RPGM - Completed - Lovelust: Project Stockholm [v1.04] [Huli]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5/5. I played this game a while ago and I think it deserves a review as I enjoyed the gameplay. This is an RPGM adventure/VN game about an MC with trauma who abducted his own teacher or classmate, depending on your choice.

    I like the tension in the early stage, in which you have to prevent the police from getting you busted. As your prisoner gets to know you more, she begins to feel sympathy for you and her corruption begins. "But that doesn't make sense!", you ask. Well, the Stockholm Syndrome does not make sense on the surface, and it's a real thing.

    The writing is okay. Not great, but not bad either. Their is an effort to create a bond between the MC and his love interest in the dialogues, where the love interest's feelings are well conveyed from distrust to trust. Gameplay is there but nothing to write home about. It's there to get you to the sex scenes. Not grindy, so that's a plus.

    This is the dev's first game, but his art is already quite good. Unique art style, it's not lazy like most crude 2D art, there's a certain uniqueness to it despite its crudeness. The animation is surprisingly smooth and decent! Every sex scene is animated, and there are plenty of them. And having the opportunity to get the teacher character Morgan pregnant is a plus.

    Unique art, decent writing, stellar animations and gold effort as the first game. If you like their two latter games (Plastic Soul and Housemates), this is a must try. It's not a long game, and it's a complete game. I applaud devs that finish their games, like Huli. Give this one a try.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is a disappointment. Not because of the art because it's not that type of VN. It's not even the fact that it misses out on the opportunity for Harem, which is also annoying. Rather it's relies on too much angst to get the plot going in the "trust" routes. The mental gymnastics to get to the logic of these routes is NTR logic levels of annoying and frankly just ruins the plot. Maybe some people are into that shit, but I feel like real life already has enough stress to make you add more of this drama. To make it worse it's made by using the RPGMaker which limits controls and makes skipping already seen scenes a lot more difficult and just slows down the routes unnecessarily.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game at all but it's very short and the "game" aspect of it feels more like a chore than actual gameplay, especially for RPGM. I'm not one of those people who hates any and all RPGM but this one certainly would be better suited as a Ren'Py game.

    + Animation is surprisingly good.

    + Decent amount of scenes considering how short the game is.

    = Art isn't the best or the worst. It's a charming level of mediocre.

    - Too short and still somehow needlessly long between the walking and days where nothing new happens.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The very definition of cool game. Different options to explore, graphics "not so great but ok" and lots of scenes. However, I find the stories too similars, maybe other characers/diversity in the writing would solve the problem.
    This minor detail apart, I recommend this game. It might not be the best but he surely has qualities.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    OK, as far as the game goes I gotta say that I love it, the story is very uncommon to see among the other games of this platform and this is a well deserved 4.5 stars game (four by rounding) .

    The plot: Very solid and curious, like you want to see how is developed the syndrome of stockholm and if is credible, and actually it is, you can really feel bad for the prota and his sad past and the other characters understand that but you will never fully understand if is it love or really stockholm, and if you don't care you can go full psycho and use ur D weapon to control them in a short route (by the power of the porn plot).

    The scenes: Are very nice animated but mostly the ones of the morgan route, which is sad because the Susy is very lovely and deserve an equal love, making the scenes of the susy route a well going to good (morgan are a good going to fantastic).

    The world: Meh, standard.

    What does it lacks?: Well, the girls are so good, that would be excellent to have a little more of porn plot to have them both at the same time (even if it has to be with the lust route) thats the only thing that this porn games lacks to be a five stars game, for both of the routes, and it would be nice to see a continuation of the other finals of the susy route but that does not influence in the total score.

    Conclusion: Play the game, faps are confirmed dude (y)
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    I don't understand the appeal to this game. The story is a generic childhood traumafest that you've seen a hundred times over and the art is not fantastic. The only thing this game has going for it is the animation and that's it. Not worth my time at all
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As you can see in my original review, my main complaint was the frustration of losing my progress far in the game. I am not sure when this was added but at v0.31 there is a feature to skip straight to the trust route of some girls (for new players, this is allowing you to skip the first half of some girls and get straight to the branching/sexy stuffs. I definitely recommend that new players play through the trust routes though).

    Anyways, this sort of resolves my complaint, so I am bumping this up to 5 stars as I truly believe it is a unique and great experience, and it is going on my 5-star recommendation list! But in addition to resolving my complaint there is also quite a bit more content that has been added since I last played (including the fleshing out of my fav girl Morgan) so can comfortably say this is a top game for me.

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  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game actually pleasantly surprised me. I thought it'll be a simple quick and fap games, but there's some depth to it--and the fact that there's still gameplay after a 'Pure' ending took me off guard in a good way. Alas, this game can be quite boring with its monotone gameplay, especially during 'act 1'. Still, it's a decent enough game that I'm looking forward to its future!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    good luck on completing the development of the game sir, i like the story you create and problem in this game and only choose one girl in this game make multiple choice cause the ending has the branch
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I guess I'll have to re-edit this

    I have finished the Suzy pure ending, and I have to say that the story hooked me, it was good, of course at the beginning if you only get the escape endings, you stay halfway, you have to get the real one that could be said to be the other half of the game. Sure, for my taste they still need to add more scenes when they were young on the real route. I still have to try the lust routes and with the teacher, also only with Suzy's, I guess it's very good
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't want to be overly harsh, but this game is awful and I don't understand the appeal at all.

    I like maledom games and I don't particularly care if a game features content that would be horrific in the real world, it's a fantasy at the end of the day. But there is so little actual meat to this one that it just makes me feel empty and dirty for downloading it. The art is pretty subpar IMO too.

    Like I said, I don't want to be cruel, but I was seriously let down by this one. I would love to hear from somebody who enjoyed this game because I genuinely don't get the appeal of this game at all.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First plus of the game is interesting topic - titular stockholm project, and 2 routes to choose. And also 2 characters.
    The art is kinda simple, it may even seem to be amateur, but it have its style, and what is most important - its hot and fappable af. Game also have nice story and pretty frequent updates, which is nice.
    What are minuses? Well, for me too low rate of money earning - with buying food and paying for buses to school, it runs away very quickly and you must sacrifice part of the day to earn some, or skip the school to earn little more.
    In overall - i recommend it, and give it honorary award of onion bread(one of my favourites).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential.

    It has Non-3d art in an age of 3Dshortcuts.
    The music selection is good.
    The MC is likable and is some you can sympathize which is rare in western porn games.

    To be frank, the only things currently holding it back is the lack of things to do in the prolog and the fact it is incomplete.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    1.- Bad renders,
    2.- In the game, it's not explicit what you should do. One day you forget feed your "host", then you lost; if keep talking with you host, you lose 'cause police found her, if you have sex you lose 'cause she can escape; you can lose for everything and you don't have any tip or idea for how to play.
    If the renders are improved, and give you some idea of what to do, then the game can have a lot of potential. Right now, it's not recommendable.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game had an interesting concept with a unique type of renders.
    Above all, this plot of stories isn't something you expect much...but there is a plot hole that I want to know, past experience that made the main characters do like that.