RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Omae wa shinda


    What a great game indeed .Although it can be repetitive (like every rpg ever) but it is good to see different flavor for enemy in combat. (Like nerds for their sex tools and lizardmen for their group mentality tactic ) Different kind of reaction toward the enemies depending on how slutty Karryn can be.
    The semi-simulation game on How to build your own Karryn in her combat style and her sexual addictions.
    Tedious requirement to get those titles but rewarding later in your future playthroughs.
    Overall good game .
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite game on this site and ive played it since early version.
    Lots of management choices and character build paths make for many hours of gameplay. Battles might be repetitive but yet with mc progresing corruption and chosen build they are always bit diferent. If speed is not to your liking you can adjust it in options. Also 10/10 graphics.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on v1.01j.

    This game is one of the best games on this site. But sadly, it is plagued with some bad gameplay design decisions made by developer. Check spoiler tag under gameplay part of this review to learn more about it.

    Summary: Karryn's Prison is a 2D turn based hentai rpg game. A surprising game, different from other RPGM games, in a good way. It kept surprising me all the time, partly because I was under the impression of RPGM games can't be good and partly because it was a genuinely unique and a good game.

    Graphics: It's a 2D RPGM game with some very short animated scenes during combat.

    Sound: I liked music alot. I don't know why but it reminds me of Final Fantasy games. Also Karryn has a voice actor. She'll grunt, moan and speak during the game but not every line is voiced.

    Gameplay: I have mixed feelings about this. Here's why(SPOILERS! If you want to learn by playing it yourself don't read):
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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Karryn's Prison is a turn based JRPG with an emphasis placed on both gradual corruption and management to an extent atypical of other games of the genre.

    In gameplay terms our protagonist Karryn starts out reasonably strong and with proper building of her stats and skills through both levelling up and selection of edicts can become and increasingly unstoppable powerhouse capable of running roughshod over the prison. However this is counterbalanced by the corruption mechanics of the games, the more things that are done to Karryn by the prisoners and the more depravity she engages with the more Passives she accumulates. These Passives then have a direct impact on the amount her Desires increase in battle. She has a desire bar for various parts of her body and the higher these are the more willing she is to go along with the prisoners desires to use that part of her body. This means you have to carefully manage Karryns desires or else distracted enough by the prisoners antics to be groped and made to service them. While this is early on all disadvantage to Karryns goals, being subject to this for long enough will eventually allow Karryn to unlock sexual skills of her own in order to try to defeat enemies by driving them to exhaustion through orgasms, this is a viable build in its own right and there are a number of playstyles through which you can proceed through the game.
    The games combat system operates of a standard rock paper scissors system as standard with use of slash, pierce and slam but this is shaken up greatly by the introduction of additional skills for straight combat fighters as well as the various sex skills for a slut build Karryn allowing for a some variety in builds.

    The management portion of the game focuses on balancing the the order of the prison that decreasing every day (and having it hit zero constituting a game over) while balancing that against your need to earn funds to purchase new skills . Order can be raised by fighting prisoners in the battle system but the passive rate of decay can be lessened by passing various Edicts. Edicts form your main tool of managing the prison, you get a certain number of Edict Points every day and by spending these alongside some cash you can unlock various effects for your prison, there is however a trade off as many of these measures also incur some recurring cost eating into your income requiring some forward planning if you wish to keep your prison in the black financially and forcing some difficult choices about whether to put in measures to keep your prisoners happy but at the cost of your wallet or to crack down on and exploit them for wealth but face problems with order and rioting. Interestingly a number of Edicts are unlocked that both unlock side job minigames for Karryn to participate in that can both serve as additional sources of resources for the prison while also serving as an additional vector for corruption. One thing that must be said is that while the minigames can be fun, they can certainly overstay there welcome and become annoying especially if you are grinding for some of the passives associated with them. Also some Edicts are unlocked by Karryn having certain passives, these provide alternative solutions to some of the problems faced by the prison and need Karryn to be corrupted to a certain extent before she would even consider them.

    The games story is not particularly complex, there are a number of characters amongst the cast all of whom have colourful personalities but a good deal of them are some flavour of idiot so there appeal relies a lot om how much you like funny fools. Karryn is the archetypal proud repressed character down to a tee and how this develops over the course of the game is down to the players actions, while there is some attention paid to how corrupted Karryn is in story scenes this is not consistent which can be disappointing as it creates some feelings of dissonance between how she acts in gameplay and in the story, this difference is never massive but can be noticeable and can hurt suspension of disbelief a little.

    Art is of course very subjective but I can say that the art style is of consistent quality throughout. Since Karryn is the principle focus of any of the games sex scenes you can assess for the most part how much you will enjoy the games art by looking at her design.

    The sex scenes themselves cover a variety of fetishes but while there is some focus on female sadism the content trends towards Karryn as a masochist. The variety of scenes is a strength of the game but the slow pace of how they are unlocked through gradual corruption and through unlocking new areas may be enough to put some people off. Particularly notable of the games sex scenes is that they all take part in the games combat engine and so are interactive with you being able to dictate Karryns actions during the scenes, but this can be very limited in the early game when you have little to no sex skills unlocked.

    Overall I feel that though Karryn's Prison may have its flaws it still stands well above the standard quality of erotic games both in terms of mechanical depth and erotic content which we often see and it is well worth at least a try to see if it appeals to your tastes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    With the amount of publicity this game has I expected something better, but instead of the Holy Grail of RPGM that the people talk about I found a boring game where you need to fight hundreds of prisoners and go through the same gropes over and over again while balancing your economy, stats, buffs, riot chance, aggression, horniness, order, control, corruption and probably more I didn't mention. I admit the battle system is different but also more confusing and the scenes you get rewarded with afterwards aren't worth it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best porn games I've ever played. The actual gameplay is fun, with RPG elements that allow for different builds and playstyles, and different minigames to bring in some variety. Most importantly, there is very little downtime when it comes to the sexiness and lends itself to an almost constantly one handed playstyle.
    The story is porn-tier, but not really in a bad way. The game knows what it is, namely a porn game, and doesn't waste too much time on non-lewdity (not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you).
    Upon first glance, I was slightly apprehensive about the artstyle, since my personal preferences lie with more realistically proportioned models. Once I was in the game, I never thought about that once. The animations are great and I felt so overwhelmed by the absolute degeneracy thrown at me, that my brain just accepted it without question. Good job on that!
    I played both older versions and the full release, so I can confidently say that I really liked the addition of voice acting for the main character. Really gives the slutty mood an extra pop.
    I didn't notice any bugs serious enough to actually remember.
    All in all, this game is a must have. Fuck the country I live in for not letting me conveniently spend money on this game on Steam, because I actually would really like to.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    BEST GAME ON THIS SITE. Lots of content, rep;ayability, scenes, and artwork. An actually fun combat system and progression to it as well, with plenty of room for different playstyles. Highly entertaining and more games like this need to be made.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Best game on this website. In fact, this game was so amazing that despite being available on this website for free, I made a 2nd steam account for the sole purpose of buying this game in order to support the developer. It's unique and hot as hell with its gameplay. Try it out, and please support remitary so we have a chance of official DLC for this incredible game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, amazing gameplay, filled with corruption goodness. the mc design is really nice, and i love all the different types of enemies. theres a bunch of mini games that could honestly be played stand alone from the actual game and still be considered fun.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright, here's a review (among the hundreds of other reviews) of Karryn's Prison.

    Overview: You play as Karryn, the excellent secretary and stand-in bodyguard of the Emperor. Karryn and the emperor is at the beginning of the game visting the most dangerous prison in the empire. The prison revolts whilst there, and after briefly protecting the emperor, the useless warden tells you about the state of the prison and that some shadowy figure called "The Captain" is hatching a plot to take over the empire. A bit far fetched, but oh well. Anyways, Karryn is pressured by the emperor on one side, and her own pride on the other to take the job as warden and get a hold on the prison.

    Overall gameplay: From there on the gameplay revolves around getting hold of the prison. The prison has 5 levels that must be subjugated while at the same time balancing of the finances. In this way the gameplay turns away from a pure RPGM game with endless combat, to a combination of combat and management. This, as it turns out, is an interesting fusion.

    Systems: There are different stats to take of too. Most notably is Control and Order. Order is something you can increase through a number of actions such as; clearing levels, subjugating criminals, enacting edicts, helping at the reception and so on. Control is harder to come by and is reserved to edicts. Edicts are stuff such as laws, repairing facilities and other affairs that changes the prison. Certain edicts can either decrease or increase the revolt risk. Every day there's a risk of revolts - and if they revolt you will have to re-subjugate the level and take a hit to Order. I like the system a lot, as it means that you must balance income, corruption vs revolt risk etc. The only really annoying problem is that the system is not transparent at all. For instance, one edict may say "+ revolt risk" or "-- revolt risk at level 2". that's all fine, but it doesn't really matter when I can't see the score of the different levels. Is level 1 running the risk of revolting, and if so, by how much? It often leads to revolts, which then trashes your level and so you will need to rebuild. It's also not that fun to put down revolts over and over. Simply having a table and easier access to these numbers would make the game more transparent and enjoyable.

    Battles: Most of the game is about beating through the levels and reaching the bosses of each. The combat is quite interesting. It is split into two phases; 1. Mental Phase. In this phase you can use several abilities like lowering sensitives or increasing the power of attacks. 2. Battle phase, here you choose an attack or other physical action. You can only pick one. It's a very interesting system, and I liked it a lot.

    What about the Art you say? Well, the art is nice. However, I'm not really into gigantic tits - I mean, Karryn basically have cow tits attached. I don't actually think that this is a particularly fapable game. Perhaps this is because the sex part happens as a part of the battles... Perhaps I'm just too attached to actually playing well, and so I almost forget about the sex part. Another reason is that seeing the same animations of fingering, sucking fingers, kissing, giving a handjob etc, is not that interesting. Sometime the same sprite is used of a man, even if it is actually a slime, goblin or orc that is fondling your breasts.

    So, let me break it down, which hopefully also will make for faster reading.

    The Good:
    • Interesting battle system.
    • Good fusion between battle and management systems.
    • Varied game play as you can take different jobs.
    • The game is well enough balanced to be hard without being too hard (at medium difficulty)
    • There's a feeling progression as you gain options throughout the game.
    • I like that you get to choose how Karryn acts. Is she basically the prison slut, or will she brutally beat all the inmates into submission. Depends on how you want to do it.
      • That said, I do think more options could be enabled. For instance as the secretary job, why not add an option where Karryn volutarily bends over or slips or panties off so that the goblin has access?

    The In-between:
    • The bar job kinda becomes an exercise of remembering drinks, which is not overly interesting. Adding a note block edict that allows Karryn to remember who ordered what could avoid that.
    • The art is good depending on whether you like huge tits or not. I don't really.

    The Bad:
    • The riot risk system needs transparency and access to the numbers. This could be shown through a revolt risk of each level and perhaps a breakdown of the different modifiers influencing it.
      • Subjugating the same levels over and over is not that fun.

    And so, the game ends on 5 stars for me. It occupied me for a rather long time (until I got bored of endless riots).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    In-depth battle system and compelling things to do outside the battle.
    For people who aren't into the usual RPGM slog that comes with 18+ games, definitely give this one a try.

    Besides that, the 'events' and things happening have impact in the long run of your game, which makes it worthwhile to play again trying a different style. (Or harder difficulty)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.9b] One of the best RPGM game have played. The RPG system was pretty fun, there were a lot of unlockable passives and the sex content during ingame battle was really great. The sidejobs are all good (expect the receptionist one).
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    mc loving VI

    First, sorry for my english lvl.
    This game has the best gameplay (in porn games) I ever played.
    The art is great, characters are good, sound good, perfect interface,etc.
    But there is a problem : the story. The are no choices, and practically no events. When you listen a random NPC, he always says the same. The corruption level, the slut levels, the passives or titles doesn't affect their speach or interactions. It makes the game repetitive. A good example of "your choices impact in the world" is Noxian N, when your slut level increases unlock new interactions, secondary missions, dialogs, even you can walk naked and this influence in the dialogs.
    My rating for this game is a 5 because is awesome, but I think it lacks more choices and world evolution based in the Karry'a stats and choices.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site. What makes it interesting is how they are using RPG maker in ways that have never been done before. The combat has a great system in place, as is the difficulty separating the three systems.

    The slow slide into become a slut is actually a staple of this particular dev team. Happy Life was the group that did eroge for characters they later brought into games. The first game in the series being a Bitch JK in an RPG. Even in that you can see a lot of similar themes. Corruption over time with sexual activity. This game delivers the same story but much more dynamically.

    Your mistakes in combat and lack of self control in part reflect in the losing of self control of Karryn. Getting more passives that contribute to sex as time goes on. I always find myself getting back into this game to do one more run despite the game not being finished.

    The sex scenes are amazing, as they are also dynamic and the game tracks whose in the room when you are defeated or sex fighting and matches them to what's happening on screen. Like any game however, they will get old after a bit. But there is a large variety to get into to cut back on that. Different jobs and situations to get different scenes.

    Sex isn't just sex either, it becomes a weapon to be used as time goes on and you lose inhibition. The only issue is that it takes awhile to convert it into something effective.

    All in all, amazing game. I will definitely be purchasing on Steam when it comes out. Should be pretty soon too.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    I appreciate how mechanically rich this game is compared to other erogames, and how much content there is, but the combat becomes repetitive and combined with the grinding required to advance it ends up becoming a chore.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i usually dont really like corrupt and fem protagonist, but this game is nuts, this game has one of the best combinations of gameplay and porn I've ever seen, I would say i came for porn and stayed for gameplay, but this is all at once
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is very good. It has some flaws, but many of them are far smaller than the strengths of the game. The game is currently unfinished but the sheer amount of content is very impressive already and I am excited to see what may come with later updates. If I were to have any complaints it would be how the game does not fully explain certain concepts too well, and it has a bit of a spiral effect of when things go wrong, they tend to keep going wrong.


    - Art is very good. This is not surprising, but the amount of quality art is very impressive.

    - Clever use of game mechanics. There's a surprising amount of depth to how the game uses it's stamina - energy - willpower system. It's not just for combat, but is also actively used in the variety of minigames.

    - The edict and passive systems are surprisingly far-reaching. Many edicts have pretty tough choices included with them that can have lasting consequences and are more than "increase damage" or "get more money".


    - Not many cons, but if I had to say any it would be the game does not really explain the effects of some edicts. It is really hard to gauge what effect an edict has on inmate states, guard "aggression", and more. Considering the risk behind some edicts, this can make it so you don't want to take many edicts whatsoever to avoid the risk. (Maybe have even a vague way of knowing the current strength bonus to inmates/guards or have an NPC explain guard aggression, because I was unable to find one that did)

    - Game does not explain warden level particularly well. I've had it say I reached the max warden level and then a bit later I was able to level again.

    - There still exists the ability to get stuck in loops when in combat where you are spending several minutes just waiting until it will let you go to be able to engage in actual combat. There are settings to alleviate this but they only do so much.

    - Holding a key to make dialogue go faster can actually also progress menus and have you accidentally use abilities you didn't want to.


    - Game is meant to be a bit difficult and require a bit of testing. You can use the CCmod to be able to change some things to make them easier (or harder)! but for the most part it can feel like you hit a wall sometimes due to a few decisions you made early.


    Since the game is still in development I would like to include some suggestions as to what I would include or change. This can apply to the game itself, or features of the CCmod.

    1 - Some way of making certain jobs last longer or shorter. I do not know how difficult it would be, but making the bar job go faster would be nice because it feels like it lasts particularly long.

    2 - Have some vague way of knowing inmate and guard strength. Even if it's really vague it might help with deciding on whether or not certain vague edicts are worth it.

    3 - Give the ability to reset Karryn's level on NG+, or maybe some way of allow you to re-format your leveling if you made a mistake in your original playthrough. Perhaps something similar can be done for passives.

    4 - Add a way to turn off edicts after you have purchased them. Some edicts I have gotten but regret doing so later but find myself unable to turn them off without cheats, and even then some edicts are not able to be changed in this way.

    5 - In conjunction with the edicts that increase outfit durability, perhaps have options to where Karryn can purposefully decrease their current level of clothing. Perhaps make it an option in both combat and in the different job minigames.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay so porn is fucking top notch

    But do you your self a favor and play this on the easiest difficulty because the combat in this game is PURE rng and you can and will get fucked over a myriad of times, plus this game has hella difficulty spikes for each level.

    Currently stuck on level 4 after I lost a battle and the room they spawn you in after the defeat scene is behind some set/unmoving enemies guarding the exit of level 4
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece. There is no in-depth story like you expect in a typical RPGM but that doesn't matter in this game. The gameplay, mechanics, fights are so good that you wont think about the story issue.

    The CG's are really good. Also there's a lot of variations in them which is a good thing.

    The corruption thing is plus point for me. The game gives you a choice to play as a upstanding prison warder or play as a corrupted slut. XD

    Overall I would recommend everyone to play this game and also sub the patreon or subscribestar if you can. I rarely suggest people to to spend money on patreon but this game is worth it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 196535

    A solid game in the making. Easily modifiable and I could see additions being added to the game when it is completed... especially since there already are some unofficial additions. This game has potential even beyond it being completed.