VN - Others - Completed - Kana Little Sister [Final] [D.O.]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Kana Imouto is an old VN that does 2 things incredibly well: The first is a depiction of a relationship that actually qualifies as incest, and let me tell you VN's don't understand the incest tag, unless we are talking about instant porn. The second is allowing the reader to feel heartrending emotion, and empathy towards the characters, by using a scenario where normalcy is absent, and the main heroine has tragedy has her middle name. Basically, Kana Imouto is a moving and rewarding read, and we needed more VN's, like this one.

    - Very powerful emotions - I'm not gonna spoil things for you, but this is a pure Nakige (some people would say Utsuge), and that means you are supposed to cry. Expect difficult to handle scenarios, and less than happy endings. Kana Imouto is real emotion as far as entertainment goes.
    - Incest Tag - Forget brothers and sisters all over each other, from the start of the story. In Kana Imouto there is a clear barrier that the characters do not want to cross, and an actual sense of taboo or doing something wrong. Very hard to find a story like this in the VN medium.
    - H-scenes - They have nothing to do with contemporary standards, and it's all about character investment, build-up to the scene, and importance to the plot. If an H-Scene with the main heroine was ever (truly) important in a VN, then Kana Imouto is a rare example of such (H-scenes have animations in the remake).

    - It's an ancient VN, and the remake is old too. You read this for the 2 reasons I mentioned above.

    Score: Kana Imouto is an 8/10, and a great VN. It's a shame there aren't many stories like this in medium, but maybe that's the reason why this one is so special. If you are ever in the mood for some strong feels, I highly recommend you try Kana Imouto. This is the embodiment of a timeless classic, if we are talking about VN's.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7245305

    Kana Imouto Review

    If I were to tell, how much I heard about, and how long I have been meaning to read "Kana Imouto", you'd probably imagine a huge backlog, and high expectations. That would be "half-correct" because the expectations were indeed lofty, but I don't have that many VN's, I actually (emphasis here) want to read. This is just my way of demonstrating that I had great interest in the title, and for once, my "hype" was indeed real.

    I should also mention, that I'm a strong advocate for the "Visual" in VN's. "Technicals" may receive a quick, "objective" mention in many reviews, but I believe they should have significant impact on the score. Writing, story, and characters are still more important at the end of the day, but Kana Imouto's age shows in many mechanical aspects, and this adds up to the inescapable reality: I'm reading this in 2024 (It's still a great VN).

    (The review is based on "Kana Okaeri - Welcome home Kana")

    Lets begin by talking about emotional, and intellectual features in a V.N, and say that in order to read Kana Imouto, what you need is the former (emotion). Basically, subtext (normally associated with intellect) is not present here, at least not in the orthodox fashion, usually found in VN's. What is abundant here however, is undertone (much closer to "feeling").

    So, let's say that you realize Kana has a deep seated sense of inadequacy directed towards other women (people in general, even). You will not pick this up through underlying meanings, or a representation of the concept. Most "deductions" are accomplished through sensitivity, experience, and empathy/sympathy. This is important, because what you need to do with this title, is to place yourself in the characters shoes, and any sort of "dissection" could be harmful when reading this. Why is that, you ask? The writing style.

    It's colloquial, detailed in bizarre ways, almost always delivered in super short bursts, very simple (minimalist), unfiltered, extemporaneous, (flows like one would normally talk in real life), has almost no devices bar repetition, its descriptions tend to be objective and singular, and the narration style (inner world) is linear. You can take what I just said, in 2 different ways:

    The first is saying that the writing in Kana Imouto isn't very good, and an aspect that needs a lot of work. The second is accepting all the simplicity, enjoy how it is easy (and fast) to read, and let yourself get absorbed, in the strong feelings it conveys. With that covered, you should expect a lot of *nods, grabs, shakes...*, depictions of awkward silence, dialogue composed of interjections, and a veritable "play-by-play" of what's going on.

    Does this translate to any sort of hollowness? Not really.

    Characters and interactions in this VN, tend to be "morally gray". I know I gave the writer a hard time so far, but what we have here is a talent to depict difficult (stressful) situations, that tend to create agitation in the reader: Exemplifying: Separating love from obsession; determining who needs who in a frame of dependency; Revealing your true colors, when the most important person is on the line; No selfless good deed; Exerting callousness now, for a happier, stronger existence later...

    It's downright confusing, and so very human. If we take some aspects that are usually measure of a VN, like number of traits, different types of interactions, depth of group dynamics, and standard archetypes, to mean quality, than Kana Imouto would be on the lower spectrum of things. That wouldn't be accurate or fair however, because what is attempted (and achieved), is a true to life portrayal of the "little things", that carry forward human relationships, and the "lies" we pass as absolute to ourselves, even when in pain, with everything on the line, and in the face of the inescapable. You can think of it, as a difficult equation that wasn't solved the "right" way, but where the result is very much correct.

    One of the tricks that helps this outcome, is a separation of "life phases": Childhood, early teens, high school, college. This means that you are accompanying the evolution of the characters, during a long of period of time, and the writer uses this to strengthen bonds, or create rifts between characters, instead of more typical means (a particularly interesting take, is how children can be cruel, and how the effects of such actions linger on the individual, even after growing up). It's still shallow, needs more elucidation, uses "plot twists from the 90's", but it was enough to impress me.

    On the same note, Kana Imouto has some good insights and themes. Addressing the certainty and fear of death, is pretty much universal (resonates with everyone), but other topics are fascinating as well, like: The less you have, the harder it is to be YOU; Familial bonds and barriers; Conscious hindrance (forbidden love) in the way of desire; Anger at the world (unfairness); Right, wrong, good, bad, normal, abnormal, clean, dirty (lots of it); The true "bottom of the well"; Tragedy puts more than 1 life on hold; Feelings of possessiveness, betrayal, regret, hopelessness, and much more

    The last topic in this section is: Incest (As you might expect the following is pertinent to incest in fiction, I never had the curiosity to read about how IT may work in real life). Many VN's make use of "pseudo-incest" to generate "taboo appeal", with a particular target audience, that has been growing over the years, I believe. When I say "pseudo-incest", I don't mean step-siblings, or second cousins, or any sort of "babyplaying".

    The way I'm using the term refers to 2 characters (normally), that don't feel connected by the traditional bonds of a family, even if they are related by blood, and have lived their entire lives together. To put it simply, they are family, because the VN states that they are family (kind like the everyone is 18 trope), even if the reader already perceives a romantic (inappropriate, exaggerated, outlandish...) connection right form the start. All you really need is a blood relation, I accept that, but what we seem to get all the time, is a couple on the verge of becoming lovers. Hence "pseudo-Incest".

    Kana Imouto is a story of what happened before the "boiling point", where sister and brother, became man and woman. Personally the tag is fine, even if it's delivered in incomplete ways, as I described in the above paragraph, but what's done in Kana Imouto is so much better, and the writer nails the most important thing: "I cannot cross this line, it is wrong, and I must suppress my feelings".

    This is the true appeal of the incest tag. The cute little sister fawning over the protagonist (or the other way around) is a fine trope, but hardly worthy of the same classification. As if that wasn't enough, Kana Imouto also adds the fear of losing the most important person in the world, and places it on a scale when accounting for the decision making process of one character. It's great, especially when comparisons are drawn. You can't have incest portrayed in "black and white" is my point.

    I'm gonna keep this section brief: Art style is within acceptable levels, if we account for release date, (I'm a fan of more conventional art styles, actually) there is enough background diversity, for the VN duration, and more than enough CG's. The OST is mostly comprised of sad, nostalgic, contemplative tracks, but there's a few upbeat songs too. It's adequate, for the most part. The voice acting is not that great (It's bad...), the protagonist is silent, and every now and then a sound effect pops up.

    Pacing has no problems, other than having to skip previously read story, to access new content. Regarding structure, I would suggest following a walkthrough, to see everything Kana Imouto has to offer, unless you are dead set on discovering everything yourself (the "happy ending" picks felt arbitrary to me, and I'm not a fan of trial and error, combined with endless skipping). Kana Imouto is presented in NVL, very easy to read, and highly engaging. As you might expect there aren't a lot of options, or convenience, but everything works.

    H-scenes are a difficult point, and if I'm being truthful, I was upset with the title forcing Yumi "down my throat" (I like Yumi, and how she contrasts with Kana, but she was second route material), when I wanted more Kana. It's a terrible idea to have player choices that say "no thank you", and then the protagonist just has sex with her anyway.

    With that established the H-scenes, are usually very emotional, and have the characters "introspecting", before giving in to lust. The obvious main tag is incest (even if Kana is not involved, it's still there in some way) and the scenes have one simple (layman says...) animation, and enormous build-up. Definitely watch them, even if you are averse to "vanilla" like me.

    "What's Important in a VN?"
    This one is easy: You need an interesting premise, likable characters, passable writing, and enough imagination to deliver a compelling story. How is that any different from a book? It's not... And that's why "technicals", matter so much to me in a VN. Kana Imouto is living proof that not being great in that department, is no obstacle to the creation of a good VN, but... And what really counts is what comes after the but... It's not enough. Great visuals, awesome sound, absorbing h-scenes, solid structure, lots of quality of life and options, are what pushes this particular entertainment medium to be unique. Can you just focus on the text and its quality? Yes, it's your time and money, do as you will. For me, higher scores need to be more than just good books, and this is the reason for what's next.

    Kana Imouto is an 8/10 and a very good VN. If it were possible to have the technical side of things receive an upgrade, the score would increase. As it stands, and considering that this VN consists mostly of emotional payout, going beyond is not feasible. With that said, Kana Imouto is highly recommended to all kinds of readers, and I wish I had experienced it sooner.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: this is a review for the 2004 remake (named Kana Okaeri) of the original 1999 visual novel, which comes with new graphics, full VA, and even animated H scenes!

    I had heard many good things about this VN; fans were touting it as one of the best drama visual novels of the past. While I enjoy drama VNs I put off reading this for a long time due to the taboo nature of the story. I'm not into the whole wincest thing, but after watching some trash anime like "Domestic Girlfriend" and "My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex" (tho this one was surprisingly decently written) I said, hey, if I'm going to be a degenerate I might as well try something good for a change. And oh boy let me tell you that I am glad that I picked this one up because it has become one of my favorite VNs of all time!

    You play the role as Taka who has a sister by the name of Kana who has been plagued by a kidney condition ever since she was born. The narrative takes place during the course of many years, from childhood all the way into young adulthood. I really like this structure since the passage of time shows the growth of the characters. At first Taka was jealous of Kana because he felt that their parents were giving her more attention to her than to him, but he soon realizes that the reason for this is due to her frailty, and he soon becomes her main guardian, even more so than her parents as you soon realize as you progress through the story.

    Well as you might have guessed, slowly but surely, their feelings for one another start to progress to something that goes beyond the love between a brother and a sister, and it is here that is one of two main sources of drama within the story. However I must say that this subject was handled extremely well, especially during the true ending, but more on that later.

    The other source of drama is, of course, Kana's illness which causes her to live most of her life inside a hospital. While I am not so sure about the medical side of things, the psychological issues that arise from such a fate I found to be very well executed. The novel truly manages to put things into perspective. Kana rarely gets to experience the small joys of life, so whenever she briefly gets to go out of the hospital to school, or to a festival, or to an amusement park, these things she enjoys to the fullest. It just goes to show you how many things in life we take for granted, and how easily we are to dismiss them not knowing how lucky we really are. "Kana", the VN, is a work of fiction that contains actual life lessons, something which, let's be honest, is extremely rare to find in a medium whose main audience consists of coomers.

    Kana is a wonderful character. She is frail on the outside, but on the inside she is a very strong individual who will refuse to give up without a fight. The novel also has moments towards the end where she falls into despair, and these are some of the most heart wrenching moments I have ever witnessed in any story! Not only is Kana's psychological condition explored, but also that of her family. There are times when her parents will distance themselves from her because of the pain of seeing their daughter slowly wither away, and it is here where Taka comes to step up up the plate and be there for his sister up until the very end, no matter the final resolution.

    Saying anything more would require spoilers, and I think that I've already said way too much, but I should talk a little bit about the other characters as well.

    The most important character after the two main leads, is Yumi who is Taka's former class mate. She appears sporadically in the first half, and then in the second half when they are in college he and Taka get into a relationship, which you can pursue until the end, or not, it's all up to you. Apart from the True Ending, Yumi's ending was my favorite as it again shows the character's growth and development. To be honest Yumi is kinda wasted on Taka, but hey you know how these waifus are once they start obsessing about the MC, they just can't let go ;^)

    A somewhat relevant person is Miki, Kana's nurse, who will be an omnipresent character throughout the novel. There is also their aunt, Sumako and her daughter Cana, which are also fairly important depending on which route you're on.

    Another character which seems important at first is Kana's classmate, Yuta who has a crush on her. Sadly I felt that he was very underdeveloped since he was set up as a romantic interest for Kana, but the story just doesn't do anything all that interesting with him. The same goes for Taka's friends at school who all have even multiple sprites drawn for them but who don't really contribute much to the story at all.

    Really there are only a few characters that are given attention: Kana, Taka, and perhaps Yumi. The others are mostly just there for the ride, apart for maybe Miki, Sumako, and Cana. Why this is I cannot say. Perhaps it has something to do with time and budget constraints, or perhaps it's because this was written in the early stages of the medium, where VNs were written with the structure of physical novels in mind. These are limited by space and so novel authors will sometimes use time skips or will "cut corners" when it comes to the side characters.

    As I mentioned right at the beginning this is a review of the remade version called Kana Okaeri which comes with improved artwork. While I don't doubt that there are people who like the older art style, I think most people would find the newer one more appealing to look at, especially since they made Kana look more moe and adorable.

    The VA is top notch as to be expected, as well as the music which has some well composed themes that always go well with what is going on on screen. My favorite is of course the main theme song called "White Season" which features a killer guitar riff at the beginning and at the end of the track and is one banger of a song. It's already on my playlist.

    And now finally for the information you've all been waiting for. How are the H scenes? They're unimportant. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they are there and they also serve a purpose in the plot, but let's be honest: it's best to save your Kleenex for wiping away your eyes and blowing your nose, because you will be doing that A LOT! Trust me. One thing to note however is that the remake comes with animated H scenes, which is so incredibly rare. The animations have few frames so most of the time they look kinda awkward and stiff but I appreciate the effort regardless. Another thing that goes to show you that the H scenes weren't a priority is that in the extras menu on the scene tab it's not the H scenes that you can rewatch, but the endings.

    This VN actually only has one flaw and that is the interface. I know it's an old title, but come on! Text that was read in previous playthroughs is not highlighted which wouldn't be that big of a deal in itself but the main problem is that the "skip read text only" option does not even work! Maybe it's because I ran this under Wine, but skip function would also skip unread text which was very frustrating on subsequent playthroughs where I wanted to get to the other endings.

    Speaking of which there are 6 endings in total, although you could say that there are only 3: 3 variations of a "normal" end, 2 variations of Yumi's end, and one True Ending. My advice to you is on your first playthrough to play it on your own and only consult a walkthrough afterwards so you can easily get the rest of the endings. There are many choices that you can make and even the most innocuous ones will decide the path that end up with. As such I highly suggest using a walkthrough. I recommend the one on the fuwanovel forum. Also you should do Ending 1 (True End) last. You will thank me later.

    Despite some narrative and technical flaws, giving it less that five stars would be a mistake. Kana Okaeri is a glorious achievement in this medium, exploring a taboo subject with great care and decency. It will pull at your heart strings, but without using cheap drama as an excuse, and it even has valuable life lessons to share about the nature of life and death and our struggle with both of them. It is without a doubt a story that is going to remain with me for a long time and I will continue recommending it to others.

    Verdict: a timeless masterpiece. An essential addition to anyone's collection. Read it now!

    100% read time: 13 hours
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the remake straight for several hours, and even though I don't intend on getting the other 5 endings (edit: a year later I played to get two better endings with walkthrough help), it has become one of my favorite visual novels ever. I wasn't keen on the incest angle before playing, but I have to say the game handles it really well. There weren't many sex scenes in my playthrough, with a few cgs being animated in the remake, while also being the only thing animated in the game. It wasn't there for pure fapping though, which I didn't even do, actually being crucial to the main story overall.

    I first heard this game on a thread about depressing visual novels, and it does fit that bill. Speaking about being depressing though, I played it during a depressive episode feeling empty as hell. I teared up so many times playing through the middle and came back feeling more alive than I had been in a short while. In conclusion, 10/10 game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just outstanding. Prepare for your heart to be torn, multiple times. Kana is such a sweet young girl and this VN really shines on bringing her feeling to life. Highly recommended to play, and very repeatable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Cannot be given anything but excellent with how deep it hit me similar to games I have played liked Kanon and Clannad/Afterstory. The story was very well told and had a wide variety of decisions to made along with multiple endings. What also help drive the story was the Music, SE, and Voice Performances and highly recommend them on when playing. Visuals are well drawn both character and background blend together making it feel very natural.

    I would highly recommend playing this novel and be sure to bring tissues not for fapping but for the hard amount of tears you'll be shedding.

    Story- 10/10
    Music/SE- 10/10
    Voice Acting- 10/10
    Visuals- 10/10