VN - Ren'Py - Moving Out [Day 9b] [APA]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game good :geek: (y)

    Writing and pacing are quite off. Slow start and rushed end (as of day 9, and especially because of the time-skip vision). Also, why tell me MC wants to find a job and set his life up and then have him spend 9 days idling about? At least set things up so they can have a payoff later, hopefully in the form of a meaningful story choice that might open some options (kinky scenarios and character development) while closing some others.

    Renders are good despite some technical issues during the earlier days. Spicy scenes are pretty well set up and animated. And character designs are cute and sexy, which is my kryptonite.

    Character writing and motivations is also weirdly written, but has some charm to it, and some nice character development. For example, Starr (colorful chick) wants to become a streamer to help you pay rent, which I find good character development, as well as an excellent setup for some later payoff :devilish:. Despite this Luna (goth chick) seems a bit underdeveloped, despite an interesting scene playing out in one of the later chapters. Quite the shame, since she's my favorite character, but I just can't really get a clear picture of her wants and needs. I feel like the guardian angel/demon don't add much to the story, and aren't particularly funny. For the rest of the cast though, when the humor lands it lands it lands good.

    As far as game-play goes, I hate kinetic novels, and at this point the game plays almost exactly like one. I would love it for there to be more meaningful choices, maybe in order to have an effect on what kinks each of the girls end up getting into in the future.

    The kinks are splendid. Some of the hottest stuff I've seen in on this website. Large insertions, hole expansion, deep throathing, belly bulging. I can't say enough praise, and I'd love if anyone could point me in the way of more games of this sort.
    As I said though, even if Starr being a butt slutt is some fun contrast for the character, Luna is the one I'm more interested in seeing in those position. As I said, having a choice system where you can choose which kink path each girl goes down on would somewhat attenuate this and give some replayability value to an otherwhise fairly linear story.

    Overall, decent game. Excellent game by my own very biased standards, given the fetishes. I'll look into supporting the developer whenever I get a good chance.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game very much! It focuses on anal and incest, which I love. Specially the focus on anal sex, but if you add incest it's even hotter. The story is quite good, there are some very interesting situations and dialogues. Also, the game is very anal focused, with a possible "only anal lifestyle" wife in the future, and a sister who is a butt slut -the other sister I still don't know- Great potential. Kudos to the developers.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    The game is not really fun to play at all, honestly. The MC is spineless, to the point that his own little sister calls him a brown-noser. There are barely any choices and they're mostly useless. You will go for long times without making any choices at all.

    It's also missing the corruption tag, but before you get excited, it's not the MC the one doing the corruption. A friend of the cute sister corrupts her behind the MC's back, which means it's also missing the NTR tag. It's lesbian NTR, but I've seen the tag in other games even when it's only lesbian NTR so I'm not sure why the tag is missing from this title but whatever.

    The game is just sloppy overall. Unfinished paths, mistakes that need to be explained by the developer in-game and tons of typos and grammar mistakes.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Unavoidable lesbian (grooming) content + Bestiality Content + Massive Anal Fisting + Constantly terrible grammar + Most words misspelled (ecstatic was spelled exstatic) + Very inconsistent art (a bowl of apples disappeared)(the sun disappeared)(etc) + Characters wear the same clothes daily + Unbelievable plot points (chick allowed in the gym effectively topless) =

    This is a bad 80s porno, not a visual novel.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Captivating with its adorable aesthetics and engaging gameplay, this visual novel delivers on charm. Yet, its tendency to delve into tedious small talk can detract from the overall experience. Nonetheless, it's a delightful journey worth embarking on.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not going to win any awards for originality and writing but that's not why we are here now is it?
    gorgeous models, excellent animations and the promise of tons of buttstuff, what's not to like, hell it even has a stuck totally-not sister, 10/10 more pls
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    not bad, but i realy abit to extreme for me. brutal anal fisting, as one of the first scenes, just seems off.

    ithe animation are good, and the twins are hot.

    dn somehting just seems of, wierd paceing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed Moving Out more than a lot of other games on this site. The writing and story can be a little lacking but the renders and animations are hot. As of update 9b I was sad when it ended and am looking forward to future content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very original, great animations, star is one of the best looking girl in all porn games by far.
    Great build up, i don't really like the events, but the one in this game so far is pretty good, if he keeps up this rate of release i will definetly support him.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed against 8b

    As games go it's not bad, it does suffer from the issues which seem to plague devs who are perhaps finding their feet. Choices that don't seem to go anywhere, occasional typo, the UI seems basic (the main menu has grey text on an off grey background, the tester in me has issues there) The plot is...... thin and I'm still not sold on the idea of whether the angel and devil are even worth the render time. The idea seems to suggest that your choices will influence one over the other but really there's so little choice in the game I question the point? Unless it's simply to make the MC's internal dialogue a bit more colourful.

    However in saying that the renders are good, the women are nice and although the MC has the stereotypical monster dick, it kind of fits in with the absurdity of the game overall. I think it's too early to really say where this game will go. The renders are good and it doesn't take itself too seriously so there's potential there.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good AVN. Honestly, I was expecting worse from judging the main page (even with the reviews), but I was happily proven wrong. Visually it's great and the corruption is decently done, however I'll say that the pacing isn't great and I imagine it can turn people away (it almost did for me), and the humour is...not the best.

    I'll mention some possible deal-breakers for people first off: There is some NTR scenes in the game, as well as an insinuation for the possibility of beastiality. The NTR in question involves Starr's friend Daisy kissing her in once scene, and then inserting a buttplug into her. The dev put in an option for Starr to do it herself, however at time of writing you can't actually PICK that choice, which I think isn't great for people who want to avoid NTR. The other is the MC's mother's new fiance, who eats his mom's ass for all of a couple slides. You can choose that he is unable to have sex with her past that scene. If (like me) you don't mind NTR so long as it's limited and contextually relevant, this is fine. It's also fine for anyone who's line for NTR is a guy sticking his dick in a potential love interest. None of that occurs in what is shown, and to my knowledge if it IS implemented then you can choose not to have it happen. The insinuation of beastiality involves This very strange choice on whether a dog gets "too excited" or not while Starr pets it, so you see it's dick and that's it (although the choice isn't actually clear cut, as I thought saying it was too excited implied the choice was to seperate the two). I have no clue why it was included, as beastiality is not included in the tags OR future tags, and no one else actually mentions thinking of the dog in that manner. However, I thought it was prudent to mention both of those, in case anyone is especially fragile or sensitive and gets a heart attack.

    As I mentioned before, visually it's great. It's also clear that the dev is getting better with each update, as he even changes and improves the lighting and posing as it continue. This is also one of the few AVNs where over-the-top sexual actions are actually implemented well. The MC has a big ol horse dick, but it's actually implemented well in the game (even if it's really only just gawking, handjobs and blowjobs rn). The dev also actually puts in saliva and cum, and is one of the few that actually uses it well. It matches the more unrealistic proportions and doesn't feel out of place.

    The main girls look great, as do their friends, however the other side characters are less impressive. The mother lacks any real visual indicator of age and is wrinkle free, and the 'damsel' the MC meets doesn't look as good visually (I assume it's due to a lack of experience with the skin tone), but none of it actually looks bad, just varying degrees of good.

    The story is entirely inconsequential, as the focus is really on just corrupting all of the girls. For some reason, the dev decides to include the typical 'angel and devil self' into the story, which is IMO one of the biggest flaws. It's not like they're necessarily bad, they're just almost entirely meaningless. I have to assume it was done to break up the monotony of the first third, but even then it just serves to add more totally arbitrary dialogue. They aren't really that funny, and if the dev REALLY wanted to offer the angel and devil, they should purely be there for the choices. Instead, they are in every part of the game, and they are intensely droll.

    This leads into the pacing itself, which is...fine. The first 30 minutes or so are intensely boring and monotonous, which almost had me just close it. It's a lot of reading the same kinda dialogue over and over. Luna is bratty and continues to be so without change, Starr is innocent and continues to do so without change. So you just read them basically acting the same for multiple days for nothing. Once the two friends are introduced you finally get some actual content, but even then there's parts of it that should've just been cut out. It almost feels like it should've begun with the first day, and then they immediately introduce the friends. The 'damsel' isn't particularly interesting as well, and unfortunately she feels like a distraction. perhaps if the sisters got two more friends, it would feel more natural than the damsel.

    Ultimately though, by the end it feels like it's finally ramping up and getting good, so ultimately I'd give it an 8/10 as of [MovingOut Day 8b]
    Likes: Ayyar
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely perfect. The characters are fun, the situations are great, Its not a slow burn but its not quick either. The two main girls are literally perfect. i am definitely keeping my eye on this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, stupid and fappable. The main LIs are weird looking, kind of cartoony, yet smoking hot. The story makes little sense, but it doesn't matter. The sex is unrealistic but that's great too. The MC's dick is bigger than a baseball bat and somehow it works because the story is not realistic. The MC is a peeper and a pervert, and gets called out for it, and that's fine because it doesn't stop him. Each update is better than the last one. And if you don't enjoy seeing a little goth teen wearing heavy mascara, thigh highs, and a crop top with a "Pain Hub" logo on it, well I feel sorry for you. Really enjoying this one.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations are great, story is exactly what the dev points out very early on...mostly irrelevant, but it's not bad either. If it's a foreign dev (not english speaking) you can't tell, english is good. The girls look MUCH better without their clothes on than I expected. They CLEARLY work out regularly. Breasts look non-existent with clothes on. but when nude they are small, but definitely there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A simple incest story that adds humor and self awareness to the mix without actually mocking itself or the player. It's lighthearted and the models are fucking amazing (unless you're one of those weirdos that has something against petite women).
    The only con is that updates are slow but that's to be expected (to a point) since it's a 1 man dev
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice, the idea is not new or novel really, but the animations are very well made, the renders are stylish and fit the dialogue and emotions of the characters very well. Feels like the game was going for a sandbox approach but then it stopped and went for the VN style, which is a great move in my opinion. All in all, I can recommend the game. Looking forward to what comes next.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Great scenes and nice renders but general script and writing is horible. Looks like dev doesnt know by himself about what and for who hes doing this game, it shows by bestiality vibes, ntr'ing mc by sister new friend who behind his back corrupts his innocent sister instead of himself, but dev presents it just like promised lesbian content. She even makes fun of mc about his ignorance about the fact that she fucked his sweet sister in the ass while he was just sleepeing in the living room. It was straightly disgraceful and humiliating in all possible means.

    There is so many weird or bad plot decisions in this game... for example mc use blackmail to make revenge to his prudish mother, who by the plot is a villain who cockblocked mc all this years, by making her through her new boyfriend to accept anal sex and then hes just sit and watches through camera their sex like its somehow satisfying to see how your strict mother enjoy kinky sex which became possible only thanks to mc, yeah great revenge and totaly satisfying.

    About mc, he is just pathetic. Story begins from him moving to new apartment and starting new life with his sisters and without his controling mother who cockblocked him for life. He already thinks about some action and fulfilling his lewd dreams, but then story begins and charachters start talking... Hes a total neckless, undecisive wimp. If girls want something they will do it or behave around mc like they want and he just accept it like normal thing and correct way to react to his sisters rudeness, quirks and whims. Contraversary to his own thoughts about how great to finally be free and not be cockblocked by his mother, mc still behave overly passive and unnecesary shy, to version 8b he didnt even once initiated or persuaded any girls into sex stuff. On the contrary its the girl WHO NEEDS TO PERSUADE HIM TO LET THEM DO STUFF WITH MC, by explaining to him thats fine and they want it and other justifying bs, but mc still need to excuse and justify himself before, every, fucking, action, towards, any, girl. Like for real mc have mentality of 12 old shy church girl, when his sister friend behave like actual man with balls and corrupt his sister behind his back when mc continue to live in his own world with rainbows and unicorns)

    During whole playing I was irritated and butthurt by this level of mc patheticness mixed with all weirdness and bad writing about which I writed above and only great scenes made me to continue play this lucky simp simulator.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm giving 3 stars for fappablity. The renders are great and the animations are also stellar. So yes, it has very fappable content -- it's good pornography -- but I seriously think the games direction is going to blow up in the devs face.

    He's acting on a lot of kinks that will be deal breakers for parts of his audience, and he just kind of throws them in there without warning or player choice.
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    So yeah, Dev is casting a wide net on the kinks, maybe hoping for a big audience but it's seriously not thought out well. It was only fappable to me cause I treated it like porn and fapped to the animations; but damn this game feels like it doesn't know what it's identity is.

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  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Day 8

    So far so perfect. Models are great. Good to see a goth-looking LI. She looks amazing.

    Story-wise, I don't know what to make of it still. I just hope the whole streamer thing doesn't become streaming to strangers with one of the girls. Not so sure about the Angel and Devil thing, hopefully that's not too important in the story.

    All in all, perfect so far. To the point I wish I had a TARDIS just to play more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique art if a bit on the loli side and MC looks like a gooper but animations are stellar. Not only are the scenes well animated but so many small details with the anatomy changing based what's happening or what's getting filled.

    And you just know anal sex is coming or I'd be extremly disappointed.

    Overall just great animation and very hot throat scenes so far. Only thing that could make it better is animated orgasm scenes instead of that flashing light shit. I don't know why so few animaters opt out of it. And maybe scale down the dick a little to be it slightly more believeable that the girls wouldn't physically die doing what they do.