Ren'Py - Lab Rats 2 - Reformulate [v2024.08] [Tristim/LZ_Starbuck/Trollden]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best HTML game I've seen on this site. The flirtation, foreplay, sex scenes are very hot. The gameplay is immersive.

    My only nitpick is I'd like a greater variety of face models.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, when I'm looking for new games I find out I'm basically searching for games similar to Lab Rats 2, Reformulate.

    This is a real game with real gameplay, not another novel with graphics.

    The clothes/look-mechanics works well. The manipulation mechanic is fantastic. The management side can be a bit grindy, but there are always good results from the grinding.

    After 20+ hours of playing, it becomes a bit repetitive. But this will hopefully be less of a concern when the main story is finished.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a already good, but the modders have managed to put in their blood, sweat and tears and polished into one big shiny gem.

    I haven't played the original game but I feel that not only the story but also the characters are great. I just hope that they would actually put in some changes to characters and stories.
    Eg: 1. Having the aunt and cousin added to the your lovers/harem list without having to impregnate them.
    2. Having more options in business recruitment obligations.
    3. Having an addition to the research cheat to speed up the nanobot research storyline and of course, also expanding the nanobot features.
    4. Having some more locations would also be good I think, like if you could visit MC's mom at her workplace, having more places to go on dates, a hospital that can also serves as a place to sell your serums if corrupted, a different location where you can only find prostitutes (excluding the strip club, a red light district), etc

    It would be lovely to see the holes in clothing rending issue fixed.

    These are only suggestions from my point of view. I do thoroughly enjoy the game that has been made. It's superb but could use a little bit more work I guess.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked Lab Rats 2. I loooove these mods. New and interesting events, more unique characters, new and inventive punishments for my workers when they forget their uniforms, and so on. More of everything good.
    If you like Lab Rats, get this as well!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Continuing on a great project, thank you! All the hard work is noticed and appreciated. The sim-style of this game originally had me confused but, after the initial leaning curve, I quickly got sucked in. The driving force of building a business is interesting and compelling and, the various storylines for girls that you meet and the obstacles you have to meet to gain favor is engaging.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was so sad when updates of this game stopped coming in. Here's to the new team, I hope they keep this game going strong!

    If you haven't played in awhile, there are a ton of new features and story events that have been added. The gameplay has been greatly improved and there are few bugs. On the surface this game doesn't look as pretty as many of the others that are out there, but it makes up for this fact with its depth and longevity. There are so many things you can do and nearly an unlimited number of NPCs. There is really no other game which comes close the the ambition of this title. I highly recommend it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my all time favorites. There's actually some fun and in depth gameplay and progression to be had here, not just 'plot'.
    The art is CG but functional.
    Worth coming back to whenever new features are implemented.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit gold here, especially for fans of management games.

    Scenarios and systems are good enough that the art or lack of animations doesn't really matter, using imagination is hot enough.

    What it does need is more polish around the UI and stuff. The systems themselves are really good there's just a lot of systems to learn and currently you have to sort of figure it out on your own.

    Still top stuff, idk how a game like this runs in Renpy, its bordering on the more complex unity games and stuff already
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for management game fans.
    It's also not hard to get going if you're into managing games, I don't even play them often but I like them and I did not find it difficult though obviously it's not as polished as a decent non porn games in the genre.
    The grind also doesn't feel like work at all, it's quite satisfying, in fact it might just be one of the better games I've played in this regard. Other games with 1/10th the grind felt like a huge drag by comparison though again, this is probably not true for everyone, it depends on what genres you like.
    The story and relation between the characters, especially the non main characters, needs adding features and polish. Don't imagine this is a story driven game but there is a story and it does make it more interesting.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    While this game is not perfect, it is really good and, more importantly, very unique. It gives an H-game experience you can't really get anywhere else. In short, the premise is that you run a company who makes "unethical" pharmaceuticals. Amidst this premise is gameplay, story, and H content that is just exceptional in many ways. As leader of your company, you direct where your resources are spent, you direct what drugs to research, you direct which to manufacture and what the unique properties those you do will have, you setup selling, marketing, staffing, etc. Each of your employees (and every other person you come across) is a named, randomly generated female with her own life (single, married, kids, young, old, conservative, wild, etc.). There is a reason you do all this - to get drugs that let you fuck whatever you want to fuck, basically. Drugs that make women act wilder, make them horny, make them happy, make their tits grow, make them lose weight, make their hair change color, make them want to get pregnant, etc. Some of these things are more dubious than others and you will attract attention from the government!.. Thankfully the government sends women to investigate you ;)

    And there's more, but hopefully you get it. So yes, very deep, but you might be dissuaded by this depth. That's a lot of mechanics, and it doesn't stop there. Is it really worth all that faff? Well, I'd say yes, but I'd also offer that you can avoid the faff. Built into the game is a very good, access at any time cheat UI. You can change your own stats or the stats of any woman you meet whenever you want. Add money, insta complete research, change the things a girl likes or doesn't, etc - all whenever you want. This was wonderful for me as, yes, the game can be quite grindy if you let it. However, whenever I found myself needing to repeat the same action with a girl to grind out a certain stat, for example, I could just cheat it. I knew how to increase it, so I'd just cheat it a few points and see what happened. Nothing changed? Cheat it a few more. Eventually a barrier would be passed and I could play normally again. It's great! I wish more devs would build cheats into H games - these are not like normal games, nothing worse than an unnecessary blue balling.

    Anyways, there is actually a story (which you can mostly pursue or ignore at your choosing), a wide array of named and significant characters amidst the sea of randomly generated ones. Dialog is very kinky and adaptive/self-aware (ex: if they're married they might talk about how much better you are than their husband). If I were to knock it anywhere, it would be that it doesn't have animation, but I have no fucking idea how it could have animation in renpy given that every character is randomly generated and has the ability to have their body changed with tons of clothing options, etc, etc. There are many still poses (ex: during a blowjob the girl is kneeled with mouth open, during doggy she is on her hands and knees with her ass facing you, etc.), so I think this is fine.

    All in all, it's not perfect, but I don't know that it ever could be given how accommodating it is trying to be to different preferences and play styles. It does still allow you to craft your own near-perfect gameplay despite this, so I have to give it 5 stars. If you're looking for a detailed sexual business management sim game, this has it all. If you're looking to just jerk off, this also has it, and everything in between the two. Highly recommended, and I now must figure out how to squeeze this in my 5 star list while under duress of the F95 "about page" character limit lol.

    Edit: since writing this review I have came back to this game at least 3 or 4 times for... you know... Now I'm basically to the point where I am forcing myself not to play it lol. It's good, lots of replayability, but damn I can't be doing this shit lol
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept behind this game is a fun idea. The thing is it's really hard to pull off because it is so complicated. If you are going to "reformulate" the game, you should reformulate it. What are the downsides and what can you do to make it better?

    No MC... I mean there is an MC, but you never see him. You can start off by giving us a generic-looking MC and then create a character creation system much like there is for the girls.

    No animations. It's a personal preference for me. However, I know that it is a major preference for many players. This is why I mentioned no MC at first. Mostly you need to set up simple animations for the sex system already in place. It would be nothing too fancy, just the action of what is already being played. Then you can build more custom animations for completing quests with the main girls.

    The UI... It really needs to be reformulated. It looks like a UI from the 90s. You could probably make it look more streamlined, but the research and drug creation is probably the worst of it. Those 2 are kind of a mess. You should probably have tier tabs at the top that you can cycle through. Each tier should have subcategories to help make the experience more user-friendly. The UI for work uniforms and outfit creation also needs some love.

    Drug Names. Each drug you can create should have a name already build into the system. This will help players a lot. The forums and walkthroughs can help struggling players. Maybe have it so that the most useful combinations have names and all others can be named by the players. That way if a player makes red hair dye with a medical application they can name it themselves.

    The background art. It's just super basic. It is just a 2d looking picture and the characters are 3d. Make a 3d background that the characters interact with. That way when you bang a girl on your desk... you actually bang the girl on the desk.

    A hint system. It needs it. Once yous start a quest have a hint button that will let you know what quest you are on and what you need to do.

    Indifference opinions:
    The grind. I mean the grind is real in this game. I'm not upset, because that is the basic premise of how this game functions. If you don't like grindy games, then don't play this one.

    Incest. I mean you can probably put the game on Patreon if you make them step-family or landlady, roommate, etc. Then have a patch. That way you don't drive off people who don't like that kind of thing.

    The ending. I'm not sure how you are going to end the story. I'm not sure how you are going to end this game. I guess it's rather difficult. I mean, I have a few ideas, but we will see how it goes.

    Customization. This is what makes the game really fun. Girls outside the main ones are randomly generated and all pick different outfits to wear based on their opinions. You can also make custom work uniforms for your company. If you put up a few then the girls will choose for themselves. You can even make uniforms for each department. It's a lot of fun to play around with. After you fix everything else you can expand with more female and outfit customization, but maybe that is too much.

    The storylines. It's good for the most part. You can tell that some main girls got a lot more love in their storylines than the others. I would say touch up and polish more of the main girls and make it more of a progression like it was for the mom and sister. Some people might hate me saying that, because it would add to the grind, but oh well. It makes the story more engaging.

    All and all it's a 5-star idea with a 3-star execution. I mean, it's a difficult game to pull off. I don't see how this is a revamped game. It's just a handful of changes That's nice, but it doesn't fix some of the problems of being a current game. It's still not going to stack up next to more current games with better-looking UI, graphics, and actual animations. If you want to "reformulate" a game then bring it up to speed with everything else. I had fun revisiting it, but then the novelty wore off and I got bored of seeing stills of 3d girls on a 2d background.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Senor Smut

    Here's a quiz:
    1. Do you love ludicrously overcomplicated and stupidly confusing interfaces?
    2. Do you love extensive tutorials that don't actually explain anything?
    3. Do you love endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless amounts of grind?
    4. Do you love games that make you feel like a suicidal hamster running on a wheel made of broken glass and salt?
    If you answered "Yes" to two or more of these questions, then "Lab Rats 2: Electric Boogaloo" is the game for you. Download today and experience the electronic equivalent of getting hit with a crowbar square in the knee!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The original game was good, but this version is pretty bloody awesome. Hits a LOT of the feelings that the original had, but is even better. The expanded stories from the base game, the new features all work together to turn this into one of the best games out there.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a clear inverse relation between how pretty are the girl models in a game and how much freedom you can give to the player. For this mod, as the original game, it heavily realies on the second trait. Said that, this mod fixes a game wich was quite amazing in its corruption, management and girl customization. Few games came into my mind more replayable and entretaing even if the girls aren't the pretties.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the corruption game with the best replayability of any othe game out there. It is very dynamic, with new people, new serums, new effects and so forth on each playthrough.

    This is the same game as its predecessor, but with an extremely good mod wrapped in that adds a lot of content and quality of life improvements.

    The gameplay loop is that of a management game, which is actually fairly fun. You can always use the cheat menu to skip over parts of that if you just want to get to the nsfw parts.

    The Positives here are:
    Really good corruption
    Length of gameplay
    Fun gameplay loop
    Ability to customize your own gameplay
    Lots and lots of outfit combinations

    Girls are bit on the ugly side
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Lab rats 2 was a great management game.
    it was about using chemistry to mind control, corrupt, bimbofy and everything else that feeds your inner mad scientist needs.
    sadly it was abandoned.
    this is that just with lots of gameplay/UI improvements.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Modified Version:

    Lab Rats is one of the games I have been following from the start, and it has been a complex ride. However, it is one of the few games I keep coming back to play every 6-8 months.

    But to enjoy this game, there are a lot of caveats that you have to accept:

    -Sandbox game: There is no clear goal; it is a playground for you to explore, use, and abuse as you desire.
    -Randomly generated characters and models: The modeling system is genius, but it limits the graphics and will never match custom-made renders.
    -Steep learning curve: There are a few essential actions you must take at the beginning of the game; otherwise, you will lose. This is somewhat mitigated with the easy difficulty setting.
    -Setting up your company for the first time can be frustrating and confusing. I will try to provide a quick guide at the end of this review.

    Once you get past the initial setup at the start of the game for the first time, it becomes easier to repeat and redo for your second or subsequent playthroughs.
    And with the setup done, you can enjoy the game's strong points: a world of randomly generated girls for you to charm, corrupt, and defile. Additionally, there's a mod team that keeps adding small stories and other nifty shady mechanics for you to explore.

    I hope you make it through the initial learning curve so that you can take a vacation in Lab Rats 2 when you feel like taking a few days off for some personal time.

    For my final trick, here's a quick start guide to achieving a stable income by getting your company started:

    First, you need a product to sell. In R&D, you can invent them, but you need to add some traits to make them valuable.
    -Research and develop a few traits.
    -Design a new serum with a target profit of 50 or more.

    Next, you need to start production:
    In the main offices, you can hire more staff. Don't worry; you can fire them and hire others once you have settled in. What you need is cheap labor to manufacture your product, so look for wages at 30 or below.
    -For production workers, aim for wage < or = production.
    -For supply workers, aim for wage * 2 < or = supply.
    -Aim for supply = production.

    Eventually, you'll want a marketing and HR team as well, but you can handle that part of the company until you have upgraded your maximum employee count.

    This should be enough to get you started. I wish you good luck and happy corruption.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best modding community out of all games on this site. The mods add a metric ton to the game. It's seriously insane how great the experience is becoming. Highly recommend.
    It would be nice if we got more documentation of what/when exactly the mod would get triggered/general info about it, but it's also quite fun to figure it out yourself.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    [ v2024.5]

    Incredible corruption options and for lots of people, plenty of different yet related stories and many systems to play with.

    It's basically a perfect game, just has a few flaws.
    • A majority of clothing has clipping issues
    • There is no explanation for game difficulties nor a way to adjust them in-game
      (bonus: normal difficulty is a fkin grind)
    • Lack of some convenience options (like mass compliment, critique, $bonus at work)
    • A large portion of business options are not directly useful- either tiny bonusess, necessary, or "story" progress locked.
    • Trance state tinkering has weird balancing
    • Some events (like sleeping exposed) are repeatable
    • Some clothes choosing involves NPCs preferences and stats, some don't
    • Some social interactions don't make sense (when and what the NPCs prefer, react without indication before or after)
    Otherwise, the amount of entertainment on both game and porn it provided me is incredible.
  20. 5.00 star(s)



    I've played the original and this version various times over man updates and i honestly think this is the best game on the site and the modded version is absolutely the best version to play hands down