    As for the renders they might not look amazing but they are of a decent quality. Besides it is clear quite a lot of work goes into them. Having that many characters on screen (and thus having to pose them) takes a lot of work.
    If I could give a tip to the dev I'd say that lighting will make a large difference to improve the renders.
    As for the characters there is some difference there but generally the frames of the girls are similar. (not a negative or positive but an observation).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    (v0.7) There's a lot to like about this project but there are areas that could see improvement.

    The Good
    Great models with realistic proportions: The girls from the class look their age while older characters are curvier. Since nudity is a big part of the plot you're going to see a lot of these characters, and that's a good thing. You'll also see a lot of your (the M.C.'s) junk, which while large is still within normal human dimensions.
    Early sexual content: When you start out nude, it doesn't take too much to move the plot to the next level.
    Humor (hopefully intentional)
    Light tone throughout: More slice of life than high drama, Our Chad MC is well on his way to assembling a harem..

    Possible Improvements
    Still needs editing by a fluent English speaker
    Ditch the unnecessary and intrusive narrator
    Write in the first person rather than the third

    A serviceable harem romp as the only male in a girl's private school experimenting with nudism. Extra star for attractive realistic models,
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the worst storytelling. DEV is clearly not an english native. Visuals are grainy. Some models look like they smoked a crack pipe too much. The whole setup isnt structured. Its not even worth for a fap.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on version 0.7

    A terrible game. A real plot doesn't exist. Choices do not affect the so-called "story". The characters are so one dimensional that you get more depth even in cheap amateur porn. The graphics aren't good, so they can't make up for the lack of a serious plot. All in all, the models are not very attractive. Exceptions prove the rule.

    It looks like a project where someone is just practicing a little Ren'Py and DAZ. However, no development can be seen. I give two stars because it's bug free.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Cute VN. Yes the premise is silly as are some of the scenarios but it doesn't take itself too seriously so still cute. It's kind of a chill slice of life VN ( nudist life) .

    The writing is decent, a few mistakes here and there but nothing too bad. The MC is written as a likeable character which is a bonus. The girls all have their own personalities and quirks. Allana is a trip. She's an adorable perv who wears it proudly. She's a little hottie too.

    The models all look good, the graphics and renders are done pretty well. The animations are also pretty good. It's nice to see models who look like they could easily be real world girls as opposed to some of the caricatures you see too often with extreme body proportions.

    This is a VN you can just relax and read through while giving your brain a bit of a rest, it's pretty sexy as well. It doesn't make you work too hard or jump through a lot of hoops.

    Nicely done Dev.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    (For 0.5 Release) [Edited after speaking with the Dev.}
    I dislike giving negative reviews, as I also write for a hobby, and know how hard it is to bring a story to life. However I incorrectly assumed this was a Fem Dom story.

    -Good renders! Skin detail was paid close attention too, as the older Teacher, and later, Guide had more aged skin. LI's are attractive!
    - The MC is not a dimwitted push-over. The opposite, he's brighter than all but one of the other characters.
    - LI's are all very different in personality.

    -Names don't match from time to time. There is a glitch for the (0 .5 ) release, and Elsa is working to fix that.
    -No FemDom, nor is there any planned. The tag needs to be removed. (I was told by Elsa herself she never planned on it. The tag is misplaced.)
    -All sexual activity is near accidental or to get out of trouble. Which could seem fun, I suppose.

    I hope to see this finished, as it is lighthearted, Elsa does great renders, and has given the LI's very distinct personalities.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A mildly interconnected series of public nudity and exhibitionist events. The models are attractive and the writing is serviceable. I always wanted nudist and ENF games, but they are quite rare so this scratches an underserviced itch.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, I don't tend to love 3d games, but this one is pretty good quality, and the story isn't bad, I'm curious to see how it progresses.

    It plays like a pretty standard VN, and I don't really have any critiques. Other than it's nothing new or groundbreaking.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is extremely short for a fourth iteration, and has some very slow and small releases.
    The plot is literally just the title, and whatever story development the game has it's as illogical as expected, but I won't take this against the game, it's what was was advertised and we got it.
    The dialogues though, are generic and shallow as they come. Really, it gives little to nothing if you pay attention or not, and the characters aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed nor are depicted as interesting either. They're unidimensional as they can possibly be and behave like 12 year old brats. I ended up skipping a solid amount of the game due to all this.
    This kind of games rely heavily on their animations, as they're it's raison d'etre given the plot in itself is just a device for showcasing the sexual encounters of the MC with every female he comes across, and here they're very lacking in quality, length and quantity, big oof.
    The only thing that is alright are the renders, but that's about it, and they're about average, nothing too fancy either.
    All in all, there was some effort put into the game and the idea behind it is interesting, but the fact that a 150 render update that took as long as it did to come out was supposed to "be great" speaks volumes by itself of what's to come for this game.
    I had expectations as this game had potential to be something good, but it just dropped the ball, IMHO not worth investing your time.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Story - 2/10 Far from original, and rather bland. It whole thing goes very fast, there is very little work up to the nudity premise. No emotional attachment at all.

    Renders - 6/10 The renders are decent quality, not grainy although nothing to brag about.

    Originality - 2/10 There must be at least fifty other story/games with the same high school scenario and more than a few that do the nude in school or similar. So this one is not original.

    Grammar - 5/10 The writing is extremely generic, some spelling errors and sentences that are just not interesting at all. Like someone trying to be clean cut and proper and perverted at the same time.

    Animations - 2/10 The usual 2 or 3 second sex and couple of strokes and it's over stuff. Since Animations and Story are the biggest things for any of these projects, they are the main reason anyone looks at these in the first place. Severely lacking in the animations department, then again that is so common in most of these. Very few have more than the 2 second stuff, and most do a really poor job of trying to have any realism. Some do but this is not one of them.

    Playability - 9 /10 Everything is simple and there is no looking all over for things like some other stories have. Pretty straight forward controls and such.

    Amount of content - 5/10 not a lot of content for being out for almost a year, although not bad seen worse.

    Although not horrible and a decent attempt at a game, it really doesn't have anything that makes it shine. Bland and Generic is pretty much what it is. I think maybe the dev needs more experience and most certainly needs a better writer.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    i really love this game because of the character. the writing is okay at best, but i would still like to follow up to this game. and i would like even more if this game has a sandbox mode so we can interactively interact with the character
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games you kind of have to turn your brain off to enjoy, the writing is decent enough but has some very rough spots, the models are absolutely fantastic and have some good variety.
    Looking forward to new content and hopefully the characters start having actual development.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, although it's still in early develop progress. Lena and Olivia are great, I'm looking forward to further release. No idea why there are so few nudist or exhibitionist games like this. Is it not popular in the western world or something? I can hardly find any. Anyway, great thanks to the creator!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This is beyond dumb. "The reputation of the school is on the line. Let's do handjobs." The models are nice, and it's nice that that there is SOME story outside the nudism nonsense, but it's not much. If you want to see naked 3d girls, there are easier ways. A story, this is not.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Actual content in a 0.2 build, with good adherence to the principle fetish. Girls are likable in terms of personality and few if any models are common used assets. Choices are unfortunately relegated to good or bad, not offering the player choice to tailor the experience to their preference.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Pretty poorly written. Not sure if it's a translation thing or they just aren't great at storytelling, but most characters feel flat and uninteresting, with a single personality trait. The first conversation in the game between the MC and your childhood friend is particularly bad, like two cardboard cutouts trying to make conversation. And there are a handful of minor issues that creep up, like using purple as everyone's name color, including narration and internal dialogue and without any italics, that can be annoying.

    But the situations are really hot, and having the teacher take care of you if you're too embarassed to do it with Olivia is just amazing. I wish a similar situation happened with Clarissa, but that's just wishful thinking, not a complaint. Besides Olivia having comically large nipples, and there only being one older character, I have no real complaints about any of the models. Excited to see more, even if the dialogue isn't up to snuff.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: 0.2
    Time Played: 30 minutes. Reached end of content.

    In spite of being very early development-wise I could not NOT check out a bush as gorgeous as the one I saw in the screenshot.
    Basically, this game looks like it's going to be a light-hearted, harem affair as the MC is the only boy in an all girl's school.

    + Glorious, full bush (and fat tits with some great, large areolae too!). Olivia's whole physical design is just an A+ and that bush is S tier
    + Cute girls
    + Gets right to it when it comes to sexual content

    - Nothing at this moment that indicates that this is going to have anything to make it stand out from the six gajillion games with the exact same premise.
    - Game seems to be moving really fast in terms of sexual content, which could be to its detriment unless it adds an absolute shit-ton more girls and some more fetishes beyond nudism and vanilla sex.

    Again, things are still very early so I think your enjoyment is going to be based on your level of tolerance for the premise and just how deeply you need another one of these games in your life.
    Or if you're a bush nut like me. :p

    Note to devs: Nice early start! Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with. Be careful with pacing as you don't want to blow your load too early. Also, keep that high caliber bush coming!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I read the summary and was dithering whether to play it, but after reading the reviews, I decided to give it a try.

    The writing and story are just so, so. With a lot of suspension of disbelief needed.

    The renders are nothing special and a lot have noise in them.

    Character models are pretty generic.

    Expressions and posing are poor, in the first 30 minutes or so of gameplay there are a lot of scenes where the actor doesn't move, change expression even after lots of dialogue.

    I wish the dev well with their project and I might revisit it in the future