Ren'Py - Love and Evil Things [v0.1.5] [Petals]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This has the makings to be an all-time favorite.

    Visual Quality:
    - Great animations (slightly jerky at times, but the cuteness factor outweighs any rough edges)
    - Fantastic models
    - Fantastic character design (clothing + aesthetic which suits personality)

    - Protag can be a bit...annoying, at times, but there's a strong implication that it is part of the narrative and will be developed and explored later. I can see a good path forwards
    - Each character has a very distinct personality and you can see how carefully the balance on the edge of sincerity and masking. They have passions, they have flaws, they have confidence, they have insecurity. I genuinely want to get to know them better
    - The interactions with MC and the LI are well-written and ease into any lewd scenes and sexual dynamics. It's a bit of a slow burn, but IMO if you don't want a well-written slow burn, go to pornhub.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    i want to note something that i think is fantastic about this, i love how often things that happen in 1 on 1 events are referenced, what i mean by that is that is often in sandbox games 'events' often have stuff that's never referenced again, except by the character who's event it was, but seeing so much be talked about between characters in other events and scenes made it feel much more natural compared to a lot of sandbox games, (also the skip button is genuinely amazing for when i was nearing the end of the current version) characters are all great so far too

    all in all, fantastic so far, look forward to the next version, loving the small drops of the main story you've thrown in too
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game so far. I love the models and the characters of this game. The MC is okay. I am looking forward to seeing how the game develops with future updates I think this game has a lot of potential.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Much better than I expected going in. Lots of good scenes, and characters are interesting and engaging.

    Will have to deal with random Japanese romaji (english text of japanese words) sprinkled in. I understood it so it didn't bother me but I could see it being weird if you don't know what those words mean.

    Pacing is good and slow burn but also understanding that it's a game with explicit content so some characters pacing is more dramatic that it could be which is understandable.

    Animations have been top notch and can tell there was a lot of effect and love that went into them which I always appreciate.

    Main character has the general protagonist personality and some forth wall breaks which were funny as well.

    Overall a very enjoyable read from start to finish so far and would happy engage with more after I finished which is usually the mark of a good series.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really deserves to be more popular and successful. This is my first review btw. I never thought I would make one, but I had to for this game, if it could help with the success and popularity. I apologize for any grammar errors. I apologize if I seem bias in any way.

    Review based on v0.1.4
    (May also contain light spoilers)

    Despite a decent amount of content for a newer release, the story hasn't fully kicked off yet. This should change in the next chapter. Despite that, the pacing is good imo. The MC and the girls will keep u very entertained. This game had me laughing many times, from the very start to the end of chapter 1. Now, depending on who you are as a person, you will even love the humor, or think it's cringe. Me personally, I didn't see much of what was " cringe " about the humor, I really liked it. I'm just saying this, based off what I saw a few people say. I hope the Dev doesn't change anything, due to criticism as well. I like the game they're making and them feeding into criticism, feels like the game won't be " their " game anymore, ya know? You have healthy criticism and then you have entitled criticism. Moving on!

    The Models:
    Best Koikatsu Models I've ever seen (and I played alot of them). I love this style so much. Who ever made the girls as well, did a fantastic job. When I first seen Emi, I thought she was the most adorable girl I've ever seen in a Koikatsu game. Then I meet Haya.. Then Yua... Moving on!

    Characters (MC):
    I love how they did the MC. For one, he's not wimpy. He's pretty chill, mature and can be funny just like the girls. I actually think a lot of the bad choices, you can choose for him to say to a girl, is hilarious, when I " read it ". It wasn't meant to be funny of course, it's just my personality. Anyway, I like how what happened in his past shaped him up to be the way he is now, but since his accident, he's been trying to change for the better. Again, good work with the MC.

    Characters (Girls):
    Every single one of them has their own personality and they're all different and interesting in their own way. They will make you laugh a lot, if you enjoy this kinda humor. It was easy to connect with each girl, even if, at the same time, you haven't fully understood them yet, like with Nariko. We just simply need more future content to fix that and it's not really a problem to be honest. I have my favorites of course, but I'm confident in saying, most of you, will also like most of, if not all of them. I even think they were done better than, alot of popular games on here. No shade to any Devs of course. One more thing I wanna speak on is the Japanese phrases. I personally enjoy them in this game and I hope the Dev keeps them. It really feels like, such a small thing, gives this game more of it's own personality.

    Lewd Content:
    As of right now, it's mostly just teasing, besides the Book Club Stories, which I will get into. Anyway, as of v0.1.4, you won't be seeing any serious stuff, but one thing I do love, that I don't think I've seen too many games do, (unless I just never noticed) is list how many scenes are left that you can get in this version of the game. Once I unlocked the free roam part of the game, I believe their was a total of 61 scenes to see. For the record, those scenes doesn't mean " Lewd Scenes ". It's just 61 scenes in total for hanging out with the girls. These can be individual scenes with a girl, or a group thing. Those 61 scenes still include Lewd Scenes, but once again, not all 61 scenes are. As of right now, the most juicy scenes in the game are through the Book Club Stories. I won't go to much into details about it, but I really love the addition of those scenes. I can see why they're the most popular scenes in the game as of now. They're optional as well, just incase you're not interested.

    Last thing I wanna get into is the animations. I will say they're the best animations I've ever seen in a Koikatsu game and some of the best I've seen in general, on this site. They're actually part of why I want this game to be successful (not to say the other parts of this game is not just as good), because I can tell it was a lot of work to implement them. Not saying it wasn't for other games, but from what I played, I could tell it was and even if they were, I need the Devs to keep it up ya know? Even some things said in the game, referred to how much work went into these animations and from what I saw, I believe it.

    This game is a 5/5 for me and I really recommend you guys to try it out. I don't think you will regret it. Keep up the great work Devs and I hope your hard work pays off. Please don't abandon it, as you really got something going here and please keep making " your " game, while still being open to healthy criticism.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I didn't really have any cons for the game, so that's why my review is pretty positive.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great job so far. Lots of content for a first chapter being put out, it's great that our time isn't wasted hunting for events as well. A few criticisms in that the random Japanese phrases being thrown out are a bit odd and jarring if you don't understand what they mean (and I didn't) but the quality of the characters and renders are fantastic for a first pass. There are obviously some similarities between this and That One Harem School Game, especially with the cafe girl and the class nerd tropes, but otherwise great job so far. Looking forward to the second chapter.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i played the 0.1.4 and it was really funny, the horny and "goofy" animations are really good, the chapter´s 1 cliffanger let me "wtf?" in a good sense hahaha
    my favorite girl was Suki, i hope she has more content soon.
    Good game, its really promising
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts with you as a disembodied being taking over the life of a recently deceased young executive at an all-women's office. You are informed that you will either help or destroy them (likely leading to a choose-your-ending cinematic at the conclusion of this probably never-finished work). The game is intended to include horror and comedy elements, but the 'horror' aspect feels cliché , while the comedy comes across as the overly confident, try-hard style often seen in online forums.
    The love interests in the game follow typical tropes, such as the inexperienced, energetic friend falling in love, the horny bisexual girl, the sporty girl, the rich girl with a good heart, and so on. The main character (MC) lacks a distinct personality beyond pondering multiple times about their body's past. This lack of personality might not be an issue if there were ample choices for players to role-play, but such choices are lacking. Player input is limited to deciding whether to pursue a romantic interest. The story itself is vague, with the MC going to work on multiple days and interacting with one-dimensional love interests. Occasionally, you witness the love interests interacting without the MC in an unsuccessful attempt to flesh them out as characters. Essentially, this game feels like an e-hentai gallery implemented in Ren'Py, with a location selection menu added to extend the gameplay.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The start of one of the great Koikatsu games if this keeps getting updates. No complaints from me, the amount of content in the release was so much as well. I really enjoyed the story elements and can see that this opening is just the start to something that will truly be great.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't remember laughing so much at a game lately. humor alone can elevate a game to a very high level. apart from that, I also liked the renders very much. I think there is no reason to deduct points.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review of version 0.1.1)

    It's new and just getting started, but what they have released so far is simply incredible.

    This game has some of the best dialogue and humor that I have ever seen in an indie adult game. The amount of hilarious situations and scenes that they manage to weave together is amazing. There is no "oh this is boring let me click click click through this scene" content - at all. I enjoyed every word of it. The pacing is perfect - it's not instant gratification where you meet girls and they want to bang you 30 seconds later, but it's also not an extreme slowburn where the devs are just milking you for aeons slowly building up to the actual sexual content.

    The graphics are really impressive; this is by far the best use of Koikatsu I have ever seen. It puts other previous Koikatsu games to shame.

    The game has high quality sound and music as well, a level of detail that is often skipped on new adult game releases and then maybe (and usually shoddily) added in later.

    Really just an A+ title all around. Dying to see the next update!!!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Bruh the comedy is top tier
    kinda confusing the start, maybe changing it could help the start of the game like showing the accident and going back in the time to show what happened and how the mf ended in that body
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game.

    Yes, the story is quite banal (school setting, chad-sensei, cute niece, schoolgirls in love, mystical secrets, etc.), but it is done at a very high level.
    There are great characters, good renders, dialogues and humour.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the high level of animation here.

    In my opinion, the author has done an excellent job and I look forward to continuing.