RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.2.9.64 + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn that game have some really good idea and you can see where the futur update will go!
    The character is totally my type but it's a personnal opinion ^^
    The gestion seems really complete for this alpha, but i can"t wait the next! ^^
    I'm even surprised passing almost 4-5 hours even if for now the H-scene is repetitive as fuck i just don't feeling the boredom hurting me ^^
    i like the idea our soldiers can become insane too i hope this side of the game will be finish soon too ^^

    The only thing i can say againt this game it's i can't wait the full game to play! ^^

    Enjoy :)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.3 review

    I normally avoid RPGM games, but I'm glad I didn't on this one. Karryn's prison shows a lot of promise, and unfortunately a few flaws.

    First of all, I actually found myself playing it all the way to the end of the demo, which is quite frankly something that amazes me. That in itself speaks well of the game. But the combat system is interesting (though a bit imbalanced unfortunately) with three different statistics to manage, and a moveset that uses your stamina (functionally hit points) to use your attacks. When you run out of stamina, you're not dead, and in fact, I found a lot of combats myself hitting zero stamina on a turn, but then using my energy to recovery and then winning the fight. All together the system itself is rather great.

    The unfortunate problem is that you're supposed to be this amazing warrior, but that because this is a game and RPG mechanics, you literally are a pushover in combat at the start, until you start using edicts to get stronger and get gear. Furthermore the rock paper scissors nature of combat is interesting at first and feels tactical, but the way the game 'locks' you out of a move for a turn really feels hampering and unfun. Further, there's supposed to be a way to seduce and use sexual moves against the opponents, which would make sense since you're a beautiful woman (with cow tits) in a mens prison, but, I never unlocked the ability.... and no idea how to do so. I would have loved to see that functionality personally in the 2-3 hour demo that I played.

    The combat is really the place where the game falls down, because honestly I can't find much of a problem with this game elsewhere. It didn't feel like a typical RPG maker game. You don't grind for loot or gear or money, just experience. Loot and money are handled in a totally different way, which was integrated into the game as a mechanic, and made it quite enjoyable.

    I would personally recommend checking this game out if anything in the description piques your interest.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The demo show quite a promise. Great CG & some of the features is interesting enough to play. But here I am going to point out the horrendous combat system.

    I play Secretary (Easy) mode & Prisoner mode (Hard), both feel like it have an extremely prolong combat that was done in purpose. To defeat an enemy, you got 2 way to do it, by hack & slash it to death or by giving him pleasure.

    If you attempt to beat enemy with pleasure, good luck cause it was ridiculously slow even at Secretary mode. Both easy & hard mode feel too tedious trying to beat the enemy by pleasure. As if that isn't enough, some enemy refuse to goes down after maxing their pleasure.

    Prisoner mode Edith point doesn't seems to make any sense either. As certain edith require 3 point while you at most only have 1 or 2. How do you expect one to upgrade it in the first place?

    Trying to get sex scene? Good luck with the horrible rng since you need to find a prisoner with love icon to do it.