RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, Karryn's Prison is a paragon of what other RPGM hentai games should be: it's a porn game where everything is about the porn. Combat has sexual attacks, sidejobs and items increase corruption which makes the FeMC more sexual, etc.

    Basically, you play as a female warden of a prison that is suffering a rebellion. You must subdue prisoners by beating their asses. Prisoners will fight back but, since Karryn is curvy to the point of hilarity, they will frequently prefer to ogle her, fap or try to displace her clothes. As the game progresses, Karryn's sexual desires grow and have to be managed. Otherwise, prisoners become more and more daring (they can only touch her if her desires are high enough, so even though it seems rape-y and absurd, the idea is she's allowing it as her desires get out of hand).

    As desires grow, player unlocks passives which debuff Karryn when her desires grow out of hand, making fights difficult and throwing player at a death spiral, with the intention of leading Karryn to her inevitable corruption. When she's gone far enough, she will unlock sexual attacks of her own and become capable of fighting back either physically or sexually.

    There's some issues, but I love how sex isn't separated from the core gameplay, and the game can display some variety even after Karryn has been througly corrupted, thanks to sexual combat.

    It should be said that you don't have as much control as, let's say, Lilith's Throne. Even if you have consensual sex, desire debuffs mean enemies will act first almost always, so players may have a hard time taking the initiative in sex. Other than that, it mostly works as it should and makes your fapping time really fun.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually play RPGM games especially without animated scenes but this one really got my attention cause of how many players are still playing this and I did gave this a try

    The game itself has a lot to offer
    Wide range of skill tree
    Random daily events
    Has replayability
    Battle is voiced
    Long game
    Funny plot
    Management game

    Even the defeat scenes are not animated
    Skills are hard to get
    Difficulty curve is a roller coaster

    I liked the game and I think I'm going to continue playing this

    Edit: After 5 hours I finished the game and I didn't like how to bar and receptionist minigames are played, they are too tedious and boring on how you should just manually select each option.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Karryn's Prison is a game about a sexy prison warden and her inevitable fall from grace. It has good art, excellent voice acting, a lot of wild erotic situations, and a number of other things done very right.

    First and foremost, Karryn's Prison is game-over-rape done as right as it gets. It's a game about struggling against inevitable corruption, so losses force you into erotic situations where Karryn needs to resist her own desires in order to escape. These situations do not end the game and do not resolve in rape really, as the inmates won't actually touch Karryn until her body is begging for it. It's a great system that other games should emulate, if they haven't already. Bonus points that there's plenty of eroticism in the game even before you lose.

    On the other hand, the game can feel aggressively repetitive the longer you play it. Battling gets harder as Karryn suffers more corruption, which is a great system, but it also stymies advancement as a result. Before you know it you'll be in a loop working the bar job and front desk for money and prison control. These mini-games are not short and while I enjoyed them the first few times I played them, they started to get stale the seventh or eighth time I had to run them. Technically, I suppose I could skip them, but the min-maxer in me could never consider leaving resources on the table.

    I feel like the game is missing something if you don't have Karryn resisting her corruption. It makes the gameplay loop fall more than a little flat. Nicely though, unlike a lot of other sex games, the game gets aggressively harder as you go, not due to enemies, but due to Karryn growing progressively more slutty. Even if you try and play the good girl, eventually Karryn's inner sadist comes out and beating the shit out of inmates gets her horny and potentially vulnerable. Winning the game flawlessly on a first playthrough seems very hard.

    All in all, it's a fantastic game that I wish I liked more than I do. I wish Karryn could be more of an aggressor in the entire situation, as I feel like it fits her personality better once she embraces her inner slut. Shorter mini-games could also have alleviated a lot of the burden. Nevertheless, these are personal beefs and I really can't give this game anything but full stars. It executes everything I expect from a sex game almost flawlessly.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This will be a short review, a lot of what good i want to say has already been said, it's a great game overall, albeit a bit too grindy, don't feel bad for cheating if all the grind isn't your thing.

    The only qualm I have with the game is that, as a strong woman who can take on anyone from a strenght standpoint, this game lack A LOT about being the dominant one, and no, being aroused because i beat an enemy doesn't count.
    I just wish I didn't have to grind so much of being raped to unlock actions, there is quite a lack of games where you play as a female and you're the dominant one, you're the one to take action and not be raped into submission / loving it, and at first, i thought that was it, it was the game that would allow me to do that, be a dominant mistress to a whole bunch of pervert convict.
    Instead, I end up being their toy.
    Overall, the scenes are great, but the lack of leading choices and grind makes it just not that fit for me.
    I probably would give it a 3 stars, but objectively, and if you compare all the FMC games on here, it deserve at least 4 stars.
    Maybe one day i'll get my FMC RPG where I can be the dominant one eh.

    (If you're hesitating, just give the game a try, it's really worth it)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is awesome, the gameplay is pretty solid, the build variety is good, and the plot is decent.
    That being said, this has to be the most unbalanced mess I've ever played.
    If you beat everyone you become a fucking sadist and get horny/weak from it,
    if you get beaten by everyone you become a slut incapable of fighting.
    3 times I restarted the game on Warden difficulty, 3 times I got to level 3 of the prison, and 3 times I reached a point where we couldn't finish the bigger fights anymore. The icing on the cake was my last playthrough, where I got right before the level boss without so much as kissing anyone, but she was so sadistic at that point that she would orgasm by defeating enemies. Like WTF am I supposed to do?
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I hate rating this game because it's frustrating to write about.
    I feel terrible giving it a 3/5 because the rating's so much more complicated than other sex games. (Just pretend I gave it a 4 but you saw a 3 so you'd read this stupid review)
    FYI I actually bought the game from DLSite because of the high praise it was receiving here.

    Is the game good?
    Yes, I'm very comfortable saying so.
    People weren't joking when they said it's the first of it's kind.
    It's remarkable how an Eroge game was created with a fairly original gameplay loop (other people explained it so I won't repeat things).

    Is this game overhyped?
    Yes... but that might be because of my expectations.
    I'm ok with grinding in my RPGs, I'm also ok with learning a complicated combat system.
    What I don't like is the lack of useful feedback when trying to learn mechanics.
    I know many people mentioned that you might need a few playthroughs to fully understand how to play, but if that's the case then I clearly don't know how to lose... or play properly I think?
    I say I think because as someone who's 11hrs in and half-way through my 1st run, I can't tell if I'm doing things right or wrong.
    I'm basically in a stable prison state so I guess I should grind stats?
    But which stats should I grind?
    Should I focus on actual fighting or ero combat?
    Does it matter? Etc.
    I don't have an answer to any of these and I found it hard to search these pages for actual game instructions/guides people wrote (if any were created).

    There's no doubt in my mind that if you have the time and actually grasp the game mechanics this will be an amazing game.
    Maybe I should git gud and grind or lose so I can read the combat hint that apparently is hidden at your first run.

    TL;DR, Try playing wack-a-mole but the rule is that you can only hit certain moles by following a hidden algorithm. No, you can't lose if you hit a wrong mole, so occasionally you'll hit the right one without knowing why it's the correct mole to hit.

    Finally lost on Day 40 at 13.5 hrs in at the level 3 boss on normal difficulty (HOW MANY ROGUE-LIKES TAKE THIS LONG FOR ONE RUN?!).
    I actually feel better now only because I needed to restart the run.
    Apparently things get laughably easier after level 3 so I was close to the end of the difficulty curve.
    Oh and the help cat message at the end of losing a run didn't tell me anything I didn't know already so I guess I need to git gudder?

    At the end of the day, this is my major grip with the game.
    It deliberately withholds information from you just to make the game obtuse.
    Not harder, just obtuse.
    I wrote this in my DLsite review but for a game that wants you to learn from mistakes, why make it so difficult to learn what's a mistake in the first place?

    PS. Yeah I'll start another run.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Review version: 1.05

    Karryn's Prison is an excellent example of the statement that "often things that haven't been done have not been done for a reason".
    If you're going to want to replay a scene from this game, you'll have to effectively do a battle, engaging with it all the while.
    This is especially appalling when you're looking for a particular type of enemy but can't find it on the map (or have to go a very long way to find one).
    Oh, and the game has a fatigue system, so if you think you'll just take a bunch of battles in rapid succession-- think again; you'll quickly hit up 50% fatigue and at that point you'll have next to no stats (unless you amp your stats via a save editor).

    It's also exceptionally grindy - especially the "special" battles (bartending and strip dancing) take a very long time to get where you want 'em to.

    It also has a bit of a stat crunchy element to it all (your build has a LOT of components; accessories, training options, halberd specialization of offense or defense AND how you level Karryn up) which is all a little bit excessive for what is in essence just a rock-paper-scissors attack system with a grand total of one basic attack of each type, one utility attack of each type and one special attack of each type.

    Having said that, the art is high quality (although on this note the most attractive scene is locked behind a fight sequence and a long cutscene with no way to save in the middle or replay it easily afterwards).
    It also has a lot of things to do: if you intend to shoot for certain achievements, that might keep you interested. There's also a LOT of flavour text, and I do mean A LOT. It's also fairly easy to alter; all of it is contained in .json files you can edit with the text program of your choice (I recommend Notepad++), so that might keep you interested. And perhaps you'll just want to use a save editor and make a pure virgin run and that'll keep you interested (after you make the whole total slut run, because this is after all an adult game).

    I'll still give it a 4/5 for the art and flavour text.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games i have played . the only prob i found is i cant save it when ever i want !sill the game is very challenging and oh the voice is perfect ! i would love to play more games from this developer
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Innovative and worth playing.
    This is like "Hades" for porn game.
    Music is good. CGs are also beautifully drawn.
    Combat system is amazing. Sadly the latter floor (3 and 4) feels extremely rushed. I hope we have DLC in the future.
    I genuinely prefer his earlier game.
    I suggest playing without mod first. (it makes the game harder because you are naked if you lose the fight.)
    I can only give 4 stars because the game is hard and grindy as hell.
    Highly recommended. If the game is too hard?,just cheat money and edict per day. it still keeps the game fun and less grindy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't expect much innovation from RPGM games, but this one definitely stand out.

    Unique combat system that's divided into 2 phases, the lewd stuff is really well integrated into it.

    The main theme in the game is about NPCs taking advantage over the MC, but thanks to the Desire system you still have enough control over what exactly happens.

    The change from virgin wallflower to cock-addict nympho is also very well done, with changing responses from MC and her general attitude towards sexual acts.
    Complemented by the voice acting for her, that also changes over time.

    There is even a NG+ and a couple of different endings

    The only critique i have is that the game is pretty hard, even on normal difficulty. I gave up after my 5th attempt and switched to easy.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.0.5.j + CCMod:

    God fucking damnit. This game fried my reward circuits to bits. Really great game.

    Shame there's no enemies/animation gallery, the closest thing is the discipline addon from the CCmod / a test map which you can teleport to using MVCheat console.

    But again, caveat emptor because if you have little to no self-control like me, this game will pull you in for days. I got a few sleepless nights actually playing (and fapping) on prisoner mode. I guess I have to leave this game for awhile. Phew. Fuck me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.0.5j
    Wow. I went into this not knowing a lot, and boy was my mind blown away. Absolutely amazing game.
    The art is stellar.
    The game play is simple but rewarding.
    There's so much to customize it's almost overwhelming.
    I honestly can't think of a negative.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    gameplay and re-playability are high. There is no gallery which actually makes sense since there really are no scenes. You will understand once you give it a go. Not, much I can say else as this is the most unique ero game I played so far. There is a semi-grey line on NTR though. so
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. I normally dont like RPG but this one is very good. Had to play it in easy mode after 3 or 4 attempts in normal. Would be great if it had more side jobs apart from waiter and stripper.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Sublime, unique, there is hardly any game like this, and deserves its praises. While the grind can be frustrating at times, it doesnt impede the enjoyment of what you can do in this game. Especially when there might still be more content added to it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Could be the best game here honestly.


    +Great Art and Music.
    +Good Voice acting.
    +Unique and fun mechanics and gameplay.
    +Karryn's behaviour changes with her corruption.
    +Fun to collect passives.
    +Multiple endings.
    +Alot of jobs Karryn can unlock and work at.
    +Alot of virginities and passives related to said virginities.
    +Fun Prison management.
    +You can customize Karryn's skills buy and equip accessories and upgrade and customize the prison however you want.
    +-Long game.

    -Game too grindy especially grinding slut levels and passives takes too long.
    -No Sexual Femdom despite Karryn looking like someone who would enjoy sexually dominating her enemies.
    -The Jobs gets boring quick.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent corruption game!
    It has great battle gameplay and decent prison management. The corruption process also has a fair bit of input from the player, so it's possible to slow down/speed it up to match your preferences. I absolutely loved this mechanic.

    Plus it has wonderful english voice acting!

    There are a lot of mechanics at play, but in depth understanding isn't too important unless you are aiming for a very difficult objective.

    If i had to give one advice to new players, it would be: don't rush to establish order/control too much. It's definitely important, but a big source of early game income is from outside subsidies, that will dry out if you establish good order. And unless you also have decent source of income, you might end up broke.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, nice visuals, it's so original too. never seen a game like this. i hope they develop more on this or make a game related to this because it's so rare to see works like this anymore. i hope the devs doesn't abandon this project and keep the good work on it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, it's a great game.
    It's mechanics are quite interesting and allow for way more than just playing to unlock the next sex scene.
    Storywise it could be a little better but i guess that's expected from this kind of game.
    The sex scenes are incredible, i personally would prefer the animations happening in the events too, instead of only on the fights, and that's the only point i really would need to call this game a "perfection".
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    If I were to describe this game in one word, it would be rude. Rude to it's core. There are a lot of sex scenes and most of them have one annoying thing in common. Karryn can never really dominate anyone. She can fight and kick ass, yeah, but that means avoiding the sex scenes. It's how she's ostensibly not allowed to do the raping that I find insulting. There's no true dominatrix route in this game where you'd think that would be the default. There's only the illusion of one as everything Karryn does is a means of servitude.

    She's the female warden of an all male prison and the most she can do is fuck somebody in the amazoness position, kick them in the nuts or give footjobs. The latter of which you're given the option to turn off, along with giving prisoners rimjobs. I find it very odd how they included two fetishes in the game they knew a lot of people wouldn't like and then let you avoid seeing them, despite making them gameplay mechanics. Yet they couldn't be bothered to put in facesitting, pegging or Karryn being on the receiving end of a rimjob. So she can eat ass but nobody wants to eat hers despite how good it looks. When everyone knows rimming and anal stuff are what prison is all about. Therefore as the only woman in there, and the warden who supposedly has all the power at that, you'd expect her to be able to force someone to give her oral sex, but no. She can only be forced to give it to them.

    Karryn would be in a fight with a prisoner and he can somehow shove his nasty ass or smegma dick in her face or his fingers in her mouth and she'll just lick it. Or she'll be in a fight with another prisoner and somehow end up in a position to give him a footjob. Seriously, how dafuq.. None of it makes any sense other than being incredibly biased towards the prisoners and that's why I call it rude. A more apt title for this game would have been Prison for Karryn, because of how little autonomy they give her.

    Anyway, all that said it has the highest replay value of any hentai game I've played before. At first it was a frustrating grind that felt like a waste of time but in the long run I found myself going back to it. Wishing it was better.