VN - Ren'Py - My Best Deal [v3.3] [Pirot King]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    v 3.3

    Story 4/5
    Writing 3/5
    Graphics 5/5
    Audio 2/5
    Characters 3/5

    My Best Deal is a story on rails about an alleged good guy that dies, accidentally gets caught in the death spam filter, and is thusly offered the deal of a lifetime by the goddess of Love. In effect, as long as he keeps porking, his cells will keep on forking. Unfortunately re-life gets complicated, and since our beloved MC lacks the prefrontal cortex necessary for considering what may happen 24 hours later, he makes some questionable decisions that quickly turn his environment honk-honk.

    The VN is focused on characters over main story, with a select few choices open to the reader. The setting is classic - college, living in a house with lots of hot women, and finding godlike powers centered around compulsive abuse of the genitalia. For a story-based VN, there is plenty of sexy stuff. The MC jumps between blank slate and established personality in a way that too frequently reminds the player that he (or she/they, it's current year after all) has no agency in the story development. The women look good, and they have a wide spread of distinct personalities. This is great in that you are sure to find one you like, though it also comes with the unfortunate side effect that you will find one or two that you do not like; and you have to make boink boink with all of them, happy or not. In my case that led to a significant amount of skipping as I found the personality of Molly (big-boobs McMILF with confidence issues) grating. The pacing of the story is acceptable, can be a little slow here and there but will mostly keep the reader interested enough to continue.

    The story is simple and works fine since the focus is on the characters. While it could be less overt, it doesn't really matter, as it's mostly a plot device to explain why women are suddenly throwing themselves at you left and right. The one thing that isn't explained well is why the MC, average sized as he is, also has genitalia more appropriately sized for a smaller blue whale.

    The writing ranges from average to good, with many a pitfall. Writing is frequently frivolous, in some areas the writing is too stilted, and in some areas the writing has too much exposition to sound natural or organic. It should be noted that much of the text in the game works sufficiently or even well - this is not a case of all writing being bad, just some parts of it that appear from time to time. The overall experience is good as long as you hit that skip button when the tedious or Downsy sections appear.
    For the text parts that aren't good - there's far too much text, mostly in the form of internal monologue, that takes away a lot from the conversations. The reader should be treated as at least of basic simian mental acuity, capable of connecting simple concepts and events. Putting everything into the text, as if it was a book for children aged 4 or below, is the opposite of that. Moreover, since graphics are well done, there really is no need to add a literal explanation for the scenery (id est "I can see her ass", "she looks great", "she's so hot when she's doing yoga"). Trust the reader to have at least 7 neurons firing off at any given time and everyone will be happier - readers can focus on the parts of the story that matter, and devs do not have to label every damn object in the scene as if they're practising for an ISO-9000 compliance inspection.
    The stilted writing comes off as if the characters are reading a script rather than talking naturally. Combined with the heavy exposition from time to time (usually when in conversation with one of the goddesses) it gets tiresome rather fast. There is no need to explain everything ever and always, it is much more important to be immersed and invested. Trusting the reader to figure out the basics himself will improve the writing greatly, and immerse the reader by mental participation. It will also make the MC appear smarter, something this VN is in dire need of.

    There are a bunch of typos and misses in the conversion from Patreon-friendly to not Patreon-friendly game version, with the three affected women switching relations to MC between neighbor, sister, landlord, and mom. Strangely enough the mental dysfunction on display did come off as sexy to me, and I have made a note to take that up with my shrink next session.

    These are great. The models are clean, making them well suited for a more stylized representation. An excellent choice. Since this is a VN without bells, the UI is non-existent (and would be unnecessary). Animations are solid as well, and surprisingly frequent. I did enjoy that the animations were so common that they felt inherent to the VN rather than a signifier of something important. The idle animations were generally immersive, but in some cases detract rather than help (if a girl is only tilting her head back and forth while the rest of her body is still it looks like she's having a mild seizure).

    The sound in this game is meh. It's not good, but it does more or less convey the intended atmosphere for the related scenes in a general sense. More subtlety would be appreciated in the background music choice, but perhaps that is what the frivolous text is trying to cover for.

    Characters are okay, ranging from acceptable (there are no terrible choices - well done) to great. There is a mix of different personalities: the main characters are displayed with some depth in various directions, while the side characters are one-dimensional and direct.
    Given the array of different personalities, it is expected that the reader will enjoy some but not all women. The ones that stood out to me were Annie and Rin, as they were well described and coherent personality-wise, while the goddesses were on the lower end of the spectrum.
    The bro is a strange one - always does everything wrong, and never understands what he's done wrong. There are no connecting points between MC and bro nor are there any redeeming qualities in bro, making the character feel like a wasted opportunity. Bro never helps, bro never does anything right, and bro tries to get in the way of MC smashing hot puss, making bro an annoyance and a hindrance rather than a bro. This is not a good bro. Bro needs to be written like a bro and not like an obstreperous little brother in his early teens.
    MC is also strange, wandering back and forth between blank slate and established personality. MC has, from time to time, the standard (and dull) personality - you know what I mean. MC loves all women, wants to help all women, tries to not pork them (but fails as they all jump on poor MC's blue whale penis instantly), and even thinks (with that frivolous internal monologue) only in purely good and wholesome terms about women. Somehow MC has no qualms lying to women though, nor cheating on them, nor putting them in harm's way. This is only possible because MC does apparently not have a prefrontal cortex, a common failing in the MC personality. But sometimes, sometimes, MC turns into a pervy and molesty Weinstein-grade offender and uses his powers for some down to clown BDSM with nary a thought. A jarringly discordant switch in personality, worthy of Dr Hyde. Why does MC make these choices? Because sometimes the reader is allowed some input (a simple choice between being kind or dominating). The points where the reader can choose the path for MC are the best parts of the story, and I wish there were more of them, as the devs have a great balance in their BDSM depictions - it hits the sweet spot in intensity.
    On top of this, MC makes several bloody stupid choices (or non-choices) in the story, and since the reader cannot affect these choices, the divide between reader and MC personality feels even more distinct.
    The issue here is that the reader can affect a small subset of choices, but only when it comes to women. MC is so thoroughly Downsy from time to time that it becomes a frustrating experience for the reader to continue when it is apparent that MC is making a terrible decision, or failing to grasp the obvious. Case in point, doing nothing about the thugs / not resolving Annie's father's thread, lying to Lin and then Rin with no consequence analysis whatsoever, only asking the dumbest questions of Hecate and not thinking at all about the answers, and the plot one:
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    When I cannot affect these actions I feel like I'm roleplaying the special needs kid that has to sit in the corner because sometimes he gets violent for no reason.

    If MC had more personality all these sprawling points could come together as the reader would not self insert so easily, but using a blank slate personality without the illusion of choice does not work well, especially in a story based on character interactions. I can only ask the devs to choose a path here: either create a real personality for MC, or add the illusion of choice to the story segments + bump MC's intelligence up to at least 9. If you feel that the story would be too readily apparent at that point, you can always make the leads more obscure to compensate.

    An overall enjoyable VN with a few kinks to work out. Graphics and characters make this VN great, while audio and writing lag behind.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I went into this one quite hopeful but in the end I did consider it extremely in the middle of the pack. I do like how they explain the start of the story but it quickly goes downhill from there after the first act. Perhaps I just wasn't paying attention near the start but to me it seemed the typo and grammar issues got worse as you progressed through the game. I always find it a shame that this is an issue because it takes one native English speaker with an attention to detail to fix all of these problems. It really does kill the immersion when you're fighting grammatical errors left and right.

    The animation is very decent. I say that because for the main scenes it looks smooth and flows well. However, in the end the scenes are just loops of a few seconds and nothing comprehensive at all. Another problem is the fact that the dialogue and animation don't line up a lot of the time. You run into cases where the animation has progressed to a point where the dialogue doesn't make sense yet or vice versa.

    I do like how they explain the start of the story but it very quickly goes downhill from there. The MC quickly finds himself in scenarios which make absolutely no sense at all. If you care at all about how realistic a story is, skip this one because it becomes more frustrating than anything, and very fast.

    For all its faults, it's still a game that looks pretty solid.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This probably deserves another star since I dropped it pretty quick but I only picked up it up because I was hoping for an incest game. It's got the "you're 18 but your mom is still bigger than you" and your sisters are Asian while you and your mom are white. It broke my suspension of disbelief. Maybe their half sisters or something but it killed my interest in playing the game before it's finished. That and seemed like there were just going to be a lot of typical cliches and run of the mill porn logic.

    I can't stress "before it's finished" because I would be willing to check it out again way, way, way deeper in development. I just have so many games to play and so little time.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll start with some pro and cons and then go over why I disliked it.
    - Good renders
    - Attractive characters
    - Seems to hit plenty of different kinks
    - Decent command of the English language

    - Bad story
    - At least at the start, boring story (couldn't get through too much of it)
    - It's inconsistent, again, at least at the start
    - At least from what I played, very few choice with no consequence, could as easily be a kinetic novel (which I rarely play and only if they are insanely good)

    I want to say that I played through some games until the end and I gave them 2 stars, while this, I couldn't play. Maybe I am at a point where I'm just not going to play a game just for the renders/sex scenes. The story was just so uninteresting and bad. It's like the dev thought: what would be the shortest path to sex scenes, and he just took it, with no regards to anything else. It's porn movie bad type of story. But for whoever enjoys an incest game with good renders, and not cares about the story, you can give this game a try.

    I also want to mention that this game doesn't have proper corruption: The MC just gets a power where when she touches a girl, that's it. That's not real corruption, it's the most boring way to ruin a theme.
    Likes: Gojii
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating : One of the best deals out there.

    Right of the bat, let me say this.. This game is gorgeous, like seriously gorgeous. It's as if Pirot King waltzed into the character shopping mall and got a 90% off pass on the best looking characters out there. The models also feel true to age, meaning no moms that look like sisters age.

    The renders are beautiful, The animations are silky smooth and the camera angles and sex positions in sex scenes could give Brazzers and Team skeet a run for their money.

    The story and writing feels okay. The pacing is really good, which means you don't have to wait for an eternity for the wincest scenes to drop, like in numerous other games where the devs gatekeep the best characters to milk their games more and more. And while we're on this topic, the Love interest's are also a reasonable number, like this game does not have 50-60 irrelevant side characters that pop up once every 5-6 updates and then disappear.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Forewarning that this review is based on an incomplete run of version 3.1

    I stopped after the scene of the confrontation with Annie's father, because I lost all interest in Hecate
    If you're her so-called champion, why doesn't she trust you? If she doesn't trust you, why give you that power? Better yet, why not just control his every action yourself?
    I don't like leaving entirely negative reviews, so I will say that the graphics were good and I really liked the poster goddess' character. Admittedly a good game if you can enjoy things I simply do not.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars to somewhat bump the Rating.

    I am gonna make it short.

    I think the main Reason this game has such a low rating is because the beginning is quite boring. The pacing is to slow throughout the whole game. It takes a while to get to the good stuff. I skipped A LOT at the beginning. I still think it would be a good idea to make 30% of the dialogue optional. This will, based on the story, likely change because the end point at the moment is where the harem actually gets formed with all participants either knowing or begin to know about it.

    But once the ball gets rolling the tags don't lie. I could go into spoilers here but I will just say this.
    If you like the following tags you should give this game a go:

    corruption, urination, maledom, bdsm

    I wouldn't call all of these tags main themes. But all of these elements are in the game once or more.
    So don't go in with the expectation you will get a full bdsm harem where the MC spanks all the girls left and right. But there are here and there elements of it. And the story implicates that it will likely get juicier in this regard in the future updates.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Mixed feelings about this...

    On one hand the animations are gorgeous and the premise somewhat interesting. But on the other this game has got one of the most redundant dialogue and "inner conflicts" I have ever seen.

    The MC engages in endless self-pity and internal whining every time he faces a problem though he has the powers of two goddesses to instantly resolve them. It's irritating, illogical and gets very tiring after a while.

    Also the choices don't make any difference to the story. Even in the rare event you are given a choice to either deploy love or control powers, nothing you choose makes any real difference save for slight variations in dialogue.

    It reaches a stage when you realize the entire story can still proceed even without the concept of goddess and powers. It's really just a run of the mill college / university daily affairs story at the end of the day.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I love most of the characters and their looks and the story, but because you are absolutely forced into path with several characters I couldn't care less about I can only give this a 2. This is just my personal opinion and if you like the characters that's great. I just dislike being railroaded into so many girls I don't care about
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome, i just wish that the protagonist wasn't so young. I prefer older Mcs for incest stories (like a father)

    But the rest is perfect: the story, the girls are beautiful and you even have an option to be more dominant or submissive.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is four stars with + 1/2 as the devs have regularly delivered new, quality content for a while now, and + 1/2 for idle animations, which are great

    Summary: Within a nice framing story of two goddesses (one of love, and one of control), some very standard tropes (the amnesiac MC, the nympho, the shy bookish LI, the big-breasted MILF housewife) and some unusual ones, are skillfully mixed with frequent sex to produce a surprisingly satisfying game.

    Writing of plot: At multiple turns, the MC can choose whether to seduce or use mind control to get what he wants. There is some genuine consideration of how free will works and what love and will really are. The narrative has a day by day quality, with the MC trying to reconstruct his personality. Most drama is domestic, with a domineering professor and an abusive mafioso thrown in for variety. Because of the MC’s divine powers, there are many sex scenes with the five different human LIs and three goddesses (though there are a few more future LIs clearly being set up). I often prefer a slower burn, but the plot did a good job at letting us suspend disbelief over the women jumping the MCs bones so early and often. A real plus is the nice use of dream sequences to reveal feelings of characters. There is a moderate amount of kink, some of which can be avoided. Sex with the core characters can’t be avoided (ie, you can’t go solo). Although I’m not particularly turned on by incest, this is so clearly written as an incest game that you really need to install the patch for it to make sense. The focus on so much of the sex being in the family gives a claustrophobic feeling to the narrative that works well.

    Writing of dialog: Generally quite good for this kind of game. So many fall down here, and, thankfully, My Best Deal is not one of them. That said, most of the characters are teenagers and talk like them, which is not particularly profound or witty.

    Writing of characters:The MC is a bit simple and obvious, but, I guess, if you are amnesiac, you would be less complex. The characters show some introspection and development. The mom is a bit of a Stepford Wife, but provides a steady baseline. Several other characters are clearly neurodivergent, which makes them charming, or annoying, or unfathomable to the MC — a good use of POV in the writing

    Grammar/Typos: Fine.

    Still images: Render quality is high. Faces and bodies have good variety. Backgrounds are often stock, but well used. Good variety of framing and focus. All the core LIs are quite attractive in their own ways.

    Animation: A lot of high quality short loops. And not just of sex scenes, but idle animations too! This really adds richness to the experience.

    Sound/Music: OK music. Nothing to write home about, but I didn’t turn it off, like I do for most games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Dont normally review but had to for this underrated masterpiece. The choices and narrative flow so immersively it's like no other, and even though its obviously a linear VN story it gives the feeling of having control over the characters actions.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable game with a decent amount of content. All of the ladies are pretty attractive with a reasonable array of different body types. There are a good number of animations, and they are quite smooth. The dialogue is not always very natural, and sometimes feels a bit repetitive or superfluous, but over all its not bad. There is quite a bit of unavoidable feet content, so if thats an issue for you consider yourself warned. Thankfully all of watersports content IS avoidable.

    Overall the game is mostly kinetic. There are very few choices and fewer that are of consequence. Mostly the choices that matter determine which version of a lewd scene you want to see.

    I'd definitely say its worth a play if you have the time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    You know, this game.. for me models here have that ideal mix between keeping realism and having perfectly shaped human beings. I don't think there was another when I found characters so perfect. Amazing, really. Sex scenes are also top notch, animations included.

    Story is quite interesting, even if it's not overly complicated, and it's pleasant to play. If only there was additional 1000 hours of content, right? I can't get enough of it. Sadly, updates are rather short. Well.. very short, but at least frequent.

    Definitelly recommend!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    To begin with, I have no idea why people are rating this game a 1 and a 2. Believe me, there are a lot of pure trash games on this website that are 1's and 2's and this aint it. While yes there should definitely be more options and control over choices and what happens with characters, nuking the games rating down to a 1 or 2 because of it is absurd. Outside of the lack of choices and maybe an undercooked story (which really is just there to give you an excuse to use your powers) the game is excellent. The girls all look really good, the renders are great, there are a ton of different kinks and you can deny the girls if you aren't into them (usually). Any game with a type of mind control power is rare, and even more rare are games that are also high quality and this meets both. You can even use your powers to change a femdom character into your slave. It's well done. Honestly the ratings do this game a severe injustice and i'd recommend it for sure.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Well starts out ok with a decent setup for the story, but for me it turns to shit really fast, not just the story but having a forced sex scene with a LI i wouldent touch with a 10ft pole, yeah i know it was a dream but it dosent change the fact that i just dont want to see all....

    Also i hate when MC has a mind of a 12 year old, its boring and annoying to listen to MCs thought about a LIs ass or tits and how great they are, when you as the player hate em, it makes it impossible to put your self in MCs shoes as most people proberly do, not only that MC gets a boner from just looking at a female in full clothes..gimme a break...its just awefull and this is a constant, it takes nothing for MC to get a boner....

    The story also turns to crap since all woman will trow them selfs at MC just by him thouching them.....makes for a boring story with no romance no relationship build up, just a pure fuckfest/porn game no more no less.

    My biggest issue is the lack of choices, once LIs are forced on you as the player game becomes unplayable to me atleast, i dont play kinetic storys just for that reason, so seeing it in this one as well where there should be choices is just annoying and a waste of time playing it.
    Not sure why it dosent have the kinetic tag since i fail to see any choices that would change the main story or relationships, and without choices game is pointless.

    The only reason i am giving this 2 stars is due to having really good animations which only makes it even more annoying that you dont have any choices in the game, would have been a 4 or maybe even 5 stars game if it did, but without choices i just cant play it.
    Its also a bit stupid that you cant controle anything as MC considering hes using mind controle but all that does is force you to fuck them as well, you just cant say no.....

    Music is nothing special but its decent.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art, Great Animations and ok story but again a game which pours lots of useless dialogue into it, it already starts at the start with book of fate smalltalk, universe mailfunction smalltalk but gets never again used in the story again in a worthwhile manner because it's not important for the stoy, just make that quick you're dead, should not have happened go back. There are so much more useless don't even get me started on how the mc always repeats the last 100 dialogues he already had in his head again so you're reading them twice without anything the mc would profit from in doing so. instead there is long talk about stuff that never get used in the story ever again, which is pointless.

    Therefore -1 star but i've seen longer and worse useless smalltalk, it's still ok here.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    First I thought this gonna be interesting BUT!
    This is absolutely boring in every dimension

    - Female character look good
    - Hecante ,Annie and Selene
    - Theme is nice if this theme and lore have better writen this one will shine

    - Even the theme is nice dev can't pull this theme to shine and make it boring with story
    - The story writing are boring and drag great theme down
    - This AVN have no choice to pick (They have some but useless)
    - Sex scene are boring and emotionless
    - MC are dumb and can't make wise decision
    - Dev should go learn english and use grammar properly. Dev even use he or she wrong.
    - Disgusting character like David is a shame and why MC have to help him MC doesn't even remember his past with him and why MC don't use control over perv cop? or control david to hit his head to the wall until death and yes no choice you can do nothing about it. this make me quit
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh my god is this an almost completely worthless game. The only things that kept this game from a one star were that the girls were cute. This game is yet another example of a dev who tries to put some kind of dark route or control route in but is actually unable or unwilling to actually go through with it.

    1. There are barely any actual choices in the game. I don't know how many devs need to see this but: STOP PUTTING SINGLE CHOICE OPTIONS IN GAMES!!!! It just gives the illusion of choice and is a lazy way of making it seem like there's actual gameplay when there's not. When you take out all the bullshit single options there are not many actual choices (not like they matter anyway). There is also supposed to be two routes you can take, but it's really just one (more on that later). Also, there are so many points in the game where the MC thinks something like "should I do this?" and that would be an excellent place to put a choice. No, not for this dev, he just makes the MC decide for you and it will be the stupid pushover way the he wants to cram down your throat.

    2. The MC is a pushover, pussy, stupid, piece of shit who needs permission for everything. If the LI isn't the one pushing for sex it just won't happen cause all the MC will do is just think "does she want me? no I better not do anything." During any sex scenes that actually do happen be prepared for so many instances of "are you ok, can I do this?, are you sure this is ok?" Again another thing that devs and a lot of people don't get is that this is a game, sure if you want a good MC who ask for consent that's fine, but don't make it happen like 10 more times in the same scene. The MC also makes stupid decisions like telling one of his twin sisters that the other twin has feelings for her for no real reason and then acts like he had no other choice to. I can't even keep putting into words how bad this MC is and how he is one of the worse ones I have ever played as.

    3. The control route is completely useless in the game and might as well be removed entirely. You can tell the dev doesn't have the heart to write actual control or force scenes. If a dev doesn't want to make those kinds of scenes that is fine, but don't make that route in the game is you're only going to half-ass it for the first part and then completely drop it in the second. First of all, you only get like two or three chance to choose to control route on two LI. The other ones you never get a choice and is relegated to love route. One LI is a teacher and the other route is her being a femdom toward you and the other one you control once and then get switched to love route with no choice in the matter. You do get to control a minor character later in the game though which is kind of nice. However, every time you control somebody the MC is always guilty, sorry and basically a pussy afterwards. Like there is no point in the two routes, there is just one cause the dev won't or can't go through with both of them.

    The visuals and the LIs really made me want to like this game, but everything else just drags it down so much. I'd rather the dev just cut the control route, since they obviously don't want to do it, and just make a romance game where they go against hecate. Add more actual choices and write the MC better. The MC can make a first move once in a while without it being construed as force. The way this game is going though, it's just another waste of time.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Story started out fairly well but as of 2.7 has pretty much gone off the rails. love routes are just corruption lite. Female characters started out as somewhat interesting have devolved into sex slave relationships. There's a love god and a corruption God, but all paths lead to corruption. Interesting female characters become sex crazed brainless toys with no motivation but to get the mc laid.
    I get it's a porn game with amazing visuals.
    Still, started strong and LIs WERE interesting.
    Now it's a fuck whoever walks in front of you game.
    Visually the game is top notch
    Story has been a decent to nonsense